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Robert raised an eyebrow and smiled ironically, hoping the general would reveal that it was all a joke.

However, the silence that followed the old soldier's words was dense, almost palpable. Though his thoughts were racing, Robert didn't seem affected, maintaining a relaxed expression.

He simply didn't know what to say at this moment. This was the first time the young man had no words to respond to the old general.

General Kim, aware of the potential impact of his words, kept his gaze fixed on Robert, waiting for his reaction. Robert, for his part, was internally debating between disbelief and the need to laugh at this moment.

"Sorry, I was wrong, you're not drunk, I think you're high" – he finally let out a short laugh, trying to gauge the mood of the veteran soldier.

But seeing the general's seriousness, he realized there was no room for jokes.

"It's not a joke, is it?" – Robert asked.

"Do you think I have time for that?" – General Kim replied seriously.

"Damn, this... first, explain to me correctly what you want, old man, you're leaving me speechless"

General Kim, seeing Robert's ironic reaction, let out a slight smile, a rare show of humanity on his usually unperturbed face.

"Kid, stop saying stupid things" – with a sigh, he leaned back informally in his leather chair, crossing his arms behind his head – "Let me tell you a story"

The contrast between his relaxed posture and the seriousness of the conversation they had just had was almost disconcerting. The general's voice dropped to a more conversational tone, almost as if he was about to share a secret.

Robert, intrigued by the general's change in attitude, settled into his chair, ready to listen.

"The civil situation in Seoul has always been chaotic. We don't know why, but now and then things get turned upside down by the presence of some individuals with special abilities, capable of achieving feats that normal people wouldn't believe possible. These individuals are true talents for fighting, prodigies who manage to take martial arts and human strength to levels impossible to reach for the humans around them"

The general looked out his window, through the glass, at the clear spring sky while his mind recalled things from the past.

"These fighters, driven by various motives, began to confront each other with the sole objective of defeating their adversary, annihilating them, and positioning themselves at the top. They formed gangs or got directly involved with existing mafias to achieve their goals"

The old general's eyes, which had always shown great confidence and serenity, now seemed restless, and indecisive.

"In these matters, the government doesn't get directly involved, but we always make our presence known so they know we are always watching them, that they won't get out of control, and that we won't interfere in their disputes as long as they are willing to cooperate. You might think we are scum, but those conflicts between gangs and mafias move money, and due to the crises of the nineties, we had to turn a blind eye while we restored the economy"

Now all of Robert's attention was focused on the general's words. He wasn't a moralist, he wouldn't be offended by hearing these words. It was something he had learned from his previous life.

Money moves in greater quantities through illegal businesses, whatever the type. That's why governments have always had an eye on them, always taking their share regardless of the origin. Money and corruption have always been associated with governmental figures.

"For decades, these fighters always knew when to stop, when to pause. They knew that, no matter how much they liked to fight, the civilian population always had to be respected. That always held with my predecessors... until almost twenty-five years ago"

General Kim slowly got up from his chair and walked to a corner of the office where there was an elegant, well-stocked minibar. Unhurriedly, the general took a heavy crystal glass and a bottle of aged whiskey.

The golden liquid reflected the room's dim light as he poured it with precision into the glass, filling it to just below the rim. He turned to Robert, holding the glass in one hand and raising it slightly in an almost ceremonial gesture.

"Sometimes, a good drink helps put things in perspective, Robert" - he said with a smile, his voice relaxed and almost friendly. He took a sip, savoring the whiskey before continuing - "It also helps difficult words to come out"

Robert watched the general, noting the contrast between his relaxed posture and the intensity of his words.

"Twenty-five years ago, the mafias controlled the streets, and the police, and government institutions were completely overwhelmed and corrupt. The then groups of fighters, who called themselves the 'zero generation,' had fought a fierce battle among themselves. The Korean, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese mafias were engaged in a relentless war, causing damage that began to escalate to a scandalous level. The civilian population started to be affected"

Robert was paying close attention to the general's words. From his previous research when he arrived in the country, one of the things he focused on was the history. He wanted to know if everything that happened in the world was the same as he remembered from his previous life.

Everything was almost the same, including the economic and social crisis that South Korea experienced in the nineties, the period the general was mentioning.

The thing is, unlike the journalistic articles and historical reports he found online, nothing as scandalous as what General Kim was describing was mentioned.

Was the old man exaggerating?

Robert didn't think so. Most likely, everything the general was saying had been covered up by the government at the time, trying to hide everything that happened with the fights between gangs and mafias.

Now the young man was genuinely intrigued, completely. He wanted to know more.

