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13.4% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Meeting robin

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Meeting robin

Whiskey Peak

"Welcome, pirates!"

"Sea warriors!"

"Welcome to Whiskey Peak!"

The sudden appearance of cheering crowds on both sides of the Going Merry perplexed Nami and the girls. Nami and Nojiko exchanged wary glances, sensing something was amiss. Ace, however, greeted the crowd with a smile, seemingly oblivious to the underlying atmosphere.

To an outsider, Whiskey Peak might seem like an island that warmly welcomes pirates, but Ace knew better—it was a front for Crocodile's Baroque Works, a base targeting newcomers to the Grand Line. Nevertheless, Ace was content to play along and elevate the festivities.

"Welcome, sea warriors! La la la~"


"I am the mayor of this town. Welcome to Whiskey Peak!"

The burly man with curly hair, who could barely speak without singing, grinned widely. Ace's lips curled slightly at this sight. This man, Mr.8, was actually Alabasta's guard captain, Igaram, undercover within Baroque Works alongside Vivi.

"In our town, any daring pirate sailing the seas will receive the warmest welcome! Join our celebration!"

Igaram said enthusiastically, eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Wait, we still need to record the island's magnetic field. How long will that take?"

"Put aside those trivialities, la la la~! The party is about to begin!"

Before Nami could finish, Igaram interrupted her with outstretched arms, signaling the start of the festivity.

"The feast is truly amazing, hahaha! Let's go, everyone."

Ace chuckled at the mayor's excitement and followed him into the town.

The food at Whiskey Peak was nothing exceptional, but Ace aimed to improve the culinary experience there.

"I'm coming, Ace."

Kaya trailed along, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"It's so lively here, wow."

Kaya's sweet smile warmed Ace's heart.

"Hahaha, enjoy the beauty of the sea, Kaya."

Ace hugged Kaya, laughter echoing.

Nami and Nokogiri exchanged smiles. With Ace leading, whatever agenda this group had would surely be managed. They decided to simply enjoy the banquet for now.

Tashigi was ushered into town by a group of women.

"Come! Our esteemed guests, enjoy our local specialty drink. Let's see how many you can handle."

Igaram raised a glass of grape-based drink, his voice booming.

"Oh? Are we drinking together? I'm in!"

Ace laughed heartily, downing his drink in one gulp.

"Mmm, that's good stuff."

Ace licked his lips in satisfaction and turned his attention to the laden tables of food.

His insatiable appetite drew bemused glances from bounty hunters like Igaram, who managed warm smiles despite the sheer volume Ace consumed.

While Ace indulged, Nami learned that the biggest drinker could win 100,000 Beli. She roped Nokogiri into a drinking competition, warming up the festive atmosphere.

After two drinks, Kaya leaned against Ace, cheeks flushed, murmuring softly.

Though Tashigi initially resisted drinking, Ace's insistence led her to join in, eventually succumbing to sleepiness alongside Kaya in Ace's arms.

Having consumed a copious amount of food and drink, and having caused five chefs to collapse, Ace reclined in his chair and dozed off as dusk settled.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Ace slumped, sound asleep.

Nami and Nojiko nestled beside him, also sleeping soundly.

Kaya snuggled in Ace's embrace, dozing off as well.


Igaram shut the door gently, eyes fixed on the moonlit sky.

"Tonight, the cactus blossoms dancing in the moonlight are quite a sight."

Igaram gazed wistfully at the moon.

"You've got a poet's soul, Igaram, or should I say Mr.8."

Mr.9's voice, seated on the roof, teased lightly.

"Is that you?"

Igaram turned, spotting Vivi safe and sound, a brief flash of relief before he composed himself, adopting a colder tone.

"Where are those two?"

Vivi inquired.

"They've gone down, fallen to hell."

Igaram's expression darkened.

"Why stage this charade? The leader's insatiable appetite has drained our food supplies."

"Just a weak-looking kid leading a few girls—why not eliminate them at the port?"

A formidable woman emerged from the shadows, questioning.

"Miss Monday."

Mr.9 narrowed his eyes.

"Eliminate them? I've gathered intelligence on them. The leader carries a bounty of 35 million Beli!"

Confidently, Igaram produced a wanted poster.

