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52% Fate/Demon Reborn / Chapter 13: Confrontation and Failed Assassination

Chapter 13: Confrontation and Failed Assassination

Fuyuki city.

If there was a word Lelouch would use to describe Fuyuki city then it would be plain. There was nothing special about this city besides the Grail war. Fuyuki wasn't the biggest city in Japan nor did it had any historical importance. Just a simple city that just so happens to be a battleground for a deadly war that can kill its population. Simple right?

'Then why is it so difficult to find one lunatic?' Lelouch couldn't understand it. He spent an entire day researching information on this Ryuunosuke. Thanks to police data that they stole from the police department Lelouch knew details of his previous murders. The former revolutionary just needed to rule out obvious locations where the master of Caster already committed a crime and make a connection between them.

Ryuunosuke had a simple plan, he was kidnapping children. Therefore schools and kindergartens were obvious places for Ryuunosuke to start. However, he could do it there only one or two times before police started to patrol them. Next target might have been residential quarters but the risk of being caught was high. 'He goes after kids, probably for some ritual. He kidnapped a bunch of them from schools. Ryuunosuke kills his victims in their houses but police already checked places where he might appear. He isn't an idiot and will find another place for the hunt. In his profile, it says that he prefers to kill women and children. He might try to kill two birds with one stone and combine his task and hobby.'

If Lelouch was right then Ryuunosuke would try to hunt inside the city, where police don't expect him. A place like an arcade is a good place for someone like Ryuunosuke. He just needs to wait for some kids to leave it and stalk them. It was the easiest and most logical way. However, it didn't mean that Lelouch will find his target so easily.

'Maybe he decided to play it safe and didn't go out tonight.' thought Lelouch as he moved through the buildings in the night city. 'Perhaps, he and Caster have enough children for their plan. Avenger mentioned that kidnapped kids might be used as living batteries for Caster if his master doesn't have enough prana.' He checked a few different places where Lelouch suspected Ryuunosuke might appear but didn't find anything. 'Hmm, maybe it is enough for one night. There is always the danger of running into an enemy master or servant. I should probably head home.'

However, while Lelouch was making his way he noticed something. Or more precisely someone. In the gap between the buildings, hiding behind trash cans was a little girl. She was looking for something or someone and didn't notice him. Lelouch sighed before making his way towards her. A crazy killer was running around and this kid's parents left her alone, how irresponsible.

When Lelouch stepped forward, the little girl didn't hear him. Coughing into his fist, Lelouch made sure she heard him this time. She jumped from surprise before she turned to see him.


"It is too dangerous for kids to be alone at this time." Lelouch interrupted her. The last thing he needed was a child becoming a victim of Ryuunosuke or people like him. "Where are your parents?"

The black-haired girl blinked a few times before answering. Her expression quickly changed from surprise to anger. "Why should I tell you?! My mother taught me not to talk to strangers."

Lelouch gave her a flat look. "Was it your mother who taught you to walk alone in the city at night?" she opened her mouth to say anything but couldn't come out with an answer." Doesn't matter. Come on, I will guide you to the nearest police station."

Girl blue eyes went wide. "W-wait! No! My friend needs help!" she quickly shouted. Lelouch stopped and asked.

"What do you mean?"

She didn't answer right away, probably thinking what to say to him. "My friend. I think I saw her with that guy from the news." he noticed how her hands started to shake. "A serial killer."

He narrowed his eyes and thought about it. 'So Ryuunosuke is here.' He glanced at the girl before saying. "If that's true then we need to call the police. I will take you to the police station and tell them about it."

Mixing regular people into this wasn't Lelouch's desire but he needed to make sure that this girl didn't become Ryuunosuke's next victim. He will just leave her to the cops to deal with and go after the lunatic. His main objective was to find clues to where the master of Caster and his servant might be hiding, not to fight either of them. If what the young priest said was true then Avenger will find Caster in the forest. While Lelouch was sure that Avenger isn't weak, hoping that she will take out Caster so easily was too optimistic to be a reality. The most realistic outcome will be for Avenger to learn Caster's abilities while Lelouch found their base of operation.

"I-I can't."

