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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - New Faces, New Home

(This chapter has 2743 words)

As Romero and Derubin turned their attention towards the newcomers, they found themselves facing a group of five individuals, each with their own distinct appearance.

The first figure was a brown-haired and brown-eyed teenager, wearing a visor that obscured his eyes. He was dressed in a peculiar uniform that seemed to be a common theme among the group. The suit was almost entirely blue, with the outline of a yellow X emblazoned across the chest. A belt in the shape of an X was fastened around his waist, completing the ensemble.

Standing next to him was a shorter man, dressed in a similar blue and yellow uniform. However, his face was concealed behind a mask that only revealed his mouth and chin.

A young woman caught Romero's eye, her beauty undeniable. She had cherry red hair with grayish-white highlights, and her uniform was adorned with a brown leather jacket.

Another girl hovered above the ground, her darker skin complexion contrasting with the others in the group. She wore a white version of the uniform, complete with a flowing cape. Her short, white hair seemed to dance in the wind that swirled around her.

The final member of the group was a girl with the same color palette as the rest, her red hair standing out against the blue and yellow of her uniform. Like the others, she was floating above the ground.

"What are you doing?" the one at the front called out, his voice authoritative and commanding. The question caused both Romero and Derubin to fully turn their attention towards the group, their previous conflict momentarily forgotten.

Derubin, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of the group, instinctively hid behind Romero, crouching down slightly due to his taller stature. Romero tilted his head in annoyance and confusion, turning to look at Derubin. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he asked casually, his tone calm and composed.

"Too many's uncomfortable," Derubin replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "New body doesn't mean I ain't still an introvert."

Romero, still unimpressed by the group's arrival, turned his attention back to them. "Why are you in our business?" he asked, his tone impassive.

The visor-wearing guy stepped forward, his posture confident and assertive. "It's our business because you're fighting in our yard," he replied, his voice firm and unyielding.

Romero's expression darkened, his tone of voice slightly annoyed as he crossed his arms and stared at the group, mainly focusing on the red head with a white streak. "That's crazy. Didn't ask," he retorted.

From behind Romero, Derubin spoke up, his voice barely audible. "つまり,あなたはちょっとした," he muttered, causing Romero to quickly respond, "つまり,あなたはちょっとした."

The four figures tilted their heads in confusion at the sudden change in language, unsure of what was being said. However, one of them, the short one with the mask and pointed ears, spoke up. "あなたは日本から来た?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

Romero raised an eyebrow as he took in the appearance of the group before him. They did look like the X-Men, and the mask wearing guy bore a striking resemblance to Logan. With this new information, it was becoming more likely that these individuals were the actual X-Men.

"はい,私たちはいます.私と私の友人がどうやってここに来たのかは分かりませんが,私たちはいます." (Translation: Yes, we are, I don't know how me and my friend got here, but we are.) Romero said casually, his tone unbothered by the situation. The other four members of the group looked at the shorter man, waiting for a translation.

The brown-haired teenager spoke up, turning to the shorter man. "What did he say?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

The shorter man sighed, running a hand over his masked face before responding. "He said that he and his friend don't know how they got here, but they are here," he explained, his tone even.

"Then why were they fighting?" the brown-haired teen asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at Romero and Derubin.

Romero shrugged nonchalantly, his arms still crossed over his chest. "I needed my get back," he said casually, his tone unapologetic.

The group of five exchanged confused glances before the Romero spoke up again. "Don't worry about it, we're lost," he said with a shrug, dismissing the matter.

Before anyone could respond, a man in a suit rolled over to them in his wheelchair. He was a bald old man, his expression stern as he took in the destruction around them. "I would be happy to help, though," he said, his voice kind despite his stern appearance.

The old man glanced at the destroyed forest, a look of sadness passing over his face. "I liked that forest," he said with a slight frown, causing Derubin to sigh.

"That was all him, I don't even know how to control my powers," Derubin admitted without shame, his tone matter-of-fact.

Romero scoffed, his arms still crossed over his chest. "Right, like I knew I had the ability to make a fake black hole," he retorted, his tone sarcastic.

Derubin merely smiled shamelessly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "I know, right? Who knew you had so much destructive capability?" he said, his tone teasing.

"Alright, that's enough," Charles Xavier interjected, his tone calm and authoritative. "There's no need to get worked up. My name is Charles Xavier, and it seems that you both don't know how to control your powers very well. Fortunately for you, we have a school just for gifted youngsters like yourselves. Would you like for us to teach you?" he asked, his eyes kind and inviting.

Romero glanced over at Derubin before responding casually, "Alright, sure."

