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Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Aftermath

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm



Chapter 12: Aftermath



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Author's Note:


Writing this chapter has been fun. I've tackled, filled with political scenes and strategic elements. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did creating it. Please let me know your thoughts! A lso let me know if think the story is going slow.

Your support means the world to me. I wish to build a vibrant fanfic community, and your encouragement is a crucial part of that journey.

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Chapter 17- Shadows of Conspiracy is Out! in my Patren.

Chapter 18- Calm Before the Storm- Journey to Kiri is Out!

Chapter 19- Undercover in the Land of Water is Out!

Chapter 20- Life of a undercover agent is Out!

Chapter 21: Into the Heart of the Mist is Out!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 22: The Crucible of Shadows is out!!!!!!


Happy reading!


As I caught my breath, my mind raced with the political implications of what had just transpired. This attempted coup would send shockwaves through both Konoha and the capital. Heads would roll, not just figuratively but possibly literally. The Daimyo's near capture and the betrayal within the Guardian Twelve could lead to severe repercussions. Trust would be shattered, alliances questioned, and the blame would undoubtedly fall on several shoulders. I wondered what the Hokage would do, how the councils in both the village and the capital would react. This wasn't just a battle; it was a pivotal moment that could redefine the power dynamics and stability of the entire Land of Fire. The gravity of the situation was almost overwhelming and surely above my pay grade, and I knew that the consequences of today's events would be felt for a long time to come.


As we entered the camp, the adrenaline in my system began to fade, and the fatigue from the various injuries I had sustained started to show. I knew the situation outside was still dire, with Tetsuo, Waji, Asuma, and the others fighting to hold back the enemy. But at least here, in this moment, we had a chance to regroup and plan our next move.


Commander of Sector 72, Itako Inzu, stepped forward. "We will inform the Hokage immediately," he said.


The Daimyo, however, raised a hand to stop him. "First, send a message to my palace and order an army here at once."


"But your grace?" the jonin began to protest.


"No buts! Do you question my authority, jonin? Or do you consider a Daimyo below a Hokage?" The Daimyo's voice was sharp and unyielding.


The jonin backtracked quickly and sent the message to the palace. Within two hours, the first platoon from nearby patrols of the Daimyo's forces arrived, taking over the guard duties from the Leaf shinobi. The transition was seamless yet charged with an underlying tension. Leaf shinobi, trained and disciplined, stepped aside, their faces stoic but their eyes betraying a mixture of relief and concern. They had held the line, but now it was up to the Daimyo's forces to fortify it.


Another hour later, the ground shook with the arrival of a large army. This was not just any army, but the elite forces of the Land of Fire, led by the War General himself. The General, a towering figure clad in ornate armor, dismounted from his horse with a grace that belied his size. He moved with purpose, his face set in a mask of grim determination. He approached the Daimyo, his steps heavy with the weight of the responsibility he bore.


As he neared, General Inazuma, a formidable S-rank shinobi and samurai, dropped to one knee, bowing deeply before the Daimyo. His elite guard, the "Fiery Hands," eighteen of them stood behind him and bowed—masked shinobi of immense prowess, each rumored to be elite jonin bordering on S-rank, with whispers suggesting some had already achieved that level.


"My lord, I offer my deepest apologies for the delay," the General said, his voice resonating with sincerity. "We came as swiftly as we could."


The Daimyo looked at him, his face initially stern and eyes filled with distrust. Then, slowly, his expression softened slightly. "Rise, General. Your presence here now is what matters."


In the next few minutes, the air grew electric with anticipation. A flurry of movement rippled through the ranks of shinobi as they stood at attention, their eyes fixed on the horizon. The unmistakable figure of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, appeared, his presence immediately commanding respect and authority. The aging but formidable leader walked with a steady pace, his eyes scanning the battlefield with a mixture of determination and concern. His Hokage robes billowed in the wind, the red and white symbol of his office a stark contrast against the chaos of the scene.


Flanking the Hokage were ten platoons of ANBU, their masks concealing their identities and giving them an eerie, almost supernatural appearance. These elite operatives moved with precision, their every step synchronized as they took up strategic positions. Behind them followed scores of jonin and chunin, their faces set with grim determination. They fanned out, securing the perimeter, but the Daimyo's shinobi and samurai ensured that no Leaf shinobi entered the inner circle, where the Daimyo and his guards were stationed. The arrival of the Hokage and his elite forces brought a palpable shift in the atmosphere, a blend of hope and tension as the two powerful factions prepared to address the aftermath of the battle.


