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We Fucked Up! (3)

In a lush green forest with tall thick trees, rustling of the leaves and soothing rays of sunlight maintaining peace and quiet you could see a squirrel jolted awake by screaming and yelling of five idiots. 

Colonel Rick fed up with all the random bullshit that spewed out of the mouths of these weirdos said he needed to relay information to the HQ and receive any new orders if there were any and went on a walk by himself after warning them if they did anything suspicious they would get their heads blown off.

After distancing himself from the weirdos, he took out a walkie talkie and spoke "HQ, Do you copy? This is Colonel Rick reporting"


A static voice from the other side of the came "Copy that Colonel Rick, this is HQ receiving. Report your status"

"One man down codename:JAVELIN , rest in perfect status, got a clue of whereabout of the target, think it's a trap, awaiting further instructions, HQ do you copy?" He replied

"Relaying the orders, wait at your position fifty-five minutes, that should give enough time for the troops to catch up to you, then you can move first to capture the target, orders received?"

He replied "Orders received."

With that he went to the weirdos to execute the plan.


On a tall cliff overlooking the forest a group of shadows could be seen standing in a formation looking towards the man known as the Sportsmaster walking back and forth and the man sitting on a rock, Deathstroke.

Deathstroke The Terminator POV

Who would've thought that tracking down one target would take a legion of shadows, three world tours, one sports enthusiast, one of the best assassin known to mankind and lots n lots of threats only to end up to find a military op being run on the target.

"Well this complicates things." He voiced out to the overjuiced fart machine his employer has send for sorry excuse of a backup.

"Nothing complicated about it Deathstroke, we just nab him before military does or the mighty Deathstroke the Terminator is too chicken after one defeat" came the mirthful reply and again he began to calculate the distance of the ground from the cliff 'He is enhanced isn't he?'

"Let me make this clear enough for you that the fact remains stuck in that sliding brain of yours." 


"The target is master in stealth and has the homeground advantage, you wanna go into a forest willingly to hunt for the target, I bet on my career you will be found dead before I see the moon" Deathstroke spoke mockingly "Or am I wrong in assuming that?" He spoke the last bit looking intensely towards the group of shadows under his command.

At this Sportsmaster took out the hockey stick from his back and assumed a combat ready position but Deathstroke sat there calmly.


A few seconds went by nothing happened.

"Hey are you sure you are not going senile old ma-" Sportsmaster was interrupted 

"Impressive, I was sure I had hidden my self perfectly" a shadow spoke from the back as it began to be covered by darkness, no other way to describe it. It moved forward and stood infront of the shadows, hands behind his back.

'Odd, There's something wrong here, the shadows are not reacting a all' Deathstroke thought as he continued to calculate the intention behind the actions "And It speaks! Thought you were like the T-1000, all action no talk"

"Really! What gave you the impression?"

"Well all the mysterious shenanigan and no talking really, glad to know there's some thought process going on behind it, now only question is, is it organic or programmed?"


"Who gives a ratsass about that?" Came the annoying voice and again Deathstroke remembered the warning he was given last time he tried to kill him because he was important for some plan.

"Listen here you little fucker surrender and come with us peacefully or you won't be able to use your arms and legs for the rest of your miserable life" spoke Sportsmaster loudly, Hockey stick pointing towards the target. Deathstroke felt like rolling his eyes.

It turned his head towards him and despite not able to see it's eyes he could feel the questioning and disappointing look it threw him, Deathstroke just shrugged his shoulders.

Ignoring Sportsmaster it spoke "I am here just to tell you to run away, I will deal with you lot later"

"And why the fuck would we care to listen to your bullshit?" Sportsmaster again interrupted loudly

"Because you wanna be alive and healthy for the rest of your life." As it spoke as it began to take it's arms from back to front, hands balled up in a fist. Deathstroke's hands tensed as he reached for the sword and the gun, oblivious to it all Sportsmaster spoke "Are you retarded? Incase you haven't noticed we have the numbers."

"What numbers?" It spoke as he opened up the fists, too late Deathstroke realized there were wires connecting to all the shadows. Under the stunned gaze of Sportsmaster and cold calculated gaze of Deathstroke, the bodies of all the shadows in the formation began to fall.

"Listen to my words, it's good for the continuation of your health. Now I gotta go set some traps, you got fifteen second for running before something disastrous happens. Bye. " saying that it vanished in a flurry of papers.

"We're leaving" Deathstroke said as he caught one of the papers, he had to revaluate a lot of things and come with countermeasures against that thing, thankfully Sportsmaster didn't throw a fuss.

"How did you know it was something there?"

"I didn't"

"Wha- Then how"

"I just assumed. It said we had fifteen seconds before something happens" Deathstroke began to scan the papers and the weird symbols on them.

One of the paper near the shadows blew up sending Sportsmaster and Deathstroke stumbling back, he immediately released the grip on the paper in his hand and ran towards the vehicle at full speed with the idiot following behind him. They had only gone about fifty meters when a strong blast came from their previous position.

Looking back there was no sign of existence of any cliff being there. He had memorized the symbols, there must be atleast one language out there that could indicate what it was.


Suggest me some titles (Like Deathstroke the terminator) and callsign for MC.

Hope you like this chapter

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