"35 million Beli?!"

Vivi and the others gasped, astonished, examining the poster in disbelief.

Their shock escalated upon realizing the poster actually depicted a bounty of 85 million Beli!


Vivi gulped nervously.

85 million Beli!

Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, had an 80 million Beli bounty before his Shichibukai appointment, absolving him of bounties thereafter.

Nevertheless, an 85 million Beli bounty was staggering.

Does this person truly command such a bounty?

Vivi mulled over Ace's face, biting her lip in thought.

"Mr. 8, perhaps we should reconsider targeting someone of this magnitude. It might be wiser to bid them a cordial farewell tomorrow."

Confronted with the terrifying bounty, Mr.9 faltered.

"Calm yourselves! They're inebriated now."

Igaram growled.

"Why remain calm?! That pirate boasts an 85 million Beli bounty. Is this the level of a Shichibukai?!"

Mr.9 was near tears, expecting the 85 million Beli pirate to spring upon them any moment.

Indeed, to think they had unknowingly escorted such a person on their ship!

"The bounties of Shichibukai are pre-appointment and can reflect threat level to the government, not merely strength!"

Igaram asserted solemnly, though he found the reassurance unconvincing himself.

Marine's designation of this pirate, Ace, as Entei, Portgas D. Ace, caused further anxiety.

"Enough! Mr. 9, you're embarrassing yourself! Regardless of the bounty, he's inebriated now. We could capture him and claim the 85 million Beli reward!"

Miss Monday interjected in a low voice.

"I don't care! Whatever you do, ensure our food supply!"

Mr.9 snapped at Miss Monday.

Both began to argue.

In the midst of their heated exchange, Igaram signaled Vivi discreetly.

She followed him to a secluded spot.

"Mr. 8, what's the matter?"

Vivi started, her voice hushed, eyes fixed on him.

"Mr. 9 is too timid. Our decision to act or not is now solely ours."

Igaram replied in a hushed tone.

"Princess Vivi, I'm relieved to see you safe. Based on your intel, I followed that woman and discovered..."

Igaram broke into a cold sweat.

"Is it truly him?!"

Vivi's eyes widened.

"Not confirmed yet. I intercepted a letter from her to someone..."

Igaram's expression darkened.


Vivi whispered with difficulty.

"Oh? The boss behind you is Crocodile."

A mocking laugh startled Vivi and Igaram.

"Who? Crocodile?!"

Mr.9 and Miss Monday overheard and rushed over. Upon identifying Ace's voice, their faces contorted in horror.

Since when had the Baroque Works' boss been Crocodile?

In the next moment, Mr.9 and Miss Monday recognized the person responsible and stared at Ace, incredulous.

Vivi and Igaram, however, looked crestfallen, having glimpsed Crocodile's tracks through Robin, but without certainty.

"If that's the case, allow me to confirm."

Ace's smile widened. His Observation Haki had already located the unlucky duo on the roof, feeding intel directly to Crocodile.

"Bang! Bang!"

Startled by the noise, bounty hunters from Baroque Works emerged from various rooms, roaring.

"Silence, all of you, momentarily."

Ace's eyes narrowed, emitting a dense, purple-black aura.


His terrifying aura struck all but Vivi, Igaram, and the unlucky duo unconscious.

Conqueror's Haki, unleashed!

"This... this..."

Igaram gaped at the sight before him.

With a mere glance, Ace incapacitated hundreds of bounty hunters, including formidable figures like Mr.9 and Miss Monday.


Is this the power of a pirate with an 85 million Beli bounty?

Igaram looked up at Ace, an almost divine figure in the moonlit night.


Ace leapt from the roof.

In the next moment, Igaram knelt before Ace.

"Please, save us!"

Igaram pleaded, bowing his head.

"Although... though abrupt, please, lend us your aid!"

Igaram pounded his forehead against the ground, beseeching.


Vivi watched, biting her lip.

"Regardless of whether the boss is indeed Crocodile, our knowledge of the studio's leader has been compromised. The company will dispatch assassins."

Igaram gazed at Vivi, despair evident, gesturing towards the unlucky duo, scribbling in notebooks before fleeing.

"It's Crocodile."

Ace's smirk deepened as he spoke.