Lelouch sighed. "Listen, I know you are worried but do you think you can do anything against that person? Tell me, what are you going to do? Try to beat him? If what you said is true then we are dealing with a dangerous man who is known for killing children like you. Police will deal with him. Okay?" he said with a calm voice.

She didn't say anything. Her blue eyes were staring at the ground, Lelouch could notice that they were becoming moist. "...I understand."

"Good." he didn't want to deal with some child who thought that she could do anything without thinking everything through. Yes, he understood the irony of this situation. "Let's go."

The black-haired girl just nodded. That reminded Lelouch that he didn't know her name but why does he need it? It isn't like they will ever meet again in the future. It would seem lady luck decided to reward him as a police car was driving nearby. 'At least the authorities are doing something. Now, I just need to leave her to them.'

"See? Police are already here. We'll just inform them about that-" Lelouch stopped talking as he turned around only to find a spot where the girl stood empty. He raised his gaze and saw her silhouette running ahead. "...Great." The little rascal ran while he was distracted by the police siren. "Why does everything in my life need to be complicated?"

Lelouch let out a sigh before going after the unknown girl who had run towards a wanted serial killer who was also a master in the Grail War. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at this thought, everything about it was absurd. However, absurd situations were part of his life at this point. 'I just need to deal with this issue.'

He went after her. Making his way between buildings and making sure that he was unseen, Lelouch soon saw his target. An orange-haired man walking with a little boy who was holding his hand. Did Ryuunosuke lie to the boy or used another method to lure him out? Magecraft might be an answer if it was so then the situation just became more dangerous. The elder Kotomine said that the master of Caster wasn't a magi or magus but it didn't mean he could learn something from his servant.

Lelouch's thoughts were interrupted when he saw a familiar black-haired girl from before hiding behind the corner of buildings. However, upon closer inspection, he noticed how she was holding something in her hands. He couldn't distinguish the object but he saw how it glowed. Maybe a phone or something like that. 'Interesting.'

Ryuunosuke and his current victim made their way towards some sort of basement. Lelouch decided that it was some sort of bar or karaoke when he saw signs above it. 'Okay, I found Ryuunosuke's base or at least one hideout. I will return with Avenger and-' However, it would seem that fate liked to make Lelouch's life harder than it was. The unknown little girl made her way towards the front door and entered it. Lelouch paused for a moment and cursed under his breath.

'Of course, just enter the serial killer's hideout knowing full well he is there! Because a little girl can protect herself from a wanted man who is known for killing children. What can go wrong!' Lelouch frowned as he made his way there. Leaving this girl was out of the question. Ryuunosuke and Caster most likely use children for magecraft. To deprive them of needed resources was a strategic move. Not to mention, the idea of living kids left with a crazy killer sickened Lelouch. 'What if it was Nunnally...'

He couldn't find windows and he didn't want to waste time. Lelouch made the most idiotic decision he could and followed after the little girl by entering through the front door.

"Excuse me!" he shouted making sure to be as loud as possible. "Is this place closed?"

This was some sort of bar but it was in bad condition. Broken bottles, garbage everywhere and a strong stench. However, the first thing that caught his attention were people inside. Children, a lot of them. All of them were sitting behind a table with a strange look at their eyes. Were they drugged? That would explain why a kid from before was willingly walking with Ryuunosuke, speaking of whom.

The Master of Caster was staying next to the children. Lelouch saw photos of the man but he expected the maniac to be taller or more impressive. The man before Lelouch narrowed his eyes and looked at the former demon with an annoyed expression. He turned to him and spoke.

"Yeah, we are closed tonight. It's a private party, so please get out," Lelouch slightly smirked. Placing his right hand on his hip he walked towards an empty bar, making sure not to lose sight of Ryuunosuke.

"I didn't know you could have kid's parties here," Lelouch said as he took one of the glasses at the bar. Quickly studying it he noted that it wasn't used for some time. "If I knew that I would have an organized party here for my little sister."

"Really?" Ryuunosuke suddenly said with a happy tone to the man before him."If that's so then call her right now! We can have one big party right now! Kids wouldn't mind some company! Right kids?" he smiled towards his victims who didn't react and just stared with dead eyes at the table. Lelouch didn't show any emotion but inside he felt many things. Anger and disappointment were one of them.

