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50% That Time I Became The VOTW's Favourite / Chapter 5: Ch-5 Experimentations And Torment!

Chapter 5: Ch-5 Experimentations And Torment!

No one's POV 

It was the dead of night. The darkness engulfed the entire sky and Kagenou Manor was completely dark, only illuminated by the moonlight and the lights within the manor itself.

The land owned by the Kagenou family was decently big, and it was all forest. It was filled with monsters, beasts, and even bandits occasionally. 

But recently, there has been a massive increase in the number of monsters and beasts in the forests, along with a significant decline the the slime population within the forest. 

This was obviously, because of a certain someone. An experimental Cid Kagenou decided to spend the next six months practicing magic and hunting slimes. And yes, he single-handedly brought the slime population down to almost zero, within the forest. 

The sheer amount of his experiments were almost insane and he practiced and improved magic so much, that he even created his own magic series. 

{Charge Magic}

{Maximize Magic}

{Nuclear Strike Magic}

Right now, he's working on something else, which he calls {Minimize Magic}}. The exact opposite of the {Maximize Magic} he created just earlier. 

{Charge Magic}: It is a type of augmentation magic that utilizes absolute control and augmentation revolving around magicules. Except that unlike {Maximize Magic}, which follows the same premise as this, {Charge Magic} mainly relies on reduction reactions. 

While it does have augmentation spells, it's main ability is supposed to be to counteract {Maximize Magic}, which is a type of magic meant to augment the user and make them stronger, acting more like an enchant over magic. 

He has many spells for it as well. 

<<Drain Mana>>, which is a spell that drains the magic of the area around him as well as his opponent, proving to be especially formidable against knights and magic based monsters. 

Of course, there is a limit to this as well. He can't just suck up all magicules around him without mercy after all. 

Okay... Maybe he can, because of his {Mana Core} but that's because of his skill, not the magic itself. 

But against the knights and people of this world, <<Drain Mana>> proves to be an invaluable spell to have. 

The people of this world don't rely on hand-to-hand combat since almost everyone is superhuman here thanks to magic. But at the same time, most people aren't skilled enough to handle magic in the form of spells. 

So they all turned to using weapons, the sword in particular, becoming exceedingly popular in this world. They augment the weapon with magic to make sure it doesn't break and they can not only fight, but they can also deal serious damage thanks to the magic they put in the weapon. 

But there was one problem. Magic conductivity. 

The conductivity of regular steel swords were very low, only around 30%. Which means that if you were to put, let's say, 1000 magicules into the sword, only 300 out of this is usable and the remaining 700 are just lost as external energy. 

Even the most conductive known material that can be used to make weapons, Mithril, only had a 50% conductivity. 

This alone meant these people had to expend a decently large amount of magic just putting it into their swords, leaving them easily exhausted after a fight. Very inconvenient. 

But Cid, during his excursion, realised that Slimes, a mindless magic beast who only exist to be eaten by other stronger ones, had an insane magic conductivity of 99.8%! And it's ability to change its shape, colour, texture and hardness made it almost invaluable. He planned on making a certain something out of the slime he's collected over these past six months. 

But anyways, once Cid's done with his project, the Slime Suit will give him a crazy advantage over the rest of the people in his world, like he even needs one anymore. But it didn't matter to him. 

With <<Drain Mana>>, all he has to do is come in contact with their sword with his own, and he can just drain all the magic from their sword into him. This along means they loose a massive amount of magic because their weapons already have high magic resistivity. This would not only tire them out a lot faster, but it would also cause their sword to break, unable to handle the continuous drain of magic and the hard clashes. 

If you're skilled enough at this spell, you could come into contact with them at once and absorb all the magic from your enemy's sword into you in an instant, giving them no time to react. Since they've never seen something like this before, and because of how fast this happens, they wouldn't be able to replace the magic quick enough. 

In other words... Their sword will break upon first contact! 

An almost instantaneous win against any knight in this world. 

<<Negation of Logic>>

As the name suggests, it's a logic defying spell, that almost acts like a Unique Skill. It was created due to his {Metaphysical Comprehension}, which granted him insight and even comprehensive ability to observe and comprehend things beyond human logic. And combined with his other skill, {Dimensionality}, it meant he had access to otherworldly knowledge and phenomenon that other people simply lacked or were unable to get. 

And hence, this ability was made. When active, he can create a field around him where he has absolute authority over its magicule composition, allowing him to make illogical things happen. 

For example, if he were to simply swing his sword in a random direction, he could activate this spell and manipulate the magicules around him to alter the strike and carry the damage to the target. Even if they attack misses completely, it will still hit them. 

Of course, this spell takes a ridiculous amount of magic to actually properly use and hence, he feels tires out a lot faster. 

But then again, he IS still six months old and still a baby. He isn't even supposed to be able to do ANY of these things, yet he can. 

These are just two examples of spells that Cid has conjured up. 

