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Taste like chicken


the boy screamed as he watched chloe stab him in his arm 

at this point the boy had accepted the fact that he was going to die but knowing he was going to die did not make it any easier to bare the pain

the boy watched as chloe stabbed him in his arm as she glided the blade down from his arm to where his torse was after she was done she look up at him with a proud smile on her face 


chloe shighed as she look at the boy who had a pale expression on his face 

"ha ha hahah" a soft chuckle came out of her mouth 

"it looks like my skill have improved i guess all thoes kids i kidnapped where not in vain as soon as a i get better i can then start selling there skin for some money or for mabey i should just eat them well meabey if there are extra left after im done "

"oh would you look at that didnt your parents ever tall you not to accept food from strangers" chloe said with a mocking grin as she looked at the boy who was still wreathing in pain

"i-i-i im sorry please forgive me i wont take with that dont belong to me even if i get offered it please just dont kill me" the boy said although he knew there was little chance of him living he just could not help but grasp onto any chance he could find of him living 

"huh you want to live well can't do that im afraid im quite hungry you see and you just have so much fat on you that im even starting to wonder if your a street rat like the others or mabey your just built that way" 

"oh well more meat for me anyway"chloe said as she grabed a piece of the skin she had cut as she began pulling it off slowly as to not ruin its fabric like nature she continued doing she for the rest of his body all that could be heard from the underground basement was the crys of ayound boy who was going through agony as he watched his skin be removed from his body it was a moment he could never forget each scence was more grousume than the next 

he watched as his skin was seperated from his body and how his Hypodermis was revealed in all its blody glory at some point the boy even wondered if it would have been better if she had killed him right away 

"phew skining people alive is not as easy as i thought" chloe thought as she brought the blade in her hand closer to the boys eye as she reached under it to seperate and tenonds atated to make peeling of his face an easier task when she was done she looked at the remains of the boy whos body was tembaling all that was left that was not completly blooded where his eyes his face was compelty red as all one could see was a face of muscles that was counstantly leaking blood 

his nose had been removed his eyebrows and eyelids gone along with the reset of his face all that was left was the back of his body it was a truly frightening site after all the boys was still alive no matter how much the boy wanted to pass out the pain keep waking up to what his would call a nightmare 

"all i need to do is skin the back and then im done but the prick keeps squirming". "hey hey u still awake" chloe said to what one to describe as a skeleton dyed in red his teath we visable since there was no skin to cover it he couldnt even speak since chloe had cut of his tounge since she got tired of he screaming after a while 

the boy who was in the midst of all this suffering stared at the woman who was the cause of his pain as he trembeled in fear no expresion could be seen on his face well since his face had been peeled of like a skin mask all cloe could see was a skull what was looking at her with a expression she couldnt read but if she could its would show his haterd mixed in with the fear of the person standing before him 

he tried to open his mouth to at leat say something even though he knew it was pointless because his tounge was cut off but before he could even make a sound chloe had taken her blade and louged it in hus mouth as some more blood overflowed out of his moth like a fountain covering chole blade and clenched fingers 

"wow your very resilient but sadly ive got to end this little game of ours so i can eat and sleep". "you know bussy day and all tomorrow" she said as she slowly pulled out the blade she had lodged in his mouth only to then tab the middle of his cheast and split it open to then bring out his still beating heart as she said to the dying boy

"i will make sure to savor the part of you especially" she spoke in a soft and sweet yet audiobull tone as she watched 

The light from the boys eyes slowly fade 

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