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20% HOTD: Targaryen Requiem / Chapter 1: Birth Of A Dragon

Chapter 1: Birth Of A Dragon

-Location: Dragonstone, Crownlands- 

-Date: Spring, 92 AC- 

-POV: Mc- 

It's dark! 

Am I in some type of liquid? Did that god really reincarnate me? If so, then with my gifts, I'd  be op in this world, the world of A Song Of Ice And Fire. 

Thankfully I got to choose what house and era I was reborn in. It was between a Lannister during Jon and Danys time, a Baratheon during the conquest, a Stark during the Blackfyre rebellion,  a Targaryen during the Dance, a Martell during Tywin and Aenys time, and lastly, a Dayne in any era. 

It was between a Stark, Targaryen, and Dayne. Because all three houses have badass swords, and what more can a man want than a badass sword and a beautiful family. 

Targaryen's have Dark Sister and BlackFrye, Starks have Ice, and the Daynes have Dawn. The sword made from a fallen Star. 

So rightfully, I chose house Targaryen. First you get a dragon, and since it's during the era of the dance, I'll have an abundance to pick from. 

So here I'am. Sitting in the mother's womb. Hopefully I get out of here soon, I don't want to spend any more time in here. 

Wait? Did a bunch of water just leave her womb? Oh shit, I'am beings born. 

Damn this is strange. Being pushed out inch by inch isn't so pleasant. Is this what babies go through? 

No wonder they're so rowdy when they come out. They're submerged in water, and then forcefully pushed out. 

But I have to give my mother props for birthing me. My current mother, and previous one. This seems painful. 

I can hear her screaming. I also hear people talking in what seems to be very old English. 

Is that Valyrian? I know what it sounds like because of the show, but actually hearing it in person is another thing. 

Welp fellow men, let's begin the journey of badass dragon rider and op swordsman. See ya on the other side. 

-POV: Narrator- 

After hours of pushing, the baby had finally come out. Lady Aemma was exhausted, but as soon as she seen her baby, she instantly felt energized. 

"Give me my child, and call for Viserys." Said Aemma. 

"At once my lady." Said one of the wet nurses. 

Aemma looked at her child with happiness. Her child was beautiful, and his intense violet eyes stared right back at her. 

"You're so beautiful my child. It seems you've taken my looks. Viserys isn't much of a looker." Said Aemma with a chuckle. 

"It's that your impression of me?" Asked Viserys with a smile and a slight chuckle. 

Viserys went over and kissed his wife on the forehead, he then sat next to her and looked at their child. 

"He is beautiful, and he does take after you In appearance. But he has my eyes. What shall we name him my love?" Asked Viserys. 

"If it was a girl, it would be Rhaenyra. But since it's a boy, I'll name him Rhaegar." Said Aemma. 

"A strong and powerful name. He will be loved by all." Said Viserys. 

As both Aemma and Viserys enjoyed their alone time with their new son. A knight had came and have them a message. 

"Ser, lord Daemon has returned from Kings Landing. He wishes to see his nephew." Said the knight. 

"Send him up." Said Viserys. 

"No need, I'm already here brother." Said Daemon. 

Daemon Targaryen, better known as the rouge prince, had arrived, but not alone. The current hand of the king, Baelon Targaryen, their father had also come. 

"Brother, Father." Greeted Viserys. 

"So this is my grandson? He beautiful. He looks like Aemon." Said Baelon. 

The room grew silent, as Baelon brought up his brother. Aemon had died a month before Rhaegar's birth, so everyone was still morning, especially Aemon's daughter, lady Rhaenys. 

She is currently pregnant and expects her child by the end of the year. 

"He does look like uncle Aemon." Said Viserys.

"I'll tell father that a new Targaryen has come into this world. He would be delighted." Said Baelon as he handed Aemma her child. 

Baelon left and went to take his dragon back to Kings landing. His dragon, Vhagar was the biggest dragon in Westeros. 

