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26.08% Fantasy May Cry: The Red Demon / Chapter 6: THE RED ZONE!

Chapter 6: THE RED ZONE!

"This hit, that ice-cold 

 Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold This one, for them hood girls..." I sang along to the song playing in my head as I popped a slice of pizza into the microwave. Glancing at my bracelet, I noted the time: 7 a.m. Ugh, too early...

I yawned and surveyed my surroundings. The kitchen was spacious, and I was alone, save for the comforting aroma of reheated pizza. Biting into a slice, I muttered, "Meh..."

Apparently, I had woken up too early, even for me. As I munched on my pizza, someone else stumbled into the kitchen. It was Jess, looking like a mummy who had just risen from the dead. She poured herself a glass of water, and we ate in silence for a while.

"You're going to keep staring like a stalker...?" Jess finally spoke, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Yeah, I don't have anything better to do," I replied between bites. She sighed and took another swig of water. "Hey, is there any more pizza left...?"

"Yeah, check the fridge," I said, gesturing towards the refrigerator. She got up, grabbed a slice, and joined me at the table. For a while, we ate in silence, each lost in our own thoughts.

"Steel a soul for a second chance..." I sang softly, unable to get the melody out of my head. "So, what rank are you in the guild?" I asked, curious about her standing.

"B..." she mumbled around a mouthful of pizza.

Ah... not bad.

The silence that followed was uncomfortable, to say the least.

"Haa... what time is it...?" Alex interrupted, his blonde hair still tousled from sleep. He grabbed a slice of pizza and began eating it cold—a true monster.

One by one, the rest of our companions trickled into the kitchen, each grabbing a slice of pizza and joining us at the table.

"So early..." Austin groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah..." I agreed, taking a sip of water. Waking up this early had definitely been a mistake.

"HI, TEAM!!" Arthur's boisterous greeting startled me, and I covered my ears. "It's too early!!"

Arthur, on the other hand, seemed full of energy. Damn, I wanted to go back to bed...

"Well!! It seems like everyone's up bright and early!" Arthur exclaimed, taking a seat at the table. "I have some good news! The guild has requested a mission, and they need a team of three. So, Austin, Jess, and Dante, you're up! How does that sound?"

Jess groaned and pulled her hood lower over her face. "Haaaaaa... I don't want to go," she mumbled. Austin, meanwhile, seemed transfixed by the pizza on his plate, as if in a trance.

Undeterred by our lack of enthusiasm, Arthur continued, "Well, time to get ready, team! We've got a mission to prepare for!"

Curious about the details, I asked, "What kind of mission is it?"

"It's a simple mission," Arthur assured us. "Nothing complicated. Just some disposable junk that needs taking out. It's a low-ranking mission, so it should be a breeze for you guys."

Arthur touched his bracelet, and Jess followed suit, accessing the mission details. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the information. "Are you serious...?" she asked, her tone skeptical.

"It's an easy mission!" Arthur reiterated.

Jess sighed. "Okay..." she replied, her voice conveying her reluctance.



Me, Austin, and Jess made our way through the streets of Lunaria. I pulled up my hood, a precaution against recognition. Austin, on the other hand, was dressed casually in a jacket and blue jeans, while Jess stuck to her usual black jacket and pants, her hood still obscuring her face.

"Where are we headed?" I asked, curious about our destination.

"The red zone of the city," Austin replied. "People call it that because Lunaria is a huge city, and it's obvious that some areas are more dangerous than others. The red zone is where you'll find drugs, prostitution, slaves..."

"Slaves? I thought that kind of thing didn't exist anymore," I remarked, surprised.

Austin shook his head. "The world has undoubtedly improved in many ways, but some things remain the same. The nobles, for the most part, haven't changed. There are a few good ones, but most are trash. The world has always been like this—the good, the bad, and everything in between..."

"Oh, so you know a lot, huh?" I teased, a smile playing at the corners of my mouth.

"Nah, history doesn't interest me much..." Austin trailed off, his gaze distant. "I just read things as a kid and experienced some disgusting things..."


"Also, I got that speech from the internet," he added with a small smile. "I never thought I'd actually use it, but here we are."

Sighing, I changed the subject. "Well, where exactly is this red zone you mentioned?"

"Let's follow Jess," Austin suggested, rubbing his eye sleepily. "I'm too lazy to lead a team."

Jess, seemingly lost in her own thoughts, continued walking forward. After half an hour of walking, we arrived at a markedly different area of the city. Drunkards brawled in the streets, and passed-out bodies littered the ground.