"As a government, we tried to control the situation by giving them an ultimatum. We told them that if they didn't control themselves, we would be forced to get involved in that conflict, and that wouldn't be beneficial for them. They didn't listen"

The general took another sip, which seemed to taste bitter to him.

"We made a deal with a special person. We gave them the difficult task of eliminating most of those involved in those fights"

The office fell into a tense silence.

"Hundreds of gang members, mafiosos, and fighters died in a few days" - the general smiled ironically.

Robert didn't say anything, not because he felt offended or disappointed by this confession, but because he was processing the harshness of the revelation.

One thing was killing some mafiosos indirectly, as was the case in Dayun's kidnapping, where the general used the excuse of the kidnapping to get rid of those people.

However, getting directly involved and killing not just hundreds of people, but the majority of the prodigious fighters of the so-called zero generation must have been something extremely complicated.

Complicated to plan the murder of hundreds of people in just a few days. The titanic task of hiding such a large number of corpses, and the massive deployment of governmental media power to cover up the loss of so many people overnight… was truly something serious.

"Wow, that is quite a story. I didn't think you'd get your hands dirty by getting involved in that unfortunate historical episode," Robert sighed. "But what does that have to do with what you're asking me now?"

The general smiled, set the glass aside, and returned to his seat.

"Ah… well. It turns out that one of the survivors from that time, from the zero generation, is the one pulling the strings and controlling everything from the shadows. He's the one who created the so-called 'Four Major Crews' to amass enough economic power to enter the orbit of renowned companies both nationally and internationally, wanting to gain as much power as possible at the expense of civilian suffering"

"That sounds way too cliché" - Robert murmured sarcastically - "So, do you want me to take care of this guy?"

"Hahaha!" – the general burst out laughing at the young man's words – "I think you're thinking too highly of yourself, kid. You're strong, and your evolution is very rapid, but if you were to face that guy right now, you'd die. Even his subordinates could kill you."

The general's words set off alarms in the young man's mind.

Even though the old soldier was underestimating him, it wasn't to insult him.

The general knew about Robert's current strength, knew about his physical constitution, and how he handled those kidnappers at the Incheon port, so he had a reasonably accurate knowledge of his position compared to the strongest people in this world.

That's why those words put him on alert. If what the old man said was true, his current level wouldn't be enough to face the survivor of the zero generation!

What kind of monster was this guy?

"Then why don't you send the assassin who took care of the rest of the fighters twenty-five years ago?" – Robert said in a calm voice, trying to keep the conversation going.

I knew that this guy, whoever he was, had to be someone extremely powerful, a true expert in the art of assassination. He had to be someone of worldwide renown because not just anyone could handle such a job.

He was even sure that, even at his best, he might not have been able to do a job of such magnitude.

The general grimaced at Robert's words – "Well, that's complicated."

"Complicated? Don't tell me you didn't pay him" - Robert asked - "or worse, you broke the contract agreements, right?"

"You know a lot about this for just a hotheaded kid" - the general smiled bitterly - "Rather, it was that we couldn't fulfill the contract terms on time. If I call that woman, she'll probably cut my head off."

"A woman? The assassin you hired years ago is a woman?" - Robert was genuinely surprised to hear this.

He wasn't an idiot who underestimated women, as some of them could be equal to or better than their male counterparts in the art of assassination. He had learned that very painfully in his other life.

The young man's surprise was due to the brutal conditions of this job, and the fact that it was a woman only meant she had to be a kind of demon in terms of her deadly skills.

"Surely you didn't expect that, did you? But yes, it's a woman, and you even know her. She's the woman who controls Sunshine Corp"

Upon hearing these words, Robert's brain got stuck.

What had the old man just said?

Anna Jin was the super assassin they had hired to take out those guys?

"Wait, wait, what did you say, old man?" - Robert thought he had heard wrong - "Are you saying that Anna Jin is the assassin who dealt with those fighters?"

"Yes, her" - the general sighed, but he noticed the expression Robert made. Although it was something that passed in an instant, the old soldier caught it.

The young man's brow furrowed. For the first time since he entered the office, a different emotion than sarcasm or irony showed on his face.

"And... what did you do to her that she wants to kill you?"

Outwardly, he continued the conversation, not wanting the general to keep quiet about what he knew. But inside, he was giving a mental order.

'System, show me the stored stats for Anna Jin!'

Ding, ding, ding

[Anna Jin - Human (Exp)]

[Age: 48 years MP: 70 HP: 70]

[STR: 90 AGI: 80 VIT: 100 INT: 50 PERC: 50]

Robert analyzed the stats carefully, to see if there was a mistake in analyzing the numbers. But the numbers he was seeing now were the same numbers he saw when he first met her.

