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50% Football: rebirth / Chapter 1: Transmigration and kicked out of La Masia
Football: rebirth Football: rebirth original

Football: rebirth

Author: Mohamed_Arshi

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Transmigration and kicked out of La Masia


In Spain


La Masia

A teenage Asian boy, around 16 years old, whose name is Shinji Hanayama, had long black hair, was fair-skinned, had black eyes, and was quite handsome. Shinji was juggling the ball with total concentration. The other teenagers on the football pitch smirked at him in disgust as they watched him from where they were standing.

"Did you hear Marco, today is the last day Shinji will be in La Masia?" one of them asked a blond boy standing next to him, who was around the Asian boy's age.

Marco chuckled in disgust and said to the blond boy, "I heard you leave him alone; we just need to be patient, for today and tomorrow he will be gone for good. The coach did the wisest thing by not renewing his contract."

The boy nodded his head in agreement, and the two of them continued to train their passes with each other.

All the other teenagers sneered at the Asian boy, who continued juggling the ball. The boy couldn't help but grit his teeth as he heard the other boys murmuring about him leaving La Masia.

All of a sudden, Shinji started feeling drowsy, and suddenly, he heard a robotic voice in his head.

[System Initializing: 10%, 20%, 40%, 80%, 100%]

[The lottery football system had completely fused with the host.]

"What the hell is that?" Shinji started to panic; he was sure he wasn't imagining things.

Shinji then heard the same voice in his head again: [Calm down, Host, I am the lottery football system with my help, you can improve as a football player.]

Shinji was intrigued when he heard this and asked, "How can you help me?"

The system informed Shinji: [First of all, you should open your starter package pack before I start explaining how I can help you.]

Shinji was confused when he heard this. Suddenly, a blue screen appeared in front of him, and a treasure chest appeared on the screen.

[Host, use your thoughts to open the treasure chest.] The system spoke to Shinji in a robotic voice.

Shinji shrugged his shoulders when he heard this, and then he used his thoughts to open the treasure box. A golden-colored card, a rainbow-colored card, and 100 bronze coins flew out of the box.

Shinji was astounded by what he was seeing; the golden card and the rainbow card appeared on his palms out of thin air. The system then said with its robotic voice, [Congratulation, host; you have received a golden talent card, a rainbow training item card, and 100 football coins.]

Shinji was confused and asked the system, "Can you explain to me what the football coins are? What is a golden talent card? And what is the rainbow training item card?"

[To make it simple for you, I will start with the types of cards the system can provide: there are three cards available in the system: talent cards, training item cards, and system upgrade cards.]

[Each card had its own rank, and these ranks are bronze, silver, gold, and rainbow ranks.]

[You can obtain these cards by purchasing them from the system shops, completing quests, or achieving remarkable feats in the leagues or tournaments.]

[You have recently received two types of cards: a talent card and a training item card. The talent card function combines a football player's peak talent with your own current talent. The rank of your talent card determines the strength of the football talent you will receive; it could be an ordinary player, a super star, or a legendary player.]

[Since you have a golden talent card, a football super star player talent will be added to your existing talent. Please rip the golden card in your hand in order for you to add the super star talent to your existing talent.]

Shinji nodded his head, looked at the golden card in his right hand, and then ripped it into two pieces. The ripped pieces of the golden ticket transformed into fragments of light, and these fragments began to take the shape of a person Shinji knows and admires greatly: Clarence Seedorf.

 Seedorf wore an AC Milan jersey and held a ball in his hand. [The ticket belongs to Clarence Seedorf talent ticket; now Seedorf peak talent will be added to your existing talent.]

Seedorf figure then exploded into fragments of light, and it rushed at Shinji with incredible speed. Shinji freaked out when he saw this. He was too slow to dodge the light fragments, and they entered Shinji's body.

As the fragments began to enter his body, Shinji began to feel warm all over. After a few moments, he closed his eyes and began to relish the warm sensation he was experiencing. When Shinji opened his eyes, his eyes widened in surprise as he felt that his body was full of energy and that he felt much stronger than before. He gave a wide smile at the changes he was feeling.

Shinji received a message from the system stating, [Congratulations, host Peak Seedorf talent. has been successfully added to your existing talent. Now, please take out the rainbow ticket.]

