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Chapter 7 Then Leave It To You

Chapter 7: Then Leave It To You

In a dense forest, Shenyu and Madara hurried towards the northwest of the Fire Country with a clear purpose: to locate the seal where Uchiha Hikari was imprisoned.

Madara held a red scroll titled "History of Seal of the Warring States Period," which Shenyu had painstakingly acquired.

"It seems that besides being nameless, the Senju and Uzumaki clans have sealed a lot of things," Madara remarked as he perused the scrolls while they moved forward.

Shenyu, with his black hair fluttering in the breeze, spoke up beside him, "I wonder what Madara-sama thinks? The Box of Bliss seems impressive. According to records, it's the legendary ninja tool of the Sage of Six Paths, woven from heavenly silk."

"But power, Doyle, is truly formidable when it comes from within oneself," Madara replied, stowing away the scroll. "Not even ninja tools, but even the power of the Sage of Six Paths itself is within reach."

"The power of the Sage of Six Paths..." Shenyu murmured thoughtfully.

He was well aware of what Madara was alluding to—the combined power of Senju and Uchiha, inherited from the Ōtsutsuki ancestor.

"In the basement of the Nanga Shrine, there's an ancient stone tablet passed down through generations in our clan. It details the method to attain the power of the Sage of Six Paths. However, the inscriptions are encoded using secretive methods, and are better deciphered with a higher level of Sharingan," Madara explained, glancing at Shenyu. "You're familiar with this, right?"

Shenyu nodded. "Since unlocking the Mangekyō Sharingan, I've had the privilege to study those inscriptions."

"It seems you already know how to unlock the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Just remember, despite your pupil technique's unique capabilities, it's not an eternal eye. There are still risks of blindness and other side effects associated with its use," Madara cautioned.

"I understand, Lord Madara," Shenyu replied softly. "When the time comes, I'll act accordingly."

"Good. No need for further words from me," Madara smiled casually before asking, "How long ago did you awaken your Mangekyō?"

"By my calculations, it's been over three years," Shen Yu answered, casting a glance back at memories.

He had accidentally awakened it at the age of four, witnessing the death of his childhood friend during wartime. Quickly drafted into the clan's ranks, he was armed and armored, forced onto the battlefield.

What kind of fighting ability can a 4-year-old child possess? Due to his Sharingan, Shenyu could only move swiftly, yet avoiding death was already an arduous task.

He vividly remembers his first encounter with the battlefield.

It marked his second experience with death, but this time was wholly different. Disease had claimed the life of his playmates initially, but on the battlefield, it was the blade that took lives.

Corpses and blood smeared the ground, the air thick with a metallic tang, echoing with the cries of death and the harrowing screams that tore through the air.

A fellow tribesman had even praised him, giving him a thumbs-up for maintaining composure at such a young age amidst the mountain of corpses and sea of blood.

Only Shenyu knew the truth: he was terrified.

However, that tribesman would never learn the reality, as the next day, he too became another lifeless body.

Survival demanded strength.

War was a relentless grinder. Amidst the killing and death, his eyes swiftly evolved, forming into the three magatama.

His parents were compassionate souls. Though lacking ninja talent, they possessed some medical skills. In prayer for their son's safety, they opened a medical hall, offering unconditional treatment to injured clan members.

With time, their home became a temporary sanctuary for Uchiha ninjas seeking healing.

Shenyu grew increasingly vigilant. He cautioned them repeatedly that such actions could easily provoke war.

Yet, their persistence and the fame of their healing center made refusal difficult in the face of a steady stream of wounded.

A year later, while battling on the field, Shenyu suddenly felt his heart wrench.

Something monumental had occurred.

With all his might, he swiftly concluded the battle.

Upon returning home, however, what greeted him was tragedy.

His parents and younger brother lay in pools of blood.

Overwhelmed with despair, anger, and regret surged within him. Gazing at the sky, he unleashed a mournful scream, feeling as though his chest might explode.

With bloodshot eyes and an icy resolve, his Mangekyō Sharingan awakened in that very moment!

The Sharingan, dubbed the "eye that reflects the heart," awakened the Absolute Resilience and Heaven's Eternal Standing techniques, born from his intense desires and demands.

