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Chapter 4: Divine Body

[Serana's Stats:]

[Age: 15] [Talent: Average]

[Absolute Zero: Ice Emperor Technique (0% learning progress)]


After completely memorizing her cultivation technique, Serana opened her eyes.


"Did you memorize it?" Gabriel asked.


Serana nodded. "Yes, Master."


"Mn, good. Next, I'll teach you how to feel the Qi and guide it into your meridians." Gabriel nodded as he sat in his chair, then motioned for Serana to sit on the ground.


She settled on the floor, her gaze fixed on her master with anticipation. So far, everything she had learned seemed legitimate, but doubts began to rise in her mind. Why did her master possess such a powerful technique? She had read the description of her cultivation technique, and all she could say was that it seemed divine.


She couldn't comprehend such ability when this cultivation technique was trained to completion.


Meanwhile, Gabriel mulled over how he had learned to sense Qi and guided it into his meridians. It was the most basic skill that cultivators acquired upon entering the path of immortality. Naturally, Gabriel was acquainted with this fundamental technique.


"Cross your legs together and close your eyes, then calm your breathing," Gabriel immediately instructed, and Serana naturally followed.


Observing her quick self-composure, he nodded with a smile. Calming oneself so swiftly wasn't something anyone could achieve easily. It required considerable effort.


"To feel the Qi, you must detach yourself from your surroundings. When worldly distractions fade away, you'll begin to sense an indescribable sensation. It's a blend of feelings that are beyond words. When you reach that state, your spiritual senses are active. Maintain that state, and you'll soon perceive Qi," Gabriel explained slowly, his voice resonating in her ears.


Serana took just five minutes to enter a meditative state, astonishing Gabriel. He hadn't expected her to be this adept; she must possess remarkable talent.


"Good, good! With such talent, I don't need to worry about failing to teach her."


While Serana focused on sensing the Qi around her, Gabriel accessed his system and navigated to his GMP (Gift Mastery Points). He then selected the second option, which allowed him to learn any technique to 100% completion without it being directly applied to him.


Essentially, this choice granted him a full walkthrough understanding of how to complete the technique without encountering any obstacles. It might sound overpowered, but there were still limitations to what he could achieve. Each progress point required certain prerequisites.


For instance, if Gabriel chose to cultivate Serana's Absolute Zero: Ice Emperor Technique to 100% completion, he wouldn't meet most of the necessary requirements in reality. There were prerequisites that needed to be fulfilled. However, the main advantage of this option was that it allowed him to teach his student without hindrance, guiding her towards 100% completion.


[Learning Absolute Zero: Ice Emperor Technique to 100% completion requires 100 GMP]

[Current GMP: 100 points, Learn? Yes, or No?]


Without hesitation, Gabriel accepted. In that moment, it felt as though a dam had burst, flooding his mind with information.


Five minutes later, Gabriel had completely mastered the Absolute Zero: Ice Emperor Technique. To his astonishment, after meticulously studying every aspect of the technique that the introduction hadn't mentioned, he couldn't help but gaze at Serana, his thoughts drifting to her future.


The strength inherent in this technique surpassed mortal imagination. It wasn't just the ability to freeze time that astonished him, but also its profound effects on the laws of the universe. Moreover, the toll it took on the cultivator as they progressed was something he couldn't ignore. However, he had time to prepare for the worst when such events unfolded for her.


Nevertheless, if practiced to its peak within the mortal realm, it could be said that Serana would be unbeatable, provided she gathered battle experience and mastered additional fighting techniques applicable to her cultivation.


Fifteen minutes later, Gabriel began to notice a change in the air around him. It felt as though the atmosphere was being drawn toward Serana, a sign that she had learned to gather her Qi.


Now, Gabriel was certain that his disciple was exceptionally talented. It was a pity she had started her cultivation late; had she begun earlier, Gabriel was certain that some of the higher sects would have recruited her, possibly even surpassing him by now.


"You're doing great, Sera. Remember to refine the world Qi according to your cultivation technique. You must transform the world Qi into extreme Yin Qi," Gabriel instructed his disciple. It was time to farm MP points.


Serana's expression tightened as if she were facing difficulties, yet she persisted. The world Qi in her meridians began to transform into extreme Yin Qi according to her cultivation technique.


When the first trace of extreme Yin Qi entered her meridians, it shook her to the core. It was intensely cold. Serana felt as though she were being frozen alive, turning into an ice block. However, she didn't dare to halt the process, fearing harm if she were to withdraw.