"Damn... what a difference," I breathed, taking in the scene before us.

I sighed, and we began to make our way through the area. Approaching Jess, I asked, "Well, where do we need to go?"

"A clandestine arena," Jess said casually, yawning a little. "Clandestine fights, huh? Not bad..."

"Just follow me, there are several places like that..." Jess walked in one direction, and me and Austin followed. We soon arrived at a large building that resembled a casino. Its sign flashed rhythmically, displaying the word "cosmos." "A clandestine arena in a casino, huh..."

I sighed. "So, where is this clandestine arena?"

"Underneath the casino. Follow me, I've been here several times. It seems our mission this time is to take out some wanted smugglers who showed up here," Jess explained as we continued walking

"How do we get in?" I asked curiously.

Jess sighed. "There's a back entrance that leads directly to the underground arena. Follow me."

We followed Jess around the casino and saw a guard standing in front of a solid metal door. "Hello, John. How's your day going?" Jess addressed the guard, who had a bald head and wore black clothes.

"Well, normal for today. I never thought the great Knight Cat would return here," John replied.

Knight cat? 

Jess sighed. "I'm here to watch some fights. I brought some friends. Can we come in?"

John glanced at us and said, "Just a moment..."

He took out a device similar to a tablet and activated it. Suddenly, a holographic screen appeared, displaying an adult woman in her thirties. She was dressed in a provocative purple dress, smoking a cigarette, and moving her long purple hair. "What is it now, John? I'm relaxing..." the woman said, her voice laced with annoyance.

"Miss Candy, Jess is back. She wants to watch some fights, and she's brought two friends," John explained respectfully.

Miss Candy took a drag from her cigarette and exhaled, the smoke filling the screen. "Let her in... I'll be merciful for now, understood?"

John nodded, and the call ended. It seemed Jess had quite a reputation at this place.

"Alright, you can go in. Miss Candy has given her permission," John said, opening the metal door. "Just remember, I don't want any trouble."

I nodded casually, and Jess said, "Yes, yes..."

The three of us entered and walked down a hallway with stairs leading underground. "Hey Jess, you seem to know this place pretty well," I commented.

"Something like that... I 'worked' here..." Jess replied dryly.

As we descended, we reached a set of double doors made of luxurious wood. Jess sighed and opened them, revealing a scene reminiscent of a striptease club. Men were throwing yellow bills at scantily clad women dancing sensually. "Is this the arena?" I asked, confused.

"It's a way to train people before fights. Just follow me and keep quiet..." Jess said, leading the way.

We sat at a bar table, and Jess ordered, "Strawberry juice."

The bartender, recognizing Jess, said, "Oh, Knight Cat. Long time no see—two or three years?"

"Shut your mouth and give me something to drink," Jess snapped.

The bartender sighed. "Okay, okay... And for you two?"

"Something sweet," Austin and I said at the same time.

The bartender sighed again. "Alright, wait here. I'll bring something for the minors."

As he walked away, I asked, "So, minors are allowed here?"

"Yeah, it's a clandestine place. Age doesn't matter," Jess replied casually.

Jess seemed upset as she stared at the table, while Austin turned around to take in the surroundings. The music was loud.

"So, we have to kill people who come here, right?" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Yes, just kill them. They're illegal weapons smugglers," Jess confirmed.

Illegal weapons... I scanned the room and noticed a man in his forties with brown hair. He was sitting on a couch, surrounded by several women. One was feeding him grapes, while another held a drink for him. "Isn't that one of them? He looks important," I said to Jess, pointing at the man.

Jess looked at the man and then at her holographic screen, which displayed several photos. "Wait... Yep, it's him, but there are two more."

I sighed. "Well, this place is going to get crazy when those two arrive, right?"

"Yeah... I just want to finish this quickly and go home..." Jess agreed

I waved my hand in front of my face, trying to dissipate the thick cloud of cigarette smoke that permeated the air. This place was filled with the pungent aroma. "We'll have to wait, it seems," I sighed, settling back in my chair.

After a few minutes, more people began to arrive. Two individuals with identical snake tattoos on their foreheads caught my attention. They appeared to be twins and made their way towards the man surrounded by women.

A smile spread across my face as I said, "Well, looks like it's time for action. Shall we?"

Jess, however, had a concerned look on her face. "Yes... but there's a problem..."

I sighed, already anticipating the complication. "What is it this time?"

"It's complicated... but if we kill someone here, we might attract unwanted attention. It could get messy," Jess explained, holding her glass of strawberry juice.

"Haa... Great," I groaned, already dreading the impending chaos.