Now, back to the night at hand, something interesting was about to happen. 

A man dressed in black, with his face covered to hide his identity while also carrying a lot of weapons, was sneakily stalking his way through the Kagenou Forest, slowly making his way towards the mansion. 

"Seriously... They want me to go and kidnap a baby... ? I don't understand. It's a barons baby and he is supposed to be six months old. Why in god's name would they want that ?" The assassin, who was apparently hired to kidnap the infant Cid Kagenou, did not understand why he had to kidnap a literal baby. 

And it wasn't even a demon possessed child or anything! It's was just a normal boy! 

So why the hell should be do it ? 

Did he actually care ? Hell no! 

He was just wondering why he was hired to do something so unexpected and unnecessary, yet so easy and simple. He felt insulted, like they were underestimating him. 

It was just a baby! From a Baron's family! What they hell are they gonna do to him ? 

"Ugh.. why am I complaining so much. I'm being payed a lot for this, so I should just do it." He said this as he climbed up the house and entered the hallway outside the room that Cid Kagenou was in, sleeping in a crib next to his parents' bed. 

"Also, I don't want to get in trouble with those crazy people. I wonder if I'll be allowed to watch whatever they'll do with this boy after I take him there." 

He got into the room and stared down at the crib, slowly approaching it with his hands stretched out, about to grab the baby that was inside it.

As he approached the sleeping Cid Kagenou, a flash of light shone lightly below his eyes and he turned his head up, feeling a presence before him. 

As his face turned, he was met with two crimson eyes glowing menacingly in the dark, both having some kind of reflective pattern on them that appeared to have some kind of energy flowing through it. 

The assassin's eyes widened in shock and fear, causing him to jump back on reflex. Those eyes belonged to none other than Cid Kagenou, who was standing upside down with his feet on the ceiling while staring at the man's eyes with an ever-growing smile on his face. 

"What the fuc–?!" 

"Ah-pup-pahhp!" Cid said, silencing the man as the floor below them glowed a bit, before both of them disappeared completely from the room. 


The two of them then found themselves outside the Kagenou Manor, on top of the roof at the highest point of the mansion. 

Before he could even process what was happening, a purple barrier suddenly covered him. This barrier trapped him and the baby, Cid, in it. 

"What the fuck is even–?" He still didn't understand what was happening. 

"<<Perfect Cube>> A powerful barrier spell I made. Interesting, right ?" Spoke the young boy, making the assassin jump back with his eyes wide, jaws fallen apart and his face completely broken apart. 

His six months old BABY, was standing, talking and using MAGIC! 

"And what the hell do you mean, "I made"?!!!!" 

"It means what it means. I made this spell." Said Cid nonchalantly. 

Before the man could react, a cruel smile twisted itself onto Cid's face, making it look completely out of place on the face of a literal baby. 

"I've tested out magic on so many things, yet this is the first time I've had a human test subject. Thank you for volunteering to be my guinea pig!" He said this in an almost excited tone, one that confused the assassin. 

The assassin in question was sweating. He managed to hold himself together, but he knew he needed to get out of there ASAP! He couldn't sense this boys magic, but that didn't matter! The fact that this six months year old baby could speak and use such powerful magic alone meant he was heavily outmatched and needed to run away! Right away! 

<<Aura of the Shadow>>

As if suddenly bolted down to the roof, his feet clamped down and halted. Straightened and clenched, he realised he had lost all feelings in his legs and his ability to move along with it. His body felt weak and limo, his heart rate went through the roof, blood pressure increasing severely, sweat trailing down his body. His legs felt like they would give out, his breathing was heavy and uneven. 

'Wh-Wha... What kind.. of... This kid... He's a fucking MONSTER!!!!' 

Terrified, he managed to peer into Cid's bottomless magic reserves, which he showed off for intimidation. 

In front of him, the man who came to kidnap Cid, just saw his Target standing their wide a wide smile, face invisible with a torrential aura erupting out of him without showing an inkling of stopping. The aura filled out the cubed barrier they were in, creating the visual image of a massive dark silhouette made of purely dense magicules, showing of the sheer extent of his magicules and by extension, his EP, which is much higher than that of any normal human. 

<<Absolve: Lock-on>>

He commanded. 

Immediately, the assassin's body felt like it was bound by some kind of magic chains, rendering him incapable of moving a muscle or trying to run away. Escape was no longer an option any more. 

<<Absolve: Void Barrier>>

With his next command, a circular barrier was made around him, with multiple different layers to create extra defence. 

The man was done for now. 

He had become Cid's playthings till his parents wake up and realise he's missing. 

Cid approached the man, who was at the verge of years upon realising the situation he was now in. This was not what he wanted, dammit! 

He was about to protest, but one single worse from Cid silenced his entire being. 


And just like that, his voice was gone, blocked by the constricting magicules around his vocal chords. 

