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Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Battle Within

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm



Chapter 11: The Battle Within



Author's Note:


Writing this chapter has been one of the longest challenges I've tackled, filled with action scenes and strategic elements. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did creating it. Please let me know your thoughts!

A special thank you to my first patron, Mark Crooks. Your support means the world to me. I wish to build a vibrant fanfic community, and your encouragement is a crucial part of that journey. Thank you!

Join ThirdFireTriden on !

Chapter 17- Shadows of Conspiracy is Out! in my Patren.

Chapter 18- Calm Before the Storm- Journey to Kiri is Out!

Chapter 19- Undercover in the Land of Water is Out!

Chapter 20- Life of a undercover agent is Out!

Chapter 21: Into the Heart of the Mist is Out!!!!!!!!!!


Happy reading!


Tetsuo's countdown was a mere whisper, yet it resonated through the tension-filled air. "Three... Two... One... Now!"


We moved in sync, our movements precise and silent. I created a few water clones, each tasked with taking down enemies from the shadows. I made my way toward the Daimyo's carriage, surrounded by a mix of samurai, a Guardian, and a few monks. There were ten people in total, each looking formidable.


As I moved toward the Daimyo's carriage, I noticed it was surrounded by samurai, a guardian, and a few monks. There were only ten people standing guard, but their demeanor made it clear they were ready to defend with their lives. I approached with my hands held up to show that I meant no harm.


"Hold your positions," I said calmly, making sure my voice carried no threat. "I have important information."


The samurai eyed me warily, their grips tightening on their weapons. Slowly, I reached into my pouch and pulled out two scrolls. "These scrolls contain critical details. One confirms the chunin's guard detail for the Daimyo. The other is a message from my captain, Jonin Tetsuo, verifying our mission to protect the Daimyo."


I passed the scrolls to a Leaf shinobi. He stepped aside, carefully examining them to ensure there were no hidden paper bombs or other threats. His movements were meticulous and cautious.


"The first scroll," I explained, "is the mission scroll confirming the chunin's guard detail for the Daimyo. The second one contains a message from my captain, Jonin Tetsuo, identifying part of our mission as being part of the Daimyo's search by information the chunin gave."


The Leaf shinobi unrolled the second scroll and read aloud, his voice tense. "This is a message from Jonin Tetsuo. We have been assigned to the Lord Daimyo's search and to confirm the legitimacy of the information ... Immediate action is required to ensure the safety of Lord Una of the Land of Fire."


As he finished reading, I noticed the Daimyo peeking through the carriage's curtains, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.


Meanwhile, I observed the Daimyo in his carriage. Upon closer inspection, I noticed an intricate seal enveloping the carriage. The seal was incredibly advanced, likely capable of withstanding even an S-rank jutsu. I reached out with my senses, a new ability I had recently developed, allowing me to feel the intricacies of seals. This innate sense provided me with a deeper understanding of the barrier's complexity.


As I explored this newfound sense, chaos erupted around me. Waji, breaking his cover, leaped into the midst of the lightning trio—Kitane, Nauma, and Tōu. They were in the process of forming a powerful combined jutsu, "Raiton: Rairyū no Tatsumaki" (Lightning Release: Thunder Dragon Tornado), while Chiriku was kept occupied by several rebels.


With a swift movement, Waji swung his bōken (staff), enhanced with chakra, and shattered Nauma's skull, killing him instantly and disrupting their jutsu. The interruption caused a significant shift in the battlefield's balance.


Tetsuo attempted a decapitating strike on Kazuma with his lightning-enhanced blade while Kazuma was in the process of unleashing "Fūton: Fajin no Sura" (Wind Release: Slash of the Wind God). The battlefield was a whirlwind of chaos, with samurai clashing in fierce combat, the clanging of steel and bursts of chakra filling the air. Kazuma stood in the midst of it all, a commanding presence amid the turmoil.