Suddenly, a man in a purple suit approached our table. He was tall and imposing, and he stood directly in front of Jess. "Jess, Miss Candy wants to see you," he said.

Jess sighed in exasperation. "Not this again... No, I don't want to go."

The man reached out to touch Jess, but I quickly stood up and grabbed his hand. "Hey, big guy," I said, "my friend here is dealing with some female emotional problems. Can you give her some space for now?"

The man glared at me and said, "Brat, mind your own business. This doesn't concern you."

I maintained my grip and replied, "Well, actually, it does. She's my... partner. And maybe one day she'll consider me a friend, but it's complicated, you know?"

The man tried to pull his hand away, but my grip was unyielding. "Hey... I'm giving you another warning," I said, my voice hardening.

The man sighed dramatically. "What a bother..." Suddenly, he exerted a tremendous amount of force, causing my grip to weaken slightly.

I frowned and said, "No... This is a little annoying for me. I can't even do my job properly..." With a surge of anger, I tightened my grip even harder, my fingers digging into his flesh.

The man grunted in pain and fell to his knees, his face contorted. "Hey Jess," I said, turning to her. "Do you really care about that woman who dresses like a prostitute?"

Jess laughed bitterly. "It's complicated, you know?"

I sighed and flashed a wide smile. "I don't want to get into emotional tangles, especially teenage drama. Let's just get this done quickly and efficiently, right?!"

With my hood still concealing my identity, I released the man and punched him swiftly in the neck. He crumpled to the ground, gasping for air. My job was to eliminate threats, and I wasn't about to let a woman dressed like a cheap prostitute get in my way.

Ebony and Ivory, my trusted pistols, materialized in my hands. "Time to rock, baby!" I exclaimed, already feeling the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I dashed towards the men in the photos and leaped into the air, landing directly in front of them. Without hesitation, I aimed at the brown-haired man and pulled the trigger. The bullet found its mark, and he fell lifeless to the ground. Thanks to my improved control over my demonic energy, I was able to dispatch him swiftly.

Screams filled the air as people realized what was happening. Most of them were likely innocent bystanders. I quickly turned my attention to the twins, but they had vanished, moving faster than the eye could see. I dodged an incoming kick and punch.

"Impressive," I said, a smirk playing at the corners of my mouth. "You two seem decent!"

One of the twins sighed. "A mercenary, huh?" The other added, his voice filled with annoyance, "Damn it... my money."

The first twin drew a dagger from within his clothing and lunged at me. I easily dodged his attacks, my movements graceful and fluid. I holstered my pistols within my trench coat, giving the illusion that I was unarmed.

His dagger slashed through the air, but I was nowhere near his reach. I dodged and weaved, my body moving instinctively to avoid his blows. "Perfect practice," I muttered, my eyes gleaming with anticipation.

People began to flee the establishment, their screams and panicked footsteps filling the air. I clenched my fist, infusing it with demonic energy. With a swift exhale, I punched the twin in the chest, sending him flying backwards. He crashed into a wooden table, shattering it into pieces. "Holy shit... that hurts..." he groaned, struggling to catch his breath.

His brother, the other twin, narrowed his eyes. "You're stronger than you look..."

I flashed a mocking smile and said, "Thank you for the compliment. If you'd like a lesson, I charge 10 thousand solars for the practice. Thursdays are 20% off, by the way."

The twin gritted his teeth, his eyes burning with anger. "Don't screw with me, you bastard!!" A yellow aura enveloped his body, and he moved with incredible speed, blurring as he attacked.

I dodged his blows, the furniture around me shattering from the force of his strikes. "You're fast! But not fast enough!" I taunted, my fist glowing with demonic energy. I struck him in the face, my punch sending him flying into a wall.

Withdrawing my pistols from within my trench coat, I took aim at the twin. "That was fun, thanks for the workout. But business is business," I said coldly, pulling the trigger without hesitation. Three seconds and multiple bullets later, the twin lay lifeless, his body riddled with holes.

"BROTHER!!!!" A heart-wrenching scream made me turn, and I narrowly dodged a kick infused with the yellow aura.

I clenched my leg and delivered a powerful kick to the leg of the screaming man, causing his bone to protrude through his clothing. He collapsed to the ground, and I pointed my guns at him. "Sorry, bro, but money's on the line here," I said, pulling the trigger without hesitation. After a few seconds, his body lay limp and riddled with bullet holes, blood pooling around him. "Job done," I sighed, holstering my pistols back into my trench coat, where they disappeared into my inventory.

