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14.58% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: The era of the Flame Emperor

Chapter 21: Chapter 21: The era of the Flame Emperor

On the Going Merry


Tashigi felt like she had just woken from a long dream, where Mr. Ace had become a notorious pirate.

Colonel Smoker had come to rescue her, but with just a glance from Mr. Ace, all Marine personnel, including Colonel Smoker, fell unconscious.

"I... I must have had an incredible dream. How could Colonel Smoker collapse just like that because of Mr. Ace? If he really has such power, maybe he could truly end the era of great pirates?" Tashigi slowly opened her eyes, her whimsical personality still caught in the lingering dream.

But before she could fully grasp the situation, a reproachful voice interrupted her thoughts.

Turning around, Tashigi saw Mr. Ace looking helplessly at a fiery-haired girl who was scolding him.

"Really! How could you kidnap a Marine girl? And worse, I helped you bring her onto the ship! This is disastrous! Now we'll all be targeted by the Marines!" Nami held her head, visibly distressed.

"I told you, I'm not kidnapping," Ace replied with a helpless smile.

"Not kidnapping?!" Nami retorted sharply.

"Well, Nami, we are pirates after all. It's only a matter of time before we're targeted. Besides, Ace has a bounty of 35 million Beli. It's practically a certainty," Nokigao interjected, pulling Nami aside to reason with her.

"Yes, Nami, I wouldn't mind a reward either," Kaya chimed in eagerly, thinking about her own wanted poster and Ace appearing together.

Ace gestured towards the bewildered Tashigi, who had just woken up and looked around in confusion. Upon seeing the Jolly Roger with flames, realization dawned on her.

"A pirate flag! Am I on a pirate ship?!" Tashigi exclaimed in shock. "Mr. Ace—no, Ace—is he really a pirate? A big pirate with a bounty of 35 million Beli?"

"Hey, you're awake, Tashigi. How about some afternoon tea?" Ace approached her with a gentle smile.

"Don't joke around! You're really a pirate?! Why did you lie to me?!" Tashigi's eyes welled up with tears.

"When did I lie to you? Did I ever say I wasn't a pirate?" Ace asked, genuinely puzzled.

"..." Tashigi was left speechless. It dawned on her—it was true!

"But you said you wanted to end the era of great pirates, and yet you're clearly a pirate yourself!" Tashigi accused sternly.

"I didn't lie to you. I do want to end this era of great pirates. Any evil pirate I encounter, I'll take down," Ace replied with a resolute Haki smile.

Tashigi reflected on how Gol D. Roger had chosen to start this era due to his terminal illness. Though extreme, it might have been to challenge the corrupt World Government. In contrast, figures like Luffy and Ace weren't true pirates by nature—they were adventurers. Yet, there were others who committed atrocities like burning, killing, and plundering. Roger might not have chosen such extreme measures if not for his illness, but now Ace was here to end this era—the era of Emperor Yan.

"Ace," Nami, Nokigao, and Kaya smiled upon hearing Ace's declaration.

"Weren't we saved by Ace from those pirates?" Kaya said, her face beaming.

"..." Tashigi looked at Ace's Haki smile and began to believe his words.

"!!!" Tashigi shook her head vigorously. No, that couldn't be right! Pirates eliminating evil pirates? That was the Marine's duty!

"Yes, exactly! I heard that Colonel Mouse was killed by a criminal pirate. Was it you?" Tashigi demanded, referring to the widely spread news in East Blue's Marine.

Although she hadn't seen Ace's bounty, she knew whoever killed Colonel Mouse, considering Ace's 35 million Beli bounty, had to be him.

"Yes, it was me. But Nami, Nokigao, could you explain everything to her?" Ace glanced at Nami and Nokigao.

Nami rolled her eyes at Ace, remaining silent. Meanwhile, Nokigao cheerfully recounted the events in Cocosia Village to Tashigi. Kaya added vividly how Ace had rescued her from Crowe.

