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Chapter 9: Old fox

Uzumaki Kushina visited Natsuo in his hospital room, where he lay unconscious yet aware of her presence. Her voice cut through the haze of his coma, every word clear and distinct. Uzumaki Kushina spoke with a warmth and sincerity that Natsuo had rarely experienced. Despite being despised by others in the village, here was someone willing to extend a hand of friendship.

Natsuo's heart fluttered with a mix of emotions. Except for the fleeting happiness he'd known during the four years with his parents,Kushina was the first person to show him genuine kindness. Her presence, her words, offered a glimmer of hope in what had been a lonely existence.

She spoke of her life, her challenges, and her dreams. Uzumaki Kushina was not just any ninja; she was a pivotal figure in the ninja world, destined to shape its future through her son, Naruto. For Natsuo, who sought to earn witness points by witnessing key events and influential figures, Uzumaki Kushina represented an unparalleled opportunity.

However, doubts gnawed at him. What if Kushina's presence in Konoha was not by choice but part of a larger scheme? What if her fate was already sealed, leading to her early demise and altering Naruto's birth? These thoughts weighed heavily on Natsuo as he lay in his hospital bed, contemplating the future.

The system's voice interrupted his thoughts abruptly:

"[Host, remember, witness points are earned by impacting the ninja world, not merely by observing specific events.]"

Natsuo's mind raced to understand the implications. Could he influence events significantly enough to earn witness points on his own? The system's explanation hinted at possibilities beyond mere observation—actions that could shape the course of history.

"[However, some major events are bound to happen, such as the birth of Uzumaki Naruto.]"

Natsuo's excitement tempered. "So, Naruto will definitely be born?"

"[Yes, but it may not be the same Uzumaki Naruto from your memory.]"

Natsuo nodded slowly, processing the information. "So, Naruto will be born, but perhaps not Kushina's child. Still, it will impact the ninja world, right?"

"[You understand correctly.]"

With a clearer path ahead, Natsuo felt a mix of determination and apprehension. He wanted to befriend Kushina genuinely, yet his goals for witness points added a layer of complexity. How could he alter her fate without betraying the trust she had placed in him?

As Uzumaki Kushina continued speaking, Natsuo hung onto every word. He admired her strength and resilience, especially when she recounted standing up to bullies who had tried to intimidate her. Natsuo felt a surge of admiration and pride, knowing she was not just a kind-hearted person but also someone who stood her ground against adversity.

"Okay, Natsuo, it's late now. I should go back. Let's meet at the ninja school tomorrow," Uzumaki Kushina said warmly, breaking Natsuo's reverie.

"In my heart, I'll see you tomorrow, Kushina," Natsuo replied silently, his thoughts racing with plans and uncertainties.

After Uzumaki Kushina left, Natsuo felt a surge of determination. He wanted to wake up fully and meet her at the ninja school the next day. The desire to reciprocate her kindness and friendship spurred him to action.

Gradually, Natsuo regained control of his body. It started with a slight twitch of his fingers, then movement in his toes, and eventually, he managed to move his arms, thighs, and neck. Opening his eyes, he was momentarily blinded by the harsh hospital room lights. His body ached, a reminder of his recent ordeal and the journey to recovery that lay ahead.

Looking out of the window, Natsuo noticed the rustling of tree branches. "Anbu..."

He wasn't surprised that the Anbu were monitoring him. His display of power during the training had not gone unnoticed, and he expected Sarutobi Hiruzen, the village Hokage, to take an interest in him.

Half an hour after Natsuo woke up, Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrival was unexpected. Judging by the Hokage's expression, Natsuo discerned a hint of kindness and gentleness. Quickly brainstorming, Natsuo guessed several possibilities for Hiruzen's visit. However, he knew he needed to maintain his disguise—now more than ever, as this meeting could be a significant opportunity. A successful conversation with Sarutobi Hiruzen could make Natsuo's life in Konoha much easier in the future.

Eagerly, Natsuo tried to rise from his bed. "Lord Hokage, why are you here?"

Hiruzen immediately stepped forward, gently restraining Natsuo. "Your injury hasn't healed yet. Rest and don't force yourself," he said softly.

With eyes slightly red and voice choking with emotion, Natsuo replied, "Thank you, Lord Hokage."

Hiruzen sat on the chair beside the bed and sighed, "Natsuo, you've suffered so much over the years."

Hearing this, Natsuo bit his lip tightly, tears slipping from the corners of his eyes, as if crying out of deep grievance.

