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30.43% Even A Saiyan Can Be A Fairy / Chapter 6: Tato and The Author

Chapter 6: Tato and The Author

Tato opens his eyes to find himself in an empty void of light.

Everywhere he looked, he saw nothingness stretching on for forever. He looks down at his body and see that his clothes are like new and he doesn't have any wounds or feel any pain.

'Where am I? Did I die?'

Tato picks a direction to walk in and heads out.

'Last thing I remember is those 3 people surrounding me. I must've looked pretty pathetic.'

He sighs and pinches his nose.

"That damn Towa! Always having to screw something up, and of course Broly out of all people."

He clenches his fist and angrily thinks about Towa. But as his anger flared, it left all the same. He releases his fist and lets his hand drop back to his side.

"Sometimes I wonder why I became a Time Patroller. It's such a hassal. Sure I get to fight strong enemies but it's so tedious. I just want to fight however I want and not be restricted to certain rules."

Tato continues to walk as he contemplates on everything that transpired.

What seems like ages, Tato thinks he sees someone standing in the distance. The person is waving at him.

Tato picks up his pace towards the figure and when he got close to see them, they vanished.

"Huh? What the hell?"

He looks around and doesn't see the person.

"This is outrageous! One moment someone is here, the next and they're gone. Have I finally gone insane?"

"Ehhh not quite."

Tato swings around to see a young man standing behind him.


Tato jumps back and enter a fighting stance, fearing for his life, but instead of a person charging him, he finds that the man is rolling on the ground laughing hysterically.


Tato looks confused and curiously at the man but doesn't drop his guard.

"HAHA! Ok that's enough you can relax."

Tato's arms immediately dropped to his side.


He becomes nervous at his body's response to this guy's words.

'Why did my body do that?'

"Because I said so dummy."

'What! Is he reading my thoughts?'


Tato grows angry. "Ok just who the hell are you and how can you read my mind? You a god or something?"

"A god? Oh no."

The man starts giggling at Tato's implication.

"Well in your case, you might see me as one." The man waved his hand and the empty void changed to a lush green forest with a beautiful log cabin tree house. A lake with many forest animals surrounding it.

"What is this place?"

"It's your own mind."

"What do you mean?"

The young man sighed. "Questions. Questions. Can't you just enjoy the moment?"

Tato is lost for words. This man is strange but yet carefree.

"Follow me." The man waved towards Tato to follow him to the tree house.

Once inside Tato's jaw hit the floor at how beautiful the house is on the inside, he's never seen anything like it. Cedar wood walls, hardwood floors, plants everywhere.

"Like it?"

Tato just nodded his head.

"Sit, and we'll have a drink and I'll answer some of your questions."

Tato sits at a table in the kitchen that was shadowed by a sliding glass door that overlooked the forest.

The young man brought two glasses of iced tea. Tato took a sip and smiled at the right amount of sweetness but overall satisfaction to the thirst he had.

"Well this place is pretty cool right? I made all of it."

'He made this entire place?'

"Yes with just my imagination." He taps his head as he says this.

"Ok you got to stop reading my mind, it's creepy."

The man sighs. "Fine, fine. It is because you're my creation is all."

"Creation? What the hell are you talking about? I thought you said you wasn't a god."

The young man smirks. "Correct I did and I'm not. See I'm what you call an author."

"Author? Are you talking about someone who writes books?"

He claps with happiness. "See I knew making you somewhat intelligent was the right move. Unlike another saiyan I know…"

He trails off and seems to get lost in thought.


The man waved Tato's question away.

"Ehh never mind, don't worry about it. So, let's hear those questions."

He takes a sip from his tea and waits for Tato's questions.

"What is this place? Where am I? Am I dead?"

"That's 3 questions," he points out, "but I digress. That's pretty easy. So you're very much alive. Hehe I mean you just saw those three before you just passed out. And we're in your mind."

"My mind? Why not just talk to me in person? Seems like you've got the power."

"Very good point, but I don't need you freaking out in front of people and then they see you frantically talking to yourself."

Tato thinks about it for a moment and comes to a conclusion that the young man just smiles at.

"So, I just let you go unconscious again, and then just met you here."

"But I don't understand why you said I'm your creation?"

"And here I thought you understood. Oh well. It goes like this, an author is someone who writes a story or book or whatever and in all stories of fiction they have to have characters right?"

Tato nods his head in understanding.

"So, this is my story and you're my character, my creation. Watch. Take sip from your drink," he says while pointing at Tato's cup.

Tato drinks it and his eyes open wide.

"It's alcohol."

The man nods his head and points at the cup again. Tato takes another sip.

"It's back to tea."

The man smiles.

"Now I want you to picture the girl you saw before you feinted."

Tato thinks for a moment and then can bring back remembrance of the white haired girl.

'She seemed strong but she was so beautiful and those eyes, yeahhh, I could get lost in them, and don't let me forget that hair, I would to be pulling on it as I'm..'

"Hey! What the hell!"

The man starts laughing and he spills some of his tea on him. He grabs a napkin from the table and dabs the wet spot on his pants. He lays it down and looks back at a flustered Tato.

"Make sense now?"


"So I'll cut to the chase. I brought you here because I needed to talk with you."

He sets his drink down on the table and scoots to the edge of his seat.

"I'll be blunt, I've taken your memories and your power."

Tato couldn't believe what he had just heard. His jaw hit the floor and he had to fight to recompose himself.


"That's easy haha, plot."


"Like I said, plot."

"But I don't understand."

"An answered question yet leads to another question. Look, I'm The Author, I'm making a story, you're my character, I took you from a place where I had placed you at and now I'm placing you in this new setting and world to make entertainment for my readers. So I can't have you rampaging through everything because then it would grow boring, sooo, I made it to where we can see you grow. Plot."

Tato understood some of what he said but was still filled with questions.

"Look my time is short now," he says as checking his watch.

"We've been here long enough and I'll just tell you what needs to be told. You have no memories of your past world, heck after this conversation, you won't remember it either."

Concern grew on Tato's face but he knew he was in no position to appeal.

"You'll remember me though, but here's the thing." The man smiles. "I'm kind enough to not let you be completely hopeless. You've had your powers reset to 0 so you can't even go super saiyan but don't worry, you remember that there are these transformations but you don't remember how to access them. You will with time though."

Tato furrows his brow at hearing this.

"Anywho, I have to go now, but don't worry I even gave you an additional bonus! Instead of one zenkai boost, I've allowed you to have two zenkais! Just this time only though, can't have you too useless haha! Welp, you're waking up so, see you on the flip side"

The young man waves goodbye to Tato and a bright light fills his vision.

Tato's eyes shoot open as he gasps for air.

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