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Chapter 5: Simulation

Chapter 5 Simulation

Natsuo bid farewell to Uzumaki Kushina.

To be honest, Natsuo had been alone for so long, and he still yearned for a friend to chat with.

But as Natsuo had warned Kushina, associating with him would only lead to her being ostracized.

In Konoha, it was normal for people to shun Natsuo, but those who didn't were considered abnormal.

So, for Kushina's sake, Natsuo refused her offer of friendship.

Returning to his small, shabby house that seemed to have been patched up many times, Natsuo felt extremely nervous.

However, Natsuo remained calm and asked, "System, when you take over the Host's body later to simulate the Thunder Attribute Chakra Form Change and Nature Transformation, as well as all Thunder Breath sword forms, will there be a lot of commotion?"

[It is recommended that the Host find an open place. The place where the Host currently resides has a 99.99% probability of being destroyed.]

Natsuo's eyelids twitched. He was fortunate he had asked more questions; otherwise, he wouldn't have had a place to live after tonight.

Natsuo left the house and headed to a river on the outskirts of Konoha.

This was Natsuo's usual training spot, where hardly anyone ever came.

The surrounding tree trunks bore numerous marks from Natsuo's practice sessions.

Natsuo took a deep breath and declared, "System, let's begin and collect the reward!"

[Reward collection initiated; the system will take over the Host's body in three seconds. 3, 2, 1... Host body takeover complete.]

Natsuo felt strangely sensitive now, acutely aware of even the flow of his own blood.

[Simulation commencing. First, simulate the change of Thunder Attribute Chakra Form.]

The system controlled Natsuo to raise his right hand.

Initially, a ball of Chakra formed in Natsuo's right hand.

Though Natsuo couldn't control his body, every move seemed as if he were doing it himself.

Just like the Chakra in his hand, it was clearly released by the system controlling Natsuo's body, yet it felt as though it were Natsuo himself releasing it.

This contradiction was both intriguing and marvelous.

Next, the Chakra in Natsuo's hand began to transform.

These Chakras weren't Thunder-Attribute Chakras; rather, they were Chakras without any attributes.

These Chakras began coalescing, their high-density concentration causing excruciating pain in Natsuo's meridian system.

Yet, there was no way to interrupt it; Natsuo's body continued the simulation.

As the Chakra gathered, he began maintaining it in this state.

After achieving stabilization, he proceeded to increase the intensity.

The system-controlled Natsuo, now with his body taken over, condensed Thunder-Attribute Chakra and infused it into these non-attributed Chakras.

In an instant, lightning flashed across Natsuo's entire right hand.

The pain contorted Natsuo's face, yet he was elated.

The manifestation and sustained presence of thunder and lightning signified mastery of the Thunder Attribute Chakra Form Change.

With the form change of Thunder Attribute Chakra successfully mastered, it was now time for Nature Transformation.

[Thunder Attribute Chakra Form Change simulation successful. Proceeding with Thunder Attribute Chakra Nature Transformation.]

Chakra Nature Transformation involved amplifying the attributes' advantages.

The lightning on Natsuo's arm was superficial, lacking lethality.

After mastering the Thunder Attribute Chakra Nature Transformation, Thunder Attribute Chakra gained potent electric shock and paralysis capabilities, strengthening the body and enhancing a ninja's explosive and penetrating power.

Now, Natsuo needed to imbue his Chakra with these characteristics.

The subsequent process was torture for Natsuo.

The system paid no heed to his discomfort; as long as death was not a possibility, agony was irrelevant.

Natsuo felt as though thousands of ants were crawling along his body's meridians, rendering him numb with tingling skin.

Given Natsuo's heightened senses, this discomfort was particularly acute.

Yet, with the system in control of his body, he couldn't even scream.

Now, every second felt like an eternity to Natsuo.

Eventually, the system's voice, akin to natural sounds, reached Natsuo's ears.

[Thunder Attribute Chakra Nature Transformation simulation successful.]

Next, simulate the complete Thunder Breath Sword Form.

The system detected that Natsuo didn't possess a sword.

It was recommended that he acquire one for optimal simulation.

Please confirm if the Host wishes to make a purchase.]

Natsuo promptly responded, "Proceed with the purchase!"

The system's store redemption panel appeared in Natsuo's field of vision.

Currently holding only 100 witness points, his options were limited.

Natsuo selected the most basic standard sword, costing a mere 10 witness points.

Upon purchase completion, a tachi approximately one meter in length materialized in Natsuo's hand.

[Commence simulation of Thunder Breath full sword form.]

Natsuo slightly arched his body as blue Lightning Style Chakra enveloped the sword.

Simultaneously, Thunder Attribute Chakra surrounded his right foot, stimulating his leg muscles.

Natsuo's breathing pattern altered as well. Despite the weather not being overly cold, he exhaled a cloud of white mist.

"Thunder Breath: First Form - Thunderclap Flash!"

Natsuo's right foot, wrapped in Thunder Attribute Chakra, propelled him forward explosively. Thunder roared like the rending of air, a flash of lightning accompanying it.

In an instant, Natsuo appeared before a tree twice his height and five meters away, executing an extraordinarily swift sword strike, invisible to the naked eye.

The tree was cleaved clean in two.

Without pause, he proceeded to his second sword technique.

"Thunder Breath: Second Form - Rice Spirit!"

With a swift exhalation, Natsuo launched five strikes resembling bolts of lightning, slicing through nearby trees, which collapsed into countless pieces.

Continuing without respite, he seamlessly transitioned to the next sword form.

Though the system controlled Natsuo's body, every sensation resonated with him.

He felt every muscle ache as if they were being torn apart.

The surrounding trees bore the brunt of his assault.

Already, the area smoldered with fires sparked by the thunder and lightning's intense heat, felling a multitude of trees.

Natsuo was one of Konoha's elite. He'd never imagined the system's maneuvers would generate such a racket.

If these actions went unnoticed by Konoha's sensory ninjas, Natsuo would hardly believe it.

Natsuo's Chakra was depleted upon completing the Thunder Breath Form.

The system demanded 30 witness points to replenish his Chakra for continued swordsmanship.

Starting with the Fifth Style, each sword technique required Chakra restoration.

Now came the final sword form.

[Thirty witness points have been expended to replenish Host Chakra.]

"Thunder Breath: Seventh Form - Flaming Thunder God!"

Natsuo slashed with incredible speed, indiscernible to the naked eye, carving through trees and rocks in an unbroken line.

His slash's trajectory conjured a navy-blue thunder dragon, utterly impressive.

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