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8.69% I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird / Chapter 4: You call this a wonderful Life Day?

Chapter 4: You call this a wonderful Life Day?

Six months had passed since that night at the power plant, and things had settled into a comfortable routine. I managed to keep my secret identity as Darth Relic hidden, which wasn't hard because I literally haven't done anything else using the name….. Yet.

Zenna had left for Korriban Academy shortly after the awkward incident. Now, with Life Day approaching, space Christmas, Zenna was coming back home to celebrate. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. Zenna was always so intense, especially when it came to me. She was even worse during the holidays. 

But I should be thankful for it, I suppose. I didn't have any siblings in my last life, so maybe a good sibling can be overprotective and make you sleep in the same bed with them until you're 10, even though you know for a fact your bedroom would have been safe. I don't know. On the other hand, I'm very excited. Mother told me recently that Zenna has fallen in love. Perhaps she has a boyfriend? I'm not a weird brocon, so I'd love it if Zenna found a partner. 

'Wait fuck, What if her husband thinks it's weird that I still live in the castle after she inherits the throne.'

I briefly go pale as I ponder this thought. 

'Nah, this thought.... Let's kick it down the road.'

I recompose myself to get into the Christmas spirit

'Fuck, 13 years in on this world, and I can't stop bringing up Christmas.'

I mean the lifeday spirit. 

As the sun rose over Ares II, the castle buzzed with activity. Decorations were being hung, and the smell of rich, spiced foods filled the air. I lounged in my room, scrolling through the holonet for memes. I had grown accustomed to my quiet, lazy life.


While I still lounged during the day, finding new and innovative ways to steal people's memes on Space 4chan or watching holodramas, I have started to train in earnest since the power plant. I had to. While I find it inherently cringe that I basically pulled a Batman with that Darth Relic larp, I felt pretty cool whooping a Jedi. 

Granted, it's kinda weird in hindsight, why would a Jedi throw his lightsaber to potentially kill a downed person just to run away? He must have been a disgraced Jedi? 

'Who knows! Who cares? I got his Blue lightsaber, and I AIN'T giving it back.' 

I have spent the last six months getting more comfortable with all the power my body had in store, and I learned a lot. I truly do have access to all eight classes from Swtor( Star Wars: The Old Republic) simultaneously. When I use the Force to grab stuff, I can choose to do it with the power of a Sith warrior, a Sith inquisitor, a Jedi knight, or a Jedi consular (gross.) Now since all of my classes were maxed out, all four of those Force sensitive classes are as strong as fuck. 

Now, this next part makes me smirk a little bit. The craziest thing I learned about how these four souls interact with each other is that I can use them all together at once. 

'Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.'

So, for example, I can use Force pull from all four souls at once, and BAM, whatever I'm trying for is pretty much in my hand immediately. It's the equivalent of having two extremely angry Sith masters and two Jedi masters all using Force pull. Now, where this gets really interesting is that all my classes before I isekaid were maxed out! So when I use force lightning, I can channel it from two Sith masters. There are also another few tricks up my sleeve, but I'm still working on those.

As I'm prattling off in my own world about how interesting I am, I can hear the sound of the main castle door opening echo through the halls, followed by the familiar, commanding voice of Zenna. "Father, Mother, I'm home!"

'Always so direct and serious, she's never once made mom by accidentally walking into Zenna's goon cave. Wait, does Zenna not have a goon cave?'

I chuckled at my internal joke because if I don't, who is this even all for? 

As I heard Zenna's commanding footsteps, I knew it wouldn't be long before she came to find me. Sure enough, a few minutes later, there was a knock at my door.

"Vex, it's me. Open up!" Zenna called.

I felt a weird aura coming from the door. Whatever emotion she's leaking feels a bit more concentrated than usual. Suddenly, I felt a bit more nervous than I did originally, but I've also been so spectacularly bored without her around so I soldiered on as a good brother should.

"Zenna, my dearest sister, please do come in." My words dripped with sarcasm. She was never great at picking up sarcasm, though.

The door swung open, and Zenna burst in, her presence filling the room. It seems she had grown stronger and more confident during her time at Korriban, and her aura was now radiating power.

