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Chapter 8: Naruto's Introduction To The Path Of Awareness.

Naruto: The Last Harbinger of Storm

Chapter 8: Naruto's Introduction To The Path Of Awareness.

Author's Note:

Writing this chapter has been relatively easier compared to the previous one, but it has also been one of the more challenging tasks I've undertaken. Capturing the complex mix of emotions and deep philosophical ideas at play has been no small feat. Your thoughts and reflections on this chapter would mean a great deal to me. They will not only help clarify the narrative but also enrich our storytelling journey as we move forward. Thank you for your patience and for being part of this journey. I truly appreciate your engagement and support.

Join ThirdFireTriden on !

Chapter 11-The Battle Withinis out! in my Patren.

Chapter 12-Aftermath is out! in my Patren.

Finally Chapter 13 - Chapter 13- The Wrath of the Professor is out! in my Patren. (Spoiler this has 6k words of fight between Professor himself and kissame and Zabuza the battle will be epic)

Happy reading!

(Narutoʼs POV)

Kosuke and I continued our jconversation, which shifted to the nature of awareness. He paused, a thoughtful expression on his face, before speaking again. "Awareness is not something that you do; it is something that you become," he began, echoing the teachings of Tobirama. "Awareness is the highest form of intelligence. It is the essence of being alive. When you are aware, you are fully present in the moment, and you can see things as they are. This clarity is what we call the 'path of awareness.'"

His words intrigued me, and I listened intently as he continued.

"The path of awareness is the journey of becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It's about observing your inner world without judgment and seeing the reality of life without the distortion of the mind. When you walk this path, you begin to see the interconnectedness of all things and understand the deeper truths of existence."

I nodded, trying to grasp the depth of his words. Kosuke's teachings always had layers of meaning, and this was no different.

"To cultivate awareness, you need to practice mindfulness, meditation, and much more. These practices help you to quiet the mind and tune into the present moment. As you become more aware, you will start to see the patterns in your life and the ways in which your mind creates suffering. With this understanding, you can begin to make conscious choices that lead to a more joyful and fulfilling life."

Kosuke's voice was calm and soothing, a stark contrast to the turmoil I often felt inside. "The Path of Awareness is not a destination but a continuous journey of self-discovery and growth despite what you see when you look. It requires dedication, patience, and a willingness to look deeply within yourself. But as you walk this path, you will find a sense of peace and clarity that transcends the ups and downs of life."

I took a deep breath, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Kosuke, did Lord Tobirama say anything about awareness in relation to Madara Uchiha?" I asked, eager to learn more about the enigmatic figure.

Kosuke's expression grew more serious. "Ah, Madara Uchiha. Yes, Lord Tobirama spoke of Madara, who had ventured the most on the path of awareness in his knowledge. Madara's Sharingan gave him unparalleled clarity, allowing him to see the world not just in terms of vision but perception. The same could be said for the Hyuga clan and their Byakugan. These abilities should have been a gateway to true awareness, but they look at the world with biased emotions and all the impurities. They don't see the world for what it is, but for what they want to see it as."

Kosuke paused, gathering his thoughts. "Madara's journey on the path of awareness was unique. His Sharingan granted him the ability to perceive things with an extraordinary depth of clarity. He could see the true nature of chakra, the flow of energy in the world, and the intent behind actions. This should have been a path to enlightenment, a way to rise above the cycle of karma by achieving a balance between yin and yang."

I listened, captivated by the story. "So, what went wrong?" I asked.

Kosuke paused for a moment, then added, "Everyone has the potential for true awareness, but the Uchiha and Hyuga clans have an upper hand with their dojutsu. Both the Uchiha and the Hyuga clans have the potential for true awareness, but they often let their emotions cloud their judgment. It's not that emotion itself is the problem, but rather the compulsive nature of those emotions. True awareness has no place for compulsion; all actions must be conscious in nature. One can feel emotions deeply, but when it comes to action, those emotions should not cloud judgment. Instead, one should see through the emotions with clarity. Lord Hashirama always said that there was no one who could love more than an Uchiha, and Madara exemplified this in every way."