Kazuma, with incredible reflexes, halted his jutsu just in time to duck under Tetsuo's blade. The lightning-enhanced strike sliced through the air above Kazuma's head, crackling with deadly energy. In one fluid motion, Kazuma retaliated, his leg sweeping out to catch Tetsuo off guard. The force of the kick sent Tetsuo sprawling backward, crashing through a group of samurai who were locked in combat.


The samurai around them barely registered the clash, their focus entirely on their own battles. The intensity of the fight between Kazuma and Tetsuo seemed to ripple through the air, an epicenter of raw power and skill. Tetsuo quickly regained his footing, but it was clear that Kazuma's abilities were on a different level. The sheer difference in their strength and speed was evident as Kazuma pressed his advantage, forcing Tetsuo to defend against a relentless barrage of attacks.


Amidst the chaos, the samurai and monks continued their struggle, their faces set in grim determination. The battle was a test of endurance and skill, each side fighting with everything they had to gain the upper hand. Kazuma's dominance in the skirmish painted a stark picture of the odds they faced, highlighting the desperate situation they were in.


As the shinobi verified the scrolls, their suspicion lingered. Only Waji's success in crippling the enemy Guardians provided a sliver of trust. Amidst the chaos, I moved with my katana, taking down samurai left and right while laying trap seals around the perimeter.


My katana gleamed as I coated it with a thin layer of water, a technique I had perfected called "Suiton: Mizuyaiba" (Water Release: Blade of Flowing Water). The water sharpened the blade to a razor edge, allowing it to slice through bone and metal with ease. Each swing of my sword was precise and deadly, the enhanced blade cutting through armor and flesh like paper.


I felt the resistance of each strike, the impact reverberating through my arms as I struck down one samurai after another. Blood sprayed in arcs, painting the snow-dusted ground crimson. The samurai's screams were drowned out by the din of battle, their bodies crumpling to the ground in my wake.


With a swift upward slash, I cleaved through the chestplate of a samurai, the force of the blow sending him sprawling. The water-coated blade slipped effortlessly through his ribcage, severing his heart in a single, fluid motion. Another samurai lunged at me from the side, his sword aimed at my head. I spun on my heel, bringing my katana around in a sweeping arc. The blade connected with his neck, decapitating him in one clean stroke. The headless body toppled to the ground, blood gushing from the severed neck.


I continued to weave through the battlefield, my senses heightened, eyes scanning for threats. The trap seals I laid around the perimeter were a mix of explosive and immobilizing seals, designed to deter and incapacitate any enemy trying to flank us. As I moved, I activated a few of the seals, causing explosions that sent enemies flying, their bodies charred and broken.


In a brief lull in the fighting, I took a moment to catch my breath, my eyes scanning the battlefield. Tetsuo and Waji were engaged in fierce combat, their movements a blur as they fought off the remaining Guardians. Asuma and Chiriku were holding their ground, their skills and experience evident in every strike.


A sudden movement caught my eye, and I turned just in time to see a group of samurai charging towards me. I tightened my grip on my katana, the water-coated blade gleaming ominously. With a roar, I launched myself at them, my sword slicing through the air with deadly precision.


"Suiton: Mizuyaiba!" I shouted, the blade slicing through armor, flesh, and bone with ease. The first samurai fell, his chest split open from shoulder to hip. The second tried to block my strike, but my katana cleaved through his sword, the water-enhanced edge cutting through his torso like a hot knife through butter. The third samurai stumbled back, his eyes wide with fear. I didn't give him a chance to recover. With a swift, downward strike, I cut him down, the blade slicing through his skull and into his spine.


The battlefield was a maelstrom of violence and chaos, but I moved with purpose and precision. Each kill was a testament to the training and discipline instilled in me by my mentors. As I continued to fight, the blood of my enemies stained my clothes and skin, the metallic scent mixing with the acrid smell of burning wood.


I noticed Asuma was gravely wounded, and Tetsuo was struggling. Kazuma's blade, "Raijin no Sura," gleamed with deadly intent as he moved in for the kill. Just as Kazuma was about to decapitate Tetsuo, I used "Suiton: Geyser no Jutsu" (Water Release: Geyser Technique), drenching Kazuma and causing partial electrocution. The momentary distraction allowed Tetsuo to grab Asuma and create distance.


