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Chapter 14: Thump Thump Thump

Gray smirked proudly, "I've seen it, but if you really understood, you wouldn't be so eager to see it."

Recalling his bald appearance from last time made Gray shiver.

"Is it that amazing? Tell us more," Wakaba leaned in, hooking Gray's shoulder.

Gray rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment before explaining, "Well, Alex's magic is indeed fire, but not just any fire."

"?? What do you mean? We don't understand," the group exchanged puzzled glances at Gray's cryptic description.

"Well, I'm not sure how to put it exactly. It's extremely hot, capable of burning everything to ashes and turning it into nothingness," Gray struggled to find the right words.

"Burning everything to ashes and turning it into nothingness? Wow, that's intense," Wakaba gasped, realizing his own fire magic couldn't compare to that.

"And if Alex ever decides to use his magic, it's best to stay far away," Gray added, a hint of warning in his tone.

"Why stay far away?"

"Oh, you'll see when it happens. It's not something I can explain easily," Gray shook his head repeatedly, not willing to discuss his past embarrassment, despite his hair having grown back since.

Gray's mind seemed to echo with a sinister laughter at the memory.

Soon, Natsu was carried back into the guild and laid aside to regain consciousness.

"Alex, come here, I need to talk to you," Makarov motioned Alex over to the side when things settled down.

"Alex, you won't need to take any more missions for now. Gildarts is returning soon."

"Uncle Gildarts is coming back? It's been over a year since he left," Alex recalled Gildarts leaving shortly after he joined the guild.

Makarov knocked Alex on the head, "Gildarts left for a ten-year mission. Do you think it's all fun and games like you?"

"Master, isn't that in the past now? Why bring it up?" Alex sounded exasperated.

Makarov glared, "Don't interrupt."

"Okay, okay, I get it," Alex nodded.

With Gildarts returning, Makarov planned to start the S-Class Mage promotion exams soon. Alex and Laxus were the only ones currently eligible within the guild. The others weren't strong enough.

Thinking of Laxus gave Alex a headache.

Makarov noticed Alex's dilemma and reassured him, "Don't worry about Laxus. The S-Class Mage title is a symbol of strength, nothing more. You don't need to hold back because he's my grandson."

Makarov had observed Alex's commitment to fair play, so he was concerned Alex might go easy on Laxus due to their family relationship.

Hearing Makarov's words, Alex felt relieved. This was an opportunity to teach Laxus a lesson once and for all.

"Alright, Master, with your words, I feel much better about it."


After a while of discussion with Makarov, he left the guild for other business, and Alex returned to the bar counter.

"A hot milk, please."

Cana approached curiously, "Hey Alex, does this milk really work? You don't seem to have grown any taller."

"Thanks." Alex took the milk, sipped it, and savored the milky flavor. "It's not that fast, and I actually just like the taste of milk."

Taking another sip, Alex looked directly at Cana and said, "Do you want to try? It's really good."

Alex's words piqued Cana's curiosity, so she also ordered a hot milk. Soon, Kana's milk arrived, and she took a sip, then commented, "It doesn't really taste like anything."

"It's pure milk, so it won't be sweet," Alex explained matter-of-factly.

"But then what's the difference from drinking water?"

"Well, it has a milky aroma."

"Forget it, I don't like this. But I'm more interested in that," Cana gestured towards where Makarov and the others often drank alcohol.

"By the way, you're not allowed to drink alcohol if you're under 15," Alex reminded.

Cana's eyes sparkled mischievously, "Every time I see Master and the others enjoying it so much, I've wanted to try it. Today's the perfect chance since Master isn't here. I want to find out what it tastes like."

Ignoring Alex's advice, Cana sneakily entered the bar counter while the bartender was away briefly, reached up on tiptoes, and grabbed a cup. Then she hurried to the barrel and opened the tap, pouring herself a glass of strong beer.

"Want some?" She called out to Alex with a mischievous grin.

Alex quickly waved his hands, "No thanks, you enjoy it yourself."

Honestly, Alex disliked alcohol. In his previous life, he often heard others praise how good it tasted, but after trying it once, he swore off the stuff.

Alex was puzzled why such a distasteful drink was so beloved, perhaps it was just a matter of personal preference.

