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Chapter 11: Mysterious Amber



Pewder Gym, Gary's first gym match was underway.


Brock's Onix had fallen. Facing Gary's Charmander, Brock took out his second Pokémon: "Geodude, come on!"


"Charmander!" Charmander excitedly opened his hands and stared at the Geodude.


"Oh, it has a very combative personality." Brock smiled. "Geodude, use the Rock Throw!"


This move sounded impressive, but it's actually...


Geodude picked up the gravel on the ground and threw it at Charmander.


Charmander caught the gravel and then held the dragon energy in its hand.


Wow! The green dragon claws directly crushed the gravel into a handful of dust...


"Charmander, don't hold back, use Flamethrower!" Gary waved his hand calmly.


"Charmander!" Charmander had a bad temper. Isn't it embarrassing for me? When it opened its mouth, a blazing flame burst out.


Boom! After the pillar of fire, a dark stone appeared in the field. Geodude fell directly to the ground, spitting out a puff of black smoke...


Brock had a cold sweat on his forehead. Is this the challenger? Are they here to play in the gym?


"Oh? It's too harsh...I'm sorry..." Gary scratched his head.


Charmander puffed up its chest and raised its head with satisfaction, and a burst of evolutionary light came out of its body.


"Is it evolving?" Brock asked in surprise.


"Yeah, it's almost time. After training for so long along the way, I think it's time to evolve." Gary nodded.


Soon, the white light receded, and a Charmeleon with fierce eyes, a horn on its head, a blazing fire on its tail, and thicker limbs appeared in front of Gary.


"What a great coat color, it must have been well-raised." Brock couldn't help but sigh.


"Thank you for your advice. I really put a lot of thought into this Pokémon." Gary nodded proudly.


Although they lost the game, being able to see the growth of the challenger is the proudest moment for gym trainers.


Brock was also very generous. He came to Gary and the two parties shook hands.


"This is the Boulder Badge, proof of winning the Pewder Gym." Brock took out his badge and handed it to Gary formally.


"Thank you, I'll accept it." After taking the badge, Gary took out his badge collection box and put his first badge into the box.


"Ding... Mission accomplished. Road to Quartz Plateau updated.


Complete: (1/8)!


Rewards are distributed to the system backpack."


After finishing the gym competition and saying goodbye to Brock, Gary finally had time to visit Pewter City.


Although it is not a metropolitan-level city, basic supplies are no problem.


After purchasing food and medicine at a friendly store, Gary came to his last stop in Pewter City.


Pewter City Science Museum!


Many different stones are stored here, as well as the remains of some spaceships.


If the scientists' guess is correct, these wreckages should be the spaceship that Clefairy took when it came to Earth.


Of course, these are not of interest to Gary. Compared with the spaceship, Gary cares more about the Pokémon fossils here.


After paying the admission fee of fifty yen at the front desk, Gary calmly walked into the museum with his hands in his pockets.


"Sir, would you like me to introduce the collection to you?" A middle-aged researcher wearing glasses and a researcher's white coat came up and said.


"Well, I want to see it myself, thank you." After declining the enthusiastic staff, Gary went directly to the second floor.


Sure enough, when he looked up, the fossils of two Kabuto came into view.


Gary looked closer with interest. These fossils carry the genes of ancient Pokémon.


In the near future, when genetic technology matures, they will be restored into living Pokémon.


Currently, in Gary's memory, the only scholar who possesses this technology is Blaine from Cinnabar Island. This old man is not only a master of fire Pokémon but also a very powerful scientist.


Although not every ancient Pokémon is powerful in combat, these Pokémon have traveled hundreds or thousands of years and reappeared in the world. This is undoubtedly a romantic process in the eyes of scholars.


Immediately afterward, Gary saw the fossils of Omanyte and Omastar.


This is a relatively common ancient Pokémon fossil in Kanto.


However, these Pokémon generally have low combat effectiveness, and their academic value is greater than their practical value.


"Gary, isn't this Gary?" Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded.


Gary looked up, and a middle-aged man with a stern face appeared in front of him.


"Who are you?" Gary asked doubtfully.


"Oh, you may not remember, I am Dian, and Professor Oak is my doctoral supervisor!" the middle-aged scholar said excitedly.


"Hello." Gary nodded politely.


"Hahaha, long time no see. How is Professor Oak?" Dian asked enthusiastically.


"Grandpa is in good health. Thank you for your concern." Gary replied truthfully.


"Are you here for a visit?" Dian continued to ask.


"Well, I'm on a training trip as a Pokémon trainer. I happened to pass by here and wanted to see the Pokémon fossils." Gary explained.


"As expected of Professor Oak's grandson, he has a spirit of academic research." Dian nodded happily. "There will be a fossil resurrection project next year in Johto. If you are interested, you can come and take a look."


"Really? I will definitely go." Gary's eyes lit up. In Johto, he should be able to see Lileep and Anorith; the potential of these two is much higher.


"By the way, come with me." Dian thought for a while and took Gary to an office.


"I excavated this by myself in ancient times. It's a very beautiful stone. I'll give it to you as a souvenir." Dian took out a yellow amber from the drawer and handed it to Gary.


Gary's eyes narrowed. Mysterious amber! What a good thing!


"Can I really accept this?" Gary asked uncertainly.


"Of course, this is not a fossil, I can still make the decision!" Dian straightened his back. "After all, I am the curator here."


"Thank you very much, I like it very much." Gary took the amber in surprise and held it in his hand.


Not surprisingly, there is an ancient raptor inside.


Aerodactyl, apex predator, one of the ancient overlords!


"You don't have to be so polite. I was able to get my doctorate thanks to Professor Oak's careful teaching." Dian waved his hand. It was obvious that he must be Professor Oak's big fan.


"It's getting late. I have to leave for Cerulean City. Uncle Dian, let's see you next time." After receiving the unexpected surprise, Gary was not in the mood to continue visiting the museum, so he said goodbye.


"Okay, then we will meet again later." Dian nodded with a smile and sent Gary out of the museum very politely.


Watching Gary's leaving figure, a researcher came to Dian's back. "Director, that is the amber of a fossilized Aerodactyl. Are you giving it away like this?"


"What do you know? Professor Oak's kindness can't be repaid with a piece of amber. If it can help this kid Gary, it won't matter even if I give him all the fossils in my room!" Dian said with his hands behind his back, his smile magnanimous.

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