Kazuma, a master of lightning and wind, recovered quickly, dodging my "Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu" (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique) with ease. Angered, he unleashed his lightning jutsu on the tree I was hiding in, obliterating it. I barely managed to escape, feeling the heat of the blast on my back.


Just as I was about to move closer to the Daimyo's carriage, a rogue jonin from Iwa blocked my path. His presence was imposing, and his eyes were filled with a deadly focus. "What's a genin doing here?" he sneered, impressed that I had survived this long in the skirmish. I gripped my katana tighter, knowing this wouldn't be an easy fight.


The jonin wasted no time, launching a barrage of earth-based attacks. I dodged and countered with my water sword technique, coating my blade with a layer of water that sliced through his defenses and drew blood. But then the jonin used an earth technique to harden himself. I called it "Mizu no Hien" (Flying Swallow of Water), but he blocked it with his reinforced kunai and earthen shield. We exchanged a flurry of attacks, and he quickly gained the upper hand.


The rogue jonin was relentless. He blocked my attacks with an earthen shield and countered with powerful punches and kicks. Our battle was a deadly dance of taijutsu and kenjutsu, each of us pushing me to the limit. His strength was formidable and way stronger than mine, but I had been training for this. I switched to genjutsu, weaving illusions to throw him off balance. His eyes flickered with confusion for a moment, but he quickly dispelled it, his experience showing through.


I realized that standard tactics wouldn't work on him and if nothing changed, I would die or end up losing a lot of chakra. I needed something more. Summoning my chakra, I unleashed a series of water jutsus. "Suiton: Suijinheki!" (Water Release: Water Wall) I created a barrier to deflect his earth spikes, then followed up with "Suiton: Suikōdan no Jutsu!" (Water trumpet Technique) to keep him on the defensive. But he was unfazed, blocking everything I threw at him with earth walls and stone barriers. He soon got the upper hand.


Seeing that direct confrontation was getting me nowhere, I decided to outsmart him. I used an overpowering "Suiton: Mizudeppō" (Water Release: Water Gun) to break through his defenses, shattering his earth wall. As he stumbled back, I threw several smoke bombs and a seal I created with multiple false alarms to all five senses, creating a chaotic mix of false chakra signatures, smells, and sounds to confuse him.


The rogue jonin was momentarily disoriented, his senses overwhelmed by the sensory overload. This was my chance. I used the first jutsu I had created, "Suihashi" (Water Needle). It was inspired by the Second Mizukage's description of the Hazuki clan's water finger gun technique but modified to be used from the mouth. A small jet of water shot out in three streams as thin as threads, churning with such high speed that it was unreal. This technique, which I called "Suihashi" (Water Needle), could pierce through bone, flesh, and armor with keyhole precision.


In that brief moment of disarray, I aimed and fired. The thin, high-speed jet of water shot from my mouth, cutting through the air like a silent bullet. The jet struck the jonin's forehead with pinpoint accuracy, piercing through flesh, bone, and his headband effortlessly. His eyes widened in shock before he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.


As I stood over the lifeless body of the rogue jonin, a wave of realization washed over me. The battlefield had taught me that even the mightiest could fall if they were unlucky or careless. It reminded me of an old saying among shinobi: "In the heat of battle, if a jonin is unlucky or careless, even a lowly genin can take him down." This truth resonated deeply with me in that moment. Despite being a reserve genin, my training, instincts, and quick thinking had turned the tide in my favor. The fallen jonin was a testament to the unpredictability of combat and the importance of vigilance at all times.


By the time I reached the Daimyo's carriage, it was under heavy attack. My seals were effective in taking down enemies, but new legions of samurai and unaccounted Guardians were slaughtering the remaining defenders. I sneaked past the fighting, reaching the carriage where I saw the Daimyo's eyes peeking through a small opening.


