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15.78% I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat / Chapter 6: Hello, SCP-682 Again

Chapter 6: Hello, SCP-682 Again

() When I do this it means MC is saying something only he can hear and no one else

As I stood with the rest of Task Force 9, several months had passed since my transmigration, which I had taken to calling Iskaid. The facility's alarms blared, casting an eerie red glow as we scrambled into action.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The containment breach had triggered a chaotic sequence of events, and we had to act swiftly to contain and neutralize any threats.

Grabbing my weapons, I joined the task force members as we moved swiftly through the corridors, navigating the labyrinthine depths of the SCP Foundation facility. The urgency in the air was palpable, each step echoing with a sense of impending danger.

As we rounded a corner, I found myself face-to-face with SCP-682, the infamous "Hard-to-Destroy Reptile." Its massive form loomed before us, its eyes gleaming with malice and intelligence that belied its reptilian appearance.

Without hesitation, the task force members opened fire, their weapons unleashing a barrage of bullets and energy beams aimed at SCP-682. The creature roared in defiance, its thick hide deflecting most of the gunfire effortlessly.

I moved quickly, darting to the side to avoid a swipe from SCP-682's powerful claws. The creature's movements were swift and deadly, its hostility clear as it focused its attention on the task force members.

"Keep it distracted!" I shouted to the team, assessing the situation. SCP-682 was a formidable adversary, known for its ability to adapt and survive almost any form of attack. We needed a strategy, and fast.

Drawing upon my enhanced abilities, I concentrated, tapping into the dimensional portals I had previously demonstrated. With a focused effort, I summoned a large steel cage from another dimension, materializing it around SCP-682 in a flash of light.

The creature thrashed and roared, its massive form straining against the bars of the cage. The task force members quickly reinforced the containment, securing the area to prevent any further breaches.

As the chaos subsided and the alarms began to wane, I caught my breath, adrenaline still coursing through my veins. SCP-682 was contained once again, but the incident had underscored the ongoing challenges and dangers within the SCP Foundation.

Dr. Bright, who had arrived at the scene, looked at me with a mixture of astonishment and approval. "Able, that was... unexpected," he remarked, his voice tinged with admiration. "You managed to contain SCP-682 with minimal casualties. Impressive."

I nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment tempered by the knowledge that the SCP Foundation's work was far from over. "Thank you, Dr. Bright," I replied earnestly. "But we must remain vigilant. There are still many anomalies and threats out there."

As the task force members regrouped and began the process of restoring order, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. SCP-682 had tested our resolve once again, but we had prevailed, albeit narrowly.

As the chaotic containment breach finally subsided, I found myself face-to-face once again with SCP-682. The creature's yellow eyes bore into mine, its massive form contained within the steel cage I had summoned from another dimension. Despite being restrained, SCP-682 exuded a palpable aura of menace and determination.

"We never finished our battle, Able," SCP-682 growled, its voice resonating with an unsettling blend of hostility and curiosity. "This time, we will."

I stood my ground, meeting SCP-682's gaze with a steely resolve. "It doesn't have to be this way," I replied calmly, despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins. "There's no need for further violence."

The creature snarled, its sharp teeth glistening menacingly. "You think words can save you, SCP?" it retorted, its voice dripping with disdain. "You are just like them, trying to contain what you can't control."

I took a measured breath, assessing the situation. SCP-682's animosity towards the SCP Foundation and its containment efforts was well-documented. My task was to prevent any escalation that could lead to unnecessary casualties or breaches.

"Containment is necessary to protect humanity," I stated firmly, keeping my tone even. "There are rules that must be followed."

SCP-682 bellowed in defiance, causing the ground to tremble. "Rules created by weaklings!" it roared, its hatred palpable. "I will not be contained again. This ends now, SCP."

With a surge of energy, SCP-682 began to strain against the bars of the steel cage, its massive muscles bulging with the effort. The task force members stood ready, weapons aimed at the creature, prepared to intervene if necessary.

I focused, drawing upon my abilities to reinforce the dimensional barriers of the cage. "I won't let you harm anyone," (not before I am finished )I asserted, my voice unwavering. "There's always another way."

For a tense moment, SCP-682 and I locked eyes, the tension between us thick as the air itself. The creature's hostility was undeniable, yet beneath it, I sensed a hint of curiosity and even grudging respect.

"You are different," SCP-682 finally rumbled, its voice quieter but no less intense. "Not like the others. But I will not be contained forever."

Before I could respond, the ground shook again as reinforcements from the SCP Foundation arrived, ready to take over the containment operation. Dr. Bright approached cautiously, his gaze shifting between SCP-682 and me.

"Able," he said evenly, his expression serious. "We need to secure SCP-682's containment. Are you able to maintain the dimensional barriers?"

I nodded, focusing my concentration on the steel cage. "Yes, Dr. Bright. I've reinforced the barriers, but we need to proceed with caution."