Derubin also replied to Xavier, his tone barely audible but still loud enough for the older man to hear. "Sure," he muttered, sounding slightly hesitant.

Xavier chuckled slightly, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Good, then shall we?" he said, motioning for them to follow him as his wheelchair turned and started heading towards the X-Mansion. The group of five followed closely behind, with Romero and Derubin bringing up the rear.

"So, what are your names?" Charles asked, glancing back towards Romero and Derubin as they walked behind him.

"Sukuna," Romero responded, his tone casual and uninterested.

"Gojo Satoru," Derubin said, hearing Romero's response and following suit.

"Nice to meet you, Sukuna and Gojo," Charles stated, his tone warm and welcoming.

The short man with the mask spoke up, his voice muffled by the fabric. "Is that your last name or your first name?" he asked, directing the question towards Gojo.

"Uhhh," Gojo responded, his voice trailing off as he tried to formulate a response. Before he could finish, Sukuna cut him off.

"Gojo is his last name, his first name is Satoru. We know how the U.S. names go," Sukuna said nonchalantly, his tone laced with a hint of annoyance.

Logan scoffed, his eyes narrowing slightly at Sukuna's tone. "Right," he muttered, his voice low.

Just as Logan finished speaking, the massive X-Mansion came into view. "Big," Sukuna said, his voice filled with awe as he stared at the imposing structure, The group continued towards the mansion.

"Pause," Gojo says, attempting to whisper quietly.

Sukuna rolls his eyes, still sounding annoyed. "That's not what I meant," he replies, his tone laced with irritation.

Charles stops and turns around to face them, a warm smile on his face. "Welcome, to Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters," he announces proudly.

Sukuna snorts derisively. "He's not gifted, he's retarded. He's lost an extra chromosome or something," he mutters, his voice dripping with disdain.

Before he can finish his sentence, Gojo's fist connects with his spine, causing him to yelp in pain. "Why the fuck did you do that!" Sukuna yells, clutching his back as if it's on fire.

Charles' voice cuts through the tension, his tone firm but gentle. "Boys. Enough, please."

Sukuna ignores the pain and glares at Gojo. "Right, boy. Follow," he says, his voice low and dangerous as he starts to walk away. But before he can take another step, Gojo grabs him by the shoulder and pulls him back.

"Since you wanna be a dick, I need a napkin," Gojo says, his voice calm but firm. He puts both hands on Sukuna's white gi and rips it off, using it as a blindfold to cover his eyes and limit the vision of his six eyes.

Sukuna pauses for a moment, taken aback by the sheer audacity of Gojo's actions. "I'm about to beat the fuck out of you," he says, his voice calm but clearly angered. "Run me yo shirt."

Xavier's patience wears thin, and he raises his voice. "Enough!" he shouts, using his telepathy to temporarily prevent them from moving.

"I ain't even do nothing," Sukuna protests, his voice laced with indignation.

"Nothing? You insulted me!" Gojo yells, his voice filled with anger.

"Allegedly," Sukuna retorts, his tone calm and collected.

Gojo tries to move his body to backhand Sukuna, but he's unable to. After a moment, he stops struggling and takes a deep breath. "Sorry, we'll both stop and listen from now on," he says, his voice contrite.

"Fine," Sukuna says, his tone impassive.

Charles nods, satisfied. "Good, then please stop fighting and follow me," he says, his tone gentle but firm. He lets them go, allowing them to move once again as he signals for the five figures to follow him. He turns his wheelchair and continues his way towards the X-mansion.

As Sukuna and Gojo followed Charles into the expansive Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, they couldn't help but stare in awe at the grandeur of the building. The walls were adorned with portraits of former students and teachers, and the floors were polished to a mirror-like sheen.

As they walked, the once floating redhead turned to them and asked, "So, why don't you tell us about yourselves?"

Before Gojo could respond, Sukuna spoke up, "Why don't you tell us your name first? It's rude to not introduce yourself before starting a conversation, where we come from." Sukuna's tone was casual, but Gojo knew he was capping. He shot Sukuna a glance, but Sukuna ignored him.

The redhead blushed slightly, "Right, sorry. I'm Jean Grey, but my hero name is Marvel Girl." She gestured to herself before the other redhead spoke up, a smile on her lips. "You can call me Rogue, but if you want to know my real name, it's Anna Marie."

The dark-skinned beauty also introduced herself, "I'm Ororo Munroe, and my hero name is Storm."

Sukuna nodded, taking in their names and hero titles. "So, what do you want to know?" he asked, his tone nonchalant.

Jean Grey spoke up, "Well, what are your mutant abilities? Sukuna, you have tattoos, do they have something to do with it? And what about you, Satoru? Your eyes are pretty, and you're covering them. Do they have to do with your ability?"