Igaram and Vivi whipped around, eyes wide with disbelief.

"I possess Observation Haki, enabling me to discern basic emotions. When I mentioned your boss as Crocodile, those two unwittingly confirmed it."

Ace gestured towards the fleeing duo, providing a plausible explanation. His skilled Observation Haki indeed sensed their emotional fluctuations.

"Indeed... it's him!"

Vivi murmured, anguish etched on her face.

Neither Vivi nor Igaram doubted Ace's words.

Would a pirate with an 85 million Beli bounty lie?

Furthermore, Ace had effortlessly incapacitated hundreds of bounty hunters earlier.

Such capability seemed natural.

"You spared me. What do you intend?"

Igaram lifted his head, voice steady.

"Though I find this intriguing, you must disclose all details."

Ace, unruffled, smiled.

"Very well. There's no need for secrets. I am Alabasta's guard captain, Igaram."

Taking a deep breath, Igaram revealed all.

Given Ace's ability to sense emotions, deception was futile.

"Yes, could you escort Princess Vivi safely back to Alabasta? Our kingdom will reward you generously."

Convinced mere words wouldn't sway a pirate with an 85 million Beli bounty, Igaram knelt once more, beseeching loudly.

"A generous reward?!"

A voice, astonished, interjected.

Nami, now with eyes wide as Beli, rushed toward Ace.

Ace's lips twitched slightly, observing her shameless approach.

Ace looked at Nami with a serious expression as she approached, her eyes flickering with a mischievous gleam.

"Nami, have you gathered all the treasures from these bounty hunters?"

He asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Hehe, these guys are broke. I thought they'd have more. Oh well, with this many people, you'd think..."

Nami responded playfully, sticking her tongue out.

Having experienced the Arlong incident, Nami wasn't one to let her guard down, especially when it came to potential riches.

After Ace left to attend to other matters, she got up and began searching for the group's belongings. Upon returning, she turned to Igaram and Vivi with a glint in her eyes.

"I heard everything. You mentioned she's a princess, right? Princesses should be loaded, right? How about we strike a deal: we get you back safely to Alabasta, and you reward us with a hefty sum of Belly?"

Nami's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"One billion..."

Igaram and Vivi exchanged amused glances.

"Huh? What's wrong? As a princess, shouldn't you be worth at least a billion Belly?"

Nami's tone turned anxious, seeing a potential gold mine slipping away.

"I'm sorry. Maybe you're not aware of Alabasta's current situation. It used to be prosperous, but now..."

Igaram's expression darkened.

"For almost a year now, our kingdom has suffered a severe drought. Civil unrest is spreading due to the lack of water in our desert land. And to top it off, we've discovered that the criminal organization Baroque Works has been instigating the public."

Vivi took over, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Upon hearing this, Nami felt a twinge of sympathy. As the "Cat Burglar" Nami, she understood the peril and courage it took for a girl to infiltrate such dangerous organizations, all for the sake of her homeland.

Memories of Cocoyasi Village flashed through Nami's mind, yet she hesitated to relinquish the potential reward completely, her expression clouded with conflict.

"Is everything settled, Captain?"

Nojiko approached, a gun slung over her shoulder, while Tashigi and Kaya, still asleep from their revelry, hung over Nokigao's shoulders.

"Yes, you've arrived just in time."

Ace smiled, taking Tashigi and Kaya from Nokigao and acknowledging the return of the unfortunate pair.

Meanwhile, Mr. 13, the sea otter of the ill-fated duo, busily sketched on a drawing board. After a while, he presented several portraits to the group.

"Oh? These are quite impressive."

Ace cheered, examining the sketches of beautiful women.

Even Haise, who had artistic talent, found them intriguing to see in person.


The unfortunate pair eagerly snatched back their sketches and hastily departed.

"Hey! What's going on?! Are we being targeted directly?!"

Nami grabbed Vivi's collar and shook her, baring her teeth in frustration.

"Yes, I apologize!"

Vivi could only offer a tearful apology.

"Ace! Why don't you take care of that Haise!"

After giving Vivi a piece of her mind, Nami turned to Ace.

"Well, isn't this quite interesting, hahaha."

Ace chuckled at her outburst.

