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Chapter 8 The Sakuragi Family and Team Rocket

After talking to Dr. Oak on the phone, Gary reported on the progress of his arrival in Viridian City.

Dr. Oak finally found an opportunity to teach Gary.

It is said that Ash and Leaf arrived at Viridian City at noon. Since the Viridian Gym was closed, they had already moved towards Pewter City.

Not only that, but relying on the excellent starting Pokémon, they seemed to have captured four or five Pokémon.

"Anyway, they probably capture whatever they encounter, right?" Gary spread his hands.

"Uh... Indeed, they are all Caterpies, Weedles, Oddish, and Pidgeys..." Dr. Oak choked up.

"So, I am taking the elite route, and I don't want to conquer Pokémon at all." Gary continued to answer.

"Okay, your Scyther is indeed unique." Dr. Oak also had to admit that his grandson was as fierce as he was when he was young...

"Oh, that's right! Since you're in Viridian City, why not go to the Cerise Laboratory!" Dr. Oak suggested.

"Cerise Laboratory, it seems that the director hasn't been admitted to the doctorate yet?" Gary tilted his head and thought.

"It is said that he recently observed a mysterious large silver Pokémon. Are you interested?" Dr. Oak raised his eyebrows.

"Huh~?!" Gary was surprised: "Is it the legendary Lugia?"

"As expected of my grandson, this knowledge reserve is so broad!" Dr. Oak said proudly.

"Okay, if you succeed, I will go there." Gary nodded.

"Hehe, that's it, I will notify the Cerise Laboratory." Dr. Oak nodded: "I am outside, pay attention to your health, bye!"

Dr. Oak hung up the phone very decisively. Gary rolled his eyes. Is he so anxious because you have lumpy face?

However, the news about Lugia, this thing is indeed worth Gary's trip.

Just at this time, the counter was also calling Gary. His Pokémon completed their physical recovery.

Taking back his Poké Ball, Gary decided to go to Cerise Laboratory to find out before it was completely dark.

Boom! A roaring motorcycle drifted directly into the Pokémon Center gate.

Nurse Joy's annoyed voice sounded: "This is a medical place, violent driving is prohibited!!"

"Oh, don't worry about this yet. This kid's Pikachu is seriously injured." Officer Jenny jumped off the motorcycle, revealing Ash and Pikachu covered in mud behind them.

"Sorry, please save it!" Ash rushed forward anxiously.

Nurse Joy's frown was a loving slap.

Snap! A slap stunned Ash.

Nurse Joy was a little angry: "Since you have become a Pokémon trainer, please be responsible for your own Pokémon.

How could your Pokémon be injured like this? Do you really think that the Pokémon will not die? "

"This child was attacked by a group of wild Spearows. He has worked very hard to protect his Pokémon." Officer Jenny explained.

Ash lowered his head and remained silent as he blamed himself.

"I understand, rescue him now. You guys wait outside." She picked up Pikachu and handed it to Chansey, and Nurse Joy also sighed.

Seeing Pikachu being sent to the rescue room, Ash looked at the door of the rescue room with some confusion.

"Don't worry, this is the Pokémon Center. As long as the Pokémon are still alive, Nurse Joy will save them." A familiar voice sounded in Ash's ears.

"Gary!" Ash turned around in surprise.

"Hey~ What's your expression? Are you going to cry..." Gary curled his lips in disgust: "I'm telling you, if you dare to act coquettishly with me, I will spit all over you..."

"Tch, you guys are not cute at all!" Ash pouted awkwardly, and the tense atmosphere in his heart eased a little.

"Don't worry, wait here. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. Remember to call my grandpa and report on your travel progress." After patting Ash, Gary turned and left.

"What, I will catch up soon!!" Ash shouted at Gary's back in dissatisfaction.

The latter waved his hand and left without looking back.


At the Cerise Laboratory, Professor Cerise, who is not yet a Ph.D., is happily preparing to have dinner with a family of four.

Although he has not yet obtained his doctorate, Professor Cerise's family life is still quite happy.

Having a son and daughter, this is the kind of treatment only a strong man with two doors can have. Among other things, we Professor Cerise are envious of everyone in this regard!

However, the peaceful life at night was broken by a sudden attack!

Boom!! There was an explosion, and the Cerise couple looked at the door of their home being blown open in surprise.

A man wearing a black peaked cap walked in with several people also wearing black combat uniforms.

"Who are you?!" Cerise asked solemnly, protecting her children behind her.

"You are the director of Cerise Laboratory, right?" The leading man got straight to the point: "We are Team Rocket and are very interested in the Pokémon you observed before. Please hand over the information."

"What?!" Cerise was shocked. He still knew something about the evil forces in Kanto, but he didn't expect that the other party would come to his door so quickly.

"Dad, are these people bad people?" Cerise's eldest daughter Chloe asked with some fear.

"Don't worry, you and Souta stay with mom and be safe." After comforting his children, Professor Cerise turned around and said, "I don't have the information you want here."

"Tch, he's quite brave." The leader of Team Rocket spat disdainfully.

"Husband, what should I do!" Cerise's wife, Miss Yoshino, protected their children and retreated towards the small door behind them.

"Don't worry, Officer Jenny will be here soon." Cerise said calmly.

In any case, he is also a registered research institute here. After it is violently destroyed, an alarm will sound directly at the police station.

That's why Cerise deliberately delayed time.

"Hahahaha~ You don't think that the police have time to save you, do you?" The team leader sneered: "If, at this time, the Pokémon Center is also attacked~ Will Officer Jenny still have time to come here?"

"What?!" Cerise shouted in surprise. He didn't expect that someone would be stupid enough to attack the Pokémon Center.

You know, what's the difference between attacking the Pokémon Center and slapping the alliance in the face?

"Hmph! Do it!" The team leader finally finished showing off his presence and waved his right hand.

The three minions behind them walked towards Chloe and the others with a ferocious smile.

"Scyther, strike with the back of the knife!" Just when Chloe closed her eyes in fear, a cold voice sounded.

"Ugh!!" Three screams! Team Rocket's minions fell to the ground.

"Weezing!" The team leader threw the Poké Ball in time, and a huge ball-shaped Pokémon blocked the blow for him.

"Who! How dare you interfere with our Rockets' affairs!" the team leader yelled in a stern voice.

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