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The Real Reason

Midway through Jonathan's speech, Yina realized he was helping her calm the nerves that were giving her away. Even though she could hear others' thoughts, it didn't mean she could always understand them fully.

"Let's calm down and listen to the director first," Detective Anderson said, cleaning up the spilled coffee.

Yina looked at the director and read his thoughts after removing her glasses to do it properly.

'Can the detective really determine if Jonathan has a mental disorder or not? Only professional psychologists can examine such cases, not detectives.'

Yina was even more surprised and thought, 'So that's why they're here! But why call me? The older man seems to be the detective.'

After pondering this, Yina read Detective Anderson's thoughts next. 'The suspect, Jonathan, I wonder if Nick Mawana's testimony is true. Personally, I believe Nick's testimony, but I can't be sure. How should I approach this child? Or should I interview the alleged witness first?'

'They know everything. Nick is alive and wasn't killed by Jon.'

'What should I do? If I could be sure Jonathan's words will hold, I'll definitely help him out of this mess.' Yina secretly looked at Jonathan, who kept talking about sex and abandoned rooms.

'This psychopath doesn't care at all!'

In the end, Yina couldn't conclude the best course of action regarding him.

Her normally dark days had brightened a bit with Jon's appearance. He had changed her life perspective and helped her see things differently.

"Director, is there an empty room we can use?" Detective Anderson asked.

They were taken to a room previously used by a club. Surprisingly, it was clean. After setting up a folding table in the center, the officers placed chairs on each side.

"This will do." Detective Anderson murmured before looking at the two kids. "I apologize for taking your time, but this is very important. I know you might be confused right now if you don't know anything, of course. I just need to ask you some questions, and then you can go."

"Okay, detective," Yina replied, a bit less nervous.

"But first, let me tell you what happened. Please, sit."

The director and two officers left the room, while Jonathan and Yina sat opposite the detective.

"Let me start with one of your classmates who is currently hospitalized." The old detective's eyes sharpened.

For him, the battle had already begun. He observed the kids' reactions, able to conclude details without needing their answers—expressions would reveal everything.

'If this surprises them, they might not have known. But if not, it means they did. Of course, this isn't solid proof.'

Hearing this, Yina frowned internally.

'I made a wrong move from the start.'

It was clear she didn't react much, or so she felt. But seeing Jonathan's reaction, she thought she was next to a person she didn't know.

It wasn't forced, but it wasn't something to ignore either.

'What an actor!'

"Is it Nick?" Jonathan asked, showing sympathy and concern.

Both the detective and Yina didn't expect him to be so direct from the beginning.

"Yes, do you know him?"

"Yes, I know a bit about him since I moved here." Jonathan lowered his head, showing a mental struggle. "So now that he's absent, it must be him."

'Not much information, but it didn't seem like a lie either.' Anderson nodded and said, "Yes, you're right. It's Nick Manawa. He was attacked a few days ago and is now being treated in a hospital."

"Attacked?" Jonathan frowned, confused.

"Yes, he was attacked." Anderson squinted. 'What is this? Earlier, Jonathan hadn't spoken. But now that we're on the topic, he's responsive. Still, it's too early to assume anything. Anyone would be full of questions in this situation.'

Yina heard this thought.

'So if Jon talks more, will he become suspicious? This old man is clever. But he could also be full of uncertain assumptions.'

"I didn't know that." Jonathan went silent again.

"I see… It happened recently, so it's natural that only the teachers and the director know." Anderson said this while analyzing Jonathan's gaze.

'Now that he knows we've spoken to the victim, he might get defensive. A typical suspect would try to say things that suit him. So let's test this.'

"Jonathan Hansen, right?"

Jonathan nodded, showing confusion.

"Nick said he was with you that day."

"That day? Do you mean the first day of classes, Monday, Detective?" Jonathan frowned.


'Now, what will you say?' The detective's eyes showed excitement.

"I was with him. He was following me for some strange reason."

"Hm? Why would he follow you? Don't friends usually walk home together?"

"No, we're not friends. He insisted I buy him lunch that day. He was persistent, so I thought he was hungry. I wanted to buy him something, but I'd spent all my money on game points, so after I refused, he stopped insisting."

'Hmm, he's defensive,' thought the old detective.

Yina, hearing the detective's thoughts, showed anticipation. 'Jon will get caught.'

'But he's defensive in another area. What he said aligns with what Nick Manawa said, except for the part where they separated.

"I see. How long have you known Nick?"

'If Nick had known Jonathan for a while, it would give the suspect a reason to commit that crime, aside from the mental disorder.'

'No, he has a mental disorder.' Yina knew Jonathan's superpower drove him crazy.

"Um, this is actually the first time we've become classmates. Like I said before, I just moved here because I used to live on a farm in a distant town."

"If so, why would he expect you to buy him lunch?"

Yina felt the tension between the old detective and Jonathan.

At that moment, Jonathan revealed a worried expression. Surprising both, he leaned into the detective's ear and whispered.

"I'm actually being bullied, but it's embarrassing to be heard by my friend." Jonathan then pulled away.

'What did he say? I didn't hear anything,' thought Yina, intrigued.

Meanwhile, the old detective was also a bit surprised.

'Is that a normal reaction? Would I do the same in his place?'

Yina heard this but was even more confused.

'Tell me what he said!'

The interrogation continued, but Jonathan evaded all questions.

"That's all. You can go now. I'll talk to Yina."

"No, I'll wait for her."

SrCuervo SrCuervo

Thank you for those power stones. You can read 20 advance chapters on my Patreon: SrCuervo

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The world of Stranger Things begins in chapter 40, the previous

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