"..." Tashigi stood there, processing everything she'd heard.

The Marine captain colluding with pirates to oppress villagers—this was beyond belief.

"Then, I, Captain of the Entei Pirates, Portgas D. Ace, formally invite you, Tashigi, to join as my swordsman," Ace said gently.

"And remember, you promised to assist me without hesitation when I end the era of great pirates, right?" Ace reminded her.

Tashigi nodded blankly, then shook her head vehemently. "I—I never promised anything like that! I'm a Marine! How could I join evil pirates?!"

"Are Marines always righteous, and pirates always evil?" Ace's Haki smile persisted.

"You don't belong in this Marine controlled by a corrupt World Government. Who am I? Will I end this era of great pirates? Use your own eyes to see if the Marines are as righteous as you think," Ace said with confidence.

"If, after a year, you still choose to return to the Marines, I won't stop you," Ace chuckled with a big Haki laugh.

Ace never lied to Tashigi. If, after a year, she still hesitated to join, Ace wouldn't force her.

This was the measure of a king.

And Ace had confidence she'd eventually join.

This was the confidence of a king.

Tashigi stared blankly at Ace, who wore a serene Haki smile on his face. Her normally whimsical mind suddenly shut down.

"How about it? I told you I didn't kidnap her, Nami. It was Tashigi who promised to help me, so I brought her aboard," Ace explained, glancing at Nami with a gentle smile.

"Hmph, you conveniently left out a few details and deceived everyone," Nami retorted, turning her pretty face away with a hint of arrogance.

"Hehehe, that's quite sneaky, Nami," Nokigao remarked, seeing through Nami's thoughts and chuckling.

"What the hell!" Nami blushed, caught off guard by Nokigao's insight.

Ace smiled nonchalantly, finding Nami's pout amusing.

"Nami's stubbornness is actually quite endearing," Ace commented.

"Alright, let's have a celebration to welcome our new member, Tashigi!" Ace declared with a hearty laugh.

"Hey?! Wait, I haven't agreed yet... Wow!" Before Tashigi could finish, Ace playfully handed her a chicken leg to silence her protests.

"Today is a day of joy! Come on, eat, drink, and be merry!" Ace laughed heartily, lifting a glass of beer.

"What? It feels a bit forced," Nami muttered, pouting.

"No, I believe Ace must have sensed that Tashigi is his destined swordsman through his extraordinary abilities, so he invited her aboard," Kaya interjected, holding a medical book and observing Ace lavishing food and drink on Tashigi.

"..." Nami was at a loss for words. Kaya's unwavering belief in Ace's words left her somewhat baffled.

"Destined swordsman? Then am I..." Nami blushed slightly and picked up a piece of bread to nibble on.

"And Nami is destined to be a navigator..." Nokigao smiled knowingly.

"Sometimes words may sound strange or even absurd, but as long as people believe in them, the truth becomes irrelevant," Nokigao added, expressing her own desire to be Ace's destined helmsman.

Nokigao lifted her glass of beer and finished it in one go, a flush appearing on her pretty face. The atmosphere gradually warmed up as toasts were exchanged.

Nami, Nokigao, and even the somewhat tipsy Tashigi had rosy cheeks from the alcohol. Kaya, though not a big drinker, leaned on Ace's arm with a sweet smile.

Unexpectedly, Tashigi, with her typically low tolerance for alcohol, became a bit tipsy after just a few drinks.

"Hahaha, before we head to the Grand Line..." Ace pulled Tashigi, who was already a bit inebriated, onto a beer barrel and stood on it.

"I want to end this era of great pirates! I will become the King of the World!" Ace proclaimed with Conqueror's Haki laughter, causing the sea to stir and the clouds to roll back.

Nami, Kaya, Nokigao, and the slightly intoxicated Tashigi were all taken aback.

"Is this Ace's ambition?" Nami stretched out her arms, feeling the change in the atmosphere.

"So..." Nami smiled and joined Ace on the barrel.

