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A New begining

system aizer said outloud with the utmost confidence 

but nothing appeared.

with a confused expresion aizer reapeats his words a little louder this time


with a perplexed expresion on his face aizer has a sudden thought 

mabey i dont have a system. stuttering to even speak thoes words aizer who's expresion had returned to a state of normalcy quickly change to one of shock and disbelief. taking a few deep breaths aizer calms down and thinks things through. well i guess im lucky to be transmigrated although not having a system is a little disappointing its not a hopeless situation 

let's see aizer said as he took a look around himself. apart from the questioning gazes he received from the crowd from his earlier rant nothing seemed to be to out of the ordinary he thought as decided to walk aound the place.

hmm what are these strange symbols aizer thought to himself as he continued his peaceful stroll when a sudden realisation hit him

hoping its not what he expected aizer looks around at all the other signs. shops. taverns and inn's 

with a stunned expresion aizer comes to a realization that he carn't read nor can he understand what the people here are saying 

great not only do i not have a system. i can't even understand this words language or read the words 

i guess it can't get anyworse than this aizer thought to himself as he continued his walk. when he finally finds whats he has been looking for.

looking forward aizer looks into the window that as curently reflecting the sight of a 15 year old boy who has a big notted and tangeled afro but with eyes as white as silvers. a boy who has a few scratch marks across his bare dark skin. some on his arms others on is face. looking down he even noticed some on his bare feet to.

although one could not tell his true appearance due to all the dirt on his face. if one saw him they would be quite suprised because of his white silver eyes witch had a slight glow to them although it was quite unusual it wasn't anything to strange that would gather a lot of attention. because having these looks where quite uncommon so people didnt care too much because they didnt really mean much apart from the fact that they were born slightley diffrent 

after looking at himself through the mirror aizer finaly got to see what he looked like. although he was not ugly he was above average in terms of appearance

with a heavy sigh and a defeated look aizer sat on the ground thinking about how he was gonna survive in this new world were he couldnt even talk to people. after some deep contemplation aizer starts to get hungry so he looks around an notices a cart full of bread 

my stomac is going crazy i wont liv long is this if how im going to live 

sigh the only thing i can do is steal the bread and hope the old woman dosent even notices me 

as aizer approched the cart finding his chance to grab a peace of bread. before he could even attempt anyhing the old woman who seemed to be the owner gave him a curious look.

noticing how aizer was from the slums from how filthy and scrawny he looked. with a warm and gentle smile she picked up a piece of bread and guestured for aizer to come over so she could hand it over to him 

slightly stunned aizer looked at the woman with a strange look on his face

whats up with this woman. aizer thought inwardly 

stareing at the woman who was a few steps away from him aizer suddenly got a bad fealing 

why is this old lady offering me bread all of a sudden? if she sells bread in this type of place she deffinetly knows that kids like me are most likely to steel from her when she is not looking but here she is offering it to me free of charge 

fealing somthing was off aizer looks around and notices a couple kids like him some where older and others were younger and looking at them he noticed a fearfull expresion on there face as they looked at the old lady who was offering him bread 

fealing something was off aizer quickly looked away and ran into one of the many alys situated around the city he was in 

after aizer ran of somewear the old ladys calm smile faded the moment she saw aizer running into one of the alleys 

looks like u missed out on one this time cloe an old man who standing in the corner of the old ladys cart commented with a hint of mockery in his tone as he watched everything take place

tch.. so what its not like he would do much. look how skinny he is cloe retorted with a hint of iratation evedent in her voice 

oh then why did you try getting him even after u already managed to capture 4 other kids the old man said with a grin plasterd across his face 

it doesnt matter i just thought that since i was already packing up i might as well try my luck with one more. but i guess that ones smarter the the others chloe spoke as she continued packing up her stuff 

i guess. the oldd man spoke as he looked back on what just happed a few moment ago 

well what are you gonna do with the 4 you were able to get this time. if you dont have anything how about selling me 2 of them 

dont even think about it jason you still owe me for the other 3 untill then dont even think about asking me. and also my pigs have been getting hury so i need to fatten them up chloe spoke with a disdainful full look as she replied to jason with a stiff voice 

oh come on cloe you know im good for it. you thinks being a nobels easy. having to constantly deal with polotics and wot not 

trust me ill pay you back and pay for thoes kids 2 tomorrow 

if your so eager to get them ill save 2 till tomorrow since its not like im gonna finish them all in one day cloe spoke with a smile as she looked at jason 

inwardly annoyed jason could only bite down and swallow this loss becasue he couldn't be botherd arguing with her since he knew he would get knowhere by doing that 

saying his goodbyes jason left and now cloe was alone in her how with 4 kids 1 as awake while the others where passed out 

wh-what do you want with us the only kid awake said his voice slightly shaking and trembling

stareing up at the old lady who apperd to be in her mid 30 the boys shuffled back slowly while keeping his eyes on her 

 what do i want with you cloe asked with a wry smile as she stared down at the trembling boy who appeard to by 16 

licking her lips she said with a grin. your quite fat for a streat kid chloe spoke as she got closer to the kid 

all the fat isnt good for you it might cause you to have a heart attack chloe spoke with a mocking grin as she pulled out a knife she had stuffed in her apron 

fealing something was wrong the kid quickly tried to stand up and move when he heard chloe say with a mocking grin 

dont bother tying to get up i have already numbed your legs. carnt have you running away from me now can we cloe asked as her lips curled upwards slightly 



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