The tension between the Leaf shinobi and the Daimyo's forces was palpable. The two groups, though allies, were now forced to navigate the complex web of politics and loyalty that this crisis had woven. The ANBU moved with silent efficiency, setting up a secure perimeter alongside the Daimyo's army, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of threat.


The Hokage approached the Daimyo, his expression a mixture of respect and concern. "Lord Daimyo," he began, bowing deeply. "We have mobilized all available forces to ensure your safety."


The Daimyo's eyes flashed with anger. "And yet, here I stand, nearly captured by rebels within my own guard! How could this happen under your watch?"


Hiruzen Sarutobi, ever the diplomat, bent over backward to accommodate the Daimyo's anger. "I assure you, Lord Daimyo, that we will get to the bottom of this. Those responsible will be brought to justice."


The Daimyo's gaze narrowed. "Justice? I was nearly overthrown! Some of the rebels were Konoha shinobi. Explain that, Hokage."


From my vantage point, I could see the political maneuvering playing out. The Hokage's voice was calm and measured, but I could sense the underlying tension. He was walking a tightrope, balancing the need to placate the Daimyo with the necessity of maintaining Konoha's honor and authority.


"Lord Daimyo," Hiruzen replied, "we are fully committed to rooting out any traitors. Konoha will not tolerate such treachery within its ranks. We will conduct a thorough investigation and hold all those involved accountable."


The Daimyo scoffed. "An investigation? What guarantees can you offer that it will not be biased, given the involvement of your own shinobi?"


The War General, standing a few paces behind the Daimyo, watched the exchange with narrowed eyes. His posture was rigid, his jaw clenched. There was a subtle but unmistakable air of distrust between him and the Hokage. The General's gaze shifted between the Hokage and the surrounding Leaf shinobi, his expression one of barely concealed skepticism.


"Lord Daimyo, if I may," the War General interjected, "perhaps it would be prudent to have an independent body oversee the investigation. Given the circumstances, it would assure everyone of its fairness."


Hiruzen's eyes hardened, though he maintained his diplomatic demeanor. "Of course, General Inazuma. We welcome transparency. Konoha has nothing to hide and everything to gain from a just resolution."


The Daimyo's anger subsided slightly as he nodded. "Very well, General. Ensure that no more treachery occurs on our soil. And remember, those who betrayed us must be made an example of."


The General bowed slightly, his eyes flicking towards the Hokage for a brief moment. "Yes, my lord. My men are prepared to move at your command."


The Hokage, not missing the General's subtle barb, continued, "We must also coordinate our efforts to ensure the safety of all involved. Our forces will support yours, General."


The War General's lips tightened into a thin line. "Of course, Hokage. We will ensure that this treachery is dealt with swiftly."


As the Hokage and the War General continued their exchange, the tension in the air was palpable. Suddenly, there was a commotion at the perimeter. Asuma Sarutobi and Chiriku's platoons, along with the other survivors, were brought into the fold. They looked battered but resolute, their presence a testament to their endurance and loyalty.


The sight of Asuma, standing alongside his fellow shinobi, added a layer of personal stakes to the political tension. Asuma, with his signature trench knives strapped to his sides, wore a look of fierce determination. His presence was a reminder of the Hokage's personal stake in this conflict.


The Daimyo's eyes flicked over to Asuma, recognition dawning. "Asuma Sarutobi," he said, his tone heavy with significance. "The son of the Hokage. It appears that not all from Konoha have betrayed us."


Hiruzen Sarutobi, ever the diplomat, seized the moment. "Indeed, Lord Daimyo. My son, Asuma, has been steadfast in his loyalty to you and the Land of Fire. His actions today reflect the unwavering commitment of Konoha to your safety."


The War General, sensing an opportunity to assert his own stance, spoke up. "It is fortunate that Asuma was among the loyalists. His presence here underscores the necessity of our continued vigilance. We must ensure that those who betrayed us are rooted out completely."


Asuma's eyes met his father's, a silent communication passing between them. The Hokage's face softened for a moment, a flicker of relief and pride evident in his eyes before he returned his attention to the Daimyo and the General.


"Lord Daimyo," Hiruzen continued, "Konoha stands ready to assist in any way necessary to restore peace and order. We will work alongside your forces to ensure that justice is served."


