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40% Reincarnated as a Dark God with the powers of the warp / Chapter 1: To Reincarnate or not To Reincarnate (Updated)

Chapter 1: To Reincarnate or not To Reincarnate (Updated)

My name is Reimannd and I was just an average man living an average life a truly unremarkable man. I lived in the Midwest in a rural town in Wisconsin I went to college and ended up having to drop out due to expenses and some family drama however I would still find work.

My Job now consists of being a store manager, for a big corporate chain it was good money at least enough for me and Samuel. Who is Sam you may be wondering he is my dog, and only current companion a mixed breed I found abandoned on the side of a road on my way to work.

It took a pretty penny and the last bit of my savings but I got him cleaned up at a vet, and that was it he stuck with me ever since. As it currently stands today was one of the few days I had off, and I was getting hungry as it was around noon. So getting up off the couch I made my way across my small apartment to my bedroom stopping to pet Sam who was laying in his dog bed. Getting dressed I grabbed my wallet and keys calling out to Sam as I put my shoes on.

Waiting a bit as my furry companion got up shaking and stretching himself before coming towards the door to follow me. licking my face as I was going to stand and barking as he was getting impatient I opened the door and breathed in the scent of the cool autumn air, causing me to zip up my jacket before exiting and closing my door locking it.

Turning and beginning to walk along the road and onto the sidewalk my car was currently in the shop as it had started releasing a nasty rattling sound around the engine whenever it started. Making sure Sam was with me, and he was happily wagging his tail as he strutted beside me. A small smile appeared on my face as I continued checking the time to make sure my favorite sandwich shop was open.

It took around thirty minutes to get to the shop with about ten before they opened Sam stopped to do his business in some bushes, in the small stretch of forest along the way. We passed a few stores along the way, I checked out a few of their wares to pass some time before turning and crossing the street turning a corner, and walking towards the small sandwich shop. Entering I was greeted by the familiar face of John the son of the store owner.

John-"Rei how nice of you to stop by I assume you're here for your original and I see you brought Sam with you."

There was a slight smile on the man's face as leaned across the counter and scratched Sam behind the ears. Before turning and throwing on a pair of gloves as he got ready to work with a quick nod I answered.

Reimannd-"You know it have to visit at least once a week when money can allow it. Anyhow how's the old man still kicking right?"

Quirking an eyebrow as the man made my food I had known his dad from before as I had worked for him before I went to college, and had considered going back to work for him but he wasn't hiring at the time, and by the time he was I had already gotten the promotion so it just never came back up. Coming out of my thoughts I stared and waited for an answer watching as John's face seemed to scrunch for a second as he thought about it.

John-" He's doing alright went outta town for a few days something about visiting a relative and attending a funeral he left me in charge as I didn't know them."

letting out a soft 'hmm' of an acknowledgment as he wrapped my sandwich and quickly looked around seeing no one else in he grabbed an extra slice of ham and tossed it to Sam who quickly caught it in his mouth.

Reimannd-"Sigh...If you keep spoiling him you're gonna get in trouble one of these days you know the old man doesn't like handouts even if it's for me."

John just nodded and laughed -"What he doesn't know can't hurt him, and that is $9.95."

Shaking my head I dug in my pocket and pulled out my wallet before pulling out two fives and a couple of ones before putting them on the table. Quickly counting the money John paused and looked up at me.

John-"You uhh talk to your family at all the last couple days." John looked a little concerned probably due to how long it had been since I had talked to anybody my family included.

As I locked eyes with him and thought about it my family was okay but we had all stopped talking a couple of years back after I dropped out. They had hoped that I would graduate, and get a good job we were all suffering as money had been hard to come by. My father's workplace a car factory had filed for bankruptcy a year after I graduated high school. By then I had already entered college and couldn't do much as my college funds had already paid for my first year and the rest was set up to pay for the second.