Seeing ice Qi radiating from her body, Gabriel was stunned by her progress. "Amazing, Sera! Before you store your extreme Yin Qi in your dantian, remember to circulate the Yin Qi around your body first to adapt to the cold energy. Storing the Yin Qi directly will damage your dantian. Be careful," he reminded her.


Gabriel's voice echoed in her mind, startling Serana. However, she followed his instructions, gradually adapting to the cold energy as she circulated the Yin Qi along her meridians. The pain began to fade, and she found herself growing more comfortable with the cold energy, albeit slowly.


When Serana felt completely comfortable, she made the decision to store her converted Qi into her dantian. As she did so, the cold energy within her dantian began to refine her organs and body.


Observing this, Gabriel felt a twinge of nervousness. This stage had once damaged his own potential. He had failed to fully convert the world energy into the profound Qi that Grey Mountain cultivators used, resulting in unrefined energy wreaking havoc in his dantian and damaging it, thus causing him to lose his average talent to a more inferior one.


However, he was relieved to see that his disciple was a good listener and quickly adapted to his instructions, avoiding the failure he had feared.


Soon enough, due to the constant refinement of her body, organs, dantian, and meridians using the extreme Yin Qi, visible changes began to occur in Serana. She developed an aura unlike any possessed by mortals, one only cultivators possessed.


This was the sign that a mortal had entered the path of immortality, the first stage of the mortal realm: the Essence Awakening stage.


Serana is now officially a cultivator!


As Serana reached the mid-stage of Essence Awakening, Gabriel gently interrupted her focus. "Okay, that's enough."


Serana ceased cultivating her Qi and opened her eyes. She was surprised to see her master's face expressing happiness; he seemed genuinely glad about something.


"Sera, how do you feel now that you're a cultivator?" Gabriel asked, his own excitement evident. Serana's usually composed demeanor faltered at the question. Her eyes widened as she glanced down at her body, sensing the newfound energy coursing through her.


"M-Master, does this mean I'm truly a cultivator now?" Serana's voice trembled with emotion, tears welling in her eyes.


Gabriel nodded, a proud smile on his face. "Yes. Congratulations on becoming a cultivator, Sera."


Overwhelmed with gratitude and joy, Serana's dream had finally come true. Unable to contain her emotions, she rushed towards Gabriel and embraced him tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Thank you, master! Thank you for giving me this chance!"


Witnessing Serana's emotional outburst, Gabriel was taken aback. He couldn't discern the exact reason behind her reaction, but he sensed a heavy burden weighing on her shoulders. While he refrained from delving into her past or prying into her personal affairs, he understood that everyone carried their own struggles and histories. To him, resolving one's problems should be an individual journey, though he was committed to offering support and assistance as her master, without intruding into her privacy.


"Okay, stop crying. This is just the beginning, and there's a long road ahead of you. Instead of shedding tears, channel that emotion into hard work, alright? I'll be by your side every step of the way, so don't cry," Gabriel comforted her.


Still embracing him, Serana nodded before stepping back.


Observing her red, teary, and snotty face, Gabriel nearly burst out laughing at her appearance. Suppressing his amusement, he approached her and retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket, gently wiping her face clean.


"See, this is what happens when you cry. You turn into a snotty brat," Gabriel teased, his tone light and playful.


"Hehe, sniff sorry, master," Serana giggled, allowing her master to clean her face. For the first time since leaving her real home, a warmth spread through her heart, lifting the weight that had burdened her.


As Gabriel finished wiping her face, Serana beamed at him, her smile radiant. "Master, I'll really, really work hard and make you proud forever," she promised, determination shining in her eyes and echoing in her heart.


Gabriel nodded, a hint of pride in his expression. "You better. I've invested a lot in you; after all, you're my first and eldest disciple."


"Okay, session's over. Go back and come back tomorrow."




After providing Serana with some minor instructions, Gabriel found himself alone in the main hall.


[Ping! Serana's individual session finished, full points! No flaws! +20 MP! Student also achieved a breakthrough, +10 MP.]


[User: Gabriel]

[Age: 18]

[Disciples: 1. Serana (15 years old) (Essence Awakening) (Talent: Average)]

[Rank: Mid-stage Vitality Infusion]

MP: 60 GMP: 0


Gabriel studied the stats and nodded in satisfaction. Tomorrow, he planned to give Serana the immortal-grade pill he had received from his previous roll. With that, he would have 80 GMP, which he intended to use to increase his chances of obtaining a superior cultivation technique.