I glanced over at Austin and Jess, who were nearby. Jess was locked in combat with the big guy in purple. She deftly dodged his blow and snapped, "I'm done being your... PET!" Her fist connected with his groin, and he crumpled to the ground in pain. I winced, covering my sensitive areas. "Damn... that's got to hurt..." I muttered.

The guy seemed knocked out, and I sighed in relief. "Well, that was easy. Now, let's get out of here— Wait, something's not right," I said, suddenly sensing a familiar danger akin to my battle with Arthur. I dodged a swift sword slash, my eyes locking onto the attacker. He was dressed in all black, resembling a ninja, and his long sword emanated a black aura. "Damn... he looks cool," I murmured, my eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Calm down, Mizuki," a mature female voice interrupted. I turned to see a woman in a provocative purple dress—Candy, I presumed. "You are impressive, boy... so young and yet so skilled and powerful," she said, her voice laced with flirtation.

"Thank you...?" I replied, my gaze shifting between Candy and the ninja-clad man.

Candy sighed. "Well... you've scared away my precious clients. Fortunately, they fled to another area, but there are still more..." She ran her fingers through her purple hair. "I'm a little angry... my big fight might be canceled because of this mess."

She sighed again. "Perhaps we should continue this discussion elsewhere?"


The three of us found ourselves in a luxurious room, seated on a large sofa. The room was adorned with shelves holding various perfumes and books. Across from us was a desk, behind which Candy sat in a chair. "Well, well... Jess, causing trouble as usual, I see," she said, her tone laced with annoyance.

"We're just doing our job as mercenaries," Jess replied defensively.

Candy sighed. "Why didn't you wait for them to leave my establishment before taking them out? It would have been less disruptive."

Jess opened her mouth to respond but seemed at a loss for words. I decided to step in. "We wanted the money now. It's too early to wait, and it's annoying," I explained.

Candy's eyes narrowed as she looked at me. "So, you wanted the money quickly and made a mess of my workplace, correct?"

"Yeah," I said nonchalantly, while Austin added, "In our defense... well, I think we're screwed anyway."

Candy sighed, her patience wearing thin. "Are you seriously suggesting that after destroying my workplace and driving away my clients, you want to just walk out of here?"

I nodded casually, my eyes never leaving Candy. While I sensed the ninja-clad man could be a formidable opponent, Candy didn't emanate the same level of danger. I wondered if she was a normal woman or if she possessed hidden powers.

Candy shook her head. "I can't allow that. I'm not an idiot..."

I stroked my chin thoughtfully. "How about a win-win deal?"

Candy raised an eyebrow. "A deal with me? Do you have the guts for that, kid?"

I nodded confidently. "Oh, I think I can get your attention."

"Impress me, then," she challenged.

"You host clandestine combat, right?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face. "How about I fight your strongest fighter and we put on a great show? You could make a lot of money, and it would be an exclusive, unique fight. We leave without any further problems, and you earn a larger sum than usual."

Candy seemed intrigued. "You want to fight my strongest combatant?"

"An interesting deal, don't you think?" I smiled. "Are you interested?"

Candy hesitated. "Are you sure...? He's pretty strong..."

My smile widened. "Nah, I'd win."

Jess's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at me. "Are you completely sure? Candy's strongest combatant is as strong as an A-rank mercenary, or maybe even...S" Her voice trailed off.

I smiled confidently. "Not bad, right?"

Jess covered her face with her hands. "He told me you were super strong, but... this is crazy..."

Austin shrugged. "Well, I'm not too surprised about Dante's strength. Arthur already told me he was powerful."

Jess turned to him, her eyes narrowing. "Do you know the vast difference between A-rank and S-rank mercenaries? It's like comparing an ant to a mountain. The gap is absurd."

I furrowed my brow, processing this new information. "So, that's the difference...?" I recalled my brief clash with Arthur, but the disparity in power seemed even greater than I had imagined. "Maybe he didn't fight with his full strength..." I mused aloud.

jess stared at me, her eyes wide with disbelief. "You... you fought with Arthur!? Are you crazy!?"

I shifted uncomfortably under her intense gaze. "Well, it was just a brief clash, and he didn't seem to be taking it seriously..." I said casually, trying to downplay the encounter.

Jess buried her face in her hands. "What the hell..." she muttered, shaking her head.

I turned to Candy, who was observing me with a newfound interest. "So, you're intrigued?" I asked, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of my mouth.

Candy smiled back. "Well... it doesn't seem so bad..."

I heard Austin's voice, tinged with exhaustion. "Damn... I just want to go home..."

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