Dr. Bright nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze lingering on SCP-682 thoughtfully. "Understood. Let's get this containment back under control."

As the SCP Foundation personnel worked swiftly to restore order and reinforce the containment measures, I couldn't shake the feeling that SCP-682's words had struck a chord. The creature's determination and animosity towards containment raised profound questions about its nature and the SCP Foundation's approach to anomalies.

But for now, my focus remained on the task at hand—ensuring that SCP-682 remained contained and preventing any further breaches or incidents. As I continued to monitor the situation, I knew that the challenges posed by SCPs like SCP-682 would continue to test my abilities and convictions.

The next day dawned with a palpable tension lingering in the SCP Foundation facility. As I crossed paths with Dr. Bright in the corridors, his expression was a mix of concern and curiosity.

"You want to fight SCP-682 again," Dr. Bright stated, his voice tinged with incredulity. "Why, Able?"

I met his gaze evenly, the events of the previous day still fresh in my mind. "During the breach, SCP-682 targeted me specifically," I explained. "It ignored everyone else. It's clear that the creature wants a rematch, and if that's the case, I'd rather face it on my terms than risk another breach."

Dr. Bright considered my words carefully, his brow furrowed in thought. "You believe you can reason with SCP-682? That you can somehow predict its actions?"

I shook my head. "Not exactly. But I can't ignore the fact that SCP-682's behavior towards me was different. It might be a chance to learn more about the creature, understand its motivations."

Dr. Bright sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Able, you're taking a significant risk. SCP-682 is one of the most dangerous anomalies we've encountered. If anything were to go wrong—"

"I understand the risks," I interrupted firmly. "But containment breaches happen regardless. If I can prevent SCP-682 from causing further harm, it's worth the attempt."

Dr. Bright studied me intently, his expression unreadable for a moment. "Very well," he finally said, a hint of resignation in his voice. "But we'll do this with precautions in place. No unnecessary risks."

I nodded in agreement, grateful for his cautious approval. "Understood, Dr. Bright. I'll make sure everything is prepared."

Chapter 8: Preparations

With Dr. Bright's reluctant approval secured, preparations for the rematch with SCP-682 began in earnest. The SCP Foundation's top researchers and containment specialists were called in to strategize and develop a plan that would minimize risks while maximizing the chances of containment success.

In a secure briefing room deep within the facility, I sat alongside Dr. Bright, Dr. Light, and several other senior personnel. The atmosphere was tense yet focused as we discussed the logistics and potential outcomes of confronting SCP-682 once more.

Dr. Clef, known for his unorthodox methods and deep understanding of SCP anomalies, spoke up first. "Containment breach protocols will need to be revised," he suggested, his tone matter-of-fact. "We can't afford any lapses in security."

Dr. Gears, his typically stoic demeanor betraying a hint of concern, nodded in agreement. "Able, you've demonstrated unique abilities that could prove invaluable," he remarked, his gaze piercing. "But we must be prepared for SCP-682's unpredictability."

I listened intently, absorbing their insights and suggestions. It was clear that this endeavor would require not only strategic planning but also a deep understanding of SCP-682's capabilities and motivations.

Dr. Light interjected, her voice calm yet determined. "We need to consider all possible contingencies," she emphasized, her eyes flickering with a mixture of caution and resolve. "SCP-682's primary objective is survival. We must anticipate its responses."

As the briefing continued, plans were finalized and containment measures were reinforced. Specialized equipment and personnel were mobilized, each tasked with specific roles to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the operation.

The day of the confrontation arrived with a tense anticipation that permeated the SCP Foundation facility. Task Force 9, equipped with advanced weaponry and containment devices, stood ready at strategic locations surrounding SCP-682's containment chamber.

Dr. Bright approached me just before the operation commenced, his expression serious yet tinged with a hint of reluctant admiration. "Able, remember what we discussed," he reminded me, his voice low but firm. "Do not underestimate SCP-682. And above all, prioritize containment."

I nodded solemnly, the weight of responsibility settling heavily upon me. "I understand, Dr. Bright. I won't take unnecessary risks."

With that, Dr. Bright signaled for the operation to begin. Task Force 9 moved with precision and efficiency, securing corridors and ensuring all containment protocols were activated.

As we approached SCP-682's chamber, a palpable tension hung in the air. The steel doors creaked open slowly, revealing the massive creature within, its eyes narrowing with recognition and defiance.

SCP-682's voice echoed through the chamber, its tone dripping with malice. "SCP, you return," it rumbled, its gaze fixed on me with an unsettling intensity. "Are you prepared to face the consequences?"

I steeled myself, drawing upon my abilities and focusing my resolve. "SCP-682," I replied evenly, "this doesn't have to end in violence. We can find a resolution."

The creature's laughter filled the chamber, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "Resolution?" SCP-682 scoffed, its eyes gleaming with contempt. "You underestimate me, SCP. I am beyond your comprehension."