Although Gabriel's current cultivation technique was the standard one used by the Grey Mountain sect, he knew its limitations. While adequate, it didn't offer the same prospects as higher-grade techniques. He had no interest in investing heavily in a mediocre cultivation method that didn't even qualify as an Earth-class technique.


With his plan set, Gabriel decided it was time to rest for the night.


Early in the morning, as Gabriel woke up, a delicious aroma wafted into his nostrils, drawing his attention.


After straightening up, he left his room and headed to the main hall. There, in the middle of the compound, he spotted Serana cooking over a campfire. Seeing her engrossed in the task brought back memories of his own arrival at the mountain, when he used to cook for himself and his master. He remembered how he would hunt for birds in the morning and prepare meals, only to find his efforts unappreciated, the warm meal for his master left untouched.


Gabriel reminisced about those lonely mornings spent eating by the tree on the cliff, a sigh escaping him.


"Master, good morning," Serana greeted him as she noticed his presence, walking over and bowing respectfully.


Returning her smile, Gabriel nodded. It felt comforting to have someone greet him like this, dispelling the solitude he often felt. "Good morning, Sera."


Serana hesitated for a moment, then began to fidget nervously. Finally, with a faint blush on her cheeks, she spoke up. "Master, it seems I cooked a bit too much for myself. Would you like to join me for breakfast?" she asked, her voice laced with shyness.


Recalling the loneliness he had endured for seven years, Gabriel was determined not to let his disciple experience the same isolation. With this resolve in mind, he didn't hesitate to accept Serana's invitation.


"Sure, let me taste some of my disciple's cooking," he agreed without hesitation.


Seeing his acceptance, Serana's face lit up with joy. She hurriedly served the meal she had prepared earlier, and by the time Gabriel arrived, the food was ready. With care, Serana handed him a plate.


As Gabriel held the piping hot stew in his hands, its delicious aroma tantalized his senses, igniting his hunger. Despite being a cultivator, his cultivation wasn't advanced enough to forego the need for sustenance. He took a spoonful of meat and soup, and as he tasted it, he was pleasantly surprised—Serana was indeed a better cook than him!


The two of them quietly enjoyed their meal together. When Gabriel finished eating, he noticed Serana still nibbling on her food, her gaze flickering towards him. Realizing her unspoken question, he chuckled.


"Who would have thought my disciple was such a talented cook? This meal is absolutely delicious!" he praised her, giving her a thumbs up.


Gratified by Gabriel's approval, Serana's eyes sparkled with happiness as she resumed eating.


After they had both finished their meal, Gabriel approached his disciple. Channeling his meager Qi, he examined Serana's cultivation progress and was astonished to find that she had already reached the peak stage of Essence Awakening.


"This girl..." Gabriel marveled silently. "She's a diligent worker indeed."


Gabriel's hand gently patted Serana's head, causing her to startle. "Master?"


"Good, Sera. Master is already proud! I can't believe you're already on the verge of a breakthrough!" Gabriel praised, his voice filled with genuine admiration.


Feeling the warmth of his touch on her head, Serana was overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. She never thought she would experience this kind of affection again. Her master's care made her feel weak yet incredibly happy.


"Right, it's time for you to consume this," Gabriel said, retrieving a pill from his Space ring. This pill was the Heaven Rebirth Pill.


Accepting the fragrant pill in her hand, Serana looked at it curiously. "Master, what is this?"


"It's a pill that maximizes your potential. Try it," Gabriel replied, offering no further explanation.


Trusting her master implicitly, Serana didn't hesitate to consume the pill. As soon as the pill entered her stomach, it exploded, releasing a gentle energy that spread throughout her body. Sensing the overwhelming energy coursing through her, Serana panicked.


Seeing her distress, Gabriel quickly reminded her, "Use your cultivation technique to absorb the energy!"


Hearing Gabriel's reminders, Serana swiftly activated her cultivation technique, initiating the refinement of the magical energy from the pill. To her astonishment, the refinement process was remarkably swift. She could see her meridians expanding and strengthening rapidly, and the energy from the pill was upgrading her entire body—from her bones and organs to her nerves.


As the process continued, Serana's blood purified, and the impurities within her body were expelled, manifesting as a black liquid that dripped from her pores, emitting an unpleasant stench. These were the accumulated impurities that mortals gathered throughout their lives.


Gabriel watched in awe as he witnessed the gradual transformation of Serana's physical and internal body. Not only was her aura steadily increasing, but a symbol began to form between her eyebrows.