Of course, Alex would never reveal his own experience with alcohol...

Seeing Alex decline, Cana paid no further attention and, holding a full mug of beer, mimicked the adults by downing it in one go.

Watching this, Alex's eyes widened. If things went as expected, Cana would soon be lying on the floor.

However, to everyone's surprise, after downing a large mug of strong beer, Cana not only remained standing but her eyes sparkled with newfound enthusiasm.

"So delicious, Alex, you really have to try it, it's amazing," Cana kept insisting, heading back to the barrel for another drink.

Alex's mouth twitched as he replied, "I'll pass, you enjoy yourself." He picked up his hot milk and moved aside.

What followed was a prime example of a natural-born drinker.

Cana proceeded to drink mug after mug, and when she felt it wasn't enough, she threw down her cup, grabbed the barrel, and started chugging away in front of Alex's astonished gaze.

At that moment, Alex could only mutter to himself, "Damn, this kid!!"

Even the returning bartender was left dumbfounded.

Don't be surprised. If you saw an 11-year-old girl hugging a barrel taller than herself and chugging away like there was no tomorrow, you'd be shocked too.


"Thump, Thump, Thump," the church bells rang across Magnolia.

"Those bells? Gildarts is back."

"Gildarts? It's been about a year, hasn't it?"

"They say Gildarts was on a ten-year mission this time."

"Wow! No wonder he's Fairy Tail's strongest mage."

People began discussing excitedly upon hearing the bells.

However, Natsu's attention was clearly elsewhere: "Fairy Tail's strongest mage?" His face lit up with excitement.

Erza also clenched her fist, her eyes full of anticipation, wondering just how strong the man hailed as Fairy Tail's strongest really was.

As the city's mechanical changes unfolded, a straight road led directly to the entrance of Fairy Tail, where a figure leisurely strolled toward.

"Welcome back, Gildarts!" The guild erupted in cheers as soon as Gildarts entered.

"Uncle, how was the mission?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Haha, of course I aced it," Gildarts scratched the back of his head, chuckling heartily.

"No doubt about that, Uncle."

Finally meeting Fairy Tail's strongest mage, Gildarts, Natsu couldn't contain himself any longer. "Uncle, I want to challenge you."

This statement left everyone petrified.

Gildarts looked at Natsu, barely reaching his waist, and smiled, "Alright, kiddo, bring it on!"

"Right here?" Everyone questioned, knowing Gildarts' crash magic was devastating.

But Natsu paid no mind. Upon receiving the go-ahead, flames ignited on his fists.

"Here I come, Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu leaped high, aiming his flaming fist straight for Gildarts' head.

Gildarts effortlessly caught Natsu, spun him around a few times in his grip, and then casually tossed him aside like trash, the force shattering the guild's ceiling.

"Another one-hit KO!!"

However, the guild members were already accustomed to this.

Whether it was Alex, Erza, Laxus, or Gildarts himself, anyone challenging Natsu always ended up knocking him out with a single blow. Despite this, Natsu always continued to challenge them, only to get knocked down again.

Such determination was truly admirable.

"Ah, exhausted. Where's the Master?" Gildarts asked.

Alex pointed to the bar counter, "Over there, waiting for you for ages."

As Gildarts sat down, Makarov asked with concern, "No injuries from the mission, I hope?"

"Nope, all good. Thanks for worrying," Gildarts chuckled.

"That's good to hear. Now that you're back, I'll start preparing for Alex and Laxus's promotion to S-Class Mages."

Gildarts grimaced, "Looks like I'm back to work right after coming back."

Seeing Gildarts' expression, Makarov said with emphasis, "There's no choice. You're the only S-Class Mage we have right now. After they become S-Class Mages, I'll let them handle it next time, alright?"

Gildarts smiled wryly, "Alright, alright." He stood up and stretched his arms. "I'll go rest first. So tired."

With that, he walked straight towards... the wall ahead.

Makarov's eyes widened, shouting loudly, "You rascal, the door's over there!!"

But it was too late.

At that moment, Gildarts had already reached the wall, where a grid-like white light appeared. Then, with a thunderous crash, the wall shattered, and Gildarts casually strolled out as if nothing had happened.

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