The Daimyo, his anger still simmering but now more directed, nodded slowly. "Very well. Ensure that this treachery is dealt with swiftly and justly. I expect results, Hokage."


The War General, not missing a beat, added, "Our elite forces, the Eighteen Fiery Hands, are prepared to lead the charge. They are trained to handle threats of this magnitude, and I assure you, Lord Daimyo, they will not fail."


Hiruzen, sensing the subtle power play, responded with equal resolve. "Konoha's ANBU and our most skilled jonin will collaborate with your elite forces. Together, we will ensure the Land of Fire's security."


The Daimyo, observing the interplay between the Hokage and the General, reprimanded the Hokage more harshly, perhaps to balance the scales. "Hokage, understand that this failure is unacceptable. Konoha is my village that you rule at my behest; now your honor, along with that of your shinobi, is questioned. Ensure that such negligence does not happen again."


Hiruzen bowed his head slightly. "I understand, Lord Daimyo. Konoha will take all necessary measures to restore trust and ensure the safety of the Land of Fire."


The political drama played out before my eyes, the delicate dance of power and responsibility evident in every word and gesture. The addition of Asuma and Chiriku's platoons, the interplay of loyalty and betrayal, and the subtle power struggles made it clear: this wasn't just a battle for physical safety; it was a struggle for political supremacy and trust in a land shaken by treachery.


After six hours of tending to my wounds, I was summoned to a gathering where many nobles and the highest-ranking individuals of the Land of Fire were present, none looking too pleased. I entered when called, going down on one knee in front of the Daimyo and bowing deeply to the Hokage.


"Your Grace," I addressed the Daimyo, then turned to the Hokage, "Lord Third."


The Daimyo began, his tone formal and ceremonial. "Genin Uzumaki, you have done a great service to myself and the Land of Fire."


I replied, "I only did my duty."


He continued, "Humble, brave, and competent—more than I can say for most of the people in this room." His words made many shift uncomfortably.


"For your loyalty and bravery, I bestow upon you the rank of Special Jonin," the Daimyo declared. "This recommendation comes from my War General, who believes your abilities match that rank's description."


I was shocked. A reserve genin rarely gets promoted beyond chunin, and I wasn't even a chunin yet. "Your grace is too kind," I managed to say.


The Daimyo shook his head. "This is not solely my decision. My War General suggested this based on your demonstrated abilities. Furthermore, my Chief of Guardians, Zahir, has suggested that you be considered for the Guardian Twelve." I noticed the old man, Zahir, standing with numerous injuries, yet his presence was still formidable.


The Daimyo continued, "Additionally, I grant you 1 million ryo and a royal favor to be claimed at any time in the future."


I was reeling. The amount was more than I could have earned in a lifetime on my own, and I wasn't entirely sure what a royal favor entailed, but it shocked the courtiers around me.


"I am honored by your generosity, Your Grace," I said, bowing deeply.


The Daimyo nodded, a slight smile on his lips. "You have proven yourself in the face of great danger, Naruto Uzumaki. Your bravery and skill have earned you these rewards. I trust you will continue to serve the Land of Fire with the same dedication."


The Hokage stepped forward, his expression was unreadable but changed to pleasant one. "Special Jonin Uzumaki, your actions today have saved countless lives and prevented a disaster. Konoha owes you a great debt. By order and decree of His Grace you are made a special jonin in field of sealing arts".


"Thank you, Lord Third," I replied, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me.


As the formalities concluded, the gathering began to disperse, each noble and high-ranking official reflecting on the day's events. The weight of my new responsibilities and the magnitude of the political implications settled on my shoulders. I knew that my life was about to change in ways I could never have imagined.


The loyalists who had fought bravely were not forgotten. Asuma Sarutobi and Chiriku's platoons, along with the other survivors, were acknowledged for their valor and loyalty. The Daimyo, in a rare display of personal gratitude, ensured that they were rewarded generously. Asuma received a commendation that reflected his unwavering loyalty, not just as a shinobi, but as the Hokage's son. The symbolism of his actions was not lost on anyone present, further cementing the bond between the Daimyo and Konoha.


Chiriku and his comrades were similarly honored, each receiving significant rewards and recognition for their bravery. The monetary rewards were substantial, ensuring that their sacrifices and efforts were not merely acknowledged with words but also with tangible support for their future endeavors.