"Your Grace, we have only one option," I said, urgency in my voice. "It's very risky."


He looked at me, his eyes wide with fear. "What's it?"


I took a deep breath. "We run. If my estimates are correct, they will overrun us in the next twenty minutes. I don't know if they can breach your carriage—it's made of the most powerful seals I've ever seen. Even all of them combined can't crack it. But they can wait until you starve inside."


The Daimyo's face paled as he considered the possibility. "Reinforcements will come for me."


I shook my head. "This place is sealed. My team has relayed our situation to HQ, but I don't think they can find us in time."


Desperation etched into his features as he weighed his options. The sound of battle grew closer, and the urgency of our situation became painfully clear. "What do we do?" he asked, his voice trembling.


"We need to move now," I replied. "I have a plan, but it requires absolute trust and quick action. Can you do that?"


The Daimyo nodded, his resolve hardening. "Yes. What do you need me to do?"


"We'll have to leave the carriage and make our way to sector 72. It's the nearest safe zone, but it's going to be dangerous. I'll create a diversion with my clones and set up barriers to slow them down. You'll need to stay close to me and move quickly. Understood?"


The Daimyo took a deep breath and nodded. "Understood."


With the plan set, I focused my chakra and created multiple water clones. These clones were essential, not only for creating distractions but also for helping me construct a makeshift carrying device for the Daimyo. Using the hilts of the samurai spears, I tied them together with ninja wire and applied a few strengthening seals. Given the significant height difference between the Daimyo and me, carrying him on my back alone would have been nearly impossible. But with this contraption, I could carry him and move quickly through the trees.


Meanwhile, I rigged the entire carriage with enough explosive seals—each hand-made and far more potent than standard issue. If my comrades knew the extent of explosive seals I carried, they would surely label me an insane pyromaniac. But in this chaos, my skills were a necessary madness. I fought my way through the enemy ranks, my water needles striking true, incapacitating a rebel jonin who was battling the old guardians.


The jonin, surprised to see a genin in the thick of battle, remarked, "What's a genin doing here? I'm impressed you've survived this long in this skirmish."


I signaled for him to retreat. As he approached, I relayed my plan. His initial reaction was disbelief—sending the Daimyo with a child seemed ludicrous. But a glance at the battlefield convinced him otherwise; their lines wouldn't hold much longer, and an unaccounted guardian would draw pursuit. Reluctantly, he agreed.


"Create an opening to the south," I instructed. "When this seal vibrates, break the perimeter and let the enemy advance toward the Daimyo's carriage. The cargo will detonate, and the explosion will be huge. In the ensuing chaos, we will escape. I'll create clones and henge them to look like us and inscribe seals to confuse the sensors. Hopefully, it will confuse anyone who spots us. The blast radius will be massive, and the soot and debris will obscure friend from foe."


He looked skeptical. "Can you even manage that? Do you have enough chakra left to create more clones?"


I smiled. "I've already sealed chakra-infused water for my chunin exam—it's a small pond's worth of water, with gallons and gallons infused over the past four months. It takes me very little chakra to use any water jutsu. For a water clone, I need just enough chakra for an academy clone. I have naturally higher chakra than people my age, but it's still less than that of seasoned shinobi. Chakra exhaustion is not something I want to deal with, so I created this way to compensate for my handicap. My water jutsu requires minimal chakra because of this. That's why I am only using water techniques. It's far more complicated than merely infusing water, but sealing techniques are a great boon. Constantly mixing water and chakra means I hardly use any chakra for my water jutsu, nor am I reliant on a water source. This is my greatest accomplishment in sealing. I planned to use it in the chunin exam for one big water dragon to impress the higher-ups. Alas, I never thought I would be using it for a situation like this."


The guardian's eyes widened in surprise. "You're an impressive child for a genin."


I continued, "After the explosion, let the enemy pass while you reinforce Asuma and Chiriku. They will think the Daimyo is moving there since the entire protection detail will change its location. When the seal vibrates a third time, scatter and harass them with guerrilla tactics. How does that sound? I'm not very experienced in strategy-making."