Hiruzen watched the tears on Natsuo's face and asked, "Natsuo, do you hate Konoha?"

Natsuo immediately shook his head. "How could I hate Konoha? My parents defected from Konoha, but Konoha still took me in as their son. I'm already very grateful. My mother also asked me before she died to make up for their mistakes here. I will never hate Konoha!"

Hiruzen's expression remained unchanged as he listened to Natsuo's answer. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Do you hate the Uchiha clan?"

Natsuo's expression darkened, and through gritted teeth, he responded, "Hate! My parents betrayed Konoha because of the Uchiha clan's stubbornness, which kept them from being together. After I returned to Konoha, not only did the Uchiha not acknowledge me, but they insulted me, calling me a bastard. It's because of Uchiha that the villagers hate me. I don't want to be an Uchiha. They don't want to acknowledge me, and I don't care to acknowledge them. Yet, because of them, I've been isolated from the whole village!"

Hiruzen's expression finally shifted. He sighed, "I have always felt guilty about your situation, Natsuo. Although I'm Hokage, it's difficult to interfere in the internal matters of the Uchiha clan. I hope you understand. But I can give you a chance to return to the Uchiha clan and become a true Uchiha. Are you willing?"

Natsuo refused without hesitation, "I'm sorry, Lord Hokage, I don't want to!"

Puzzled, Hiruzen asked, "Why?"

Natsuo replied, "I don't want to join the Uchiha clan in a way that would make me feel humiliated. Even if I joined now with your support, it wouldn't change my current situation."

Hiruzen continued, "But joining the Uchiha clan could stop the villagers from discriminating against you, and your life would improve significantly. Don't you want to change your situation?"

Natsuo countered, "Lord Hokage, the villagers discriminate against me because I am partly Uchiha, and the Uchiha clan's dominance as Konoha's Guards has made them widely disliked. If I join them, the villagers may stop discriminating openly but will still look down on me."

Hiruzen interjected sternly, "Be careful, Natsuo! The Uchiha clan's Konoha Guard was founded by the Second Hokage. They have contributed to Konoha. As a member of Konoha, you must not slander ninjas who have served our village."

Internally, Natsuo cursed. This old fox, he thought, showing his disdain for the Uchiha's behavior while outwardly defending them. He recognized Hiruzen's tactic: mentioning the Second Hokage's role and appealing to Natsuo as a loyal Konoha member to gauge his true feelings.

Resolutely, Natsuo stated, "Lord Hokage, I don't want to join the Uchiha clan. I want to become a ninja and contribute to Konoha, to make up for my parents' mistakes and earn the villagers' recognition through my own efforts. I want them to see me as Natsuo, not as an Uchiha, but as a loyal Konoha ninja."

Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction. "It will be challenging to earn the villagers' acceptance. Are you ready for this, Natsuo?"

With unwavering determination, Natsuo responded, "I'm ready, Lord Hokage!"

Hiruzen looked at Natsuo with the pride of a mentor observing a promising pupil. "Good. I believe you can do it, Natsuo. Since you don't wish to join the Uchiha clan, I won't force you. The house you lived in is too remote. After you are discharged, I will arrange a new house for you closer to the Ninja Academy, making it more convenient for your training."

Tears of gratitude welled up in Natsuo's eyes. "Thank you, Lord Hokage."

Inwardly, Natsuo breathed a sigh of relief. Talking to Sarutobi Hiruzen, this old fox, was exhausting. When he initially asked if Natsuo hated Konoha, Natsuo knew he couldn't afford to show any resentment. Expressing hatred for Konoha could mean his end, especially under Hiruzen's prime leadership.

When Hiruzen questioned his feelings about the Uchiha, Natsuo understood that denying any animosity wouldn't be credible. Given his isolation and the Uchiha clan's role in his suffering, how could he not hold some resentment?

Admitting his hatred for the Uchiha allowed Natsuo to prove his loyalty to Konoha and distance himself from the clan, aligning with Hiruzen's expectations. The offer to join the Uchiha was merely a test to gauge his sincerity.

Hiruzen's proposal to move closer to the Ninja Academy indicated his belief in Natsuo's loyalty. This suggested that, upon graduation, Natsuo might be accepted into the Hokage's ranks. Although village discrimination and Uchiha hostility might persist, Natsuo could avoid marginalization within the ninja community, where relationships and affiliations are crucial.

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