'He is either a complete idiot or just doesn't care. And he is one of the masters in this war. Great.' Lelouch shook his head. He just needed to gain some time for the little girl who was currently sneaking behind Ryuunosuke. She was confident that's for sure but he started to suspect that she was too confident in herself. However, it didn't matter right now. He just needed to distract the enemy master while she saved the other kids. He hoped they would quickly leave so he could get rid of Ryuunosuke while he had a chance. 'This wasn't my original plan but I can't waste such an opportunity. But first, she needs to save the kids and escape with them. Can't have so many witnesses, even if they are kids, see me shooting an adult man. The last thing I need is the police looking for me.'

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Maybe next time?" Lelouch smiled as he came closer to Ryuunosuke. "What if I return here next time with my sister and we will have a party… Sorry, I didn't learn your name."

Ryuunosuke smiled as he walked closer to Lelouch, his left hand behind his back. Surely he was holding a knife or gun as well. The former revolutionary smirked, making sure his right hand was near his weapon as well. Behind him, the little girl had a problem trying to get the other kids moving, something was holding them back.

"Oh, no problem. I'm-"

However, before Ryuunosuke could say anything he let out a scream as he felt pain in his right hand. Looking at it, he saw how it became red but it wasn't most worrisome. The bracelet his boss gave to him was broken! Ryuunosuke's eyes went wide when he looked back, only to see a small girl pointing her finger at him. She had a mix of fear and anger on her face. Children that he prepared for his art started to move and immediately panicked when they realized where they are.

"You little bi-"

Ryuunosuke was unable to say anything again. This time he felt a sharp pain in his hip. He slowly looked at his hip and found something interesting. A bullet wound. Looking back he saw a raven-haired young man holding a handgun and aiming it at him. Children including the girl who was saving them froze. Violet eyes glanced at them.

"Leave this place," he ordered with a calm voice. For some reason, the children didn't scream. They were scared but didn't scream, instead, they did as they were told too. The black-haired girl looked at the man who helped her with a worried expression before running away with the rest of them.

'Well, at least that issue is solved.' Lelouch thought not taking away his gaze from the bleeding man before him. Instead of screaming, trying to fight back or doing anything, Ryuunosuke just stood there with his left palm covered in his blood. He carefully examined it. Lelouch cringed when this lunatic sniffed and licked his bloody palm. 'What is he doing?'

"You are surprisingly calm for someone who was shot and is bleeding now." Lelouch pointed out. He didn't lower his gun, but instead of shooting Ryuunosuke he thought of something. 'If I kill him right now Caster will be without a master. However, Avenger said that servants can find a new master before disappearing. I can't allow that. He has command spells so I might force him to give Caster a command to kill himself. This way both servant and master will be dead. I can't leave either of them alive.'

"Really? Should I scream or something like that?" Ryuunosuke asked with curiosity. "Sorry, this is my first time being shot and I don't know how to react."

"...don't you feel pain?"

Ryuunosuke glanced at his fresh wound that was bleeding. "Not really. I mean, I feel a little bit funny but nothing serious." he looked at his blood before smiling. "I feel pleased and happy for some reason. Does that make me a masochist?"

"You're a psychopath."

The man before Lelouch looked offended. "Come on, dude. Don't say that. I do what I love the most." he laughed before turning to look around this place. "Boring people doing the same thing every day, every year until they die. They are no different from zombies or these drones from Animal Planet, doing things they don't even love. Is it the norm? Spending your life doing something you aren't happy with? I don't want to live like that. I want to live my life without boredom!" He remarked happily throwing his hands at the side. "Does that make me a psycho?"

"No, killing children does." Lelouch deadpanned. "In reality, I don't care about your reasons. All I want from you is to use your command spells." he pointed at his right hand. Ryuunosuke looked at red marks on it.

"You mean this tattoo? Boss said that it was proof that I'm his master or some other bullshit, I didn't listen." he laughed while Lelouch let out a sigh.

"Doesn't matter. I want you to give Caster the command to kill himself." Lelouch wished he could use his old power but it wasn't an option anymore. Ryuunosuke looked at him with a surprised expression.

"Why would I ask Boss to do something like this?"

