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80% Reincarnated as a Dark God with the powers of the warp / Chapter 3: THE FORGE (Updated)

Chapter 3: THE FORGE (Updated)

DISCLAIMER: Hello people there are way more of you, but welcome anyway I mean 5.6k is a lot of people now that's just crazy, and shout out: Hampus_Karlsson and anyx_25 and GigaThunder I hope I can live up to your expectations.

hope you can enjoy the story.

I own nothing if I did the Emperor would also start calling himself Alpharius.

Ps. Thanks for the P-stones


Aypolleon-"What do you fuck do you mean he's watching!!!"

As another quake tears across the realm of chaos, the multicolored sky glows bright red toward the south of the islands. Across the sea of multi-color light, a golden light shining and burning suddenly flashes and glows brighter in the distance.

Aypolleon-"System what do you mean he's watching he shouldn't be that powerful yet!"

I was rather panicking at this point I mean it's the Emperor who wouldn't be losing it at the thought of fighting someone that powerful in the early game. Hell even Khorne is pushing it but at least his energy wouldn't do any permanent damage to his form but the Emperor's light would melt him and damage his soul. 

[An incorrect assumption Host as the future Emperor is currently strong enough to fight you to a standstill however he's still too weak to freely walk the Immaterium without putting himself at a severe disadvantage so at the most the light is to prevent the malignant warp energy from affecting Earth]

Taking a deep breath or whatever counts as breathing now I began to think of a few plans to hold the light back but they would have to wait. As I close my eyes I raise my hand focusing before locking onto the energy of my two commanders and began drawing them to my location. Upon opening my eyes they appeared in a flash of shadow in front of me.

Michael-"Yes my liege you called"

The Blood angel appeared surprised at my sudden summoning considering I had only sent him away not even ten minutes ago. whereas Angor merely began to rub against Sam as I reached out and scratched him behind his jaw as I turned to speak to them.

Aypolleon-"It would appear my brother is rousing far sooner than I thought he was therefore I will be giving you far more authority than before so do not fail me." 

[Rather clever Host an attempt to further their ascension by using the power stored within the two cc's is rather interesting Congratulations player for finding a loophole in the system you have received:

1*ACC, 2*BCC along with 50 points into your CON.]

Briefly glanced over at the system before focusing on pushing that power into my General's a smirk drawing on my face as I focused on Michael first. He grew larger as four mechanical tendrils burst from his back along his spine. His wings grew larger with a second set of eyes growing on them his legs became bowed like a quadruped, and his body became far taller and lankier as a golden halo thorned and twisted. His face became that of a skull and he grew a second pair of arms before they clasped into a prayer position. His color however stayed the same except that it was far more vibrant than before as golden circuit patterns crawled across his frame all ending at the center of his chest where the symbol of chaos sat.

Aypolleon-"You may appoint one of the other blood angels to help you further manage their ranks however you will be my third in command your job is to mage and lead any demons I put under your watch after I am finished here today I'm sure I will have a task for you." 

Giving him a once over before he left I turned my attention to Angor focusing on his purpose first unlike Michael who would lead the bulk of the current army until any of his siblings were made. Angor would become the first living forge a mixture of demon engine and demon prince. Slowly Angor grew longer and wider being forced into all fours as a second set of horns grew out of his head just behind his first ones his eyes glowed with power as armor and cybernetics grew out starting from his spine and spreading across his form his back legs collapsed as they fused into a long robotic tail. When all was said and done his second commander was half the size of the great spire his eyes hidden under armor as he would open his mouth and roar in triumph. Catching Sam's attention as he roared back fur standing on end as golden lightning raced across his form all three heads were locked onto Angor's new form. While I watched in fascination as Angor lowered his head in submission towards Sam.

[Congratulations again Host you have made the first demon engine a being of terrible power along with making one demon prince and one greater demon you now have more forces to summon along with an increase in stats]

Apollyon-"System begin manufacturing more units that are currently available at least another thousand of each and pull up the system panel"


[TITLES: The First, Canine Companion,

Leader Of Chaos, The Architect

[NAME: Aypolleon

[RACE: Chaos god[Void Varient]


[STR: 500

[DEX: 400

[END: 400


[CHR: 560

[MANA: 600*















CREATION/SUMMONING: Gilded Raptors, Carnator, Blood Angel, Wyrm-Forge*, Greater-seraphim*




[Host sadly you don't currently have enough energy to manufacture another prince however more of the other units will be made however I suggest you use another CC to get more troops that specialize in different fields other than sorcery]

Quickly realizing that the system had a point I quickly used three ICCs one of which I used to create my first creation. I began with a lankier body with bigger hands and forearms a wide chest with small recesses in between his upper ribcage stopping just before his false ribs which if looked into one could see a beating engine-like heart that was a glow in a silver grandeur. Cat-like legs that had powerful and corded muscles bulged across its frame and upon its neck a knife-like upper and lower head which both pulled towards each other only stopping to wrap around pearly teeth. A carapace with a mercury-colored wave-like gradient that started at their hand and feet and traveled upwards through the carapace covered his whole body the sections on either part of his neck and clavicle would pull away forming petal-like sections of flesh when it was getting ready to use my power over the abyss to quickly appear and disappear around the battlefield to overwhelm opponents in small packs quickly sowing chaos and discord in the enemy's ranks to allow my Raptors to move in for the kill.

The second one was based on a DOOM hell Armored Barrons however one arm was replaced with bio-mechanical tech that hummed with the power of void meant to devour their enemies and erase them from existence, however, it couldn't be fired indefinitely otherwise it would become overwhelmed and begin to consume its wielder as unlike me they had no defense against it at this level of strength. They were covered in silverish bone-like armor with glowing golden lights set in the recesses where the armor plates connected.

