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28.57% World Awakening Experiment: Astral Monk / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

"...." Speaking

'.....' Thoughts

Samson's outburst made everyone turn to him. Including the attention of the monsters. The gaze of them made Sam turn red with embarrassment.

'Well that wasn't a good time to speak out.' Samson scratched his head. "Sorry."

All the goblins in the front of the store started walking towards all the people. But first they had to deal with the hulking axe wielder in the way. 

"There are only six monsters in here. There is still fourteen of us, so if the rest of you have chosen your class just use whatever gear and skills you have to beat them down" 

The dad went forward and swung on the goblin in the front. The goblin lifted his own weapon, a dagger, to meet him. 

Their weapons hit each other. Sparks flew off lighting up the area. 

Samson was watching and he was in awe. He admired the mans courage and was thinking of what do now. 

'I need get out of here and get to my mom. But I am not sure I can do that alone. Wait! I can ask Naeem.'

Samson turned to Naeem. "Hey Naeem. Are you willing to help me get to my mom."

Naeem turned away from the fight in front of him. "Um Yeah sure man. I just don't know how to get out of here."

Samson hesitated for a second to think. He looked at his new outfit. And once again looked at his stats and skills. 


Status Screen 

Name: Samson Brown

Class: Astral Monk (5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 1: (Exp 1/10) 












Basic Hand to Hand Mastery (Passive LVL1): You have a natural talent using your fists and legs to destroy your opponents. Weapons can be used but feel uncomfortable in your hands. 

Astral Gauntlets (Active): Spectral wraps appear around your hands. They put more strength behind your punches. They also allow you to attack the spirit of your opponent directly.

MP cost: 10

Duration: 5 minutes

Cooldown: 1 Minute


"I think we just fight. We don't know what is going on. So the only way to survive is to fight." Samson breathed in then out and went forward to join the battle. 

Naeem jaw dropped to see the fat guy he has never seen try anything physical go to fight. 

Samson ran forward and jumped over a shelf in his way. He was surprised at the height he reached. But he reasoned that he could do that because of his class. 

Sam was now behind the goblin group. The goblin in front of him turned around and went to attack him. The goblin had a little club instead a dagger. 

Samson's leg jumped back and just instantly countered. He brought his arm down and hammer fisted the goblin in the face. 

The goblin staggered back and looked confused. He was expecting the human to be pummeled. Now he was the one being pummeled. 

Samson saw the goblin stagger and smirked. He moved forward and hit the goblin with a front kick. 

His hand to hand skill was coming in clutch at this moment. He felt the information come to his brain like the skills were natural. 

The goblin flew up in the air and crashed into three other goblins. Grabbing there attention they turned to Sam, mush to his dismay. "Oh shit. I may have made a mistake."

The goblins saw Samson's mood shift from confident to wary. They knew they were back in control of the situation. Two goblins rushed in to attack Samson. 

Samson thought about what to do and realized he was trapped in this part of the store. He closed his eyes and braced for the impact of the two clubs. 

The attack never landed but a loud Thud could be heard. Samson opened back up his eyes and saw a figure holding a shield in front of him. 

Naeem had appeared to help! He then took his spear and stabbed at one of the goblins. Samson rubbed his hands together and slid past Naeem. He jumped up and punched the goblin that was stabbed. 

The goblin took the punch across the face and spit out a tooth. Samson didn't stop though. He punched again. Then he shifted over and uppercut another goblin next to the stabbed one. 

This goblin flew in the air. It also turned out to be the first goblin that Samson fought. As it crashed to the fell it breathed its last breath.


Defeated goblin 


Samson had a mini screen show up in front of his eyes. He had gained exp! Just like in a video game. Samson then thought about the tutorial mission. Another mini then popped up in front of him. 


Tutorial Mission: Beginning of the Experiment

The world as you know it has changed. Now your goal is to survive as long as you can. Monsters have invaded. Slay them and use the experience to get stronger. Good luck. 

Objective: Kill 5 monsters. 

