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The One For All.

"What were you idiots thinking?! You 

were trying to kill each other?! Clark taking his attention away from Izuku turning around as he recognized the source of the scream. Death Arms came towards the boys angrily with Kamui Woods at his side, also looking unfriendly.

Clark, now with a serious expression, watches the heroes approaching him.

"What do you mean by that?" Clark says, looking confusedly into the eyes of Death Arms, who is now standing in front of him.

"You know what I mean! You're not heroes, you don't have a license to use your quirk, you should wait for the heroes to act, not take justice into your own hands !" He shouts, poking Clark in the chest.

"And what was I supposed to do? The so-called heroes were just standing there while he was trapped by the villain." Clark says, getting irritated and gesturing towards Bakugou still on the ground.

"You don't understand, our quirks weren't suitable for the situation, we wouldn't have been helpful," Kamui Woods says, trying to explain to the boy.

"No! You don't understand! Heroes should help others without a second thought, they should sacrifice themselves for others regardless of their powers or abilities. You just stood there watching...what would have happened if I hadn't intervened?!" He says, pointing at the heroes. "What if the villain decided he was done with the situation and decided to kill him right then and there?!" Clark shouts, now angry at the heroes, referring to Bakugou.

"Watch your language, kid," Death Arms said irritated, approaching Clark in a threatening way.

"He's right, you know?" said a feminine voice to the heroes. Clark looked behind them and saw Mt. Lady with a hand on her hip. A heroine who had just debuted.

"You just stood there watching the kid suffer, how shameful," she said in a tone that irritated the two heroes, who turned around and began arguing with the heroine.

Clark, tired of the whole situation, sighed as he turned back to Izuku, who stood nervously with a puzzled expression, unsure of what to do given the circumstances.

"Let's go, Midoriya. I'm tired of this, and I also need to get my groceries," he said as he walked past the green-haired boy.

"O-okay," said Izuku, coming out of his trance and following Clark as they took another street to avoid the heroes and the crowd.

Meanwhile, Bakugou was sitting on the ground, receiving assistance from some aides who praised his quirk, but he wasn't paying attention to that. He was fuming with anger. He had been saved by Clark, someone he despised, and worse, Izuku had tried to save him. He was seething with rage over everything he had gone through, and especially the humiliation the other two had put him through.

~~Time Break~~

Clark and Izuku were making their way back home, Clark now carrying his groceries again. They were both discussing the incident, Izuku enthusiastically praising Clark's heroic act, and Clark laughing at his friend's excitement. After a few steps, they heard an irritated shout from behind them.

"Scumbags!" Bakugou shouted, as Izuku and Clark turned to see where the shout was coming from, although Clark already knew who it was.

"I never asked for your help...! I didn't need to be saved, got it?! Did you understand?! I can take care of myself!" Bakugou shouted angrily at the two boys.

Clark sighed, already exhausted from the blonde's reaction.

''He then asked me to apologize to a bum without a quirk and a worthless idiot! '' He continued to scream, now shaking with rage.

"I owe you a debt?! This can't be serious, I won't apologize!!

"Nerd bastards!! '' He finished shouting, then turned and walked away.

Clark sighed in relief as he watched the blonde walk away. Izuku, on the other hand, kept a smile lost in his thoughts.

Lost in his own thoughts, Clark heard heavy, fast footsteps. Turning around, he saw a muscular blonde figure emerging rapidly from behind a wall.

"I am here!" shouted All Might as he appeared in front of the boys.

"All Might, what are you doing here?!" shouted Izuku, surprised to see the figure for the second time that day.

''You don't have to worry, after all I am All-'' All Might was cut off as he spat blood from his mouth and assumed a skeletal form while steam emanated from his body.

Clark was shocked. Was this the Number 1 Hero? Performing a quick scan on "All Might" with X-ray vision, he could see a serious abdominal injury, already scarred over but still gruesome.

' What happened to him? ' thought Clark, his mind racing as he looked at the skeletal figure in front of him.

"Kid, I came to thank you and make some corrections... and I also have a proposal for you," All Might said to Izuku in a serious tone, leaving the green-haired boy puzzled.

' Did he forget I'm here or does he just not notice me? ' thought Clark, feeling confused. If All Might needed to talk to Izuku, wouldn't it be better when he was alone? And the million-dollar question: what happened to the hero to make him like this?

"If you hadn't been there... if I hadn't heard your personal story... and then you even told me I have fake muscles!! For all of that, I have to thank you," All Might said to Izuku, who was paying attention.

