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"Izuna, is it okay?"

When Madara heard that Izuna took the initiative to attack, he suddenly became worried. This was a mission with a certain chance of death.

"Don't worry, don't forget the new power we gained."

Izuna glanced at Madara.

The others looked at each other for a while, not paying too much attention to Izuna's "new power".

What should be more worrying now is the pursuit from Senju clan.

"Since Izuna has taken the initiative to ask for a fight, we should send elite troops to support him."

A top Uchiha jounin suggested.

Even Izuna has gone to war, so naturally he cannot be allowed to fight with the old, weak, sick and disabled. He must be handed over to his elite troops. Otherwise, regardless of whether Izuna is willing or not, Madara will have to be the first to stand up and kill people.

After some discussion, it was finally decided that Izuna would lead two troops with a total of about 140 people, composed of jounin and a small number of chuunin, to cut off the rear.

Madara and other high-level ninjas were mainly responsible for transferring the wounded and others back to their clans.


As soon as the discussion ended, a deafening explosion came from the outside world. Izuna and his party quickly walked out of the camp. Madara frowned and shouted: "What happened?"

An Uchiha intelligence ninja flashed in front of Madara using the teleportation technique, knelt down on one knee and responded: "Report, Senju kawaragi is leading nearly five hundred people to attack the entrance of our camp."

Senju kawaragi, a kage-level master in the Senju clan who is almost comparable to Senju Butsuma, is the uncle of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

Like Uchiha Ishiki, who is the deputy of Uchiha Tajima, he is the deputy leader of the Senju clan.

Now that Senju Butsuma is dead, he can be said to be the strongest person in the Senju clan.

Of course, this is also because the two brothers Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama have not reached their peak.

So in this era, his intimidation power is still higher than Senju Hashirama.

And they also led an exaggerated number of five hundred people. They were not here to pursue, but to annihilate, right?

"Izuna, your opponent is Senju kawaragi. I'm afraid you don't have enough people. Why don't you let me..."

Madara's hidden younger brother control attribute has taken hold. At this time, he is not yet the all-powerful Uchiha Madara in the future, and he is still wary of opponents with kage- level strength.

"The one who came to attack was Senju kawaragi?"

Izuna couldn't help but frown.

This made him feel very strange. He originally thought that the one who came to attack must be Senju Tobirama.

Because surprise battles have always been Senju Tobirama's specialty.

Suddenly, Izuna's expression changed and he asked Madara: "Brother, how is the situation on the Mountain Road?"

Mountain Road is a must-pass mountainous way road from here to the Uchiha clan.

"It will be guarded by the Uchiha warriors from the rear defense force."

Madara responded.

Izuna frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "Brother, the plan has changed. I will go to the Mountain Road immediately. You and others can hold Senju kawaragi back as much as possible."

"Izuna, what's going on?"

Not only Uchiha Madara, but other clan members also looked puzzled.

It doesn't make sense. Shouldn't we retreat now?

How did it become an offense?

"There's no time to explain. In short, the purpose is to hold them back, not to win. Also, don't use those eyes unless absolutely necessary. You must remember."

After saying that, Izuna disappeared from the spot using the teleportation technique, hurried towards the rear of the Mountain Road, and disappeared from Madara and the others' sight.

"Chief Madara, what should we do?"

A middle-aged jounin asked Madara for instructions.

Madara said without hesitation: "Do as Izuna wants. Anyone who is not injured will come with me to deal with Senju kawaragi!"

"This this..."

Many tribesmen still looked hesitant.

Because Izuna suddenly changed his plan and made some weird suggestions, people didn't know what he wanted to do.

Madara glared coldly at the hesitant tribesmen, "Do as I say!"

From the front line to Mountain road, it usually takes more than two days for jounin to travel non-stop.

After Izuan's systematic physical strengthening last night, his physical strength and endurance had improved by more than one level, and he reached his destination that night.

As soon as they reached the mountain road, they heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from ahead.

Izuna's pupils were slightly blurry, and indeed his guess was correct.

In the Uchiha camp in Mountain road, there are only more than thirty Uchiha people stationed here.

Because this place is indeed too close to Uchiha's clan, no accidents have happened here for hundreds of years, and no clan member can hit Uchiha's front tooth.

Even Senju clan.

Of course, Uchiha has never hit Senju's front teeth.

In the camp at this time, Uchiha Hirito, who was over fifty years old and was already considered a veteran with the peak jounin level, was facing off against a ninja wearing dark blue armor on the opposite side.

All around were fallen Uchiha ninjas. Some of them were seriously injured and unable to move, while others were already dead.

The ninja who faced off against the Uchiha was none other than the Second Hokage of the future Konoha Village, Senju Tobirama.

Uchiha Hirito gasped for air, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, "Ha...ha...ha...I was really careless. I didn't expect you to be able to dodge so many sensing ninjas and touch all the way here."

Senju Tobirama said in a cold tone: "You are too proud. Uchiha clan, just use my newly developed technique to destroy your clan's last retreat."

As soon as he finished speaking, Senju Tobirama disappeared from the spot, and flashed to the ground behind Uchiha Hirito. A special kunai engraved with runes was picked up, and he rushed towards Uchiha Hirito's back.

Flying Thunder God slash!

"Fire style: Dragon Flame Singing Technique!"

Just when Senju Tobirama was about to succeed, four flame dragon heads suddenly rushed towards him from above.

Senju Tobirama was caught off guard and quickly turned around to avoid the move.

The place where he originally stood has been burned into a ball of coke.

(End of the chapter)

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