The final creature was different from the others as Sam would help me create it using his control over the warp in tandem with mine. Its lower half was that of a mechanical and skeletal dragon the skeletal feel would continue to go up into a non-existent stomach leaving only a mechanical spine to be seen next were six mechanical claw-like fingers that wrapped around a wide and robust chest that looked like muscle sinew. Further, his neck went into a three-horned head two sticking onto either side and one in the middle that seemed to curl before straightening out. Its left hand up to its forearm was replaced with a Tri-barreled cannon made to fire in a volley-like barrage, its right arm was made of the same muscle as the rest of its upper torso.

Over all of this exposed muscle and cybernetics, would be bone white armor that would allow bits of said muscle to remain exposed. From their backs, a tank filled with highly flammable liquid was made and covered in false fur a last effort if it was ever overwhelmed. They were to be his cavalry and ranged units relying on a yet-to-be-made lance and lightning-enhanced speed courtesy of Samuel's power to pierce opponents and quickly retreat to hit them with a barrage of plasma energy from their cannon that would fry them alive. As I stared at the new additions I immediately called for more to be made to fill my ranks and for the draconic sentinels to be placed to guard the spires and gates as I turned and began marching towards Angor as the wyrm lowered its head towards me as I approached.

Apollyon-"Open and heat the forge"

It was with this command that Angor would open its mouth I and sam would shrink down to fit inside of it as we walked along its segmented tongue into the now glowing cavern, pools of liquid gold and silver ran along its sides towards a massive workstation as thousands of tools and machinery where attached to mechanical arms and tendrils all moving and wiggling as they reached towards us.

Striding forward we finally made it to the main forge upon which sat a large round base connected to a roaring fire where the liquid chaos energy flowed into being heated for my benefit. As I needed the tentacles along my back extended and fired toward the slots on the wall further connecting me to the forge as I was suspended in the air. Sam would go and lay in front of a small opening in the forge electricity would screech along his form as he would begin to release a constant stream of lightning into the forge further inpowering it as lightning and flames danced.

With this, the power within the forge soared as the many mechanical arms began to pull out large chunks of heated 'ore' which was Angor's replenishing flesh as I slowly entered a flow state humming a hymn of strength, power, and corruption as for the first time the hammer like appendage fell. Sparks would dance across the dim workshop the only other light sources being the golden lightning and roaring blue flames. The constant and consistent bang as a hammer fell and molded the flesh metal into shape. The first would be a drill-like lance for my calvary units watching as the spear tip was finally done glowing as it was quenched before being pulled away by another arm to make sure the proper electronic components were used to make it spin and engraved so it could conduct warp lightning properly.

All the while the song still coursed from my lips as another chunk of ore was brought in front of me this would be my masterpiece a set of armor for me and Sam. When the song finished in front of me sat multiple armaments for my kin but the centerpieces were the armor and weapon made for me and Sam. A spear widened near its blade made for slicing and hooking motions and a halo-shaped spear tip that once activated would turn into a crackling prong-like for stabbing as the energy would eat through most materials.

The two sets of armor itself were intimidating as they had multiple eyes in the sockets on the shoulders and six pseudo wings all moving and gazing at the world with malevolence. The stomach was in the shape of an open maw and would slide over the eye already present on my body. The helmet had halo-like horns that speared towards the sky and instead of the normal main color he would use black he went with a snow white and gold motif with hints of purplish black that were the color of frostbite.

The second set was made to be minimal for Sam as his already natural armored body could tank most damage the armor was meant to further enhance his combat capabilities claws with sickle-like blades for his four paws and his back and wings would also be armored so his three heads could focus on the battle in front of him instead of watching for enemy artillery that manages to hit his back.

We both moved quickly to the living sets of armor as the eyes locked on to us with a hiss as mine opened the inside was fleshy as thousands of feelers swarmed towards me binding to my flesh and essence as the suit would envelope me. I could feel power unlike anything felt before as my wings would light up with golden energy in the shape of feathers I couldn't help but call out to the system inquiring how much time we had left.

[Host has twenty-six days I would recommend the immediate further arming of troops and the beginning of the migration of most forces to the southern Isle to confront Khorne when he awakens]

[I would also suggest that you start to gain followers in the material world to further spread your name and gain more power you also have gained a minor boost in stats]

Nodding at the two messages displayed on the screen I quickly relayed the message for further armaments to be made by the forge using the ones already present as a template and for the troops that get outfitted to begin moving towards the gate for immediate travel as I would open the system panel to see what I had gained from that little venture.


[TITLES: The First, Canine Companion,

Leader Of Chaos, The Architect

[NAME: Aypolleon

[RACE: Chaos god[Void Varient]


[STR: 570*

[DEX: 410*

[END: 450*


[CHR: 560

[MANA: 600*



















Gilded Raptors, Carnator, Blood Angel, Wyrm-Forge, Greater-seraphim, Techno-Barron*, Dragonrider*, Prowler*




Closing the panel I turned and quickly grabbed my spear watching as the tip flickered on in a burst of red lightning Sam's claws did the same stretching our wings we flew out of the forge Sam followed suit as we exited growing to our regular size before flying high above the great spire to watch over the proceedings as the sky beat a sickening red pondering on what alien world I would corrupt into my fold.

The_Creature The_Creature

Yo not dead just took a mini break anywho hoped you had fun the next chapter will be the birth of Khorne.

Also only the top half like upper lip and above is link like with his ears being far larger and him having more abundant hair the rest below that is all Maykr flesh.

but for the most part he will be in his armor which is in the comment's anyway I hope you enjoyed and let me know your thoughts.

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