His answer was another bullet but this time Lelouch didn't aim at him. Instead, a bullet flew past Ryuunosuke only touching his left cheek. The former emperor wasn't some sort of super-soldier but Lelouch had enough experience with a handgun. The enemy master slowly ran a hand over his cheek, discovering another bleeding spot.

"Now, will you do as I say?" Psycho or not, Ryuunosuke had to value his life. If he died right now he wouldn't be able to enjoy his hobby of killing people. Surely, even someone like a serial killer would understand it. However, Lelouch underestimated how insane one person can be. Ryuunosuke just smiled.

"Cool! So cool! You didn't even flinch when you shot!... But you want to harm the Boss. I can't allow you to do something like that. Boss is too cool to die."

Lelouch narrowed his eyes. "And what are you going to do? Come on, Ryuunosuke. Think about it, do as I say and I will leave you alone." It was a lie but Lelouch didn't care. However, the man before him shook his head.

"Nope, I finally found someone who shares my hobby and I'm not going to betray my best friend. You showed me something cool today so I will do the same!" He shouted happily and before Lelouch could ask what he meant, an unexpected creature appeared out of nowhere. Violet eyes went wide when he saw a small tentacle monster. "Boss gave it to me as protection. Looks neat right? Well, I played with this thing... now I will allow you to play too." He smiled happily while the familiar jumped forward.

Lelouch had only a second to react and roll to the side. The horrifying creature flew past him. He wasn't a trained soldier and couldn't fight it. He quickly looked at the place where Ryuunosuke was a moment ago, only to find it empty. Bastard ran while Lelouch was distracted. Damn it! He lost his chance to deal with the master and servant at the same time. 'Should have killed him while I had the chance… Still, he is wounded and can't run far away. I might have a chance to catch him. But first...'

The raven-haired master turned to his current obstacle that was moving towards him at high speed. Before it could reach him, Lelouch dodge to the side while shooting at it. The former revolutionary managed to hide behind one of the round tables, kneeling next to it and looking out for his enemy. The tentacle abomination was moving awkwardly, hitting everything in its way. Maybe it couldn't see and had to rely on other senses. He still had 3 shots before reloading. Bullets don't work on this creature but he had something else up his sleeve. Quickly looking at the distance between two of them, Lelouch pulled out something and tossed it on the floor. Then former vigilante pulled out a switch.

Lelouch got up from his cover and made another shot at the little horror, luring its attention. The hideous monster jumped at him but before it could touch him, Lelouch pressed a button on the switch. A device that was located right under the monster exploded, killing the abomination above it as well. Its remains started to burn. 'Well, that's convenient. Now, I don't need to get rid of it.'

However, it wasn't over. He quickly pulled out the clip and reloaded before making his move. Ryuunosuke most likely had run away using the back door. Lelouch noticed footprints and drops of blood next to it. Following them, he walked out of the bar and soon came to an opened sewer hatch. The Master of Caster was wounded but if he followed him in the sewers it was unknown if Lelouch would be able to finish him there. 'The sewer system might be a good place for hiding. Their base of operation might be there. However, it also means these little monsters will be there as well.'

'It's no use. Without Avenger, it is too dangerous to go alone.' Thinking about his options, Lelouch closed the sewer hatch before walking back to the bar. Maybe Ryuunosuke left anything that might be useful to Lelouch. He eyed the entire bar that was now in terrible condition thanks to the explosion he made. Lelouch made sure to use only simple explosives but it would seem it worked too well. Still, he noticed something lying on the floor next to the table where hypnotized children sat. It was a compass. Perhaps one of the kids lost it. Lelouch doubted Ryuunosuke used something like this. However, he kneeled next to it, the compass lit up, its arrow turned to him. Violet eyes went wide at the realization. 'It is a magic compass. That girl used it to find Ryuunosuke which means she knows magecraft. Risei said something about magi families, was that girl from such a family?'

Whatever the answer was, Lelouch decided to take the compass with him. Maybe Avenger knew something about it. However, now the demon emperor needed to return home. On his way out he heard police sirens. It would appear the noise from his little fight attracted the attention of regular people. A civilian or the little girl from before probably managed to call the police. Either way, Lelouch needed to leave as fast as possible.


Another chapter done with 3,595 words hope you like it

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