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Chapter 2 - Meeting the first of my Wives


I followed Violet and Victor to a mansion that was huge.

As we approached a blonde woman in a maid outfit approached as she saw me and blushed, Natalia.

Natalia: Miss Violet, I see you brought guest.

Violet: Unfortunately I brought a spare with me, so annoying but could you invite them in?

Natalia: Yes, Miss Violet, you can enter.

Violet: Come on you two, you must have questions, right?

As we walked I saw the maid blush at me which I smirked at.

Violet: Heh, you two are controlling yourself very well despite being Newborn, I was thinking Victor would jump on and ravage me on this couch for all the servants to see, too bad.

Enri: Just wow.

Victor: Although I find that offer attractive, I'm not an exhibitionist, and we want answers.

Violet: Your honest, huh?

As they were busy talking I look around the room I see Natalia looking at me intensely as I smile to wave at her to get a blush from her.

I walked to her as my eyes turned red as I got closer to her.

Natalia: Thirsty?

Enri: Yes and those men tasted terrible but I wonder what you taste like?

Natalia: Care to find out?

Enri: Yes.

She lowered her shirt as I bit into her neck.

Natalia: Ah!~

I sucked her as I was getting turned the way she sounded.

Natalia: Ugh!~Ah~!

Natalia held on to my head.

Natalia: Ahhhh!~Darling~!

Enri: Marry me.

Natalia: Yes!~

Then a magic circle appeared under us shinning then I guess we're married.

Violet: What the hell!?

I stopped to wipe my mouth as I saw Violet done with Victor.

Enri: What?

Violet: What are you two doing!

Enri: We're married now so that's my wife, I'm just my wifely duties.

Violet eyes widen and Victor had a blank expression.

Enri: But also Natalia, my dear wife, I know you felt down there, so was the size acceptable for you?

Natalia blushed to smile.

Natalia: Yes it was, just go easy on me~

Enri: No promises~

I kissed her lips as to see Violet's mouth wide open as Natalia walked out of the room but to come back.

Natalia: Miss Violet, please dress appropriately, we have a visitor.

Violet growled at that so Victor got up from Violet's lap as I searched the entrance.

Victor: Vampires huh?

Enri: Two them.

Violet: You both have a useful skill, how far can you both see.

Victor: I don't know, I haven't check it.

Enri: Probably pass the front door but that's it and that's it.

Violet looks disappointed as Natalia pushed the wall gently as a wardrobe of clothes for men and women appeared.

Violet: Choose any outfit you two, Victor I always wanted to say that~

I walk up to the wardrobe.

Kaguya: Lord Victor and Miss Enri, please get dressed for the visitors who may be pigs, insects, or lesser beings but you both as Noble Vampires must always dress appropriately.

I take a black short dress.

Enri: Natalia honey, can you help me?

Natalia: Of course my love.

She help me get into the dress as I straightened it out as Natalia had a love face with a blush.

I saw Victor changed as well as I put on the earrings and necklace.

Enri: Damn, we make looking like vampires good.

We walked out with Violet attaching arm to Victors as I walked behind.

As we made it to our guest I see Natalia to the side as I stood behind Violet and Victor listening to the vampire Lucy talk.

He mentioned the Inquisition as him and Victor were going at it.

As they talk I get more things about the inquisition but I know who the traitors are to know who I have to kill.

As they stopped talking I see Dawn is up as I have class and so does Victor.

Enri: Victor, are heading to class?

Victor: Yes, we need to get ready but can you survive in the sunlight Enri.

Enri: Yes, I can also do this.

I made a fireball in my hand, then lightning, then water, then finally Ice.

Violet: How is that possible! You have the three strongest traits of the vampire clans.

Enri: Oh it's my trait, I can copy anyone's abilities I see or the person when I look at them.

Everyone's eyes widens.

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