Viserys left with his brother, leaving Aemma and Rhaegar alone. Daemon had came back, but with him was a pitch black Dragon Egg. 

Aemma had the nurse put Rhaegar in his cradle. She layed down on the bed, as she was extremely exhausted. 

Daemon placed the black dragon egg inside of the babies cradle, and left. 

While all of this was going on. Our Mc was off in dreamland. 

-5 Years Later- 

-97 AC- 

In the courtyard of Dragonstone. There was a little boy with long platinum white hair, and violet colored eyes. He was holding a wooden sword while facing a knight. 

His eyes were covered, and he seems to be doing just fine, despite being blinded. He and the knight dueled with precision and grace.

Rhaegar seemed to pick up swordsmanship as easily as breathing. He was known to be a very smart child, learning how to speak both common and Valyrian languages. 

He also wants to learn Dothraki, and some other languages. Not far from Rhaegar was a dragon with black scales and purple highlights. 

The dragon watched Rhaegar with interest. Rhaegar had named the beast Haedes. 

Haedes was currently as big as a horse, and was living in the woods outside of the castle. since she can fly, she was able to get her own food. 

Rhaegar's father, Viserys Targaryen, wanted to send the dragon to the dragon pit in Kings Landing, but Rhaegar was not having any of that. 

So Viserys suggested Haedes stay with the dragon here at Dragonstone. And once again Rhaegar refused. Haedes herself wasn't having this arrangement either. 

So that brings us to our current situation. Haedes sat and watch Rhaegar train. Rhaegar was beating the knight in combat, thanks to his superior strength. 

One of Rhaegars gifts was something called a "Heavenly Restriction". It basically boosted a human's physical body to the superhuman stage. 

Rhaegar was a walking superhuman. His physical strength was above all the knights in Westeros. 

His senses were the best too. So much so that he can detect the changes atmospheric pressure, and the vibrations in the air itself. The temperature, and the density of air. All of it can be seen by him. 

He can also kick the air to essentially fly. This was the capabilities he was born with. And he has other gifts he hasn't used yet. 

After beating the knight, Rhaegar took off his blindfold and threw it to the side. He dropped his sword and went to drink some water. 

He wasn't tired, he was just thirsty. The Knight was lackluster in his opinion, so he decided to find his uncle. He was probably the most skilled swordsman he's seen ever since reincarnating. 

As soon as he was about to leave. A maid came for him. 

"Prince Rhaegar, your father request your presence immediately." Said the maid. 

"Okay, take me to him." Said Rhaegar. 

Even though he was just 5 name days, he looked to be about 7-8 name days. He was tall for his age, so many thought as he grew older he would be extremely tall. 

After following the maid for 10 minutes, they arrived at him parents bedroom. The maid excused herself and left. 

Rhaegar walked inside and seen everyone surrounding his mother. She was holding something on her chest. 

As he got closer and could see what she was holding. It was a baby. 

"My son, you are now an elder brother. This is your sister, Rhaenyra." Said his father Viserys 

Rhaegar walked his mother and seen his sister sleeping in her arms. He smiled, and touched her cheek. 

He heard a giggle from his aunt, Gael Targaryen. She was known to be a prankster, and she would tease Rhaegar all the time. 

Daemon sighed and looked at his nephew. He was proud of the boy because he inherited a lot of Dragons Blood. 

"Does grandpa know?" Asked Rhaegar. 

"Yes, your grandfather knows but couldn't make it. King Jaehaerys has him doing something right now. Queen Alysanne is coming now on dragon back." Said Viserys. 

"Yes, great-grandma is coming. I can show her my training. I beat one of the knights today." Said Rhaegar as he looked at his father. 

"Rhaegar, you can't keep beating the knights. They are here for your protection. If you keep beating them they'll slack on the job." Said Viserys. 

"It's okay brother. It just shows that they can't even beat a child. So just higher some new ones." Said Daemon. 