Shinji followed the system's instructions and ripped off the rainbow ticket. The ticket then transformed into a rainbow of colored light fragments that entered his forehead. [Congratulations, host. You have acquired the 5x training efficiency tea; it will be stored in the system's storage zone. You can retrieve it at any time you want.]

Shinji was surprised, but he nodded his head happily.

[Now, first, I will explain to you the system's basic function. If you score a hatrick or create the most assists in the match, you have a chance to draw a lottery from the system. Depending on your luck, you can gain many things, such as football skills, talent cards, upgrading system cards, training items, football player templates, and many more.]

[ The football coins are virtual currency that you can gain by completing quests, scoring goals, and making assists. Whenever you score a goal and make an assist, you will earn one point, and when you complete a quest, the amount of football coins you earn will vary depending on the quests you complete and their difficulties.]

[The system upgrade cards allow you to introduce new features into the system; you can only earn them if you do an impressive feat in a high-ranking tournament or in football leagues.]

Shinji nodded in understanding the system, then the system said to him, [The last thing I will explain to you is about the system panel. There are three tags in the system panel: basic stats, shop, and quests.]

[Basic Stats tag will present to you your basic information, skills, and current capabilities. To increase your current stats, you will need to train hard. You can use football coins to purchase items from the system shop, which will aid in your training and mastery of football skills. You can also buy football skills from the shop. However, you will only learn the theory behind the football skills that you buy from the system shop; you will need to train hard to master those skills.]

[The system shop also sells training equipment, which you can use to improve as a football player.]

[Lastly, there is the quest tag. Occasionally, you will receive a multitude of quests. Completing these quests will yield various rewards, such as item cards, football skills, football coins, talent cards, and more. However, failure to complete these quests may result in penalties. Right now, there is a quest available for you to check out.]

Shinji used his thoughts, opened the quest tag, and saw the available quest.

The available quest is: "Sign a professional contract with a professional football club, reward 20 football coins, and receive an injury immunity level 1; time limit: 2 years; penalty: if you do not complete the mission, the system will leave the host's body."

Shinji smiled at the quest reward. He then decided to check his basic stats and the system shop tag, so he asked the system, "How can I check my basic stats and the shop in the system?"

[Host, you only need to use your thoughts to open a tag or choose an item.]

Shinji nodded his head and accessed his basic stats.

Name: Shinji Hanayama

Nationality: Japan

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Club: Barcelona FC (Youth first team)

Position: CM

Talents: Long shot talent.

Skills: Nil

Football points: 100


Current Stats (Potential Stats)


Stamina: 60 (92)

Strength: 59 (91)

Balance: 65 (93)

Speed: 68 (89)

Acceleration: 65 (88)

Agility: 66 (85)

Jumping Power: 60 (81)

Ball Skills

Ball Control: 71 (96)

Dribbling: 70 (91)


Positioning: 71 (97)

Header: 60 (80)

Shot Power: 65 (95)

Shot Accuracy: 70 (88)

Long Shots: 64 (98)

Finishing" 68 (89)

FK Accuracy: 62 (89)

Penalties: 60 (92)

Volleys: 67 (86)


Crossing: 64 (91)

Short Pass: 63 (97)

Long Pass: 60 (98)


Reactions: 60 (96)

Interceptions: 63 (95)

Vision: 66 (97)

Composure: 69 (96)


Shinji then checked the system's shop, where he saw numerous dribbling skills such as Elastico, Rainbow Flick, Rabona, and many more.

He also saw skills relating to free kicks and passes. Shinji was amazed at that. He also observed numerous training items that could aid him in his training process.

He continued to browse through the items in the shop, then decided to buy three items.

The first item was a football ball, not a regular ball. The ball is 2x heavier than a regular ball, and it costs 20 football coins.

After Shinji made his purchase, the ball appeared in thin air next to him. He examined the ball, then smiled. "The ball is really 2x heavier than a normal football," he thought to himself.

Shinji then bought cleats that are 3x heavier than normal, which cost him 30 football coins. After he purchased the cleats, they appeared in thin air next to him.

Finally, Shinji decided to buy a dribbling skill called Elastico, which cost 40 football coins.