"I want to draw the most accurate map in the world!" Nami declared with anticipation.

"I will sail through the map Nami paints, with the oranges of Bell-mère in full bloom," Nokigao said openly, no longer hiding her aspirations.

"I want to be the best doctor, to heal my comrades... to heal Ace!" Kaya boldly expressed her dream.

"Hey, don't be a spoil sport," Ace teased Tashigi, who was unsteady on her feet and blushing from the alcohol. "Me..."

Tashigi shouted loudly, her eyes closed under the dual effects of alcohol and the environment. "I want to reclaim all the famous swords stolen by evildoers! I won't let those revered blades collect dust!"

"..." Tashigi opened her eyes cautiously, bracing herself for potential ridicule.

"What an incredible dream," Kaya remarked, her eyes sparkling with admiration.

"Why?" Tashigi looked at Kaya in disbelief.

"It's a remarkable dream, very powerful," Nokigao affirmed with a smile.

"You..." Tashigi gazed at everyone, feeling encouraged by their support—something she hadn't experienced before.

"But they're all pirates..." Tashigi's expression revealed her confusion. Should she be happy about this?

Despite her inner conflict, the slight upturn of her lips reflected Tashigi's current sentiments.

"Okay, after sharing our dreams and having a drink, you're officially a member of our Entei Pirates! At least for this year. After that, it's up to you," Ace declared with a slap on Tashigi's shoulder, laughing heartily.

"I..." Tashigi was momentarily speechless. Silly as it seemed, she knew she couldn't leave in this year anyway.

"But I won't do anything wrong for you. I'm still a Marine," Tashigi insisted, standing her ground.

"Don't worry, I won't force you into anything," Ace reassured her with a smile, waving his hand.

"Now, let's set course for the Grand Line!" Ace raised his glass high.

"Oh!" Kaya, Nami, and Nokigao raised their glasses eagerly, their faces filled with anticipation.

Tashigi bit her reddened lips, her eyes fixed on the sea ahead.

Would she see it with her own eyes?

On the horizon loomed East Blue's gateway to the Grand Line—the Upside Down Mountain.

Loguetown, Inside the Marine Branch Headquarters

Inside the Marine branch headquarters in Loguetown...

"I told you! I'm heading to the Grand Line!"

Smoker's voice echoed with intensity as he yelled into the Den Den Mushi.

"Smoker, calm down. Even if you pursue him, what can you do against someone who can incapacitate you with Conqueror's Haki?" The voice on the other end retorted sharply.

"Boom!" Smoker's fist slammed onto the table, his nails piercing his palms, blood dripping down his arms like a wounded beast.

Even if he gave chase, what could he achieve? Bring Tashigi back? Capture Ace? Impossible!

Portgas D. Ace possessed the power to render him unconscious with a mere use of Conqueror's Haki. Was he subconsciously afraid of this man?

Looking at his bleeding hands, Smoker felt an unfamiliar weakness wash over him.

"I need to return to headquarters and grow stronger!" Smoker declared firmly into the Den Den Mushi.

"I'll relay your request," the Den Den Mushi clicked off abruptly.

"Portgas D. Ace!" Smoker glared at the wanted poster on his desk, his eyes bloodshot.

Unexpectedly, without a fight, this man had overwhelmed him with Conqueror's Haki.

"I must capture you," Smoker muttered, suppressing the discomfort caused by the impact of Conqueror's Haki.

Marineford, Naval Headquarters


Ace's updated bounty was swiftly posted on the board by Major Brannew at Marineford.

Seated below were the hardened elites of Naval Headquarters, their expressions stern and murderous.

Unlike the branch officers, these were the stalwarts of the Marine, seasoned by countless battles—a force to be reckoned with in the era of the Great Pirates.

"This man, Portgas D. Ace, user of the Logia-type Mera Mera no Mi, upon his debut, dismantled the Arlong Pirates in East Blue, with Arlong himself warranting a bounty of 20 million Beli. He also eliminated Colonel Nezumi and openly taunted Naval Headquarters via Den Den Mushi," Brannew announced loudly, eyeing the grim-faced generals seated on either side.

