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Chapter 2: Part 2: The Unraveling

Emma stood outside Nathan's dormitory, clutching her jacket tightly against the cold. Detective Reed had asked her to gather some of Nathan's friends for questioning, hoping to piece together the puzzle of his final days. She had sent messages to a few of his closest acquaintances, and now she waited as they trickled in, faces etched with confusion and grief.

The first to arrive was Jake, Nathan's roommate. Jake was tall, with a muscular build and a perpetual scowl. Despite his rough exterior, Nathan had always spoken highly of him. Following closely was Emily, a soft-spoken girl with bright red hair and a talent for art. She and Nathan had shared several classes and were often seen studying together in the library. Finally, there was Mark, a tech-savvy guy known for his hacking skills, who had been Nathan's go-to for anything computer-related.

Detective Reed greeted them with a solemn nod. "Thank you all for coming. I know this is difficult, but we need your help to understand what might have led to Nathan's death. Did any of you notice anything unusual recently?"

Jake spoke first, his voice gruff. "Nathan was stressed about exams, but that's normal. We all are. He did seem a bit more withdrawn lately, though. Spent a lot of time on his laptop."

Emily nodded in agreement. "He mentioned something about a project he was working on. Said it was important, but he didn't give any details. I just thought it was school-related."

Mark shifted uncomfortably. "He asked me for help with some encryption software a few weeks ago. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now..."

Detective Reed's eyes narrowed. "Did he say why he needed it?"

Mark shook his head. "No, just said it was for a personal project. I assumed it was something for class."

As they talked, Emma noticed a shadowy figure lingering at the edge of the courtyard. She squinted, trying to make out the person's features, but they disappeared before she could get a closer look. A chill ran down her spine.

Later that night, Emma sat in her dorm, poring over Nathan's laptop. The police had allowed her to keep it temporarily, given her close relationship with him and her determination to find the truth. She noticed a folder that seemed out of place, labeled "Project X." Inside, she found a series of encrypted files and a text document with the title "Evidence."

Heart pounding, she opened the text document. It contained a list of names and dates, along with cryptic notes about money transfers and meetings. One name stood out: Professor Alan Walker, Nathan's economics professor. He was known for his tough grading and no-nonsense attitude, but why would his name appear in Nathan's secret files?

The next day, Emma shared her discovery with Detective Reed. He looked at her, impressed. "You're becoming quite the investigator, Emma. We'll need to talk to Professor Walker."

They found Walker in his office, buried in paperwork. He was a middle-aged man with graying hair and piercing blue eyes. When questioned about Nathan, he seemed genuinely shocked. "Nathan was an excellent student. I can't imagine why he would have my name in his files. Are you sure it's not a mistake?"

Emma's instincts told her there was more to Walker than he let on, but without concrete evidence, they couldn't press further. As they left his office, Detective Reed received a call. He listened intently, then turned to Emma, his expression grim.

"That was the lab. They found traces of a foreign substance in Nathan's system. It wasn't just pills – he was poisoned."

Emma's heart sank. "But who would do that? And why?"

Before Detective Reed could answer, a loud crash echoed from the hallway. They rushed to the source of the noise and found Jake sprawled on the floor, clutching his head in pain. His dorm room door was wide open, and inside, the place had been ransacked.

"Jake, what happened?" Emma asked, kneeling beside him.

Jake groaned, struggling to sit up. "Someone attacked me. They were looking for something. I heard them say... they were looking for the 'key.'"

Emma and Detective Reed exchanged worried glances. This was more than just a tragic death – it was the beginning of something far more sinister. The key to unlocking Nathan's files, and perhaps the motive behind his murder, was still out there. And whoever wanted it was willing to kill for it.

As they helped Jake to his feet, Emma couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. The shadowy figure from the courtyard flashed in her mind. This was far from over. Nathan had uncovered something dangerous, and now, it was up to them to finish what he had started.

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