Desperately tapping into his ocular power, he sought to turn back time, yet his parents had long since perished. Miraculously, his younger brother, Uchiha Kagami, hovered at the brink of death for five minutes. Through a twist in time and space, he miraculously awoke, his wounds fully healed.

Bringing his thoughts back to reality, Shenyu shook his head, attempting to clear his mind of the tangled thoughts.

Soon, the two stopped by a low rock, where two ninjas were standing guard. The emblem of the Senju clan was carved into the stone wall behind them.

"It seems like this is it."

Madara walked over directly without any intention of hiding his figure, so Shenyu could only follow.

"Stop! This is a restricted area. Seal it immediately, and the rest of you, retreat!" one of the guards commanded firmly.

Shenyu narrowed his eyes slightly. The two ninja's eyes were fierce, and an air of lingering malevolence surrounded them, as if they had been through many bloody battles.

"Senju and Sarutobi..." Shenyu noted their clan crests and sneered faintly. "Were these the original combatants sent here?"

"He... he's... Uchiha Madara!" The two Konoha ninjas recognized Madara's identity and sensed they were facing a formidable opponent.

"Master Madara, these two have slaughtered many from our clan," Shenyu declared in a deep voice. "We cannot let them go."

"Is that so? Then I leave it to you," Madara replied nonchalantly, finding a nearby rock to sit on as if he had no intention of intervening.

Without further ado, Shenyu planted his feet firmly and shot forward like a swift arrow.

"Damn brats, how dare you look down on us!" the leading Senju ninja shouted angrily, drawing his long sword with a swift motion.

However, Shenyu's Sharingan flashed instantly, the three magatama swirling into a hypnotic vortex that seemed to exert an enchanting pull. The ninja merely glanced at it and found himself deeply ensnared, unable to free himself.

"Autumn Dew on the Leaves!"

Chakra coalesced in Shenyu's right hand, swiftly transforming into an icy blue light blade, tracing a dazzling path through the air.

"Fool, don't look into his eyes!"

At a crucial moment, a Sarutobi clan companion yanked him forcefully behind, narrowly evading the light blade. The fabric of his clothes tore open instantly, leaving a straight gash on his skin.

As his first strike missed, Shenyu immediately lunged towards the second opponent, the thin light blade aimed at the ninja's face.

The Sarutobi ninja, seasoned in combat, avoided direct eye contact with the Uchiha's Sharingan, skillfully sidestepping Shenyu's attacks and responding calmly even without fixing his gaze on Shenyu.

However, the Sharingan wasn't just a tool for Genjutsu; it enhanced physical abilities too.

Within just two exchanges, Shenyu anticipated the ninja's movements, slicing through his kunai with the Chakra blade!

Shenyu pivoted swiftly, landing a deceptive kick squarely in the Sarutobi ninja's stomach.


The Sarutobi ninja absorbed the blow but used the opportunity to create a distance, leveraging his upside-down momentum to complete a hand seal.

"Fire Style: The Art of Fire!"

The red flames engulfed Shen Yu's face, painting his vision crimson. Before he could swing the Chakra blade, he found himself consumed by the intense heat.

"We did it!" The Sarutobi ninja's eyes gleamed with triumph.

He moved to release his comrade from the Genjutsu when suddenly, a figure burst forth from the flames with astonishing speed.

"No! He's planning to take me down with him!" The Sarutobi ninja's horror was palpable, but it was too late to evade.

Shenyu emerged from the fiery inferno, his black clothes and hair ablaze with smoke, his cheeks scorched, but his eyes gleamed with brilliance—his pupils transformed into the beautifully textured Mangekyō!

Seemingly undeterred by his injuries, Shenyu unleashed a teleportation technique combined with "Autumn Dew on the Leaves," emitting a trail of blue light that tore through the air. The horrified Sarutobi ninja was instantly cleaved in half!

A blood-curdling scream pierced the air as the ninja's last sight was of Shenyu standing unscathed.

"How... can this be..." His voice trailed off in disbelief as he succumbed to his fate, filled with profound regret.

Approaching the Senju ninja, Shenyu swung the light blade, cleanly severing his head, the hot blood splattering in the wind.

From the moment he fell prey to the Genjutsu, his defeat was sealed.

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