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Chapter 5: Absolute Resilience

Chapter 5: Absolute Resilience


Shenyu swiftly formed seals and launched a counterattack the moment he stood up.

"Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"

The fire exploded as he spat out a fireball the size of a small house. The thousand-degree heat permeated the air, casting a crimson glow across the night sky!

"How can this kid... have such immense Chakra!"

The fireball surged forward, rolling with blazing flames that cracked the ground inch by inch, seemingly unstoppable!

Tobirama narrowed his eyes, swiftly tossed Uchiha Kagami aside, and clapped his hands together.

"Water Style·Water Barrier!"

A waterfall-like torrent of water materialized out of thin air, forming a circular wall that intercepted the path of the fireball, swirling vigorously around Tobirama.

Water and fire intertwined, generating a dense cloud of steam in the air.

Shenyu unfurled a scroll, drew a new long knife, and held both blades flat. As he infused Fire Style Chakra into the hilts, the blades ignited with bright flames, resembling twin clusters of red torches.

"Uchiha style, Sword Jump Flame." His figure vanished from the spot.

Everyone's view was obscured, catching only a glimpse of a shadow darting towards the village entrance where Uchiha ninjas stood, followed by a series of muffled impacts.

"You're the ones who dragged me into this battlefield!"

The sword flickered, blood splattering!

"You made me risk my life!"

The deadly sword flames flickered and reappeared, their divine radiance akin to a reaper in the mist, with lava-like light flowing in his crimson pupils.

"And now you're going to drive me out!"

His speed was overwhelming as he unleashed teleportation techniques one after another. With the natural dominance of the Mangekyō Sharingan, no one could match him, and the screams and pleas for mercy ceased in an instant!

"Damn it, this guy..."

"How is this possible!"

"Help, help—"

"Senju, are you just going to watch?"

"Shenyu, Shenyu! We're kin!"

"No! Ah—"

Shen Yu's eyes turned cold, embodying the emotionless precision of a killing machine.

He spun around at high speed, wielding two swords like a blazing whirlwind. Each flash resulted in another ninja cut to pieces, their bright red blood spraying in the wind!

By the time everyone reacted, most of the Uchiha clansmen on the field lay slaughtered!

"Wind Escape·Great Breakthrough!"

A powerful wind roared, finally dispelling the mist with Wind Escape.

Meanwhile, bubbles emerged from the Water Barrier, steam filled the air, and the fireball was successfully extinguished.

"Water Style·Water Dragon Bite Explosion!"

Tobirama's hand seals shifted, causing the remaining water to expand rapidly, engulfing Shenyu's feet in an instant.

Shenyu reacted swiftly, leaping away as a strong suction force emanated from the water beneath him, creating a massive whirlpool that swallowed him whole.

Like a raging flood reversing its course, water surged upward, converging to form a colossal water dragon that crashed down with tremendous force!


Violent waves of water surged in all directions, collapsing the ground and washing away nearby buildings.

Tobirama's gaze narrowed. Shen Yu reappeared in his line of sight, soaked but unscathed. Though his body bore no wounds, his right arm hung at an unnatural angle.

In the blink of an eye, Shenyu was once again unharmed, his clothes dry and eyes gleaming brightly.

Tobirama's expression froze. He noticed Shenyu's left eye subtly rotating again, sending an eerie sensation coursing through him, leaving him momentarily stunned.

"What's happening... is this an illusion? Why do I suddenly feel uneasy about this guy?"

"Lightning Style·Pseudo Darkness."

Shenyu discarded the broken knife handle, raising one hand high with thunderous light crackling in his palm. An overwhelming surge of lightning spread in all directions, the booming thunder echoing for miles, illuminating the night sky once more.

In the damp air, conductivity optimized, arcs of lightning crackled and exploded, threatening to overwhelm everyone.

Several quick-thinking Jōnin immediately began forming seal.

"Wind Escape·Dancing Air Currents!"

"Wind Release: Great Wind Cut Technique!"

"Wind Release·Vacuum Wave!"

The lightning flashed and dispersed. It took three Wind Escape ninjas to resist this Lightning Style!

"It's obviously Uchiha; where did such an exaggerated amount of chakra come from?" Tobirama frowned, lost in thought.

He was an astute ninja, highly attuned to a person's chakra levels and intensity.

"This kid obviously doesn't have much chakra, but after releasing two large-scale ninjutsu in succession, he doesn't appear fatigued or out of breath. It seems he still has energy left."

"Fire Style·Phoenix Sage Fire Jutsu!"

Shenyu took the initiative to attack, unleashing a large fireball that engulfed the area.

The Senju ninjas employed various methods in response—some used Water Style, others dodged—but the flames, like persistent embers, defied easy evasion. Two unfortunate souls were ensnared by the fiery tendrils, their screams piercing the air.

The formation was in disarray. Taking advantage of the chaos, Shenyu swiftly retreated towards the village entrance.

Heaven permanence granted him a special invincible state.

Whenever his body sustained damage, fell into an abnormal state, exhausted too much chakra, or faced unfavorable circumstances, time would rewind to before the damage occurred.

During this period, both his health and chakra levels would reset, ensuring his body was always at its peak.

Upon activating his Mangekyō Sharingan, a five-minute window commenced.

Looking back, if he avoided harm for even a single second, the entire five-minute interval would reset. Meeting this condition rendered him invulnerable indefinitely.

Suddenly, a rush of wind broke behind him. Shenyu unexpectedly tilted his head, narrowly dodging a kunai hurtling past his right cheek.

Shenyu's pupils contracted as his keen visual prowess detected the Flying Thunder God mark etched on the underside of the kunai.