"Happy Life Day, little brother!" she exclaimed, glomping me. It was an impressive glomp, I would like to add, because she just covered 20 feet, and she was standing still when she jumped.

'What a monster'

I returned the hug, feeling a bit overwhelmed by her enthusiasm. "Happy Life Day, Zenna. How was the Academy?"

"Oh Brother, Im in love, im in love and I dont care who knows it!" she replied, her eyes sparkling with mania. 

'Did she just quote elf? What the fuck?' I furrow my brow in confusion, choosing to dump this aside for now. 

"But enough about that. I want to spend the day with you. Let's go out and enjoy the festivities!"

I raised an eyebrow. 

"You want to go out? Into the city?"

Zenna nodded, a mischievous grin on her face. 

"Yes, let's have some fun. It's been too long since we've spent time together."

I couldn't argue with that. Despite her overprotective nature, I genuinely enjoyed Zenna's company. She was one of the very few friends I have because Space Elementary School and Space Middle School seem to not exist in the Empire…. Yet!

'If I become emperor, I will make everyone in this fucking galaxy know the pain of the standardized testing just as we did in the ole US of A.'

"Alright, let's do it. Just let me get dressed."

A short while later, we were walking through the bustling streets of the aptly titled Ares City. The market was alive with vendors selling all manner of goods, from exotic foods to intricate ornaments. The air was filled with laughter and the sound of festive music.

"These people have no idea who Santa Clause is." I mutter under my breath.

Inwardly, my heart twists in pain knowing these people will never saved by the son of god, Santa. 

Zenna linked her arm with mine, keeping me close. Which weirded me the fuck out. I'm 13, and she's my busty sister.

'This woman, she has no idea the depths of depravity my datapad has seen. If my data pad was sentient, it would display on the screen I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.

Out of nowhere, I feel her pull me closer and whisper into my ear.

"Hey, stop getting lost in thought. We're outside, and threats can surround us at any time."

I nodded, affirming her words. I'm sure no one would be crazy enough to attack the son of a literal evil force wizard, but hey, Zenna's nice, so I'll placate her. I don't mind. 

Her eyes scanned the crowd, ever watchful. I couldn't help but feel a bit like a child being escorted by his mother. 

'Wait, the lack of control feels weirdly good.' I quickly dismiss this thought.

Zenna's protective nature was one of the things I loved about her, even if it was a bit overwhelming at times. If I was an older sibling I'd want to protect my younger brother too. Hell ive even saved Zennas life already.

We stopped at various stalls, sampling treats and admiring the decorations. I was hyped as fuck, genuinely enjoying the holiday atmosphere. But as we turned a corner, we encountered a group of young Sith acolytes. I could tell because they were still in their uniforms. They must have gone out right after getting home. One of them, a tall, arrogant looking boy, immediately zeroed in on me.

A level of pleasure I could only have previously assumed was reserved for the gods entered my body as my intuition kicked in. If there is any trope of isekai that fucks the hardest, it's watching idiot bullies get stomped out hard. The kicker? Zenna is about to do all the heavy lifting.

"Hey, you," the boy sneered, stepping in front of me. "You look a little lost. Are you sure you're supposed to be here?"

I suppressed a laugh as dopamine flooded my brain,

"I'm fine, thanks," I replied, my tone polite. I have a role to play, after all. 

The boy's eyes narrowed. "You don't look fine to me. Maybe you need someone to show you how things work around here."

His misplaced anger for his parents being directed towards me is intoxicating.

Zenna heroically stepped forward, her expression darkening. 

"And who are you to decide that?"

The boy smirked, clearly not recognizing Zenna. 

"I'm Rax, a Sith acolyte on leave to say hello to his parents. And who are you, his babysitter?"

"Santa, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." 

I quietly mutter to myself. I bit my lip to keep from laughing out loud. I could feel Zenna's anger simmering, and I knew this was about to get interesting.

Zenna folded her arms, her posture radiating authority. "I am Zenna Eras, and this is my brother. You're making a grave mistake, Rax."

Rax's smirk faltered, but he quickly regained his composure. 

