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70.83% Harry Potter and The Dimensional Portal / Chapter 17: Harry Potter and The Dimensional Portal

Chapter 17: Harry Potter and The Dimensional Portal

Chapter : 17

After eating, an again reluctant Hermione had to be again prodded to start telling them what happened in third year. However, for that year, Sirius was able to add to what had happened from his point of view.

It was during then that Sirius had called Dobby and had the little elf bring both he and Hermione a throat soothing potion.

"Dobby's with you now?" asked Hermione. "You haven't made him a slave, have you?"

Sirius sighed and said, "Miss Granger, house elves are a cursed species; believed cursed by the Great Merlin himself. In order to live they need to be bonded. Unbonded house elves quickly waste away before they soon die in agony.

"They either have to bond themselves to a magical House or a place very rich in magic; and there's only three of the second in Britain. They are Hogwarts, the Ministry and Saint Mungo's. All other house elves must bond themselves to magical families.

"When Harry freed Dobby from Lucy Malfoy, unknown to Harry Dobby secretly and freely bonded himself to the House of Potter. If he hadn't, he would have died.

"As such, Dobby is willingly a house elf of House Potter. As I am now the Regent of House Potter, I could have freed Dobby. However, Dobby has begged me not to do that and, in respect for Harry, I will not do that.

"Do you understand?"

Hermione thought about it for a while before she quietly asked, "He would die?"

"Painfully," Sirius firmly returned.

"And no one knows how to free them of the curse?" she asked.

"Believe me, it's been tried," he said. "The curse is believed to have been done using the old and forgotten magics. And, with Merlin believed as powerful as he was, no one has the power to break it. However, all those who have researched it have come away from it with the belief it would be a bad idea, anyway.

"At the time Merlin cursed them, house elves were considered an evil race of beings. The wizarding world was at war with them... and the wizarding world was losing. It's why it is believed Merlin did it."

"I would still like to look into it," she quietly said.

"And you're welcome to," he returned. "I just ask that you research it before you get it into your head to try and fix it."

She nodded back.

"Anyway," said Sirius. "You were up to the part where Harry saw me drag Ron to the Whomping Willow..."

Once Hermione had finally finished it was late afternoon and Sirius was again invited to stay for the meal; this time, dinner.

He thanked them, accepted and said, "This now brings me to the next reason why I'm here."

When the three Grangers nodded back, he said, "Firstly, do not worry about the hospital costs of Hermione's treatment at Saint Mungo's; I've already paid it."

As the three Grangers were shocked, it was Marc who spoke; blurted, really. "What?! Why did you do that?"

"Because your daughter, already knowing it was a likely trap of Riddle's at the Department of Mysteries, still went there with Harry to try and rescue me," he replied. "As such, I accept it was my responsibility, as Harry's magical guardian, to ensure she was both properly cared for at the hospital and to pay the costs. It was the very least I could do."

When the Grangers settled again, accepting, with even Marc nodding in acceptance, Sirius gave them the next bit of news.

Looking to Marc he said, "I take it from your reactions during Hermione's recollections that you will not be allowing your daughter to return to Hogwarts."

"Hell, no!" Marc blurted.

"What?" Hermione exclaimed. "But... daddy!"

"No, pumpkin!" he firmly returned. "Not just no, but Hell no!"

"But, daddy!" she whined. "I have to!"

"Actually, Hermione; no, you don't," Sirius calmly corrected her. "As you have completed your OWLs... and I have no doubt you've significantly passed all of them... you can withdraw from Hogwarts without having your wand snapped and you and your families' memories wiped.

"However, though I've explained what won't happen won't, as a witch who's only managed to complete her OWLs you will be in a poor situation to successfully secure a career. And, there, I have an answer."

While Hermione was clearly reluctant, both Marc and Sandra clearly wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Because of your position in my godson's heart... together with how you stood by him this past five years through everything he went through... I'm very prepared to give your parents an offer for you to attend school in the magical United States - at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

"Further, I will both pay for it and ensure you are provided with a permanent International portkey from there to here and back, if needed.

"That is, of course, unless your parents choose to emigrate to the United States, just to get the Hell away from the risk that is the recommencement of the Voldemort War. If they do, then I will provide all the financial assistance needed for them to accomplish that."

"But, that would cost a fortune!" said Sandra.

Sirius smiled back and said, "Funnily enough, I happen to have one. Actually, I have four of them. As well as indisputable ownership of the Black fortune, I also have full control of the Potter and LeStrange fortunes. Those three, together, have made me, by far, the richest wizard in the country; if not the world. The fourth is a Potter family secret, so I cannot even allude to it.

"Believe me; moving you, your household and your business to the United States would not even cost me one month's interest payments and dividends on one of those fortunes.

"Riddle knows Hermione to be a close personal friend of Harry. That has automatically made her... and you... a prime target of his. Now that he's come out of hiding, it isn't a matter of if he comes after you, only when. I see it as my duty to ensure you're outside the country and away from his clutches."

Stunned, the three Grangers did not know what to say.

Eventually, Marc said, "Wee'llll... have to discuss it... as a family."

Sirius calmly nodded back and said, "Of course. It's a big decision. However, you've now heard from Hermione just how dangerous the man and his Death Eaters are. I wouldn't dream of pushing you, but it would be a great relief to me and in Harry's memory if you accept.





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