He continued, "For Madara, it was his intense love for his brother, Izuna, that defined him. This love was his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. When Izuna was killed—by Tobirama himself—Madara's profound love turned into an all-consuming hatred. Lord Tobirama often remarked that while the Uchiha's capacity for love was unparalleled, this same capacity made their hatred equally intense. Madara's emotions, unbridled and compulsive, ultimately clouded his judgment, leading him down a path of darkness. This is why true awareness, free from compulsive emotions, is essential for balance and clarity."

I felt a chill run down my spine. The story was more personal than I had imagined. "So, Madara succumbed to his hatred?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

Kosuke nodded. "At first, yes. But Madara was not just a man driven by rage. His awareness allowed him to see through the initial veil of hatred. He sought to overcome it, to find a deeper truth. And for a time, it seemed like he had succeeded. Despite Izuna's death, Madara, along with Hashirama, formed Konoha—a symbol of their shared dream for peace. Madara's initial drive for vengeance was transformed into a vision for a united shinobi world. However, as he delved deeper into his path, something changed."

Kosuke continued, "I don't know exactly what happened. Some say it was ideological differences, while others believe there were other factors at play. The truth remains unclear. But Madara slipped. Instead of finding peace, he found a vision of a world dominated by power and control. His awareness, which once sought to transcend hatred and find a greater good, had turned into a vision of tyranny. Madara's perception of peace became twisted, and he believed that only through absolute power could true peace be achieved. His once noble intentions were corrupted, leading him down a dark path."

Kosuke's words struck a chord deep within me. "So, awareness is a double-edged sword?" I asked.

"maybe," Kosuke replied. "Awareness is powerful, but it must be tempered with humility and compassion. Without these, even the clearest vision can lead one astray. I don't know what went wrong for Madera. His story is a cautionary tale. He ventured into uncharted terrain, exploring the depths of awareness, but ultimately, his vision became twisted by his desire for control and power. Awareness can be a double-edged sword or not I don't know. As the saying goes, the higher you climb, the deeper you fall."

Kosuke paused, reflecting on the weight of his words. "If I were to go rogue, it would cause only a minor issue. The only problem would be my knowledge, clearance and experience. I am old, and my power is nothing compared to that of Hiruzen that is the Lord 3rd. But when someone like Madara Uchiha decides to go rogue, they change the landscape of the world and leave lasting scars. His power and influence were unparalleled, and his fall from grace was a calamity for all."

He concluded with a somber tone, "I had the pleasure—or rather, the displeasure—of seeing Madara once from a distance. It was terrifying. I was young, and the sheer presence he commanded was overwhelming. Even then, I could sense the formidable force that he was. His legacy is a stark reminder of what can happen when great power is not balanced with wisdom and compassion."

Kosuke looked at me, his gaze penetrating and sincere. "The path of awareness and the path of abandonment, as Lord Tobirama taught, are deeply intertwined with the Senju philosophy of yin and yang. The Senju ancestors believed that achieving a balance between these two forces could lead to spiritual enlightenment, helping individuals rise above the cycle of karma. However, to truly transcend, one must go to the zenith with one path rather than balance both yin and yang. In society, you need a balance or the veneer of balance."

I reflected on these lessons, understanding the complexity of the path I was on. The teachings of awareness and abandonment were more than just philosophies; they were guiding principles that shaped how one approached the life of a shinobi.

Kosuke's explanation left me with much to think about. "So, Madara's journey was a cautionary tale?" I asked.

Kosuke smiled gently. "Yes, in a way. Madara's story teaches us that while awareness can lead to profound insights.

As we continued our journey, I reflected on Kosuke's words. The lessons of awareness and abandonment, the teachings of Lord Tobirama, and the tragic tale of Madara Uchiha all swirled in my mind. I felt a growing determination to walk my own path with clarity and purpose, mindful of the lessons from those who came before me.