The guardian nodded approvingly. "It's a solid plan, but there's one hole in it. You can enter the barrier, but you can't exit it. The chunin who came for help likely escaped during the initial attack."


I smiled, pointing to one of my clones working diligently. "One of my clones has been on it since we arrived. Everything is ready. When the explosion happens, the barrier will collapse."


The guardian, reassured, said, "There are a few rough ends in the plan I'll handle. No time to discuss further. Ensure the Daimyo's safety."


Before he left, he asked, "What's your name, kid?"


"Naruto," I replied.


"Good knowing you, Naruto. I'm Zahir, the chief of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas."


With a nod, he dashed off to fulfill his part of the plan. I readied myself, the weight of the Daimyo's life and the fate of this battle resting heavily on my shoulders. The countdown had begun, and there was no turning back.


I slaughtered and slipped my way to the Daimyo's carriage, my katana dripping with the blood of enemies as I carved a path through the chaos. The sight of the Daimyo's eyes peering through a small opening in the carriage filled me with a renewed sense of urgency. "Everything is ready, your grace," I called out. "May I enter the carriage?"


The Daimyo immediately opened the door, allowing me inside. As the door swung open, I noticed the seals glowing with a soft, reassuring light. I had already relayed our plan to him, and he looked at me with a mix of anxiety and hope. "Are you sure of this plan?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.


"Yes, your grace," I replied firmly. "This is our best chance."


With his permission, I activated the communication seal. When the vibration was received by the old Guardian, he relayed the plan to the loyalist leader. They were ordered to slowly move to the south, opening another flank while the rest positioned themselves to assist Tetsuo and Waji.


By now, the loyalists had moved and cleared their positions. The Daimyo grew increasingly nervous, watching the enemy shinobi and samurai converge on our location.


We waited as the enemy tried to break in with various jutsu. I was left in awe at the integrity of the seals protecting the carriage. It was one thing to theorize about their strength, and another to witness it in action. One of the rebel guardians bombarded the carriage with a massive Fire Dragon Jutsu (Katon: Karyū Endan), attempting to cook us both inside. I felt a pang of nervousness seeing the size of the jutsu, but it didn't even scratch the surface. I marveled at the craftsmanship, wondering who had created such a masterpiece.


In addition to the Fire Dragon Jutsu, the carriage was also hit by a series of other powerful techniques. One rebel unleashed a Lightning Release: False Darkness (Raiton: Gian), sending a spear of lightning crashing against the seals. Another tried to breach with Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet (Doton: Doryūdan), which pummeled the carriage with heavy projectiles. Yet, the seals held firm, their intricate designs absorbing and deflecting the attacks with unwavering strength.


Each attack made my heart pound, but the carriage remained unharmed. The defensive seals were truly remarkable, capable of withstanding multiple high-level jutsu. My respect for the seal master who created them grew with each failed enemy attempt.


The reply vibration from the monk indicated that they were in position. I taunted the guardian outside, goading him into attacking. He tried to slip his tanto through a small gap, but the barrier seals activated, stopping his blade in its tracks. Seizing the moment, I activated the explosion seal.


The resulting blast was immense, the sound deafening. I turned to the Daimyo, who was already seated in the makeshift carrier I had constructed. I slung the carrier onto my back, reinforcing my body with chakra. I signaled to the clones and the Daimyo copies to move first. The explosion had filled the area with thick smoke and soot, obscuring vision entirely. But I knew how to navigate through my sensory deprivation seals. I weaved my way through the battlefield, sensing the least occupied paths.


We made it safely to the hole in the barrier that had formed from the explosion. I hadn't collapsed the barrier entirely because I didn't want the enemy to follow us immediately. I wanted them to think the Daimyo was either still in his carriage or had moved in a different direction. I ran, hopping from tree to tree, my senses on high alert for any sign of pursuit. Although I sensed no immediate threat, I couldn't afford to be complacent.


