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Chapter 18: Becoming A Faster Man

Chapter 18 Becoming A Faster Man

Uzumaki Kushina was stunned for a moment when she heard Natsuo say that everything she had heard in the Hokage's office was false.

"D-Do you mean to say that everything you said was a lie?" Uzumaki Kushina asked, her voice tinged with doubt.

Natsuo leaned close to Uzumaki Kushina's ear and whispered, "I never thought about protecting Konoha. Konoha is a prison to me. You must have learned a bit about my past these past few days, right?"

Uzumaki Kushina, still trying to comprehend, nodded slowly.

During the days when Natsuo was hospitalized, those who made trouble for Kushina also mocked him.

Natsuo's parents were rogue ninjas from Konoha. As the child of rogue ninja, Natsuo's future looked bleak.

While his mother belonged to the Uchiha clan, the largest clan in Konoha, Natsuo was not recognized by them and was treated like an outcast.

Kushina had heard such taunts every day during those times.

It was then that Kushina began to understand why Natsuo was isolated by everyone.

Natsuo continued to whisper to Kushina, "My life in Konoha was miserable before. The reason I've been able to change my situation now, and why Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't punish me for what happened today, is mainly because I offered him a set of ninja nintaijutsu techniques—it was a trade of interests."

"I have no loyalty to Konoha, but I have to pretend to love it in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, or else my situation would be even worse. Kushina, your situation isn't great either. Be cautious," Natsuo warned seriously.

"I understand," Kushina replied with a serious expression.

Natsuo chuckled softly, "No, you don't. When I say your situation isn't good, I'm not talking about those troublemakers. Konoha has its own motives for bringing you here. If anyone says anything to you, question it, doubt it, don't accept it blindly."

Natsuo feared that Kushina had been indoctrinated by the Will of Fire—an ideology he viewed as a menace.

"I understand," Kushina affirmed solemnly.

Taking a deep breath, Natsuo continued with a smile, "Don't worry too much. Right now, I need to focus on improving my strength. And remember, don't tell anyone what I've told you, including Grandma Mito."

Kushina nodded firmly, "I won't tell anyone."

Natsuo sat beside Kushina and affectionately ruffled her hair.

Kushina had grown used to these gestures from Natsuo. Each time, she quietly allowed him to do so.

However, this time Kushina's face was slightly puffed up, and she exclaimed angrily, "It's so frustrating! I had planned for you and me to go see the cherry blossoms in the woods, but because of those guys..."

"Now you have to stay home for three days. The cherry blossoms' blooming period is so short that by the time you're out, they'll have withered," she lamented.

"It's okay. Cherry blossoms bloom not just this year, but next year and the years after. I promise to accompany you every year," Natsuo reassured her.

Kushina gave Natsuo a thumbs-up, "Then it's a promise."

Natsuo extended his pinky finger, hooking it with Uzumaki Kushina's, "It's a promise."


Natsuo stayed home for three days. Every day, Kushina brought him food before heading to the ninja school.

Meanwhile, Natsuo spent these days studying his Sharingan at home.

The first tomoe of the Sharingan didn't offer any special abilities; it primarily enhanced his perception. His dynamic vision had improved, allowing him to discern movements and seals more clearly.

The chakra consumption was moderate and within acceptable limits.

Even the chakra required for Thunder Breath's full sword style, from first to fourth forms, was manageable.

However, the chakra consumption increased exponentially for the Fifth Style.

Natsuo estimated that using Thunder Breath, Earth Style, and Lightning Bolt would completely drain his chakra, let alone the Fire Style.

During his chakra simulations of Thunder Breath, Natsuo's meridians were severely strained due to his unsuccessful attempt at the Fire Style's Qi Type.

Natsuo felt a pang of regret for wasting his points on a sword that turned out to be useless.

With no money left for a new weapon, Natsuo found himself in dire financial straits, barely affording his daily meals.

He realized that if things continued this way, he wouldn't save enough to buy a new weapon before graduating from the Ninja Academy.

After three days passed, Natsuo left his room and headed to Mito's mansion. There, he met Kushina and together they went to the ninja school.

When Natsuo and Kushina entered the classroom, all eyes turned to Natsuo.

Word had spread that Natsuo had defeated a Genin, sending him to the ninja hospital.

The news hadn't come from Namikaze Minato but from the Genin's younger brother.

The boy was terrified at the thought of Natsuo and feared retaliation in the future. Upon arriving at the ninja school, he promptly requested a transfer to another class.

Curious classmates pressed him for details about his transfer, and he recounted what had transpired that day.

Everyone found it unbelievable that Natsuo could send a Genin to the hospital.

Furthermore, they knew Namikaze Minato was involved and sought confirmation from him.

When Namikaze Minato confirmed the story, everyone was stunned and felt a mix of shock and resentment.

Natsuo, whom they usually ridiculed, turned out to be so formidable.

They now feared being scolded by him in the future and winding up in the hospital.

Moreover, Kushina now had Natsuo's protection, which deterred anyone from causing trouble for her.

Namikaze Minato glanced at Natsuo.

Natsuo also looked back at Namikaze Minato.

Natsuo had once believed Minato might be a decent person, but after recent events, his opinion had changed.

He now saw Namikaze Minato as hypocritical.

Natsuo recognized his own biases, but unlike Minato, he didn't try to hide them.

Kushina noticed the exchange between Natsuo and Minato and glared at Minato with disdain.

In Kushina's heart, Minato had lost any favor he might have once held; now, he only evoked disgust.

Sensing Uzumaki Kushina's glare, Namikaze Minato averted his gaze and turned away.

Initially, Kushina had planned to apprentice under Jiraiya after Namikaze Minato graduated early next year.

However, after his encounter with Natsuo, Minato had a revelation about his own weaknesses and decided to become Jiraiya's disciple ahead of schedule.

Jiraiya understood Minato's desire to advance his training due to Natsuo's influence. With such a formidable rival, Minato could make rapid progress. Following an assessment, Jiraiya officially accepted him as his disciple.

Currently, Minato attended Jonin training during the day and trained with Jiraiya at night.

His training focus was on speed.

Namikaze Minato aimed to surpass Natsuo in speed!


T/N: There is a patreon for this work, and any new work I add will be dropped there first. check it out for an early release of up to 15 chapters.

Patreon link:-

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