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Chapter 4 - Potential Allies, Potential Enemies

(This chapter has 2839 words)

Sukuna sighed, putting his faith in Gojo's ability to teleport them to the city. He wasn't worried about Gojo's ability to understand the physics and concepts behind teleportation, as Gojo could see energy and had a strong grasp of the physical world. However, the challenge lay in pinpointing the exact coordinates of their destination.

Gojo placed a hand on Sukuna's shoulder, attempting to calculate the distance between them and the city. As he searched for the specific coordinates in space, his six eyes registered infinite variations of the third dimension. The overwhelming amount of information caused Gojo's concentration to waver, and as a result, the teleportation went awry.

Sukuna, who had grabbed Gojo's arm in preparation for the teleportation, felt a sudden jolt as they were transported to hundreds of random locations. Each time they landed, Sukuna tried to make sense of their surroundings, but the constant shifting made it impossible.

"What..." Sukuna muttered as they were teleported to yet another dimension.

"The..." he continued, as they were transported again.

"Fuck..." Sukuna cursed, as the teleportation finally stopped.

They found themselves floating above the ocean, with no land in sight. Sukuna looked around, trying to get his bearings, but the endless expanse of water left him feeling disoriented.

"What the hell just happened?" Sukuna asked, turning to Gojo.

Gojo looked just as confused as Sukuna. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "I must have miscalculated the coordinates."

Sukuna sighed, rubbing his temples. "Great. Now how do we get back?"

Gojo thought for a moment, before an idea struck him. "I can try reversing the teleportation process," he said. "It might take a few tries, but I think I can do it."

Sukuna nodded, trusting Gojo's judgment. "Alright, let's give it a shot."

Gojo closed his eyes, focusing on the energy around them. He visualized the coordinates of their starting point, and slowly began to manipulate the energy to take them back. After a few failed attempts, they finally felt the familiar jolt of teleportation, and found themselves back in the city.

Sukuna let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god for that," he said. "Let's just stick to walking from now on."

Gojo nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief. He knew he needed more practice with his teleportation abilities, but for now, he was just grateful to be back on solid ground.

Satoru and Sukuna stood on the rooftop, looking out at the city below them. Satoru turned to Sukuna, a questioning look on his face. "So what now?" he asked.

Sukuna shrugged nonchalantly. "Let's go," he replied, before turning and starting to building hop.

Satoru followed closely behind him, watching as Sukuna effortlessly leapt from one rooftop to the next. "Hey, Romero. Can I ask you something?" Satoru asked, his voice hesitant.

Sukuna glanced back at him, his expression unreadable. "Yeah, sure. What is it?"

Satoru took a deep breath before speaking. "Uhh, dawg how do I use infinity?" he asked, his voice pleading.

Sukuna suddenly stopped building hopping, turning to face Satoru with a look of disbelief on his face. "Did you really not have infinity activated this whole time?" he asked.

Satoru raised his voice in frustration. "YES DUDE! I literally bumped into Annie on accident then even shook hands with Beast and this fucking piece of shit ability didn't activate once!"

Sukuna sighed, shaking his head. "You're a goon," he said, exasperated.

"Fuck you, just tell me," Satoru snapped.

Sukuna rolled his eyes before speaking. "So you know how you have your innate curse technique, limitless? Imagine an infinite distance between you and your opponent or anything," he explained, before demonstrating the activation gesture for infinity.

Satoru copied the hand gesture, closing his eyes and focusing on the concept of infinity. He imagined a barrier filled with the concept of infinity around his body.

After a few moments, Satoru opened his eyes. "I don't feel any different," he said, looking at Sukuna uncertainly.

Sukuna reached out, attempting to flick Satoru's forehead. To Satoru's surprise, Sukuna's hand suddenly stopped, unable to reach him.

Satoru's eyes widened in shock and joy. "LET'S FUCKING GOOO!!!!" he yelled, jumping up and down.

Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard nearby, causing both Sukuna and Satoru to turn their heads in the direction of the sound.

Sukuna glanced at Gojo with a serious expression on his face. "We'll continue this conversation later," he said, cutting Gojo off before he could even speak. Without waiting for a response, Sukuna started jumping towards the direction of the explosion, leaving Gojo to mutter "Asshole" under his breath before following after him.

As they approached the source of the explosion, Gojo could see the destruction that had been wrought upon the street. Buildings were crumbling, cars were overturned, and debris was scattered everywhere. But what caught his attention was the massive muscular figure that stood in the center of it all. It was a hulking black creature with bulging veins all over its body, and a massive spider-like symbol on its chest. Its white eyes glowed with malice, and its sharp yellow teeth dripped with saliva as it let out a low growl.

"Venom," Sukuna said, his voice barely above a whisper. He watched as the creature continued to wreak havoc, tossing cars and debris aside like they were nothing. But then he saw something that caught his attention. A teen in a red and black suit with a web pattern was fighting against the creature, trying to hold it back and protect the people around them. It was clear that the teen was struggling, but they refused to give up.