"A divine body!?" Gabriel exclaimed, his voice filled with shock and disbelief.


It was said that when a divine body was born, a symbol would appear between their eyebrows. While the nature of each divine body varied, one thing remained constant—those blessed with a divine body were favored by the heavens, their potential boundless. In the mortal realm, those possessing a divine body were destined to ascend to the heavens without impediment.


As Serana's divine body took the form of a blue phoenix, Gabriel found himself perplexed. Throughout recorded history, out of the fifty individuals known to possess a divine body, none had manifested as a blue phoenix.


"Is this new?" Gabriel wondered silently as he continued to observe the phenomenon.


Meanwhile, Serana continued to cultivate her extreme Yin Qi, which was inherently ice-based. As she refined the constant energy emanating from the pill in her stomach, it seemed that her cultivation technique and the symbol on her forehead had formed a connection.


The light blue phoenix symbolized an ice mythical beast, its opposite counterpart being the famous phoenix whose fire could not be extinguished. However, due to the supremely immortal grade of her cultivation, it surpassed even that of a divine body. Consequently, the ice of the blue phoenix was easily subdued by the black ice that Serana cultivated.


As the black ice completely engulfed the blue phoenix, the symbol on Serana's forehead turned crystal black, and the blue phoenix transformed into a black entity.


Gabriel couldn't ignore these changes. The cold energy radiating from Serana intensified after the blue symbol turned black, growing colder and more chillingly intense. Her surroundings began to frost over, with even the moist morning air transforming into snow.


Then, as the black symbol completed its formation, something extraordinary occurred.


The system notifications kept ringing in Gabriel's mind as Serana's breakthroughs flooded her strength to an unbelievable level.


From her constant breakthrough he was able to earn bonus MP points, 30 pts in total!


In an astonishing turn of events, Serana surpassed her master, who was only at the Vitality Infusion stage.


The single pill had an immense effect on her, but what truly astounded Gabriel was the revelation that Serana possessed a divine body. Examining her stats, Gabriel couldn't believe what he saw.


[Serana stats:]

[Age: 15] [Talent: Unlimited] [Rank: Vitality Infusion early stage]

[Absolute Zero: Ice emperor technique (0.5% learning progress)]


"What do you mean by unlimited talent?!" Gabriel's eyes widened in disbelief as he read the words. He never imagined that the disciple he had chosen possessed such extraordinary potential.


However, upon reflection, he realized that this meant he had struck gold. A smile spread across Gabriel's face, his eyes gleaming with excitement. His disciple was a literal treasure trove, he can't help but imagine what his disciple can bring him!


Gabriel couldn't help but ponder how many points he would be able to earn solely from Serana's accomplishments.


As the energy from the pill finally dissipated, Serana let out a sigh of relief. Although there was still some remaining energy for her to refine, she decided to do that later, as something was weighing on her mind.


After refining almost all of the pill's energy, Serana felt light and invigorated. However, when she opened her eyes, she was startled to see that the area around her was covered in ice. The extent of her power overwhelmed her, and she wasn't accustomed to it.


"Sera, calm down," Gabriel's voice broke through her thoughts, instantly soothing her. She walked towards him, her expression filled with questions.


"Master, what just happened?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion.


"Sera, your potential has been fully unlocked, and to my surprise, you possess a divine body," Gabriel explained, smiling at her bewildered expression. "A divine body?"


"Yes, a divine body is a rare physique granted by the heavens to their favorites. It seems that heaven has bestowed this gift upon you. Don't worry too much about it for now. It's a good thing. I suggest you go to the library and read more about it when you have the time," Gabriel chuckled.


"What's more important is that you need to stabilize your newfound strength. You've broken through multiple stages, so there are many things you still don't understand. Right now, my disciple is multiple times stronger than me," Gabriel admitted.


Serana's eyes widened in shock, but her expression quickly dampened. Due to her breakthrough to Harmony Attainment and beyond, her emotions were affected, exacerbated by her cultivation of ice Qi. This was a common issue among ice cultivators—their emotions were often influenced by their coldness. Gabriel feared that as she progressed, she might become too emotionless, making her difficult to control if she were to go berserk. At 90% completion, her cultivation would reach a point where it could defy the heavens, transforming her black ice into chaos ice—a realm beyond heavenly control. This was the true power and danger of her cultivation technique.


But before that happened, it would be a long time... hopefully.


For now, Gabriel didn't need to worry about that yet. Instead, he needed to focus on himself. His disciple had surpassed him in strength, and as her master, he found himself uncomfortable with this reality.


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