<<Neo Nova Acus>>

With his index and middle finger outstretched, they began to glow and a needle of pure energy formed and glowed menacingly before the frightened man. 

"What happens when I put this inside a living things that can feel pain ?" Cid wondered, before he slowly began to poke the energy needle into the man's forehead. 

His eyes shot up and became bloodshot from the sharp searing pain that rang through his head, worse than any possible migraine one could ever get. He felt something hot and sharp piercing through his skull and even burn bits of his brain matter, making him scream in pain; or so he would've, if his vocal chords were still functional. 

Cid didn't want to hear his screams or his pleas for mercy and decided to simply make sure he can't speak at all. Very efficient, but also very cruel. Did he care though ? Not really. All he cared about at the moment, was perfecting his magic and observe it in great detail as it reacted with the human body. 

He removed the magic needle from the man's body, but didn't deactivate it. Instead, he began to contemplate something while staring at him intently. 

"I've never tried this before... If I'm not wrong, as long as I can manage to do things properly, I should be able to play around with biology with the usage of magicules. I wonder..." 

Cid decided to try something. 

With a hand stretched out, he pierced his nails into his victim's neck, before putting his magic inside. He made sure to supply this magic directly into the nerves of his body, and spread the magic across it towards the pain receptors in his body. 

With his hand now out of his body, Cid inserted the energy needle back in, but this time, into the man's eyeball. He made sure {Metaphysical Comprehension} was active the whole time throughout the experimentation process so he can record everything he manages to see and do. 

But since this was supposed to be an experimentation session and not a torture session, he fixed the man's pain receptors right after he was done with this. Meanwhile, he turned the needle into something more akin to a plant by forming magical roots that attached to his optical nerves as well as his retinas and cones, making his eyes narrow greatly. 

Cid realised that all this squirming was very much unnecessary and disturbing even, so he decided to do something about it. 

He first of all, used the magic to complete block out the pain receptors, making them unable to send or receive neuro-electric signals, which removed all forms of pain from the man's body, much to his relief. 

He also forced magic on all the muscles and tendons of his body, forcing them to all relax and completely give in to Cid's domineering self. 

He experimented for several minutes. 

He used magic to link their vision, controlled his eyesight and his lens shape and focal length, altered the auditory functions of his ears, played with his bone structure and bone marrow concentration, etc. Sometimes, he filled his magic into the man's blood and forced it to move backwards, then forward, stop, then move again, etc. He removed the white blood cells from the blood vessels and acted as though nothing happened. 

Eventually, his ability to manipulate the human biology became so good that he managed to even manipulate the cell structures and genetics material! 

When he finally realised this, his grin widened significantly. 

"I wonder what will happen if I add an extra chromosome on the 21st chromosome to your gene pool. Will you get Down Syndrome if I do it ? And what if Klinefelter's Syndrome ? Will you obtain Gynaecomastia ? What if I played around with your endocrine system ? What if I were to alter the hormone levels of your body ? What if I increase female hormone such as Estrogen and Progesterone ? What if I remove Testosterone from you completely ? What if I put every single steroid hormone into your body at high quantities ? What if I caused you genetic disorders and mutations, like Sickle-Celled Anaemia, or perhaps, Haemophilia ? What if I give you Haemorroids ? Or a brain haemorrhage ? What if I completely remove melanin from your body ? There's hydrochloric acid inside your stomach y'know ? What if I remove the mucus layer protecting your delicate gut ? What if I decreased the pH value of the liquid to beyond what's naturally possible with the help of magic and then let it seep out of your stomach ? So many things I could do!!" 

At this point, the sheer extents of Cid's experimentations were so great and cruel that he himself wondered why he was doing all this. But because he isn't a complete piece of shit, he made sure to put the man in a comatose state before he did all this. 

By doing all this, by treating the poor man's body as nothing more than a toy, he slowly started to learn how to control his magic better. It helped him learn how to be precise because of how delicate he had to be to manipulate a person's genetic structure. 

It's a very twisted way to learn, but Cid just realised how much potential magic truly has, to the point of testing out everything he could do with magic! 

He wasn't going to use any magic on himself without knowing what it did to the human body, even if his body was more resistant than the average human thanks to his semi-immortality. 

Eventually, Cid shut down his lab rat's sympathetic nervous system and only made sure he stayed alive. Now that he was done with his experiments, he needed him to die. Keeping him alive after this would be too dangerous and also useless, since he would never recover from such torment. 

<<Purge Soul>>

With peaceful grace, Cid moved his hand around the levitating body the the man that tried to kidnap him and became his lab rat, and then stabbed through his chest. A light glowed momentarily from his chest and his skin turned ashen, as if something was taken away from him. 


He then activated a decay reaction that quickly at through the dead man's body, turning it into absolutely nothing but air that flew with the wind once Cid dropped his {Perfect Cube}

"My control has grown..."

He then returned to his crib and decide to call it a day, finally closing his eyes for a nap. 


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