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The Big Fight/Aftermath

"Well isn't this a fun little event, a race between two speedsters and overpriced tickets to boot how fun."

"Well, I guess I'll just take one of your abilities, eeny, meenie, you!"

and I charged forward using several speedster powers, each one weaker than the two in front of me but since they've never been in a fight before well that was all I needed. I grabbed Shockwave by the throat and before Homelander or Maeve could jump me, I went into the air, and Homelander, or John as I would call him one day, looked around. Homelander was indeed strong, and powerful, but he wasn't a god or anything like that, hell he wasn't even trained properly. That gave me all the time I needed to take Shockwave's abilities and drop him from the air.

He splattered across the ground, being turned into a meat paste on the track pavement, I saw the look in his eyes as he died. There was genuine fear in them, he was about to beg before he died. Looking at the crowd running to the exits, jumping over one another with a few calm faces in the crowd and one Starlight making her appearance alongside another familiar face, Hughie Campbell. Probably coming out to see what was causing all this panic, this chaos. 

"Shockwave, a pathetic little speedster whose only purpose in life was racing, now that I've taken his speed I took his purpose and ended his pathetic little life."

"If your Superheroes are your idols, your gods then I am to be their Devil, their opposite, so world I am happy to introduce myself."

Then Homelander was flying straight towards me, with eyes glowing red and what I could was a smile or something like that on his face and I gave a bow.

"I am All for One and none of you are safe from me."

Then we collided and while it was true, that he was strong, the amount of supe's whose natural body strength increased just from Compound V alone well it was noticeable. I took his punches and stopped them, using a combination of my increased durability and regeneration to take each of them and his laser eyes. 

"gotta say nice mask, but really no lead at all."

"Now I always thought you were smarter then, Shigaraki was it, dumb name first off and second off-"

I then punched him in the fast, putting all my strength into one arm and second flying to the ground. I just sighed seeing my newly torn-up suit I needed to replace as I used shockwaves speed to fly down at Homelander increasing the force of impact whilst using all the superstrength type abilities I've gathered. I slammed my fist into his face and sent him further down into the hole made. 

Before Maeve and Starlight could get close to us, I leaned down and whispered into his ear.

"There are only two people you are allowed to tell my little secret to, Stan Edgar and Madylin Stillwell no one else."

I then grabbed his head, making sure not to leave any bruises beyond what I'd already given him. 

"If you do I will bury you in the ground, but before I do I will break every bone in your body, proceed to rip out your internal organs, and destroy your privates before ripping your tiny goddam brain out."

"Are we clear?"

With fear in his eyes, for the first time in his adult life, he had legitimate fear in his eyes. I then dropped him and proceeded to punch myself, making myself look like we had a nice even match, and as Queen Maeve and Starlight finally came towards I flew into the air. Before Leaving I made one last announcement to all the people nearby and to the people still watching the live broadcast if the cameras were still rolling that is.

"You may have held me off this time Homelander, but soon enough you and The Seven will bow to me."

I then flew off in the opposite direction of my house, making sure they didn't follow me. Once I knew I was at a safe enough distance, I ascended a bit and made the long way home, giving my Nomu's more time to gather the subjects and for Vought to get control of the whole situation and report what they wanted to report. 

Landing in front of my house, I whistled as I took off my mask and made my way inside. I went over to the couch and grabbed the remote turning the TV on and I changed the channel to whatever the nearest news channel was to see what they were saying. 

"We are getting the reports that the super terrorist calling himself "All for One" is still at large after murdering the hero Sockwave in front of hundreds of people and a live audience."

"We are also getting reports that he fought Homelander, leader of The Seven before his fellow teammates, second in command Queen Maeve and the newest member Starlight could respond." 

"Please stay tune as we get more information on this ongoign story."

I laughed a little as I changed into my butcher/scientist clothing which I needed to clean soon as it was starting to smell a bit, although I was used to it at this point. Still, if I ever had people at some point I needed to get rid of the smell out of here. Even if no one came here, just for me in general I mean if you get used to a horrible smell that means it's been around too long. 

Going downstairs, I saw that the Nomu sent out to gather the human subjects, had been successful which made sense as they were easier to kidnap than supe's, even the weak ones. Sighing I grabbed the last remaining Compound V I had stored up, knowing that this latest batch of kidnapped victims would be the last before I needed to do another trade. Turning around I looked at them and I could tell that they knew this was their last day on earth, as they were right now that is.

"So who wants to go first?"

and just like that I began once more, doing the same bullshit I've been doing so far but in my head, I was looking forward to talking to Madylin Stillwell and Stand Edgar as All for One, not as Mr. Shigaraki one of the company shareholders. Now that day was going to be so fun, just imagining the look on their faces when they now knew the real me. 

Dr_Insane001 Dr_Insane001

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