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Chapter 4 The Late Rival


Soon, Gary's next opponent, Ethan, completed the process of receiving his starter Pokémon.

The main issue was that there was no choice left, only Squirtle remained. Take it or leave it, or start the journey with no Pokémon at all.

Fortunately for Ethan, who was just starting out, the cute Squirtle seemed quite appealing. He saw no problem with it and happily accepted it.

Seeing Ethan come downstairs, Gary smiled, "Ready for a battle?"

"Sure, as a Pokémon trainer, I won't back down from a challenge." Ethan had already heard that Gary chose Charmander.

Facing the top talent of Pallet Town, Ethan was eager to give it a try. With a Water-type against a Fire-type, even a beginner like him knew he had the advantage!

The two headed to the open space in the backyard again.

"Let's go, Squirtle!" Ethan couldn't wait to send out his Water-type Pokémon.

"Squirtle!" The lively little turtle appeared, patting its head and looking around curiously.

"Alright, here we go." Gary took out his Poké Ball and threw it. "Charmander, get ready to battle!"

"Char!" Unlike Squirtle, who was looking around, Charmander, having already fought once, immediately locked eyes with its opponent as soon as it entered the field.

"Squirtle, attack first with Bubble!" Ethan tried to command, but Squirtle wasn't too keen on listening.

"Squirtle…" The little turtle turned its head stubbornly, ignoring its trainer's command.

"What? How can this be?" Ethan scratched his head in frustration.

"That's odd," Gary frowned. Normally, even a novice Pokémon wouldn't ignore their trainer. This Squirtle must have high potential.

Professor Oak, who was watching from the window, shook his head. Of course it's exceptional. I handpicked it for you from the original batch at the Plateau of Quartz Breeding Center. In Professor Oak's judgment, this Squirtle would only be a match for Gary. Knowing his grandson's capabilities, he didn't treat this as a beginner's challenge...

Who would have thought that Gary wouldn't follow the usual route, giving Ethan an unexpected advantage with Squirtle?

"Forget it, let's not overthink this. Charmander, use Smokescreen!" Gary shook his head and initiated the attack.

"Char!" Charmander exhaled a thick black smoke, enveloping Squirtle.

"Squirtle?" Squirtle quickly shrank down and lay flat on the ground.

"Good reaction, but it's pointless," Gary noted. "Charmander, use Growl!"

Charmander nodded and growled into the smoke, lowering Squirtle's attack power.

"Darn it, we can't just sit here! Squirtle, use Water Gun!" Ethan shouted desperately.

"Squirtle!" Squirtle jumped out of the smoke, but it used Tackle instead!

"Nice try, Charmander, use Scratch!" Gary wasn't afraid of a direct clash.

With its attack power lowered, what could Squirtle do against Charmander?

Wham! The two Pokémon collided head-on. The little turtle's head hurt from the impact, and it was knocked down by Charmander's Scratch.

A turtle-like Pokémon, knocked to the ground...

Squirtle, lying on its back, flailed its limbs for a bit, then lay still.

"It's over, return, Charmander." It was just a friendly match, so Gary didn't go too hard.

Looking at Squirtle lying on the ground with its shell open, Charmander poked it a bit unsatisfactorily, then returned to Gary, its tail swaying.

"Well done." Gary patted Charmander's head in encouragement.

"I... I lost." Ethan picked up Squirtle, looking down in disappointment.

"Don't be discouraged, Ethan. You just haven't earned Squirtle's trust yet. I think it has great potential. Keep at it." Gary gave him a reassuring nod.

Ethan nodded back. "Yeah, thanks, Gary. I'll work hard. See you at the Indigo Plateau!"

After recalling Squirtle, Ethan said his goodbyes and left.

Watching him go, Gary shook his head, hoping Ethan would indeed make it to the Indigo Plateau.

After all, in their previous lives, the four from Pallet Town didn't have great results.

Gary made it to the top 32, Ash to the top 16, and the other two didn't even qualify for the league.

With such results, it was a bit embarrassing...

Checking his task progress, he saw it was 2/3 complete. Only one person left...

After making a cup of coffee for Professor Oak, Gary brewed himself some black tea, sat by the window, and waited...

Huh...huh... Until three in the morning, Gary couldn't help but feel drowsy.

Finally, there was a frantic knock on the door.

"Sorry!!! I'm late!!" Ash's loud and somewhat exasperated voice echoed outside.

Gary jumped up excitedly. "He's finally here!"

Fixing his hair, Gary opened the door and leaned casually against the frame. "Well, if it isn't Ash, the slacker! You're really early~"

Ash, seeing Gary, immediately got annoyed. "Gary, are you here just to laugh at me?"

Pushing Ash's big face away, Gary curled his lip in disdain. "It's pretty shocking you're five hours late on such an important day. And by the way, you need to call me Mr. Oak."

Ash obediently scratched his head. "Mr. Oak, where's my Pokémon?"

"Your Pokémon?" Gary shook his head, exasperated. "Go find my grandpa yourself."

"Oh, right!" Ash finally realized and rushed into the lab.

At that moment, Professor Oak came out of the research room and bumped into Ash.

"Oh, isn't this Ash?" Professor Oak pretended to be surprised.

"Sorry, I'm late, Professor Oak. Where's my Pokémon?" Ash held out his hand to the professor, looking distressed.

"Your Pokémon?" Professor Oak chuckled. If it weren't for the special Pikachu prepared for him, Ash would've been too late to get anything...

"Yes, my Pokémon!" Ash was still daydreaming about choosing a starter Pokémon. He had spent the whole night thinking about it.

"Alright, come with me." Looking at Ash's clueless face, Professor Oak sighed and led him upstairs.

Gary followed, curious to see how Professor Oak would handle Ash.

Upon reaching the second floor, Professor Oak didn't bring out Pikachu immediately. Instead, he opened the glass cover of the Poké Ball storage table. "Take your pick."

Ash rubbed his hands together. "Great, I thought about it all night, and finally decided~ It's you, Charmander!"

Click~ He picked up an empty ball.

Ash looked at Professor Oak, confused.

Professor Oak shrugged. "That one's already been taken by the early bird."

"Okay, in that case, I'll go with Squirtle!" Ash wasn't discouraged and reached for the second ball.

Snap! Another empty ball. Surprise!

Professor Oak spread his hands. "That one was also taken by a punctual trainer."

Ash sighed again. "Well, I'm too late. In that case, Bulbasaur, you're my starter Pokémon."

"Pfft!" Gary couldn't help but laugh. Ash stared at the empty ball in his hand, losing hope...

Professor Oak coughed twice. "Ahem, Ash, you have to understand that whether it's receiving a Pokémon or life itself, it's like catching a bus. Miss it, and you're left behind... This one was also taken by a child who came earlier than you..."

Ash froze, collapsing in front of Gary. "Why... how could this happen..."

"Hehe, wake up, don't be so dramatic." Gary teased with a smile.

"Mr. Oak, does this mean I have to start my journey with no Pokémon?" Ash asked pitifully.

Seeing Ash had learned his lesson, Gary looked at Professor Oak. "Grandpa, can you help him out?"

Professor Oak raised an eyebrow. "Well... I do have another Pokémon, but... there's a catch..."

Hearing he wouldn't have to start his journey empty-handed, Ash sprang up!

"I want it!!"

…To be continued…


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