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80.39% Stranger Things: Journey into the Twisted Mind / Chapter 40: The Experience of Traveling Between Dimensions

Chapter 40: The Experience of Traveling Between Dimensions

"Miss, with all due respect, I don't believe the solution to our situation is to trust a complete stranger. We are not sure if he will successfully complete the mission he's about to undertake. I recommend considering it a bit longer."

Rossi looked at the scientist next to her and asked, "How much longer should we consider it?"


"We've already lost enough time debating who to send and when to send them. You don't know superhumans like I do. According to the data, we understand that Jonathan controls one hundred percent of his brain, and that's hundreds of thousands of data points constantly moving from one place to another."

Rossi paused, looked at the screen showing Jonathan visualizing hundreds of different topics, and said, "A person capable of controlling 100% of their brain loses all interest in simple things and gains an obsession with participating in situations that would terrify any human."


Armament Room, Unknown Location

Jonathan was in a special room where he was fitted with a custom-made suit. "I want knives made of the best material available, pistols, long guns, gold bars, and the drugs Pat promised to enhance my abilities."


The experts began moving to bring him all the requested armor. The first items they brought were two curved machetes.

"I asked for two knives."

"These are better."

Jonathan took a machete much longer than his own arm and felt its impressive weight. 'I didn't think it would weigh so much; is this half a ton?'

"The extraordinary strength and weight of this machete are due to its composition of steel, carbon, and titanium. The carbon steel provides an incredibly hard and durable blade, capable of withstanding wear even in the harshest conditions. Additionally, titanium, known for its exceptional resistance to corrosion and its high strength-to-weight ratio, further reinforces the machete's structure, ensuring it can endure the extreme forces it will be subjected to during use. Moreover, it includes a material extracted from the moon that adds more weight to the blade."

Jonathan knew what he was up against, so he didn't complain about the armor he was given. "Types of weapons..."

"We have the best options, but I recommend the modified AK-47 assault rifle. Someone as strong as you can use it without any problem, so it would be ideal to take this equipment."

'They are giving me many weapons, which means they are sending me to a hostile dimension where I will have to fend for myself. Their previous agents must have died in combat, which means they are now choosing someone with telekinesis to withstand combat better.'

"I want some grenades, a mask for my face, and gold." Jonathan left with a special white and red suit over his previously selected clothes.

Once he received everything he asked for, it was all packed into a backpack, except for his knives, which were now sheathed on his back.

Walking slowly through the corridors, he arrived at a white room, saw Yina sitting at a table full of food, and upon entering, he said, "You should eat to recover; the impressions must have been overwhelming."

"Jon, it's you; you're okay." Yina ran to Jonathan and hugged him. The embrace lasted a few minutes before they let go.

Jonathan smiled, patted Yina's head, and said, "These people know nothing about your family; they don't know you, so you'll be sent home after you eat your meal."

"What about you?" Yina looked at Jonathan, who seemed much more serene.

"I promised them I would do a job for them to leave us alone. I don't know if I'll be able to return, Yina. I want you to keep that in mind."

Yina looked at Jonathan and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"They are sending me to a dangerous and very distant place. These people need me. Do you understand what that means?"

"They are using you..."

"No, they are not using me. When I return, you'll know who used whom, and you'll understand my purpose." Jonathan said, holding his friend's hand.

'I would be a burden if I went with him; I would serve no purpose other than a distraction,' Yina thought through her tears.

"Be smart, live your life, and if we meet again, then I'll tell you everything I've experienced during all that time." Jonathan handed her his old knife and murmured, "Use it if necessary; I'll come back when you need it."

"Okay..." Yina nodded, and as Jonathan walked away, she murmured, "I like you..."

"Did you say something?"

"Make sure you come back."

"Of course."


Outside the room, Jonathan smiled, looked at his reflection in one of the glass panels, and murmured, "You'll be much better off without me."

"It seems you're ready. I give you this."

Jonathan turned and saw Rossi holding a briefcase. "Inside are ten doses to grant abilities similar to yours. You'll need to form a team if you want to capture someone prepared to recognize us."

"That makes sense..."

Rossi watched Jonathan open the briefcase and said, "You have three doses to enhance and perfect the abilities. Use them wisely."

Jonathan took the briefcase, nodded, and headed to the site where he would be sent.

"Just put on the helmet. You have fifty hours of oxygen and supplies for three days. If you're smart, you can manage with this. Additionally, once in unknown terrain, trust no one and don't act hastily."

After receiving the instructions, Jonathan prepared and looked at the tunnel in front of him, filled with strange red things and a dark energy emanating from its interior.

"Do I just go through it?"

"That's all..."

'Easier than I expected. Now, I need to give them a warning.' Jonathan looked at Rossi, who was watching him, and quickly said, "Don't touch Yina. If I return and find out she was hurt, I'll kill all of you."

"We'll take care of your toy."

Jonathan didn't react to this; he looked at the tunnel and, before entering, drew his knives.

'He's very clever...' Rossi thought with a focused gaze.

"Well, see you, pieces of trash." Jonathan was excited, so he didn't wait any longer and took a step forward that sent him a hundred meters deep.

Before traversing a wormhole, it would be a surreal and hard-to-fully-imagine experience, as it is still a hypothetical theory in physics. However, right now, if Jonathan conceptualizes it, it could compare to a sensation of extreme disorientation combined with an intense distortion of time and space.

Imagine being immersed in a whirlwind of constantly changing colors and shapes where the known laws of physics seem to disappear. It would be like being dragged through a tunnel of energy that distorts the perception of time and reality while experiencing a sensation of weightlessness and disconnection from the outside world.

During the journey through the wormhole, Jonathan could feel a mix of excitement, anxiety, and awe as he watched everything slowly turn red.

"What the hell?" Jonathan, upon opening his eyes, found himself falling from a height of more than thirty thousand meters.

SrCuervo SrCuervo

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