"I can't do that brother, and you shouldn't be encouraging him. And shouldn't you be waiting for lady stark? I heard she's coming today." Said Viserys. 

"Yes I've heard. She's coming for me, and to see Rhaegar. She very found of him." Said Daemon. 

"Okay everyone, it's time to leave. The lady needs to rest. Get the dragon egg and put it in the babies cradle." Said Gael as she ordered everyone to leave. 

-5 Hours later- 

Currently the family was having dinner. Aemma had been good, and started walking. She left some nurses to take care of Rhaenyra. 

Queen Alysanne had arrived some time ago, and seen her great granddaughter. She was so happy that she bursted into tears, saying that Rhaenyra was the spitting image of her daughter, Daenerys. 

All of Queen Alysanne's children are dead, the only ones living are Gael and Baelon. The rest's of them died unexpectedly. 

So it was a pretty big deal for her. It's already bad enough that she treat Rhaegar like her son Aemon, sometimes even calling him such. 

"So Rhaegar, I've heard the you've been beating the knights? Should I have your grandfather knight you?" Asked Alysanne. 

"Grandmother, isn't that much? He's only five name days." Said Viserys. 

"Non sense, if he can beat a fully trained knight at that age, imagine him as an adult. He could be the best warrior this family had even seen." Said Alysanne. 

"Sorry nephew, but I wield darksister. So it's a little late to be the best in the family." Said Daemon as he teased his nephew. 

"It's fine uncle, I'll wield Blackfyre." Said Rhaegar as he ate his food. 

Everyone looked at Rhaegar with a surprised expression. Especially Alysanne. 

"You know that's the kings sword. In order to wield the blade you have to be heir. Do you wish to be king?" Asked Alysanne. 

"Yes, I'll be the best king the realm has even seen." Said Rhaegar with seriousness. 

"Why do you want to be king dear?" Asked Aemma. 

"Because, the realm doesn't respect us. They fear us because of our dragons. What if they disappeared one day. The realm will try to Usurp us. With me as King I'll change the rules of the realm, and be a king for the people. Without the people, a king can't be called a king." Said Rhaegar: 

"And the Maester's shouldn't have so much power as they do now. The faith can still be practiced, but it's a hindrance. It holds houses back, based off some silly rules. I think everyone should be free to practice their faith, it doesn't matter if it's the seven, or the old gods." Said Rhaegar. 

The room grew silent. They couldn't believe their ears, and the words that came out of a child that is five name days. 

"You will be met with scrutiny from the faith. Some small folk might like it, but with the power of the faith it will be mostly scrutiny." Said Alysanne. 

"We are Targaryen's, we practice our culture from Valyria. Why can't we practice our own culture just like everyone else. The north worships the old gods, so why can't we do the same with our gods?" Questioned Rhaegar. 

Again the room was silent. Even though it was coming from a child, it made some sense. 

"I say make him king now." Said Daemon as he drank his wine with a smile. 

"Daemon!" Said Viserys is a commanding voice. 

"Well child, your words make some sense. But you must know that not everyone with have your way of thinking, how will you change that?" Asked Alysanne. 

"Actions. Actions speak louder than words. I will show them that my will and ambition is something that will be a reality. And if there are some who disagree, they are more than welcome to come after me." Said Rhaegar. 

'Such determination. Is he really a child?' Thought Alysanne. 

"Okay, I'll speak with Jaehaerys." Said Alysanne. 

After this day, the people in that room had witnessed the birth of the true king, The Dragon King Rhaegar Targaryen. 

To Be Continued


Next chapter is gonna be a time skip to the great meeting. Jaehaerys is gonna select a heir(Viserys). 

Also Gael is supposed to die is 99 AC. But we not letting that happen. Baelon is still dying in 101 AC. 

Also in the next chapter, Rhaegar and Laena are gonna be betrothed. That will be after Viserys becomes king. 

Thanks for reading. 

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