After half an hour of relentless running, I finally saw the outpost at Sector 72. The relief that washed over me was indescribable. I activated my seal to signal that the Daimyo was safe. At the same time, I triggered another seal to command my water clone to collapse the barrier entirely. As we entered Sector 72, we were immediately surrounded by four platoons of shinobi and reinforced by fifteen jonin, all with weapons drawn. Sector 72 was not just a sector; it was a tier 2 command center for counter-front operations.


The commander, a stern-looking jonin, stepped forward, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Who are you?"


I had forgotten that as soon as I collapsed the barrier, the sensors would pick up the chakra signals again, and the anomaly would have immediately sent pandemonium through the nearby ranks, putting everyone on edge.


Covered in soot and unrecognizable, I carefully set the Daimyo down and helped him stand. The commander's voice grew more impatient. "This is the last time I'm asking, kid. Who are you?"


Lifting my hands slowly to show I meant no harm, I spoke clearly, "I am a genin from Konoha, registration number 6873120234." I unsealed my ID and handed it over, making sure to move slowly and without any threatening gestures. "I was posted to Sector 58. I have relayed everything that happened to him."


The commander looked at me skeptically. "And you expect me to believe that? And this is Lord Daimyo riding on the back of a genin?" The platoons laughed, one even mocking, "Make up a better story, kid."


Annoyed, I stood my ground as the commander continued examining my ID. The Daimyo, now shaking off his shock and fear, found his voice. "You dare make me wait?" he shouted at the jonin, his voice regaining its authoritative edge.


Trying to calm the situation, I said, "Bring a bowl of water and a cloth."


A bowl of water was quickly brought. The Daimyo cleaned his face, revealing his identity. The commander's eyes widened in recognition from one of his postings in the palace.


The jonin immediately went down on one knee, bowing deeply. The rest of the platoon followed suit. "My apologies, Lord Daimyo Sama. We did not recognize you. Please forgive us. Grant us the honor of escorting you. You are safe now."


The dramatic shift in tone was palpable. The previously skeptical shinobi now stood in awe and respect. The laughter and mocking were replaced by silence and reverence. The gravity of the situation settled over them as they realized the true identity of the man I had been protecting.


"Lord Daimyo Sama , please, come inside," the commander urged, his voice filled with urgency and respect. "We need to ensure your safety and debrief immediately."


The Daimyo nodded, his eyes still reflecting the tension of the ordeal. "the boy saved my life. Make sure he is given the respect and assistance he deserves."


"Of course, Lord Daimyo," the commander replied, his tone solemn. "Genin, you have our gratitude. Please, both of you, follow me."


As we were escorted into the command center, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Despite the danger and overwhelming odds, we had made it. The Daimyo was safe, and I had proven my worth in the eyes of my superiors and the highest authority in the Land of Fire. The battle wasn't over, but for now, we had won a crucial victory.



With the Daimyo now in the safe hands of Sector 72's defenders, I allowed myself a moment to breathe. I knew the situation outside was still dire, with Tetsuo, Waji, Asuma, and the others fighting to hold back the enemy. But at least here, in this moment, we had a chance to regroup and plan our next move.


As I caught my breath, my mind raced with the political implications of what had just transpired. This attempted coup would send shockwaves through both Konoha and the capital. Heads would roll, not just figuratively but possibly literally. The Daimyo's near capture and the betrayal within the Guardian Twelve could lead to severe repercussions. Trust would be shattered, alliances questioned, and the blame would undoubtedly fall on several shoulders. I wondered what the Hokage would do, how the councils in both the village and the capital would react. This wasn't just a battle; it was a pivotal moment that could redefine the power dynamics and stability of the entire Land of Fire. The gravity of the situation was almost overwhelming and surly above my pay grade, and I knew that the consequences of today's events would be felt for a long time to come.


"Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Naruto- The Last Harbinger of Storm".


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Finally Chapter 19- Undercover in the Land of Water is Out!!!!!!

Chapter 20- Life of a undercover agent is Out!

Chapter 21: Into the Heart of the Mist is Out!!!!!!!!!!

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