With a sudden burst of movement, SCP-682 lunged forward, its massive claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. Task Force 9 sprang into action, unleashing a barrage of containment devices and weaponry designed to immobilize the creature.

I moved swiftly, coordinating with the task force members to contain SCP-682 within a reinforced dimensional barrier. The creature thrashed and roared, its defiance fueling its relentless attempts to break free.

The battle with SCP-682 escalated quickly, turning the containment chamber into a scene of chaos and destruction. The creature's massive form moved with surprising agility, its claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. Each swipe sent shockwaves that rattled the reinforced barriers and threatened to breach the containment protocols.

Task Force 9 maintained their positions, unleashing a relentless barrage of containment devices and weaponry. Despite their efforts, SCP-682's sheer resilience and tenacity made it clear that this battle would not be easily won.

"Containment protocols Alpha-3, now!" Dr. Bright's voice crackled through the comms, his tone urgent.

I focused my energy, tapping into the abilities I had gained through my wish. "Trace on," I whispered, my hands glowing with ethereal light as I summoned weapons and barriers from another dimension.

SCP-682's eyes glinted with recognition as it saw the weapons materialize around me. "You think those toys can stop me?" it snarled, its voice dripping with contempt.

"We'll see," I replied, launching a barrage of dimensional swords at the creature. The blades struck true, but SCP-682's thick hide deflected most of the impact, leaving only minor wounds.

The creature roared in defiance, lunging forward with a speed that belied its massive size. I barely had time to react, summoning a barrier to deflect its claws. The force of the impact sent me skidding backward, my feet digging into the ground to maintain my balance.

"You're stronger than before," SCP-682 observed, its eyes narrowing. "But you're still just an anomaly to be crushed."

With a burst of energy, SCP-682 shattered the barrier and lunged again. I met its attack head-on, summoning a massive, glowing sword and clashing with its claws. The impact reverberated through the chamber, the force of our collision sending shockwaves that cracked the floor beneath us.

As we fought, the task force continued their efforts to contain the creature. Specialized containment drones buzzed around SCP-682, deploying energy nets and immobilization fields. The creature swatted them away with ease, its focus remaining on me.

"You can't win, SCP," SCP-682 taunted, its voice a guttural growl. "Your efforts are futile."

I gritted my teeth, summoning a new wave of weapons and launching them at the creature. "I'm not trying to win," I retorted, my voice steady despite the chaos. "I'm trying to contain you."

With a swift movement, SCP-682 dodged the incoming blades and lunged again. This time, I anticipated its move, sidestepping and driving a glowing spear into its side. The creature roared in pain, but its anger only fueled its relentless assault.

The battle raged on, a brutal dance of strength and strategy. Blood and energy crackled in the air as we clashed, each of us pushing our limits. SCP-682's wounds began to accumulate, but its resilience was astounding. Every injury seemed to fuel its rage and determination.

As the fight reached its peak, I realized that brute force alone would not be enough to subdue SCP-682. I needed to outthink it, to exploit its weaknesses.

"Task Force 9, prepare the final containment protocol," I commanded through the comms, my voice resolute. "We need to end this now."

The task force members nodded, their movements synchronized as they activated the final protocol. Specialized containment units began to hum with energy, creating a powerful, multidimensional field designed to immobilize SCP-682.

SCP-682 sensed the shift in the battle, its eyes narrowing as it recognized the threat. "You think you can trap me?" it snarled, its voice filled with defiance.

I met its gaze, determination burning in my eyes. "We can and we will," I replied, summoning every ounce of my strength and focusing it into one final, decisive strike.

With a roar, I launched myself at SCP-682, the glowing weapons in my hands blazing with energy. The creature lunged to meet me, its claws outstretched. Our final clash shook the chamber, the force of our collision sending shockwaves that reverberated through the facility.

In that moment, the containment units activated, their energy fields enveloping SCP-682 and holding it in place. The creature thrashed and roared, but the multidimensional barriers held firm, trapping it within a powerful containment field.

Breathing heavily, I stepped back, my body trembling with exhaustion. The battle had been intense, but we had succeeded in containing SCP-682 once more.

Dr. Bright and the task force members approached cautiously, their expressions a mix of relief and admiration. "Able, you did it," Dr. Bright said, his voice filled with awe. "You contained SCP-682."

I nodded, my gaze still fixed on the creature. "For now," I replied, knowing that this was just one battle in a much larger war. "But we need to remain vigilant. SCP-682 will always be a threat."

As the containment chamber was secured and the task force began their cleanup operations, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The battle had been brutal, but it had also proven that I could stand against one of the most dangerous anomalies in existence.

And as I returned to my quarters, I knew that this was only the beginning. There were many more challenges ahead, but with my abilities and determination, I was ready to face them.

To be continued

Anwya hope people like this Ch and give me power stones and double upload

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