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Chapter 7: its showtime

Asahi strolled into Kuoh Academy, a smirk playing on his lips. Tommy was safely hidden at home, but the confidence boost from his newfound powers was evident in his stride. As he passed groups of blissfully unaware students, he couldn't help but think, "If only they knew the world was crawling with devils and sacred gears. They'd probably freak out faster than a computer science major at a yoga retreat."

The hallways of Kuoh Academy bustled with activity as students rushed to their morning classes. Asahi navigated the crowd with ease, his mind already mapping out the day ahead. First period: Advanced Calculus. Second: Quantum Physics. Third: World History. It was a schedule that would make most students break out in a cold sweat, but for Asahi, it was just another Monday.

As he approached his locker, he spotted Rias Gremory and her entourage at the end of the hallway. Asahi steeled himself, arranging his features into a mask of casual indifference. "Showtime," he thought. "Let's see if I can fool the devil princess without breaking a sweat."

Rias caught sight of him and smiled warmly, waving him over. Asahi approached, his mind racing with witty responses and potential pitfalls to avoid.

"Good morning, Asahi," Rias greeted him, her voice smooth as silk. "I hope you're having a pleasant day so far."

"Morning, Rias," Asahi replied, his tone carefully neutral but with a hint of his usual humor. "It's been about as pleasant as a Monday can be. No spontaneous combustion or alien invasions yet, so I'd call that a win."

Rias chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement and... was that curiosity? "I'm glad to hear it. Say, would you like to join us for lunch today? We'd love to have you."

Asahi pretended to consider it, while internally thinking, "Sure, let me just waltz into the lion's den. Maybe I'll bring some steak sauce to make myself more appetizing." Out loud, he said, "Thanks for the offer, Rias, but I've got a date with some differential equations that I can't reschedule. Rain check?"

Rias looked disappointed but nodded. "Of course. The invitation stands whenever you're free."

As Asahi walked away, he could feel her gaze following him. He resisted the urge to look back, instead focusing on not tripping over his own feet while maintaining his cool facade.

The morning classes flew by in a blur of complex equations and scientific theories. In Advanced Calculus, Asahi breezed through a problem set that had most of the class scratching their heads. When the teacher, Mr. Tanaka, asked him to explain his solution to a particularly tricky integral, Asahi stepped up to the board with a grin.

"It's simple, really," he began, chalk in hand. "We just need to approach this like we're trying to sneak past a sleeping dragon. Quietly, carefully, and with a lot of clever maneuvering."

The class chuckled as Asahi proceeded to break down the problem step by step, peppered with witty analogies that made the complex math seem almost intuitive. By the time he finished, even Mr. Tanaka looked impressed.

"Excellent work, Asahi," the teacher praised. "Though I'm not sure how dragons relate to calculus."

Asahi shrugged, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, sir, both involve dealing with scary, incomprehensible beasts that breathe fire when provoked. The only difference is that dragons are easier to understand."

The class erupted in laughter, and even Mr. Tanaka cracked a smile. As Asahi returned to his seat, he caught sight of Akeno Himejima watching him with interest from the back of the room. He gave her a small nod, his mind already working on ways to deflect any potential questions about his sudden academic prowess.

Quantum Physics was next, and Asahi found himself thoroughly engaged in a discussion about Schrödinger's cat. As the teacher, Ms. Sato, explained the concept, Asahi couldn't help but draw parallels to his own situation.

"So, the cat is both alive and dead until we open the box and observe it," Ms. Sato concluded. "Any questions?"

Asahi raised his hand. "Yes, actually. If we apply this principle to, say, a person with hidden abilities, would they be considered both ordinary and extraordinary until someone 'opens the box' and discovers their true nature?"

Ms. Sato blinked, clearly caught off guard by the question. "That's... an interesting application of the concept, Asahi. In a way, yes, one could argue that a person's potential remains in a superposition of states until it's observed or realized."

Asahi nodded, satisfied. "So, theoretically, we're all potential superheroes until proven otherwise. Got it."

The class laughed, but Asahi noticed Sona Sitri, who was also in this class, watching him with a calculating gaze. He made a mental note to be more careful with his questions in the future.

World History rounded out the morning, and Asahi found himself fascinated by the lecture on ancient mythologies. As the teacher, Mr. Watanabe, discussed various pantheons and their impact on human civilization, Asahi couldn't help but wonder how much of it was actually true given what he now knew about the supernatural world.

When Mr. Watanabe mentioned the Norse god Loki and his children, including the great wolf Fenrir, Asahi had to stifle a laugh. If only they knew he had his own shadow version of Fenrir waiting at home.

As lunchtime rolled around, Asahi found a quiet spot in the school courtyard to eat and review his notes. He was halfway through a particularly tricky physics problem when a familiar voice interrupted his concentration.

"Yo, Asahi! Mind if I join you?"

Asahi looked up to see Issei Hyoudou, the school's notorious pervert, standing there with a grin on his face and a bento box in his hands.

"Sure, pull up some grass," Asahi replied, gesturing to the spot next to him. As Issei sat down, Asahi couldn't help but wonder if the guy had any idea about the supernatural world around them.

"Man, you won't believe what happened to me yesterday," Issei said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I got asked out on a date!"

Asahi raised an eyebrow, mildly interested but more focused on his equations. "Oh? Congratulations. Just remember, Issei, consent is key and no means no."

Issei laughed, playfully shoving Asahi's shoulder. "Come on, I'm not that bad! But seriously, any advice?"

Asahi glanced up from his notes, a wry smile on his face. "Issei, my friend, I'm probably the last person you should be asking for dating advice. Unless you want tips on how to discuss the finer points of quantum entanglement over dinner."

Issei's face fell slightly, but he quickly perked up again. "Well, at least tell me what you think. Should I take her to a movie? Or maybe a fancy restaurant?"

"How about you focus on being yourself and having a good time?" Asahi suggested, his attention already drifting back to his physics problem. "And maybe brush up on your conversation skills. There's more to life than oppai, you know."

As they finished their lunch, Asahi couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for his friend. But he pushed it aside, reminding himself that he had bigger problems to deal with. Like staying alive in a world of devils and fallen angels.

The rest of the school day passed in a blur of lectures and subtle observation. Asahi kept a keen eye on Rias, Sona, and their respective groups, noting their interactions and behaviors. By the time the final bell rang, his mind was buzzing with theories and plans.

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