Sukuna jumps down from the rooftop, closely followed by Satoru. However, before Sukuna can take another step, Satoru blocks him with his hand and says in an excited tone, "Nah, twin I got this." Sukuna shrugs nonchalantly and turns around, heading towards the direction of the screaming people.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man is in the midst of a battle with Venom. As Spider-Man tries to dodge Venom's fist, he webs it to the ground, but Venom quickly grabs Spider-Man's ankle and slams him down to the ground with such force that it creates a small crater. Spider-Man gasps for air as he says in a weak tone, "You really need to take anger management class."

Venom towers over Spider-Man, grabbing him by the neck as he licks his teeth with his elongated tongue. "Cya, Spider~" he rasps, opening his mouth wide to bite off Spider-Man's head. "Eddie," Spider-Man pleads, struggling to breathe.

Just as Venom is about to deliver the final blow, he is suddenly kicked in the face with such force that he drops Spider-Man and is sent flying back into a car. The familiar white-haired teen looks at the fallen Spider-Man and holds back his urge to geek out and ask for an autograph. "Rest up, I'll take it from here," Satoru says with a confident smile before turning his attention back to Venom.

Venom roars in anger as he gets up, ready to face his new opponent. Satoru starts lightly jumping, pumping himself up for the fight before rushing at Venom. Venom does the same, sprinting towards Satoru on all fours.

As the Symbiote and Jujutsu Exorcist close the distance between each other, Venom throws a fist at Satoru. Satoru grabs Venom's hand and jumps off his arm, raising his other leg up in the air and imitating an axe kick. With a powerful strike, Satoru lands the kick onto Venom's head, causing him to crash onto the concrete floor.

Venom gets up, enraged at the audacity of this new opponent. However, before he can even launch an attack, Satoru reacts faster than Venom can even comprehend. Remembering how he used his Curse Energy against Sukuna, Satoru extends his hand towards Venom and sends him flying back with a powerful blast of energy.

Venom is shocked and confused at what just happened, growling in frustration as he tries to break free from Satoru's hold. But Satoru is too strong, and Venom crashes into a nearby building with a loud crash.

Satoru sighs in relief, assuming that Venom is out of commission. He turns to where he saw Spider-Man, who is watching the whole scene unfold with a confused expression. Satoru can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the fact that Spider-Man saw him take down Venom so easily.

However, his satisfaction is short-lived as he hears growling behind him. Satoru turns to see Venom reaching out to grab him, and he panics. Venom is inches away from grabbing him when suddenly, he halts in place. Both Venom and Satoru are shocked, and it takes a moment for Satoru to realize what happened.

He remembers that he has Infinity, and he smiles as he grabs Venom and slams him onto the concrete ground, creating a small crater. Satoru follows up by amplifying his fist with Curse Energy and punching Venom's face with all his might. Venom's head recoils from the blow, leaving him feeling dazed.

Satoru towers over Venom with a confident smile, marveling at his newfound power. Venom looks up at Satoru, a thought forming in his mind. He wonders what it would be like to have Satoru as a host, but with Spider-Man here, he knows it's going to be a challenge.

Instead, Venom's body erupts into a multitude of tendrils in every direction. The tendrils try to make contact with Satoru, but they stop in place, unable to touch him. Venom uses the distraction to dig under the crater and escape from Satoru and Spider-Man.

Satoru curses under his breath, frustrated that Venom got away.

With a weary sigh, Sukuna materialized beside Satoru, carrying the last two individuals and gently placing them on the ground. "Thank you," they expressed their gratitude before departing. Sukuna then turned to Satoru, inquiring, "How did it go?" A broad smile spread across Satoru's face as he replied, "It was fantastic! This adrenaline rush I'm feeling is insane, dude." Sukuna merely shrugged, and as he did so, Spider-Man descended from above.

"Thanks, I kinda needed the help," Spider-Man admitted, flashing a grin behind his mask. "Thanks, Pet- Uhh, I mean, Spider-Man," Satoru stammered, earning a puzzled look from the web-slinger. "I didn't get you guys' names, by the way," Spider-Man inquired, but before Satoru could respond, Sukuna interjected, "Don't worry about it. But if we meet again, you'll know." With that, Sukuna leaped onto a nearby building and disappeared from sight. "Sorry for him," Satoru apologized before following Sukuna, watching as he jumped from building to building until they stood in front of an abandoned hospital.

Sukuna began to walk towards the doors of the ominous building. "Dachi, that's a classic horror movie trope. What are you doing?" Satoru asked, hesitant to approach the foreboding structure. "I'm going in," Sukuna replied nonchalantly as he pushed open the door. "Dachi, don't leave me," Satoru pleaded, mustering the courage to follow Sukuna as they entered the hospital. The building was filled with eerie creaks and groans, causing both of them to shudder.

"Fuck that," Sukuna and Satoru exclaimed in unison. "Derubin use blue," Sukuna commanded, and Satoru complied instantly, moving from behind Sukuna. He raised his hand, chanting, "Curse technique blue." A brilliant blue light formed in his hand, which he hurled upwards, creating a large hole in the building. The impact also caused a mysterious figure to materialize.