Naruto thought deeply about the principle of awareness, understanding that every action should be guided by conscious intent rather than compulsive emotion. This realization made him reconsider his approach to conflict and violence. Killing, he concluded, should never be an act driven by rage or hatred but a conscious decision, executed with a clear mind and a heavy heart. He understood that every life taken would leave a scar on the world, and it was his responsibility to ensure his actions were just and necessary. He knew the definition of just and necessary would change with time, as they say, "a mission is a mission."

Drawing from Madara's tragic fall, Naruto vowed to avoid the pitfalls of unchecked ambition and power. This didn't mean he wouldn't seek power or become wealthy, as his ambitions still drove him. However, he recognized that power must be wielded responsibly. With this resolve, Naruto committed himself to becoming a shinobi who not only possessed great power but also the wisdom to temper it. Whether he used his power for good or bad, he would do it consciously and with full awareness of the consequences.

Naruto also felt he needed to grow a bit more before fully or begin to understand the path of surrender. He understood that surrender required him to look deeply into his emotions and completely immerse himself in them. At this moment, only the path of awareness made little sense to him, but he knew in his heart that the path of surrender was equally powerful. He vowed to explore this path when he was ready, understanding that it too held immense potential for growth and wisdom.

Naruto also vowed to delve deeper into understanding both the path of awareness and the path of surrender. He knew that to walk his path effectively, he needed to learn from both the successes and failures of those who came before him. He resolved to seek out teachings and experiences that would expand his understanding, looking to the past for wisdom and to his peers for practical insights. This commitment to continuous learning and growth would be his guiding light as he navigated the complexities of his journey.

In the days that followed, Naruto's resolve was put to the test. He faced challenges that required him to balance his formidable skills with his newfound principles. Each encounter reinforced his understanding that true awareness meant seeing beyond immediate emotions and impulses, acting with a clear, focused mind. Through these trials, Naruto began to embody the ideals of the shinobi he aspired to be, shaping his destiny with each mindful decision.

(Kosuke's POV)

Kosuke's eyes held a distant look as he watched Naruto. This was a story he had never shared with anyone before. It was the longest and last conversation he had with Lord Second Hokage before the fateful encounter with the Kinkaku and Ginkaku squad. As he reflected on that night, memories flooded back vividly. By the end of their conversation, the sunrise had bathed them in light, just as it did now. It was a night watch, and Kosuke had taken the duty knowing his skills were weaker compared to the rest, but his situational awareness was excellent. For some reason, Lord Tobirama had never slept that night, as if he had known what was about to happen the next day. They had talked extensively, and Kosuke had absorbed every word of wisdom and insight shared.

Kosuke thought about how the knowledge imparted by Lord Tobirama had never felt like it was meant solely for him. Even then, he had a sense that the teachings were destined for someone else, someone who would carry them forward in a way he never could. Now, seeing Naruto, he realized that the wisdom was meant for this young boy. The paths of awareness and surrender had greatly helped Kosuke become the person he was today. They provided him with a foundation to navigate the complexities of life and to make decisions with clarity and purpose. While his power might not compare to the great shinobi of their time, the wisdom he gained had always been his greatest strength.

Kosuke's curiosity about Naruto's future was boundless. He had watched many promising shinobi rise and fall, but Naruto had something different—a potential that, with the right guidance, could lead to true greatness. Kosuke knew that the path of awareness would help Naruto see through the fog of emotions and make decisions with a clear mind would redeem his conscious of his first kill. When the time came, the path of surrender would allow Naruto to embrace his emotions fully and use them as a source of strength rather than a hindrance.

He thought about how these teachings had shaped his own life. The principles of awareness had taught him to act with intent and clarity, free from the compulsion of unchecked emotions. The path of surrender had been harder to embrace, requiring him to look deeply into his emotions and fully immerse himself in them. Yet, both paths had proven invaluable, providing balance and insight that had guided him through countless challenges.

Kosuke could see the potential in Naruto, a potential that could surpass his own and even that of those who came before him. The boy had a determination and resilience that reminded him of the great shinobi he had served alongside. He was eager to see how these teachings would shape Naruto's journey, how the boy would interpret and apply the principles of awareness and surrender in his own life or will take the ultimate path venture deep into one? which one would it be?

