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The Devil Fruit Map

The wind in the sky was still howling fiercely.

The smoke from the explosion was suppressed by the rain and wind.

In the next instant, a figure walked out of the fiery explosion, causing Bambina to rub his eyes in disbelief, despite his injuries.

"No way, this has to be a joke. He actually survived that explosion?!!"

Cold sweat trickled down as he swallowed nervously.

Roy's unscathed figure left Bambina in utter shock.

Dusting himself off, Roy looked at Bambina, whose mouth hung open in disbelief.

"Your explosion packs quite a punch! If it weren't for my Armament Haki, an ordinary person would have fallen for your trick."

Roy's clothing and blade were completely unharmed.

Standing ten meters away, Bambina faced Roy.

Even Roy himself hadn't expected to encounter a pirate with the potential to awaken Observation Haki in the first half of the Grand Line.

Roy's earlier attack had been aimed at a swift kill. A seemingly foolproof strike had been thwarted by Bambina's rudimentary Observation Haki.

"Damn it, who are you people?"

As Roy approached, a flicker of fear appeared in Bambina's eyes.

Roy's unscathed state made Bambina realize they had provoked a formidable opponent.

But in the pirate world, Bambina knew well the fate of losers.

Having already offended the other party, Bambina understood he had no choice but to fight to the death.

"Damn it, I don't care who you are! I'm the captain of the Great Sword Pirates!!"

With a roar, as if to boost his own morale, Bambina bit his wrist, causing a stream of blood to shoot towards Roy.


Roy moved so quickly he seemed like a blur.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions erupted where the blood had landed.

In a deadly game of cat and mouse, Roy toyed with Bambina, evading his attacks effortlessly.

Bambina, now pale from blood loss, was both furious and terrified.

The speed difference was insurmountable, and even if an attack hit Roy, his strange black Armament Haki would neutralize the explosion's force.

"Damn it, is this the end? No, I'm the captain of the Great Sword Pirates! I can't die here in disgrace. My destiny is to stand at the pinnacle!!"

Determined, he bit open his wrist again, causing fresh blood to gush out.

Changing tactics, Bambina charged at Roy for close combat.

"Oh, so you're getting serious? This is getting interesting!"

Roy's eyes narrowed, his blade reflecting the firelight.

"In that case, I'll also get serious."

"Death God's Melody."

An invisible soundwave swept through the area.

Everyone, including the charging Bambina, froze in their tracks.

Sweat poured from their pores.

Step, step, step!

Though Roy's footsteps were light, they sounded like death knells to everyone present, as if the Grim Reaper was approaching.

The terrifying soundwave halted all attacks.

As the rhythmic steps echoed, weaker pirates collapsed, unable to withstand it.

"Damn it, why can't I move my legs?"

The chattering of Bambina's teeth betrayed his terror.

"Of course, this is a skill honed from countless kills."

"Do you hear it? Your body's fear, it's the music for your funeral."


In a flash, Roy closed the distance.

With that, blood gushed from Bambina's chest like a crimson fountain.

As blood sprayed, Bambina's mind clouded with confusion and resentment.

He couldn't understand why his hard-earned position as captain and Devil Fruit powers led to such a fate.

Reality shouldn't be like this.

He was supposed to reach the pinnacle of his life.

But why was the world so cruel?


A nearby scream jolted him.

"Is that Morco? So you were defeated too."


Collapsing to his knees, Bambina turned to Roy with all his remaining strength.

"Why are you so powerful?"

Before he could finish his question.


An invisible sound bullet sent him to meet the Pirate King.

"Didn't you hear the Death God's melody? Wasting my time."

A pirate with a bounty over a hundred million fell in the mud.

"Lord Roy, it's done."

Holding the head of the Great Sword Pirates' first mate, Blueno emerged from the forest.

With the deaths of the captain and first mate, the remaining pirates were terrified.

Without any surprises, the Great Sword Pirates became history.

Roy and his crew left no survivors; anyone who crossed them was split in half like an earthworm.

In the ship's command room, Roy was maintaining his blade.


The wooden door opened.

Having inventoried the Great Sword Pirates' treasures, Bruno began his report to Roy.

"Lord Roy, everything's accounted for. Our stolen supplies are intact, and the Great Sword Pirates' assets and bounties are estimated between three to four hundred million Berries."

Roy extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray.

"Good job, Bruno. Distribute the pirates' assets according to our usual rules. But... I heard a large part of our stolen supplies were burned in a fire."

Roy squinted his eyes slightly and made his inquiry.

Even though there was no damp chill inside the cabin, Blueno's instincts as a special agent made him shiver suddenly.

"Yes, yes, I might have miscalculated earlier, Lord Roy.

You are right, those damn pirates, they actually burned most of our supplies."

Obviously, Blueno understood his superior's character.

So in the face of Roy's blatant embezzlement, even though Blueno was loyal to the World Government, he had no way to refuse Roy.

After all, whenever Roy went looting, these subordinates would more or less get a share of the spoils.

Therefore, Blueno naturally wouldn't contradict such decisions made by his superior.

Moreover, this superior in front of him not only had status and background.

But according to Blueno's estimation, besides Lucci, he was probably the strongest man in the entire CP9.

"Hmm, it's fine, Blueno. After all, everyone has moments of carelessness. Go down and carefully check this batch of supplies again, and make sure not to make any mistakes."

Just as he was about to light it, he pulled a cigarette from the pack on the table.

Roy suddenly looked up and said to Blueno, "Oh, right, about the mistake Owl(fukurou) made in the last mission, I'll cover it up for him this time. After all, you are all my beloved subordinates!"


The match lit the cigarette in his hand.

Roy was very satisfied with Blueno's attitude.

"Yes, I understand. Thank you very much, Lord Roy. I'll take my leave now."

Blueno turned around and just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly seemed to remember something.

He pulled a scroll from his chest and said, "Lord Roy, this is a map I found from the Great Sword Pirate crew. It seems to record the location of a Devil Fruit."


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