They stared in awe as the shape of a curse took form. It was a young girl, possibly around 13 years old, wearing a pseudo crown with a veil covering her face. She had long, white hair that cascaded down her back. Satoru was the first to break the silence, whistling and asking, "Yo, lil ma, you good?" The girl had been staring down at herself, but his question caught her attention.

"I... don't know," she replied, her voice soft and broken. "Fuck you mean you don't know?" Satoru exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief. Sukuna merely glanced at him before turning back to the girl. "Shut up," he said nonchalantly. Satoru glanced at Sukuna before looking back at the girl, who seemed on the verge of tears.

"I... don't know," she repeated, her voice trembling. "Are you gonna cry? Wait, no, please don't cry. I'm sorry," Satoru said, stepping closer to the strange girl and extending his hands to show he meant no harm. "Wait," Sukuna warned, stopping him in his tracks. "She's crying. What do you mean?" Satoru asked, just as the building began to shake, and cursed energy built up around her.

"All I remember is pain. All I feel is pain. Why won't it stop?" she asked, her voice filled with anguish. Satoru tried to get closer, but space seemed to rip apart, and a mirror appeared in front of him. A massive storm of light emerged from it, and hundreds of beams of light shot forth, stopping him in his tracks.

"Tag out," Sukuna said, stepping forward. "What the fuck?" Satoru exclaimed as he backed up, slapping Sukuna's outstretched hand. Sukuna approached the girl, who asked, "Why? Did they hurt us?"

The ground shattered, knives emerging from the fractures as the entire hospital shifted, and a hellish figure stalked around them. A massive wave of fear washed over them. "Because all you can feel is negativity," Sukuna explained, his eyes narrowing. "Hmm, this fear," he murmured to himself, "it's infused with cursed energy." As he spoke, teddy bears emerged from the darkness, rushing towards Sukuna.

Sukuna observed the teddy bears as they bared their fangs and lunged towards him. With agility, Sukuna dodged their attacks, jumping and flipping through the air. As they leaped at him, he flicked his finger, causing the ground to crack beneath them. The teddy bears instantly crumbled to pieces, but a doll's hand emerged from the ground, attempting to seize Sukuna mid-air.

With quick reflexes, he extended his arm, using the hand to push himself off and land safely on the ground. He didn't look back, instead continuing his walk as the hand behind him burst into pieces. The girl stared at him, her eyes filled with curiosity. As she did, all four of Sukuna's eyes opened, and he turned to face her.

"Can you make it stop hurting?" she asked, her voice trembling. Multiple mirrors appeared around Sukuna, each one displaying a different elemental effect - fire, water, earth, air, light, darkness, and even other sub-elements and substances. They all fired at Sukuna simultaneously, and he vanished from her sight.

From in-between the mirrors, Sukuna's voice echoed, "Yeah, I can. That's what I came here for." The girl turned around, and Sukuna stood before her, his hand reaching for her head. A mirror appeared to block him, but it shattered upon contact.

Sukuna knew that to gain a shikigami, it required a summoning ritual. However, as the King of Curses, he held some authority over curses. It wasn't just a cool title; it held power, and that's what he used to morph her into a pseudo shikigami.

"You'll make it stop?" she asked, glancing around. They were now in an all-white room, and Sukuna stood across from her. He smiled slightly and extended his hand towards her. "Yeah, just follow my lead," he said.

The girl smiled and took his hand. Back in the real world, a black portal appeared beneath them, seemingly swallowing her whole. When it did, the hospital returned to normal. "Alright, let's go," Sukuna said, turning towards the exit.

As Satoru and Sukuna exit the building, Satoru is still in a state of confusion. "What the fuck just happened?" he asks, trying to make sense of the events that just transpired.

Sukuna responds in an innocent but arrogant tone, "What do you mean?"

Satoru explains, "She went from being all psycho to suddenly being engulfed in a black portal without any resistance."

Sukuna simply replies, "Yeah and?" in a nonchalant tone, as he passes by Satoru and opens the door to exit the building. Satoru quickly follows behind, raising his voice in annoyance, "Dachi, just fucking tell me what happened!"

Sukuna responds casually, "You'll find out," as he shrugs. He then turns to face Satoru and asks, "You wanna teleport us?"

Satoru grits his teeth in frustration, muttering "Fucking riddler," but he quickly brushes it off and agrees to teleport them. He walks over to Sukuna and places his hand on his shoulder.

Seconds pass by, and suddenly they are teleported three times before arriving back in front of the X-Mansion. Satoru can't help but feel a sense of joy at the improvement in his teleportation skills. "I'm getting better," he says with a smile.

Sukuna simply shrugs and replies, "Good, I suppose." He then starts heading towards the X-Mansion, leaving Satoru to follow behind him.

As they walk, Satoru's joy falters slightly at Sukuna's lack of enthusiasm, but he pushes it aside. He knows that Sukuna isn't one to show much emotion, and he's grateful for his help nonetheless.

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