"Now, according to Smoker's report, Portgas D. Ace possesses Conqueror's Haki!" Brannew's voice resonated deeply.

"Conqueror's?! This rookie?!" One of the Naval Headquarters generals exclaimed incredulously, his eyes narrowing.

The notion that a newcomer from the weakest sea, with an average bounty of a few million Beli, possessed Conqueror's Haki was met with disbelief.

Even within Naval Headquarters, only a select few wielded such power.

"Not only that, this man single-handedly incapacitated the entire Marine branch in Loguetown with his Conqueror's Haki attack," Brannew's expression darkened.

"!!!" Cold sweat began to trickle down the backs of several Commodores and Rear Admirals present.

Total incapacitation? So, even Smoker succumbed to Portgas D. Ace's Conqueror's Haki?


Though a Marine branch Colonel, Smoker was a former disciple of the legendary Admiral Zephyr, relegated to Loguetown for his insubordination and refusal to follow orders.

Undoubtedly, Smoker was formidable—a Logia-type user with the power of the Smoke-Smoke Fruit. Even within headquarters, he was stronger than most Commodores.

Yet, against Conqueror's Haki of this magnitude, he was defenseless.

A name that struck fear into many of the Naval Headquarters generals present surfaced: the "Second Coming of the Red-Haired."

Absolutely preposterous!

Those who entertained the notion swiftly dismissed it—One redhead had already caused enough trouble for Naval Headquarters. Another one? What a nightmare!

Yet, few believed this newcomer could rival the stature of Red-Haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors.

"This notorious individual also abducted a senior officer under Smoker's command and has declared himself 'Emperor Yan,'" Brannew added, placing Tashigi's photograph next to Ace's bounty poster.

The expressions of the Naval Headquarters generals remained unchanged at this revelation. Compared to Ace's possession of Conqueror's Haki, this detail seemed trivial.

"Regardless, Portgas D. Ace's power surpasses the capabilities of any branch. Even within headquarters, we face total destruction without the guidance of a Rear Admiral or higher," Brannew stated gravely.

"What's more concerning is that we still don't know the limits of his strength. Without a pursuit led by a Vice Admiral or above, apprehending him is nearly impossible," Brannew continued, the atmosphere growing increasingly somber.

The Naval Headquarters generals listened in silence. Did a newly minted pirate truly warrant the intervention of Vice Admirals—a testament to the Marine's elite?

Each Vice Admiral was a potential executor of the Buster Call, the ultimate Marine sanction.

"We must caution all Marine branches: in encounters with Portgas D. Ace, report to headquarters and refrain from engagement to avoid unnecessary casualties," Brannew's voice resonated with authority.

The assembled Naval Headquarters generals maintained their silence. Confronted by an owner of Conqueror's Haki of Ace's caliber, their collective strength, no matter how formidable, risked being rendered futile.

"The latest bounty for this man!" Brannew snapped his fingers.

With that, a new bounty poster for Ace was swiftly displayed in Loguetown, signaling a shift in the tide.

"Fire Emperor! Portgas D. Ace, dead or alive! Bounty: 85 million Beli!"

The generals and commanders present studied the updated poster, contemplating its implications. Many pirates would undoubtedly take up the challenge.

"Nevertheless, justice will prevail!" A Rear Admiral rose from his seat, exiting the room to address the Marines lined up outside with solemn determination.

"We! We are the guardians of justice, in the name of Absolute Justice!"


The Marines brandished their swords, roaring in unison.

Meanwhile, unaware of the escalation in his bounty, Ace gazed upon Upside Down Mountain in the distance.

"This is Upside Down Mountain. What a magnificent sight," Ace remarked, adjusting his hat as he surveyed the Red Line stretching skyward and the natural waterway where the sea flowed against the current.

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