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The translucent panel that came to his mind made Izuna feel surprised for two seconds.

Seeing the top paragraph, this golden finger called himself "player", which made Izuna unable to help but fall into memories.

He was originally playing the Naruto online game when he accidentally fell asleep on the keyboard. When he woke up, he found that he had come to this world.

Is this cheat related to the game I play?

Wind Escape-Press (acquired, B-level Wind Escape)

Wind Escape-Tornado Hurricane (A-level wind escape, required skill points 54)

Wind Escape Wind Killing Formation (A-level wind escape, required skill points: 50)

Wind Release-Rasengan (A-level Wind Release, required skill points 66)]

[Thunder Escape Earth Walk (Learned, C-Level Thunder Escape) →

Thunder Escape Earth Torrent (B-level Thunder Escape, required skill points 26)

Thunder Escape Grateful Wave (B-level Thunder Escape, required skill points 22)

Thunder Escape-Raging Thunder Tiger (Level B Thunder Escape, required skill points 26)]

Izuna was stunned when he heard this, and quickly checked and found that there was something similar to the skill tree in the game in his mind.

Each of the ninjutsu you have learned is marked with annotations at the back, Wind Release: Pressure (has been learned), Thunder Release: Earth Walk (has been learned), Fire Release: Fire Extinguishing (has been learned)...

Behind a learned ninjutsu, illusion, taijutsu and other skills, there will be a higher-level ninjutsu that has not been unlocked.

Just like in the game, it requires skill points to unlock.

During the Warring States Period, the number of ninjutsu was not like that of Konoha Village later, which was written into a full sealed book.

The ninjutsu possessed by each ninja clan has its relative limits.

The big clans like Uchiha, Senju, and Sarutobi naturally master more ninjutsu, but Uchiha actually only has S-level ninjutsu in his best fire style.

The other four attribute ninjutsu basically have no A-level ninjutsu.

Izuna suddenly thought of something important, opened the skill tree again, and clicked on the "Blood Succession Limit" column.

Sure enough, it was marked on it:

Sharingan (acquired) Mangekyō Sharingan (acquired) Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (unlocked, required skill points 300, required conditions: blood of loved ones)

Evolvable: Samsara Eye (not unlocked, required skill points?? Required conditions??)

"In this way, the disadvantages caused by the kaleidoscope can be eliminated, right?"

Seeing this scene,Izuna secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he and Madara Uchiha had just met,to be precise,frrom this body,one could still feel the deep love between the two brothers.

He also didn't want to have to fight to the death with Uchiha Madara over eye problems in the future.

Let's ignore the shortcomings of the Mangekyo Sharingan for now.

Izuna decided to settle those ninjutsu matters for the time being.

Although in addition to the fire escape that is common to all Uchiha clan members, he also possesses thunder and wind attributes.

Therefore, the skill trees of Water Escape and Earth Escape have always been in a dim and unawakened state.

Unless you awaken the samsara eye and acquire the seven attributes, it is impossible to awaken.

Although I really want the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the eye-catching required "300" skill points are compared to the pitiful "80" currently displayed in the lower right corner of the light screen.

Izuna had no choice but to give up. This 80 seemed to be the remaining points from playing games in his previous life...

If it were a peaceful time, he wouldn't mind slowly accumulating skill points.

But now we are at war, and the Senju Ninja's are coming to tear the them apart!

In the end, Izuna chose the A-level Wind Release Rasengan first.

This is currently the most cost-effective ninjutsu that can be unlocked.

Immediately, Izuna felt a warm current flowing through his body, and he had mastered a new ninjutsu that was not available in the entire Uchiha clan, even in this era.

After learning Wind Release and Rasengan, the skill tree immediately displays:

[Wind Release-Rasengan (acquired)→

Wind Release: Rasen Shuriken (unlocked, S-level Wind Release, required skill points 100, required conditions: Senjutsu Chakra (can be thrown)]

At this time, Izuna suddenly remembered that these ninjutsu can also be made into scrolls by himself, so that other Uchiha clan members can learn them, right?

For example, Uchiha Madara's chakra attributes seem to be fire, thunder, and water. It might be more appropriate to give him this thunder escape move than to himself.

But now we are in a stalemate with the Senju,or Uchiha is still at a disadvantage. Let's not talk about these things for the time being. We must first get rid of the Senju who may surprise at any time.

Izuna spent the night studying new ninjutsu and the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Early the next morning, in the main camp, more than ten senior Uchiha ninjas, including Izuna and Madara, gathered together.

"Today, we have to decide who will end the relationship."

A middle-aged ninja who was the same generation as Uchiha Tajima said in a deep voice.

"I think... the injured should be responsible. Now that our clan's strength has been severely depleted, the intact clan members should be protected."

"How could this be? Those people are all members of our clan who have risked their lives for our clan! Wouldn't it be like letting them die in vain?"

"What we have to consider now is the entire clan. We have no choice but to make such a sacrifice."

"Sacrifice is unavoidable, but it's really not possible... Maybe Izanagi can win back their life, but in that case..."

The opinions of high-level officials were divided into two groups. One group believed in sacrificing the wounded who were already injured and might not even be saved.

Let them fight to the death, even using the forbidden technique Izanagi to fend off the Senju.

Others believe that the elite troops should be allowed to retreat and evacuate the wounded as soon as possible.

The completely different opinions of the two groups made the atmosphere of the meeting tense for a while.

At this time, Izuna said: "If the wounded are allowed to risk their lives to break up the rear, and this matter is spread back, what will the next generation think of us?"

Everyone was silent after hearing this, and a middle-aged Uchiha ninja who was at the peak of Jonin level who advocated this was unwilling to do so: "But if the elite backbone is sacrificed, the situation of our Uchiha will be worsened, and we will no longer be able to compete with the Senju. "

Originally, the current situation between Uchiha and Senju was that Uchiha was weak. In the original book, Madara was not only inferior to Senju Hashirama in terms of ability, but even the level of his clan was basically lagging behind the opponent. No wonder he was always beaten.

What Izuna said was right, but the other party also had a point. Uchiha really couldn't afford to sacrifice now.

"let me go"

Izuna stood up, folding his hands on his chest, vaguely showing a bit of pride.

(End of the chapter).

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