After he made the purchases, a lot of information rushed into his mind. After a few moments, he nodded his head and said, "I see, so this is how to do Elastico dribbling."

Shinji then said to the system, "System, store the cleats and the ball I just purchased in the storage zone you mentioned earlier."

[As you wish, host.]

The ball and the cleats disappeared from sight. Shinji took the ball and began practicing the Elastico dribbling skill.

While Shinji was practicing the Elastico dribbling skill, Óscar Hernández, the head coach of the youth first team, stepped on the football pitch and yelled loudly, "Everyone gather up."

All the youth first team members quickly gathered, including Shinji. When Oscar laid his eyes on Shinji, he narrowed his eyes in disgust, then he said to all the team members.

"In two hours, the Atletico Madrid youth team will arrive, and we will have an exhibition match against them. Get ready, train lightly, and don't exhaust your energy. Save your energy for the match. I expect 100% efforts from all of you."

Everyone nodded their heads. "Yes sir."

Oscar then left the field, and his assistant coach followed him. "Oscar I know you don't like Shinji, but I think you should play him in the match."

Oscar turned his head angrily at him and yelled at his close friend, "What did you say?"

His friend raised his two hands and said to Oscar, "Claim down, Oscar. I know you are not fond of Asian people, and I myself am not fond of them either, but the kid hadn't done anything to you. Give him a break."

Oscar took a deep breath to calm himself, and his friend continued, "Beside, if the news of your discrimination reaches others, this will affect your coaching career."

When he heard this, Oscar's eyes widened in realization, but his friend gave him a smile: "Relax. I don't think the kid will cause you any harm; he doesn't even care about playing in matches; he only cares about joining our training sessions."

Oscar took a deep breath in relief, and his friend then said, "I think he is a great seedling; in fact, I think he is the best midfielder in our team."

When Oscar heard this, he looked at his friend in surprise and asked him, "Are you serious?"

His friend nodded seriously. "Yes, if you don't believe me, play him in this match and observe him carefully. I think he will appreciate you for giving him an opportunity to play before leaving La Masia, but don't waste your breath on trying to renew his contract after the match. You and him are quite similar; both of you are proud."

Oscar narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why shouldn't I bother renewing his contract?"

With a sigh, Oscar's friend started explaining, "You and the rest of the team discriminate against him. If you were in his place, would you renew your contract with the club?"

After hearing what his friend just said, Oscar grew quiet, and his friend walked away. Oscar thought deeply about what his friend just said to him.

After making up his mind he nodded to himself and walked back to his office. 


In The Football Pitch

Shinji thought deeply about the upcoming match: "I know I have a slim chance of playing in this match, but I might have an opportunity."

Shinji gritted his teeth and said to the system, "System, I want to use the 5x efficiency tea now."

[As you wish, host.]

Suddenly, out of thin air, a tea cup appeared on Shinji's palm, and the cup was filled with a blue tea, which was very strange to Shinji when he looked at the tea.

Shinji quickly started drinking the tea. It tasted very sour, but Shinji forced himself to drink every drop of it.

After drinking the tea, Shinji felt lighter and his mind became clearer. Then, he heard the voice of the system in his head.

[Host just to give you a warning before hand: normally the 5x efficiency tea effects last for 24 hours, but because you have a match in two hours, the effect of the tea will only last for two hours.]

Shinji eyes widened when he heard this but nodded his head relunctly he then looked at the ball next to him and said to himself,"in that case I don't have any time to waste I need to master Elastico as soon as possible."

Quickly Shinji started training again to master Elastico dribbling skills he was advancing in leaps and bounds without him noticing.

Shinji began brainstorming various methods to implement Elastico, including the addition of faints, and then he began putting his ideas into practice.

After half an hour, Oscar came to pitch, and his eyes widened when he saw Shinji executing a perfect Elastico with incredible speed and mastery. He was even shocked when he saw Shinji adding faints to the Elastico.

Oscar sighed and pondered, "How could I have been so blind to notice his talent?" Did my past experiences with Asians cause this, or was it my arrogance?"

Oscar looked at Shinji with a complicated gaze, then he decided, "I can't change the past, but all I can do is apologize to you when the time comes."

After making up his mind, Oscar turned around and left the football pitch.

Mohamed_Arshi Mohamed_Arshi

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