It turned out that they had started taking small funds from my account, and by the time I found out it was too late. The meager amount that I had saved from working as a cashier wasn't enough for my second year so I dropped out before I got into any debt by this time they had moved. Where I never knew I called there was a spat over the money and how they had stolen from me we stopped talking after that.

Quickly looking away I shook my head as Sam rubbed against my leg absent-mindedly I scratched him behind the ears and ran my hand along his fur. As I grabbed my food I smiled at John before thanking him turning to walk out of the store star as Sam barked out a goodbye.


I quickly turned to look at him a bit startled at the sudden shout.

John-"You're always welcome to come stay with us you know the old man and I would love to have you."

He stared and me a serious expression plastered on his face. I smiled then happy to know that they cared a small warmth flooded through my chest I smiled and nodded, before turning to leave. As once again the chilly air enveloped me Sam let out a small whine before sticking close to my leg as we turned and walked around the corner. Quickly coming up to the crossing there were more people out and about now.

Walking to go eat and hang out with friends, and family shopping sighing before looking up we waited for the light to turn green before looking both ways and crossing. As we started to cross I heard a loud 'HONK HONK' As I turned the light blinded me as the speeding truck barreled towards me, and Sam. I could just make out the sound of the driver screaming for me to move out of the way as it hit me and Sam and everything went dark.

When I came too I could hear someone calling for an ambulance I let out a groan. I slowly looked around the memories of what happened hit me But I couldn't feel any pain. as my eyes moved I noticed the truck now sat totaled having run into the streetlights perhaps to try, and veer out from hitting me the driver was seated on the side of the road a phone in his hand. I wasn't too worried about him instead my eyes now moved about in a panic as I couldn't see Sam.

Before finally my eyes landed on my only partner through the tough times in my life. He was on his side his chest hiccuped and shuddered there was blood pooling around him. Groaning again I started to drag myself toward him determined to get to him. Seven feet...Five feet...Four feet by the time I was not even two feet away pain racked my frame powerful, horrible pain it shot through my lower body and chest and the area where my left arm was.

Yes, I think that it just now hit me that my body was in ruin but it didn't matter all that mattered was getting to Sam the small puppy I had rescued so long ago. Another pull with my right arm, and I had him in my arms we were both going to die I knew it from the rattle in whatever was left of my lungs. As I was fading I could hear John's voice it seemed he heard the crash and had come to check it out. A small smile played on my lips as I heard my brother's voice as I faded into the inky abyss of death.

-(Five hundred years later)-

When I opened my eyes again I was in an abyss of what felt like an ocean its turbulent waters bounced and started to lull me back into its depths. My eyes spotted a light in the familiar shape of a dog. My dog as I slowly almost lazily pushed through the thick and almost syrup-like consistency of darkness around me until finally I wrapped my body. Around my puppy, just as I was going to rest, to sink back down into the inky darkness with Samuel a bright light flashed in the distance.

It was filled with colors both known and unknown to me flashing in a sequence that hurt to look at as it got closer so did the sound of screaming. Just before it hit me everything went silent as I opened my eyes again I noticed that nothing moved even the rolling and push and pull of the abyss had stopped and as I looked in front of me a golden panel floated in the abyss in front of me. A simple sentence filled the screen.

[Would you like to install the system Y/N note: that the failure to do so will result in your instant consumption and erasure by the sea of souls]

As I stared at the reading and re-read them in my head as I stared I could only think about one question what about Sam? What would his fate be... would he also be consumed by the sea of souls as well? As if reading my mind another message appeared just under that one.

[Your companion will also be bound to you should you agree it would also allow you to create new bodies for yourselves]

No longer thinking about myself I hesitantly clicked the yes on the screen and as I did so. It would vanish as the light, and now raging waters of the abyss would hit me and I knew no more. When I awoke vibrant colors like Green, Blue, Purple, and Red twisted, twirled, and spun nauseatingly around me as I slowly came to a stop, Sam still in my arms in front of me was the same screen. Its gold color shone brightly in front of me I noticed that I felt Stronger, smarter, and better all my senses were dialed up to eleven.