This didn't make sense at all. The woman's stats were even lower than his current stats.

By logic, he should be strong enough to do what she had done. However, based on the general's words, he was far below them.

"Well, that's a bit more complicated to explain, it has to do with the woman's past, her origins, something that would involve more unbelievable secrets" - the general responded with an ironic smile.

"More unbelievable than my condition? Come on, old man, I don't think it's something as different as coming from another dimension, is it?" - Robert replied.

The general looked at the young man in front of him with evaluating eyes.

Maybe Robert tried to hide it well, but the old soldier had noticed the change in his face. The last time General Kim saw that it was when he was told the truth about his identity and his parents.

'Seems like he's more interested in Anna Jin's past' - thought the general.

"Haha… I think you're right, your situation is something no one would believe - " the soldier leaned back casually in his chair. "Well, the matter is-"

Ring, ring ring

Just when the old man was about to explain, the phone rang.

"Excuse me" - General Kim answered the call.

Robert just nodded with a smile and took out his phone to check something. However, his mind was focused on something else.

'System, is there a problem with the stat classification?' - Robert asked mentally.

[Informed the host, the classification has no error; it is based on the aura and energy that each individual shows at the time of evaluation]

'Then why does the old man claim that those fighters and their minions are stronger than me, and even that Anna Jin herself is stronger than them?'

[As I repeat, the statistics shown are those that individuals display at the time of evaluation. This applies to normal people and to certain types of fighters who do not surpass a certain level.]

[For those who can break their limiters, who can have an internal energy explosion that boosts their stats, their base energy will be shown, and when they elevate their energy, the estimate of their maximum potential will be displayed. These individuals are marked with an "Exp" to be recognized]

[That's why the stats you're seeing for Anna Jin are her basic level because at that moment she wasn't showing her full potential]

'Damn… Why didn't you tell me this before? What would have happened if I faced someone of that level without knowing it?'

[First, you weren't informed because the host never asked what the term "Exp" next to Anna Jin's stats meant. You haven't even asked about your maximum capabilities.]

[Second, when someone of that caliber unleashes their limiters to face you, the maximum released potential would be shown for you to know. Remember that only the stats of the energy shown at the time of analysis are recorded.]

[Third, if the host is concerned about beings of that caliber targeting you from the start, the system would have acted to save you, ensuring your life, just as it did when the 'Vitality Absorption' ability activated when you faced supernatural beings three months ago.]


Robert didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this moment!

He wanted to bang his head against the desk!

"I understand, goodbye"

Suddenly, the general hung up the phone, ending his conversation, and snapping Robert out of his thoughts.

"That was a long phone call, huh… you made me wait to continue with that woman's story"

The young man put away his phone and spoke in his usual tone, with a relaxed face, but deep down, he was cursing himself.

General Kim remained silent as he weighed whether to continue and tell Robert everything related to that woman.

There was something about her that interested the kid in front of him, or at least he seemed to have a greater interest in Anna Jin than in the mission he was being asked to undertake.

Could it be that this kid had found out something about that woman's past?

"First, I want you to accept the mission I'm entrusting to you. There's no point in telling you more if you'll reject me in the end, remember that-"

"Alright, I get it, I accept. I'll get into this gang game, happy now?" - Robert responded nonchalantly before General Kim could finish speaking.

The room fell into complete silence once again.

The general looked at Robert seriously. It was true that the boy had exchanged some words with that woman when he went to the café she used as a front, which had surprised the old military man.

However, after those few encounters, Robert didn't meet with her again, and the little information he asked for was about the Sunshine Group's relationship with some local gangsters, nothing more.

It seemed that Robert had no idea about Anna Jin's identity and was only interested in knowing more about her.

Knock, knock, knock

The sound of knocks on the door came from outside, interrupting the general's thoughts.

"Tch, kid, sometimes I don't understand how you think" - the old military man sighed - "Alright, we'll discuss that woman's past, but first, we need to test some things and talk about the logistics necessary to fulfill your mission"

"Come in"

Robert was a bit frustrated by this, as he wanted to know more about Anna Jin. However, the old general had noticed his curiosity. The door opened and a man entered.

He was tall, quite tall for the average Korean. Additionally, he was very muscular, but his body didn't match the smiling face of a middle-aged man who wore glasses.

But what stood out the most was his clothing, which was military, at least the pants.

However, his white t-shirt had a picture of a girl over a heart in the background, and a phrase that read 'Dad loves Dabin.'

"Oh, oh, it's good to see you again, General Kim" - the newcomer smiled and greeted.

"Glad you made it on time" - the general stood up and went to shake his hand - "Robert, come and greet Colonel Park Jincheol, retired. He will be your instructor from now on"

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