Waji, despite his career-ending injury, was given a new purpose. The Daimyo personally assured him of a job in palace, ensuring that Waji's skills and experience would not go to waste. His he was also provided twith reward of 20 million ryo a testament to the Daimyo's appreciation.


Tatsuo's family, in recognition of his ultimate sacrifice, was also given 20 million ryo. The compensation was meant to ensure their stability and honor Tatsuo's dedication and heroism. The solemnity with which these rewards were given highlighted the gravity of the situation and the deep respect for those who had fought to protect the Daimyo and the Land of Fire.


As I looked around, I saw a mix of relief, pride, and contemplation on the faces of my comrades. The loyalists had not only protected the Daimyo but had also secured a future for their families and themselves. Their actions had reinforced the fragile trust and alliance between the Daimyo and Konoha, a crucial element in maintaining the stability of the Land of Fire.


I couldn't help but wonder why I had been given 1 million ryo while Waji and Tatsuo's families had received 20 million each. But then I remembered the royal favor bestowed upon me—an honor that none of the others had received. Perhaps this favor, a symbol of the Daimyo's personal gratitude, held a value beyond mere currency. It was a recognition of my potential and the unique role I had played in his protection. This realization brought a sense of understanding and acceptance, as I comprehended the weight of the royal favor and the opportunities it might bring.


The following morning, the Lord Hokage summoned his forces and divided them into groups to scout for Kazuma, who was still unaccounted for chief Kazuma Himself. I was part of Team Sigma. There wasn't much time for introductions, but I quickly learned the names and ranks of my teammates. I was one of the two sensors in the team, and our commander was Lord Choza Akimichi, the head of the Akimichi clan and a noble. The southern border was swarming with ninja and samurai, all in search of one man. The Inuzuka and their ninken, the Aburame and their bees, the Hyuga with their Byakugan, and the Uchiha police force with their Sharingan scoured the forest. Arguably, the strongest scouting team in the world. This was the true might of Konoha, and it was just a scratch on the vast power of our village. Many rebels were caught and, if uncooperative, were swiftly dealt with.


By noon, we were called back to base, where I learned that Kazuma's location had been discovered. We were ordered to accompany the Lord Hokage himself to capture the rogue. The prospect of seeing the Professor, a master of all five elements, in action was both awe-inspiring and overwhelming. I felt giddy like a child in a candy store, then I remembered I was a child, at least according to adults.


I was positioned at the rear of our company. Our team consisted of four ANBU from the Hokage's guard, my team of seven shinobi, and the Hokage himself, who was in the middle of the ring—twelve shinobi in total. We concealed our chakra and moved swiftly through the trees, the forest a blur around us.


When we finally spotted Kazuma, he had fully recuperated and was packing his things along with a few new missing-nin. Among them were Zabuza Momochi of the Mist, one of the Seven Swordsmen, and Kisame Hoshigaki, another member of the Seven Swordsmen. I recognized them from the bingo book. Zabuza was a high A-rank shinobi, and Kisame was an S-rank shinobi with a monstrous chakra signature. Was he even human? I felt a wave of uncertainty; Kisame's chakra was four times that of the Lord Hokage's.


As we observed from our vantage point, the Hokage motioned for us to encircle them and create a perimeter. We moved swiftly and silently, positioning ourselves around the clearing. As a sensor, I could feel the oppressive weight of Kisame's chakra, and sweat began to bead on my forehead. I signaled my commander, Lord Choza Akimichi, to convey my concerns.


Choza, with a rare moment of kindness due to my age and inexperience, signaled me, "Orders are orders. Do as the Lord Hokage says." I was panicking, but I remembered: when you are ordered to jump, you ask how high—you do not question the order itself. The Lord Hokage's calm demeanor was both reassuring and intimidating. This was the man who commanded three shinobi wars; what was a small 8-year-old boy's concern in the face of the ocean of knowledge he had? His presence alone was a testament to his unparalleled skill and experience.


The Hokage stepped forward, his voice clear and authoritative. "Kazuma, you are surrounded. Surrender now and spare your comrades further suffering."


"Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Naruto- The Last Harbinger of Storm".


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Chapter 17- Shadows of Conspiracy is Out! in my Patren.

Chapter 18- Calm Before the Storm- Journey to Kiri is Out!

Finally Chapter 19- Undercover in the Land of Water is Out!!!!!!

Chapter 20- Life of a undercover agent is Out!

Chapter 21: Into the Heart of the Mist is Out!


Chapter 22: The Crucible of Shadows is out!!!!!!

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