****-"Well this isn't too bad" I stare deep into the Gold screen, stable amongst the chaos with white eloquent lettering in front of me.


[Name: ****

[Race: ****

[STR: ****

[DEX: ****

[END: ****

[CON: ****

[CHR: ****

[MANA: ****


[SKILLS: ****

[ABILlITES: ****








[Welcome to the Warp system would you like a tour of our functions]

Almost immediately my mouth drops as I read that then I shudder at the implications of a warp system because while knowledgeable of Warhammer I was a beginner in understanding the background of the setting. Shaking and with a slightly rough ghostly voice I called out a hesitant 'yes' as the screen changed to a slightly altered display. A message before re-displaying what was essentially going to be my power from now on.

[The system is designed to help you become the ultimate warp being a Chaos god. Through various battles, and with the changes you make to the story you can gain rewards]


TITLES: Your titles gained from feats or conquest.

NAME: Your name and or aliases.

RACE: What you are


STR: Your power physical power in and out of combat.

DEX: Your flexibility in and out of combat.

END: Your endurance in and out of combat.

CON: Your smarts both in arcane subjects and tactics.

CHR: Charisma rallies the people and gets them Interested.

MANA: Your magical power and abilities direct power source.


SKILLS: What makes your abilities powerful and allows them to work.

ABILITIES: Your direct powers for you to use.


SHOP: Allows the direct buying of past, present, or future items/soldiers/Abilities.

[Note this only works on creatures outside of this universe]

M-TRAVEL: Travel anywhere in the Multiverse.

CREATION/SUMMONING: Create/summon your creations directly to you no matter where it is.

[Only works on creatures and structures you've already made unless items are used]


ITEMS: Use these to get an advantage over your enemies.

[This will also function as an inventory]


Now do you have any questions]

****-"When will we be born, and what will my concepts be? " I just had to know as these would define the rest of my and Sam's eternal existence which is both good and bad. As they could provide many challenges and rewards if chosen correctly.

[This will be decided now to help you design your form. Note that you will only be able to pick three main concepts, and two minor ones so pick carefully and you will be the firstborn in the warp however, this will not be for long as when you finish your creation khorne will begin to form]

In a flash, the screen again changed as I began to lock in on the choices presented to me on the screen. As I had to think this through carefully I started to think about everything I know about Warhammer before calling out another question.

****-"What version of Warhammer are we in."

[You are in 40k however once you unlock the function you could eventually travel to the Age of Sigmar with enough time now please make your choices]







I quickly make my choices my main three being [CHAOS, TECHNOLOGY, VOID] again I go through the same procedure checking the boxes of my minor concepts [ABYSS, ICE] with these selected the screen disappears.

[Just out of curiosity why did you choose these for your concepts one could argue that there are ones far more useful than these?]

Shaking my head I decide to explain "unlike my...New 'Family' I don't intend to be stuck with only following my concepts hence why I chose chaos if I'm correct I should be able to draw on more of the warp's raw energy than if I didn't have it instead of drawing a little and boosting its characteristics with something like sickness, or lust.

Instead, I should be able to channel it into large quantities before boosting with itself or some other concept. Technology is also another simple one with the rise of man during its golden age my power should grow exponentially allowing me to use their full might after they're lost in the war against the Iron Tide."

continuing in my rant "I chose Void as my last primary concept as it correlates to the only being as of now that could become a problem. That being the Necrotyr's or necron gods the C'tan more specifically the Void dragon I should after it is shattered have far greater control over the concept of absolute erasure and consumption that the void represents here. The abyss was also to further my ability to call on the great Ocean and her power from I got the idea from a friend. Who had brought up how similar the warp was to an abyss as you swam further to get power slowly being drawn in to never fully escape from its inky never-ending bottom. Ice was more for fun I always enjoyed the idea of being a cryomancer, especially after seeing the sheer versatility in the ability of characters across fiction like the power to freeze time."