In the next instant, Senju Tobirama materialized beside him without warning. Upon appearing, he thrust a kunai towards Shenyu's neck without explanation!

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

At that moment, Shenyu's lips curled into a smirk as his hand moved from an unconventional angle, seizing Tobirama's wrist with a sharp "pop."

"I've been expecting you, Tobirama-sama!"

Tobirama was taken aback by Shenyu's lightning-fast reaction, managing to keep pace with him from the onset!

His wrist felt like it was caught in an iron grip, the kunai and arm seemingly stuck in quicksand, unable to advance.

Tobirama acted swiftly, forming seals with one hand, causing a deluge of water to surge along Shenyu's arm, swiftly enveloping him in a massive water sphere.

"Water Style·Water Prison Technique!"

Not stopping there, Tobirama puffed his cheeks again, "Water Style·Heavenly Cry!"

Three water needles, as fine as cow hairs, pierced the air like rainfall, disappearing into the water sphere and creating concentric ripples.

The water needles moved with such speed that they were almost imperceptible within the water orb. They aimed directly for Shenyu's eyes and brows.

In response, Shenyu raised his right hand, enveloping it entirely in solid chakra. With a decisive wave of his hand, a glacial blue streak of light flashed!

The three water needles shattered simultaneously, the water sphere cleaved in two like a knife through watermelon, scattering across the ground.

The blade's radiance was inexorable; in Tobirama's astonished gaze, Shenyu's body was rent asunder, blood spilling forth as it split into two pieces.

Since the initial wave of Water Style attacks, Shenyu had activated "Absolute Resilience" in his left eye, adapting to Tobirama's Water Style ninjutsu.

Through repeated skirmishes, he gradually mastered this adaptation, culminating in the sudden appearance of his chakra blade!

His chakra blade could adjust density through output intensity and simulate water flow, providing formidable cutting power.

In terms of effect, it resembled the A-level medical ninjutsu "Chakra Scalpel," yet Shenyu could control its length and sharpness at will, truly severing water itself!

His immunity effect was limited to Tobirama's Water Style ninjutsu, but the countermeasures learned through adaptation were skills he could retain indefinitely!

This was the Mangekyō technique of his left eye, "Absolute Resilience"!

Tobirama's body crumbled to the ground, dissipating into white smoke with a resounding "bang."

"A Shadow Clone?" Shenyu's brow furrowed.

Not far away, Tobirama eyed the youth through the mist with a measure of trepidation. Thankfully, he had tested the waters with a Shadow Clone; otherwise, he might have been in serious trouble!

"He broke the Water Prison from within! Moreover, my Water Style's efficacy weakens with each use. Could it be due to his left eye's ability?" He pondered, his brow knitting further.

From the initial three tomoe to instant body techniques, and now the cunning Mangekyō eye techniques...

The more they fought, the more apprehensive Tobirama became. He resolved not to let this youth leave alive!

Though the skirmish lasted mere minutes, the unleashing of multiple large-scale ninjutsu had already stirred significant attention, drawing more and more ninja to the fray.

Shenyu lowered his head slightly to dodge the attack, simultaneously shaping his palms into blades. The bright blue chakra blade sliced through the air and effortlessly cleaved into the opponent's abdomen with a sharp "pop," splattering blood in a gruesome scene.

The terrifying power unsettled Shenyu himself, prompting him to inspect the chakra blade in his hand. Real chakra emanated from his palm, forming a stable and resilient blade of light. The chakra inside surged like turbulent water, flowing at high speed in an invisible closed circuit.

"I've learned something valuable here. Since I've mastered it, let's call you..." Shenyu smirked, raising the corner of his mouth, "'Autumn Dew on the Leaves'!"

"But..." He glanced at the increasing number of ninjas gathering around, "Time is running short; we must break out with all our strength!"

Meanwhile, Tobirama completed his preliminary analysis of Shenyu's abilities.

"My Water Style ninjutsu is ineffective, but that doesn't mean other ninjutsu will be. He should only be immune to one type of attribute, so..."

His expression grave, his voice resonated across the field.

"Everyone, keep your distance and attack with long-range ninjutsu!"

The ninjas obeyed, distancing themselves swiftly. In an instant, Shenyu's eyes reflected countless hand seals.

"Lightning Style·Ground Walk!"

"Earth Style·Earth Dragon Bomb!"

"Fire Style·Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade!"


In the blink of an eye, wind, fire, thunder, and lightning roared through the skies as countless ninjutsu rained down, illuminating Shenyu's eyes with their brilliance.

"There's only one minute left; I can't let them continue like this!"

Despite his calm demeanor, Shenyu realized, "There's no other choice; I must..."

"The third power, Susanoo!"

A surge of intense black energy erupted from his body, igniting like black flames. Amidst strong gusts of wind, a dark skeleton materialized instantly, its form dense and obsidian-like in texture.

Massive bone hands extended from the dark aura, effortlessly swatting aside most of the incoming ninjutsu with a gentle wave. A thunderous roar echoed, unleashing shockwaves that dispersed and disintegrated all the attacks.

Wide-eyed, everyone watched in shock at the unfolding spectacle. Some froze in place, their hearts racing uncontrollably.

The towering black skeleton enveloped Shenyu completely, resembling an undead specter emerging from the abyss. Despite only having its upper body manifested, it exuded a commanding presence, as if capable of obliterating everything with a mere gesture.

"Anyone who obstructs me will perish!"

Shenyu's voice dripped with cold determination, blood slowly trickling down his delicate face.

The black energy billowed like a war banner. In this moment, he stood as an invincible war deity, clad in black armor, towering defiantly.

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