Time Limit: 24 hours

Reward: One random equipment

Failure: Loss of Life


Samson looked at his progress he now had.


1/5 Monsters defeated.

'So I just kill 4 more monsters and complete the mission. That seems easy.' Samson then turned around and punched the goblin still on the end of Naeem's spear. Killing it instantly. 

Defeated Goblin 


Level up!

"Oh Shit! Naeem, You gotta start killing goblins. I just leveled up I think."

Samson saw that the other people in the store were finally starting to fight. He then took the chance to check his status. Just wanted to see what changed.


Status Screen 

Name: Samson Brown

Class: Astral Monk (5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 2: (Exp 0/20) 












'Ok so it seems the every level up brings only 4 AP. With that being under stats it probably means Attribute Points. How do I spend these though. What stats do monks make the most of.'

Samson stood there and thought about it for a second. He then shrugged and started spending points. 


Status Screen 

Name: Samson Brown

Class: Astral Monk (5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 2: (Exp 0/20) 












Samson's body glowed a little spectral green after he allocated his stats. His body changed to match his stats. 

His leg muscles were more defined and he reminisced on mistakes he made and what would have been a better choice. 

But what felt the most different was his insides. He felt like he could breathe better and he felt healthier. 

Samson then looked back to all the other goblins. Or now to know as the dead goblins. All the people in the store seemed to have finally stepped up and are killing the rest of the goblins.

Samson just watched and looked at all the people. The dad dude from earlier was really doing most of the work. 

As the rest of the goblins fell dead to the ground, the dad dude turned to everyone. "My name is Victor Miller! I have to survive this apocalypse, for my family." He then pick up his daughter. 

"I am sure all of you have families you have to get to survive for as well. So I am willing to team up with all of you and we can survive together!"

All the people in the store were pretty convinced. They saw how victor fought he was definitely very strong. 

While Samson was in his own fight, Victor was doing a 5v1. He must be a barbarian type awaken. He seemed to have a skill that made his veins all red and made him resistant to a lot of damage from the goblin's attacks. 

 Victor looked over to Samson and called out to him. "You there, you seem pretty strong. What kind of class did you choose?" 

Samson seemed surprised he even noticed. "I barely did anything compared to you. You fought like 5 at once. Also you're pretty good at using that axe by the way."

Samson then looked over to the two other teenagers by their dead friend. "Also I am sorry about your friend. He didn't deserve to die like that."

Victor also looked over. He covered his daughters eyes so she couldn't see the gruesome scene. "It is definitely sad. But stick with me. I will protect you and keep you alive."

"Victor you asked what class I chose. I am an Astral Monk. Its pretty cool. And the robe is sick as fuck." Samson felt the robe he was wearing and enjoyed how comfortable it was.

Victor nodded as he pondered his next thought. "That indeed sounds like a wonderful class. I am a Ax Warrior Barbarian 4 star class, extremely strong."

Samson was impressed. 'I mean its not the best, like me. But its pretty good. I think ill allow him to ride his high. Protect his ego.'

"Well listen Victor, I am glad you are gonna help all these people but I need to go help my mom. I don't know what class she has, but it won't matter. She is not really a fighter. So unless you're heading that way."

"Well, My first idea was just to start looking for supplies. Food, water, tools, and also look for anything to help hunt or fish. In case we need to start eating wild animals."

Victor was listing off things that were definitely going to be needed. Samson wasn't really paying attention. He kept thinking about how his mom could be dying. Or already dead. 

"Well good luck with that. I have to go. Naeem my suggestion to you is that you stay here with Victor's group. You'll be able to survive with them. 

Naeem shook his head. "Nah man, Your mom has always been extremely kind to me. Even treated me better than my own mother." 

Naeem chuckled to himself. "Even though I don't really like you."

Samson just sighed and shook his head. "I still don't know why you don't. We used to be great friends." 

"Whatever man. The longer we talk about this the more likely your mom could be dead." Naeem walk to the door and exited the store. 

"Wait Naeem. We need to also, on our way, need to complete the mission!" Samson went after Naeem and also exit the store. 

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