"Really! Why does my fate always lead to being hunted down as soon as I step foot in the Grand Line? By the way, Ace, who's the BOSS of this organization you mentioned, this Crocodile?"

Nami suddenly remembered the pressing question, momentarily setting aside her thoughts of profit.

"Just now I was thinking about the payout."

"Crocodile was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, recognized by the government as legal pirates. Before becoming a Shichibukai, his bounty was 80 million Belly."

Vivi explained solemnly, her expression grave at the mere mention of his name.

"Shichibukai?! 80 million Belly?! That's nearly four times Arlong's! Ace, you're twice that!"

Nami exclaimed incredulously.

"Huh? No, Ace's bounty is 85 million Belly."

Hearing this, Vivi and Igaram were stunned, producing Ace's latest bounty poster to confirm.


Nami and Nojiko gasped, hastily scrutinizing the reward notice Vivi held.

"Fire Fist Ace, Portgas D. Ace, dead or alive, bounty: 85 million Belly?!"

Nami exclaimed, eyes widening as she finished reading.

"Oh? It seems my bounty went up after that incident in Loguetown. The Fire Fist, huh? That's a fitting title, hahaha."

Ace chuckled, taking the wanted poster and examining it with mild amusement.

"This is bad! We're going to be targeted by the Marines and bounty hunters now, with 85 million Belly on our heads..."

Nami muttered, pacing anxiously.

"So, we're pirates. Haven't we been targeted by Marines for a while now?"

Nojiko remarked dryly, glancing sympathetically at Nami.

"So, Ace, what's your plan..."

Igaram knelt on the ground, nervously looking up at Ace.

"Vivi, did I say something?"

Ace didn't respond directly to Igaram's plea, instead turning to Vivi.


Vivi was taken aback.

"At the Twin Capes, I told you our destinies were intertwined. That's why we made a deal: the Entei Pirates accept this mission, and in return, one of the Shichibukai—"

Ace smiled.

"Hey, Ace, those are the seven great pirates recognized by the government. Aren't you concerned?"

Nami tugged at Ace's sleeve, her tone pitiful.

"No, it's quite intriguing. The first person I'll face in the Grand Line is decided."

Ace grinned, his confidence unwavering.

Nokigao remained silent, calmly cleaning her gun. He trusted Ace's decisions implicitly, seeing it as her role to support the captain.

Nami's face reflected a mix of despair and determination, while Vivi and Igaram exchanged glances silently, marveling at how a pirate with an 85 million Belly bounty could face a Shichibukai without a hint of fear.

"Why don't we leave Princess Vivi in your care, Ace! Although I don't understand why, I find you remarkably trustworthy."

Igaram smiled slightly, observing the unusual dynamics of this pirate crew led by a man with an 85 million Belly bounty, accompanied by four seemingly vulnerable girls.

Why did they entrust Princess Vivi to Ace so readily? It wasn't just because they were left with no other choice; it was also due to the atmosphere exuded by this group of pirates.

"Although Ace agrees, you still owe me a separate reward, Vivi."

Nami pulled Vivi into a hug, her expression firm.

"I, I do have some personal funds, about 500,000 Belly. If that's acceptable..."

Vivi offered tentatively, about to fetch the money from her room.

"Well, we can discuss payment after the mission is completed."

Unexpectedly, Nami held onto Vivi, offering a warm smile.


Vivi nodded earnestly, moved by Nami's unexpected kindness.

With preparations complete, they gathered at Whiskey Peak's port.

"Hey, Ikaram, your disguise is quite unique."

Ace chuckled, eyeing Ikaram, who attempted to impersonate Vivi with several mannequins in tow.

"To make you laugh, I'm pretending to be Princess Vivi to draw away the company's killers once they realize we've uncovered their big secret."

Ikaram explained.

"Your Highness Vivi, please give me the Eternal Pose to Alabasta."

Vivi bit her lip but retrieved the Eternal Pose and handed it to Ikaram.

"Eternal Pose?"

Nami inquired curiously.

"Yes, it's different from regular Log Poses that require each island's magnetic field to be recorded to navigate. The Eternal Pose only records the magnetic field of one specific location, in this case, Alabasta."

Ikaram explained, smiling softly.


