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Countdown to The Big Race

Once I left the party, I went home immediately and began drawing, lets say I wasn't going to be an artist anytime soon. I did try my best but well I'm probably going to do a lot of describing and that's just what I did, I found a small costume-making company and ordered from them, describing what I wanted to be made down to the last minute and when they asked why I wanted it made I just cosplay, you'd be surprised how little questions they ask after that. Mostly because they probably have done this over a long time and probably don't even want to ask anymore. 

They told me it would take a few days to get all the stuff put together, but they should have it delivered a bit before A-Trains race with Shockwave I think. Anyway AFter that was all done, I went to work and sent my Nomu's out into the wild, to pick up any second-rate criminal no one would miss and a few supe's on the list. It was probably going to fill up the basement a bit and use quite a bit of Compound V. Especially when it came to the human subjects, those would be more of a trial run than anything. Like the sage grove center run by Stormfront or whoever at Vought, being honest I wouldn't be surprised if Stan Edgar was at least a little involved. 

When I woke up the next morning, I saw six people in total three normal humans and three supe's. The supe's were there so that I would for sure have a few more Nomu's under my control and the humans would be an experiment, to see if they could even take one superpower. Why I wasn't just hiring people instead and giving them abilities, or to people I could trust. The one key thing the Nomu's don't have they have, humanity, the mental capacity to go against me, and even if I installed a command into their very soul, they would figure out a way to rebel.

Something that the Nomu's couldn't do, even the high-end if I were to successfully create them. Anyway, I started with the supe's, none of them were superheroes, no the only reason I had their names and location was I had access to Vought's database. Getting access to that was a bit tricky but not overall difficult when you consider the people who run the whole thing are normal humans. 

The three new Nomu's I made were now the new #3, 4, and 5 as the two I still had moved in rank. These particular supes were known for their minor regenerative abilities, one of the reasons I picked them out in the first place was so I didn't lose any more regenerative capabilities before I could make copies of my already stored abilities. The next was the basic super strength/durability just to make it a bit more effective in close combat. The last superpower would be unique to each one, #3 was a dark green Nomu and would have nails sharp as steel, and #4 a pitch-black one would have super speed. The last one was light grey and to be honest I screwed this one over, I gave a gigantic mouth full of sharp teeth. 

One of the weirder supe's to be perfectly honest, but who knew it could work I wasn't going to give this one away. I mostly wanted to see if this would have an interesting combination going on with the other abilities I gave them. This part took the better half of the day, the humans however would take the rest of it and part of the night. 

I gave a small dose to the first human, a black man in his early twenties I believe, no idea why he picked and honestly I didn't care. If the procedure was successful they would look more or less like the other Nomu. He died almost immediately, unfortunately, whatever was in the stuff it caused bleeding from several areas, including his eyes and well his butt alongside his front as well. Honestly, I felt sorry for them, probably just a dumb kid at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

But the march of time goes on, and I move on to the next subject a white woman of the same age. I injected the same amount of Compound V to see if it came down to genetics on whether or not an adult developed powers. Apparently, it did, she screamed in pain as spikes grew out of her entire body causing bleeding in some places. So after an hour or two and torturing the last subject mentally at least, that and making them deaf. 

I then took the powers once they settled in the body and reinjected them, delivering another dosage of pain. I then injected the usual chemical cocktail to help take care of their mental faculties. Essentially the usual steps to creating a Nomu on a normal human this time. Their skin became dark grey as I put in more powers and more Compound V, making her essentially less human as time went on. I gave them an extremely minor regenerative ability, some durability and speed, and the last one was the ability to become as hard as iron. 

The last one, the last subject before I had to make my big debut at the race was a person of Latino descent I believe. Honestly, how the Nomu found them all together I had no idea, but again didn't care as long as I had test subjects. Before I injected them, I heard them crying.

"Why, why are you doing this to us, what did we ever do to you."

With that, I just looked him in the eyes as I injected Compound V straight into their veins.

"I sent my little monsters after both supe's and criminals, so whatever crime you committed no matter how minor qualifies you three as a criminal in their eyes."

Then the screaming started as fire burst out of him and spread across his skin burning it but not killing the individual, but enough to know what I needed to do with them. Just like that, the process began again as I empowered them with an upgraded durability power, I think they called the super I got it from "Wrecking Ball" or something like that. 

I think I said something like "Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad, better odds than the lottery" or something like that. Of course, I was the only one who laughed as I did the one thing I didn't originally want to do with the Nomu's, I gave them a normal regenerative power, not one of the minor ones I gathered till now but an upgraded version of it. I then gave them super strength, the normal about average supe variety not an upgraded version of it. They were defiantly different from the rest afterward, They had grown larger than the others and had pitch-black skin now almost like charcoal.

I could tell they weren't a low-end, no they were a mid-end, one of the big boys now. Seeing the results of all my experiments, of all the Nomu's I had at my disposal and the fact, that the big race was coming up well I couldn't help but be giddy. 

Dr_Insane001 Dr_Insane001

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