In his heart, Kosuke felt a profound sense of fulfillment. The knowledge and wisdom he had carried all these years were not just relics of the past but seeds for the future. He believed in Naruto and looked forward to seeing the shinobi he would become, knowing that the boy had great potential.

Over the next four months, I took on mission after mission, honing my skills and proving my worth. My abilities in cooking and camping, taught to me by Kosuke, made me a valuable asset to my team. I became one of the aides in reserve, always ready to support my comrades with my growing expertise in sealing techniques and my solid mid to high Chunin-level abilities.

Kosuke's teachings had indeed made a significant impact on my growth. I remembered the long nights we spent training, his patient instruction in the ways of awareness and the subtle art of surrender. His lessons in swordsmanship were beginning to pay off as well; my budding sword style was becoming more refined with each passing day. Kosuke's wisdom and experience had given me a new perspective on what it meant to be a shinobi.

In the last seven months, I had grown immensely. I had become stronger, more aware, and more skilled. It was hard to believe that it had been a year since Kakashi had dismissed me as worthless, discarding me from his program. The sting of that rejection had fueled my determination to prove myself, to show that I was capable of greatness. Kosuke's guidance had been instrumental in this transformation, helping me to harness my potential and channel it into tangible progress.

Looking back, I realized how far I had come. The Naruto of a year ago was a far cry from the person I was now. I had faced countless challenges, but each one had only made me stronger. I had learned to balance my emotions with clarity of mind, to act with conscious intent rather than being driven by compulsive impulses. The path of awareness and the burgeoning understanding of surrender had given me a foundation to build upon, guiding me through the complexities of my journey.

As I continued to reflect on my journey, I thought about how my training with Kosuke had started. I remembered how hesitant I had been, unsure of my place and my abilities. Kosuke had taken me under his wing, teaching me not just the skills of a shinobi but also the philosophy behind those skills. The long hours spent mastering the basics of swordplay, the careful instruction in the art of sealing, and the constant emphasis on the importance of awareness and mindfulness had shaped me into a more capable and confident ninja.

I had become more proficient in my abilities. My time with Kosuke in the wilderness, learning how to camp and survive, had instilled in me a sense of self-reliance and resilience. Kosuke had shared stories of his own experiences, offering insights that went beyond the practical skills I was learning. His tales of the Second Hokage, and the profound lessons he had imparted, resonated deeply with me. It was during these sessions that I began to understand the true depth of the teachings Kosuke was passing on.

The nights spent around the campfire, listening to Kosuke's quiet, reflective voice, were some of the most transformative moments of my training. He spoke of awareness, of seeing through the veil of emotions to the clear truth beyond. He explained the importance of understanding one's emotions but not being controlled by them. These lessons were not just about becoming a better shinobi; they were about becoming a better person.

In the days that followed, my resolved many many missions. Each mission presented new challenges, and I had to balance my formidable skills with my newfound principles. The path of awareness meant seeing beyond immediate emotions and impulses, acting with a clear, focused mind. It was a constant struggle, but each trial reinforced my understanding and commitment.

One particular mission stood out in my mind. We were tasked with escorting a group of villagers through a dangerous forest. It was a routine mission, but halfway through, we were ambushed by a band of rogue ninja. In the heat of battle, I remembered Kosuke's teachings. I kept my mind clear, my actions deliberate. My sealing techniques and sword skills, combined with my strategic awareness, turned the tide in our favor. We successfully repelled the attackers and completed the mission without any casualties.

Through these trials, I began to embody the ideals of the shinobi I aspired to be. My growth was not just in strength and skill but in wisdom and understanding. I was shaping my destiny with each mindful decision, guided by the timeless wisdom of those who had come before me.

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Chapter 11-The Battle Withinis out! in my Patren.

Chapter 12-Aftermath is out! in my Patren.

Finally Chapter 13 - Chapter 13- The Wrath of the Professor is out! in my Patren. (Spoiler this has 6k words of fight between Professor himself and kissame and Zabuza the battle will be epic)

Link for chapter 13


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