Vivi's voice caught as she watched him prepare to divert pursuers on her behalf.

"Go with peace of mind, Ikaram."

Ace said, placing a comforting arm around Vivi's shoulders as he watched Ikaram depart.

"Vivi, leave everything to me."


Vivi stiffened briefly at the unexpected embrace but soon relaxed into it.

Despite feeling a bit uncomfortable, there was something undeniably reassuring about it...

"I trust you with everything, Your Highness Vivi. Until we meet again in Alabasta."


Vivi nodded solemnly.

"Now, it's time for us to set sail. Nami, did you record the magnetic charts?"

Ace inquired, still holding Vivi's shoulder, oblivious to the unintentional gesture.

"I recorded them a while ago, but..."

Nami trailed off, then pointed pointedly at Ace's hand resting on Vivi's shoulder.

"How long are you planning to keep me like this?!"

Vivi's cheeks flushed crimson suddenly.

"Oh? Haha, sorry about that. I just wanted to make sure Vivi felt secure."

Ace chuckled, realizing his oversight but not letting go just yet.

"Wow, being a princess really does make a difference in how it feels."


Suddenly, a loud explosion shattered the tranquility as Ikaram's ship erupted in flames.


Vivi gasped, trying to scream but finding her voice caught in her throat.

"They're moving fast!"

Nami shielded Vivi protectively.


Nokigao stood resolutely in front of the still-drunk Kaya and Tashigi, weapon at the ready.

"You've got guts."

Ace muttered, his attention now fixed on a figure gliding gracefully into view.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

In an instant, Ace vanished and reappeared, generating shockwaves through the air with his newfound agility.

Ace unleashed his formidable Kenbunshoku Haki, honed by experience and keen instincts, sensing the presence of a captivating figure.

"Miss All Sunday?!"

Vivi growled, recognition and anger mingling in her voice.

"She's from Baroque Works too? Whose partner is this alias?"

Nami demanded, piecing together the organization's structure from Vivi's earlier revelations.

"She's the partner of the BOSS and the Vice President of Baroque Works! It was by following her that Ikaram and I discovered clues about their mastermind."

Vivi explained bitterly.

"That was intentional on my part. Did you really think Mr. 8's strength alone could discover the letter I sent? Being notorious isn't just an alias—it's the boss's real name."

The tension eased slightly from her pretty face as Nico Robin reverted to her usual composed demeanor, smiling faintly.

"You're the one who attacked Ikaram's ship?"

Vivi's glare bore into Robin, tears of frustration glistening.

"Yes, that was me."

Robin admitted openly, then turned her gaze to Ace.

"It stings a little. Mind loosening your grip? You're not afraid I'll run, are you?"

Robin smirked.

"Of course."

Ace released his hold on Robin's shoulders, a small grin playing on his lips.

"Truly worthy of an 85 million Belly bounty. You're even stronger than I imagined. I baited Mr. 8 but ended up with you."

Though captured, Robin's face remained serene.

"Seeing you, do you ever fear for your life?"

Ace smiled at her words.

Robin said nothing, only smiling in return.

"Even if I were to kill you now and you never saw the history you sought, would you be so carefree?"

The survivor of Ohara, the "Demon Child" with a bounty of 79 million Belly, Nico Robin.

Ace's voice was calm and measured.

"79 million Belly?!"

Nami exclaimed, stunned by the revelation.

Vivi's pretty face also registered shock.


Robin fixed Ace with a sharp look.

"Do you still remember the destruction of Ohara?"

Robin chuckled softly, then regarded Ace with curiosity.

"And why would you know about my desire to learn history?"

"Wasn't it the Ancient history that caused Ohara's destruction?"

Ace replied, his tone steady as he brought up the topic that clearly affected Robin deeply.

As she listened, memories of the hellish aftermath of Buster Call swept through Robin's mind.

The annihilation of Ohara was etched in her soul—a Event that was strictly taboo.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

After a long pause, Robin regained her composure, breathing deeply.

"I can handle it."

Robin suddenly lifted her head, staring at Ace in disbelief.

"I said, I can handle it. Will you help me decipher the history of that Void Century, Nico Robin?"

Ace's lips curved into a slight smile.

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