With my peace said I'm greeted with a simple character customization menu which consists of a blank white mannequin that has no features off to the side I see a lot and I mean a lot of customization features all in little bookmarks with simple titles from eye color to body size. As I began to panic a bit trying to think about how I would design something so complex my system intervened.

[You can also design your form by thinking about it and then I will refine it based on your preferences]

With this in mind, I nod even if it can't see me. Then I try to think of a good body for me to inhabit I begin to think of the Doom Eternal Race known as the Maykr's immediately I started to 'borrow' inspiration from them.

For both in the way I look and how my realm looks with that in mind I begin combining certain members of their faction starting with a Khan maykr transforming its purplish pink flesh into black flesh that at the forearms and calfs turns into a purplish silver almost looking frost-bitten.

Claws like the talons found on birds grow from my hands, and a wide chest at each of my joints and on my chest eye sat deep in a rich Rose gold lined with teeth around the edges.

My 'Wings' which were just tentacles doubled to four and grew much larger my legs which were just more tentacles were shifted into three rows on my back with the middle row just on my spine there were six and the sides connected to them three on each side.

Replacing my former tentacle legs are two main legs surrounded by exactly four tentacles in a size slightly smaller than my legs two in the front, and two in the back.

My head was based on a Hylian (Zelda-think link in Twilight Princess with ears kinda like Raru-tears of the kingdom) with zonai like ears for an upper head that stopped at my top lip with a spiky mane of hair that looked like liquid mercury in the light. However my lower jaw and neck were made of the same twisting flesh as the rest of my body.

I decided to give myself a third eye on my forehead in Rose gold all of which glowed with a chilly power. With these changes done, I started in awe as the mannequin body slowly changed into what I wanted perfectly symmetrical all four eyes glowing in a chilly eldritch power.

Nodding to myself satisfied with the changes done to my own body I turned to the second mannequin. Preparing to make Sam's body I wanted to keep it some what dog like so it would still be on all fours.

As I searched for something to fit the description I thought of the Greek god Hades and his pet Cerberus. However I would put my own spin on it remembering Monster Hunters zinogre and more specifically it's stygian varient using that as a base I lengthened its tail adding a few larger spikes to its tail making it poisonous think of the bulb at the end of a rathalos tail. Before duplicating its head twice so that three of them sat infront of me.

I contemplated for a second before deciding to give him wings so he can keep up with me. Designing them to look like the wings of a nergigante, and to be separate from his front legs however they would be keeping to the black and steel grey of the zinogre color scheme though tweaking the red lightning to be a rose gold instead.

[Are you satisfied with your work Host if so it's time to for you and your pet to begin forming do know you will be out for some time while this occurs]

Nodding my head I agreed and we where pulled into the bodies I had created as they both to a size that was simply unfathomable to mortal minds as the familiar feeling of the abyss overtook me.

-(Three Thousand years later)-

As my eyes would open I would wriggle in my cocoon as more energy would pulse darkness would squirm and crawl as the temperature would rapidly drop. As I would turn and look into the other cacoon connected to my own to look at the mass of scales lighting and flesh present before questioning the system.

****-"System how long where we out and what has changed in our slumber."

Squirming again as the cocoon of warp energy was begging to feel a little tight around my body as I noticed Sam doing the same.

[You have been out for three thousand years and the great war in heaven has already concluded as of now with your awakening you currently hold sovereignty over your concepts]

****-"System open my status page if possible."


[Name: ****

[Title: The First, Canine Companion

[Race: Chaos God

[STR: 5

[DEX: 4

[END: 4

[CON: 7

[CHR: 5



















****-"System what the hell is wrong with my stats."

I was so screwed!!

The_Creature The_Creature

I hope you enjoyed the chapter the lv. system is 1-100 his technology concept is what pushes his constitution so high as in this fictional CON is the mix of intelligence and battle IQ all his abilities will level up as he uses them his creation and destruction skills are that high due to his chaos concept and his void concept gives binding.

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