"No... from the beginning, it's all my fault! I disturbed you during your work... and I was relatively rude about being 'quirkless'..." Said Izuku, looking down sadly.

"At that moment, no one could act. The only ones who did something were you, and you being a shy person and 'quirkless' this really touched me!" said All Might to the boys, now making Clark aware that the hero knew of his presence there.

"Some say it's the school years that determine most of the people who will be part of the best hero class... right, but then? How does this story end for most people?" The hero continued, while Izuku now had his body trembling upon hearing the words of his idol.

"It ends with the words 'My body moved on its own!!'' All Might shouted, causing Izuku to shrink on the ground, trembling, tears starting to flow from his eyes.

Clark, listening to the hero's speech, felt his heart beat faster. He, too, was being moved by All Might's words, with his goal of becoming a hero becoming more deeply ingrained within him.

"Isn't that what happened to you too?" All Might questioned Izuku.

"Yes," Izuku said weakly, huddled on the ground, now crying with all his might.

"Then, you can become a hero," said All Might as Izuku continued to cry on the ground. Clark, watching and listening to the hero's speech to his friend, couldn't help but smile as he crouched down to try to calm his friend who was crying tears of happiness and relief.

"You're the one who deserves... to inherit my strength!" All Might said, leaving Izuku and Clark, who was crouched beside him on the ground, confused.

"Huh?" they said in unison, confused.

"HAHAHAHAHA those expressions were priceless! It's just a "suggestion" for now! Listen, kid, because your test is just beginning... It's simply a matter of whether you'll try your hardest to absorb my "power"! All Might said, leaving the boys even more confused.

"I'm talking about my quirk, boys," All Might said, seeing the confusion on the boys' faces in front of him.

"Do you know that weekly magazine 'Friday'? They describe my quirk as just a generic super-strength boost. I always deflect when it comes up in interviews or something similar," All Might said.

"See, it wouldn't work if the mighty 'Symbol of Peace' wasn't actually a 'Born Hero.' My quirk is a power not much different from the legendary Sacred Torch that is passed from one person to another," All Might explained to the boys.

"Huh? It's a quirk that you can inherit?!" exclaimed Izuku, almost going crazy trying to understand. Clark also had a look of immense confusion; he had never heard of a quirk of this nature before.

"That's right, kid, and I choose you to be next in line," All Might said, referring to Izuku.

"W-wait, hold on, just what, huh wait a minute please..." Izuku said, starting to lose himself in his mutterings about various theories regarding All Might's quirk.

Clark, who knew where Izuku's mutterings were heading, stood up and pulled Izuku to stand beside him. When he realized Izuku still wasn't snapping out of his trance, he lightly tapped Izuku on the back of the neck, causing the boy to look at Clark.

"Snap out of it, buddy. Now's definitely not the time," Clark said to his friend, who seemed to remember where he was and who he was talking to.

"God, kid, don't immediately dismiss the possibility!! This is not a bunch of nonsense! I keep a lot inside me, but I don't tell lies!" exclaimed All Might to Izuku.

"It's the power to transfer power... and the name of this incredible ability, with which I've been entrusted, is none other than ONE FOR ALL," said All Might to the boys as he extended his hand, and a multi-colored light shone from his palm.

"One... For All..." said the boys simultaneously, looking at the hero.

"A man cultivates power, that man grants it to another, and again it is passed on and passed on, allowing brave hearts and unwavering wills to shine with this strength!" exclaimed All Might.

"Why are you giving such an incredible power to someone like me?" Izuku asked, hesitating slightly.

"I've been searching for a successor for years..." continued All Might.

"And now I've finally found someone whom I wouldn't mind entrusting with my power! You, despite not having a quirk, and being just a powerless fan of heroism, you shone brighter than any of the so-called 'Heroes'," said All Might.

"Not to diminish you, young man, you also showed the purest heroism, helping your friends while others stood by, and standing up to heroes when you saw the situation was not right. That's why I chose to talk to young Midoriya while you were around, you both showed what a true hero is made of," he said, referring to Clark and then to the two boys.

"But hey, it's still up to you to make the decision! What do you say?" asked All Might to Izuku.

Inspired by his idol's words, Izuku wiped away his tears with his arm.

"Yes, please..." said Izuku determinedly to the hero.

"Now, that's a quick response! Just as I expected, you sly one!" said All Might, smiling at Izuku and running a hand through his blonde hair.

Clark smiled as he watched the interaction between the two, and turning to see the setting sun behind them, he smiled to himself and said quietly. 

"Now things are going to change." He said observing the twilight in front of him.

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