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63.63% Once a Hero, Now an Extra / Chapter 7: Awakening 1

Chapter 7: Awakening 1

As I was lost in thought, I suddenly heard a commotion outside my room. Initially, I decided to ignore it, but the noise grew louder, accompanied by hurried footsteps. Before I could investigate, the door burst open, and a little girl dashed in, followed by several frantic maids.

"Young lady, please slow down! You may fall!" the maids called out, panic evident in their voices. Well, they had every reason to be worried—the girl was none other than Lucy Aldreck, my twin sister and the daughter of Duke Lucius Aldreck. If anything happened to her, the maids would be in deep trouble.

"Brother!" came the childish voice. I turned to see Lucy running toward me. She had our mother's yellow eyes and our father's silver hair, her face as delicate as a porcelain doll. Despite being my age, she was a bit shorter. As she reached me, she jumped and clung to my neck.

Seeing Lucy safe maids exited the room.

Lucy kept clinging on me.

I tried to pry her off, but she held on tightly, so I let it be. "Lucy, why are you always clinging to me?" I asked.

"Because it feels good near you," she replied.

I was perplexed. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. It just feels comfortable around you."

Well, what answer could I expect from a five-year-old? I put aside my thoughts and asked, "Why are you in my room so early?"

A frown appeared on her face. "Brother, did you forget what day it is today?"

I scratched my head, trying to recall, and seeing my reaction, Lucy sighed and said, "Sigh, I knew it. That's why I came to remind you. Today is our fifth birthday."

"I was just kidding. How could I forget my little sister's birthday? I have also prepared a surprise gift for you."

"Really? What is it?" she asked excitedly.

"If I tell you now, it won't be a surprise anymore. I will give it to you at tonight's banquet."

"Can't you just give it now?"


As we bantered, there was a knock on the door. "Tak...tak...tak."

"Come in," I called.

A maid entered the room. "Master has asked for your and young miss's presence."

"Okay, I will be there soon. You can leave."

She left the room while bowing.

"Lucy, you heard her, right?"

"Yes, let's go together."

Lucy and I left the room and walked towards the lord's office. The maids and knights bowed to us along the way. Soon, we were outside the lord's room. I knocked on the door.

"Come in," came the rough voice from inside.

I slowly opened the door and entered. There was Duke Lucius Aldreck, my father, sitting behind his table, signing papers. Beside him, on a sofa, sat my mother, Lilith Aldreck. 

Seeing her, Lucy let go of my hand and ran towards her. "Mother!"

She picked Lucy up and sat her on her lap. "Happy Birthday, my little princess."

"Thank you, Mom."

I walked forward and greeted her. "Good morning, Mother."

"Don't act like an adult in front of me. Come here and give me a hug," she said, dragging me beside Lucy.

"Heehhh…heeh" Lucy kept giggling seeing me being handled by mother.

"Happy Birthday, Noah."

"Thank you, Mother."

"So why did you call us here?" I asked.

"Well, why don't you question your father. He is the one who called you."

I turned my gaze towards my father, who looked serious. "What happened, Father?" I inquired.

He looked at me and said, "As you already know, today is your fifth birthday. And today is the day you will awaken your talents. Before we go to the church, I want you both to know that whatever talent you awaken, it doesn't matter. Even if you awaken a low-level talent, you will still be my children, the children of Duke Lucius. So don't be anxious while awakening."

'That's it? He was so serious just to say this. I thought something serious had happened.'

"Don't worry, Father. I am sure I will awaken a great talent and take the Aldreck Duchy to new heights."

A smile appeared on his face. "Me too! Me too! I will also help brother," Lucy said with a serious look.

Father and Mother smiled at her, but my face became grim. In the game, Lucy awakens an F-class talent and becomes a gloomy child.

'Well, since I am here, I can't let that happen.'

"Okay, let's depart for the church. I have already made the arrangements," Father said, standing up and picking me up. He walked outside, followed by Mother with Lucy in her lap.

To an outsider, we looked like a very happy family. And indeed, I was very happy with this new life and family. I vowed never to let anyone destroy this happiness.

Noob_xx Noob_xx

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