Everyone was interested in their responses, and Sukuna could feel their eyes on him. Gojo simply said, "Yes and no," not elaborating any further, still hiding behind Sukuna. Sukuna ignored the students they walked by, who stared at them for different reasons. They stared at Gojo because he was handsome, and they stared at Sukuna because he looked menacing as hell.

Finally, they entered Charles' office and stopped, watching as he got behind his desk and smiled at them.

As Xavier gestured for Sukuna and Satoru to take a seat, Sukuna hesitantly sat down, his eyes darting around the room suspiciously. Satoru, on the other hand, remained standing in the spot where Sukuna had previously been.

Jean tilted her head and asked, "Satoru, why aren't you taking a seat?" Her tone was slightly confused as to why he stood there as if he was frozen in fear.

Satoru shifted his weight from one foot to the other, looking down at the ground shyly. "I don't do well with multiple people... I tend to get, well...nervous," he admitted quietly, not wanting to look anybody in the eye despite wearing a blindfold.

Xavier nodded understandingly, not wanting to push any further and make Satoru uncomfortable. He knew that in due time, Satoru would feel welcomed and at ease.

"Our school, Xavier's Institute, is a safe haven for mutants," Xavier began, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "It is a place where we teach mutants to control their abilities and provide an environment where we can all feel safe, welcomed, and loved. We're a family of sorts in that regard. We would like for you both to join us, so we can teach you how to better use your gifts. You're free to decline if you wish; we're not forcing you."

Sukuna shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Sure, I'll join."

Xavier then turned his attention to Satoru, who was still standing nervously. "And how about you, Satoru?" he asked, his tone gentle and encouraging.

Satoru hesitated for a moment before nodding his head up and down nervously.

"Wonderful!" Xavier exclaimed, a broad smile spreading across his face. "Then it's a pleasure to have you join us. Can you tell us about how you first discovered your abilities or if you have a grasp on what it might be?"

Sukuna spoke up, his tone casual as ever. "Yeah, I know what my abilities are, and I've had them since birth. He, on the other hand, is still trying to learn how to use his," he said, gesturing towards Satoru.

"I see," Xavier said with a nod, welcoming the two new students to the school. He then turned to the man with the mask and the man with the visor, asking, "Do you mind taking them to an open dorm, Logan and Scott?" The shorter man sighed, while the man with the visor nodded in agreement.

"Come on, bub," the short man said, gesturing for Sukuna and Gojo to follow him. Sukuna stood up, and as he walked by the frozen Gojo, he dragged him along. "So, which one of you is Logan and which one of you is Scott?" Sukuna asked casually, glancing between the two men.

"I'm Logan, bub, but you can call me Wolverine," the short man now dubbed Logan replied. Sukuna gestured to the other man, "So that makes you Scott."

Scott scoffed, clearly annoyed by Sukuna's demeanor. "Wow, you're a genius," he said sarcastically, his tone dripping with disdain.

Sukuna's smirk grew wider as he responded, "Yes, I am. I suppose I stand above idiots such as yourself." His tone was mocking, and he continued to drag Gojo along as they followed Logan and Scott down the hall.

The halls of the Xavier Institute were bustling with activity, with students and teachers alike moving about. Sukuna took in the sights and sounds with a keen interest, his eyes scanning the area for anything of note.

As they approached the dorms, Scott gestured to one of the rooms with an annoyed expression on his face. "Asshole, this is yours," he said, his tone laced with irritation. Sukuna smirked and replied, "Aight, lil bro," his tone amused as he walked past Scott and entered the room, closing the door behind him.

Logan, on the other hand, gestured to the room across from Sukuna's. "Hey bub, this one's yours," he said, directing his words towards Gojo. Gojo hesitated for a moment before slowly walking towards the room. He quietly said, "Thanks," without turning his head, and closed the door behind him. Once inside, he let out a heavy sigh and leaned against the door, feeling overwhelmed by the events of the day.

The dorm rooms were small but cozy, with a single bed, a desk, and a small closet. Gojo took a deep breath and looked around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. He had never been away from home before, and the thought of being in a new place with new people made him feel both excited and nervous.

Meanwhile, Sukuna was already making himself comfortable in his room, lying on the bed with his hands behind his head. He smirked to himself, thinking about how easy it was to get under Scott's skin. He had always enjoyed pushing people's buttons and seeing how they reacted.

As they settled into their new living quarters, both Sukuna and Gojo knew that they had a lot to learn about their cursed abilities and the world of marvelous possibilities. But for now, they were content to rest and recharge before facing whatever challenges lay ahead.


(A/N: Co writer:

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