"Zenna Eras, huh? I've heard of you. The prodigy from House Eras. But I don't see why that matters. Your brother looks like he needs a lesson in respect."

'I literally haven't done anything. I've spent all my time since getting to the city thinking about Santa. Maybe Rax is on fent?'

Zenna's eyes flashed with anger. 

"Respect? You dare speak to me about respect? You know nothing of the true power of the Sith."

Rax laughed, clearly trying to cover his growing fear. 

"True power? You're just a girl with a famous name. I bet you don't even know how to use that lightsaber."

I could see the storm brewing in Zenna's eyes. I knew she was moments away from making Rax regret every word. I decided to step back and let the show unfold. The pure bliss of it all being injected into my veins.

Zenna's voice was icy. "You want to see true power? Fine. But remember, you asked for this."

With a swift motion, she ignited her lightsaber, the red blade casting an ominous glow. The crowd around us fell silent, watching in awe and fear. Rax's bravado melted away, replaced by a look of sheer terror.

Zenna stepped closer, her voice low and dangerous. "You see, Rax, power isn't about bullying those weaker than you. It's about knowing when to strike and when to hold back. You, however, seem to lack that wisdom."

Rax stumbled back, his eyes wide with panic. "I... I didn't mean any disrespect, Lady Eras. I was just—"

"Save it," Zenna snapped. "You had your chance to walk away. Now you'll learn the hard way."

With a single, fluid motion, Zenna struck. Her lightsaber moved so quickly that it was almost a blur, slicing through Rax's neck and cutting his head clean off.


I was confused. Rax's body fell to the ground headless like a dead dullahan.

'She killed him? What the fuck? She killed him without even a second thought.'

Fear took over my body as I fell to my knees.

Zenna, still in front of me, deactivated her lightsaber and looked down at Rax's corpse with disdain, and then pointed at his entourage. "Let this be a lesson to you. Never underestimate your opponents. And never, ever insult my family."

The crowd, which had been watching in stunned silence, erupted in murmurs. Zenna turned to me, her expression becoming one of fear as she saw me on my knees, shaking in fear. "Are you alright, Vex?"

I nodded, terrified of what she'd just done. I breathe in and out slowly to get myself through this panic attack at breakneck speed. We can reconcile this later. For now lets get out of here. I stand up and smile, after all she was only protecting me.

"I'm fine, Zenna. Thanks for the show."

Zenna laughed, her earlier fury dissipating. "Anything for you, little brother. Now, let's get out of here before we attract more unwanted attention."

Suddenly, another scary thought popped into my head.

'Wait, was Rax going to kill me? He probably thought I was just some random shut-in walking around on life day and picked me out as an easy target to look cool. But he was totally willing to kill me. WAIT FUCK! That means Zenna knew that and killed him, so she really did protect me.'

As we walked away, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Zenna had always been my protector, but today, she had shown just how far she was willing to go to defend me. And while I still yearned for a quiet, uneventful life in the ole goon cave, I couldn't deny the thrill of having such a powerful ally by my side.

We spent the rest of the day exploring the city, enjoying the festivities and each other's company. As we made our way back to the castle, I felt a deep sense of contentment.

'I missed her more than I thought these past six months.'

Back at the castle, the family gathered for a grand feast. The dining hall was decorated with twinkling lights and garlands, and the table was covered with a delicious spread of food. I sat between my father and sister, feeling more at home than I ever had.

Father raised his glass in a toast. 

"To family and to the return of our dear Zenna. May the Force continue to guide and protect us."

"To family," Zenna and I echoed, clinking our glasses.

As the night wore on, the castle was filled with laughter and warmth. I looked around at my family, feeling a profound sense of gratitude. Despite how fucked everything was here, this is a much closer family than my past one. 

Zenna looked at me with soft eyes.

"Oh, by the way, my best friend from school is coming over next week, Vex, Sola Corde."

'The name sounds familiar, but I can't place it.'

"She's the Daughter of the Duke of Korriban. I told her all about you. She can't wait to meet you." Zenna speaks proudly.

My father and mother suddenly look pale.

'Yup, there it is.'

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