In an old building, indistinguishable from hundreds of other buildings across the post-Soviet landscape, a rather typical conversation was unfolding between two ordinary student friends.
"What do you think about the recent scandal involving the actor who played Kang the Conqueror?" asked a young man with chestnut hair.
Another young man, this one with black hair, responded without hesitation:
"Completely predictable outcome."
The chestnut-haired friend smirked, anticipating the joke his friend was about to make.
"No need to continue; I already know you're going to start ranting about how Disney ruined everything."
Such a reply acted like a red rag to a bull for the dark-haired youth.
"Isn't it true? They botched Civil War, ruined Doctor Strange, threw in Captain Marvel for no reason just to mess things up even more. And don't get me started on that Thor fiasco!"
The young man spoke so passionately that he didn't notice the spark escaping from the socket. The chestnut-haired friend tried to pull him back, but the spark was faster...
People often forget how quickly and simply one can die... It usually doesn't take much to kill a person. This time was no exception. The young dark-haired man, who had just started living, found himself at Hela's gates all too soon.
—= Earth ??? =—
Reed Richards, the smartest member of the Baxter Foundation, was in a highly stressful state. Today, he learned that his program was being shut down because the ship he built couldn't reach other star systems.
"Reed, what's wrong?" asked a familiar female voice.
The voice belonged to Susan Storm. Susan held a special place in Reed Richards' heart, and it was precisely for this reason that he snapped out of his thoughts.
"They want to shut down my project tomorrow," Reed said.
Susan Storm had suspected this might happen. After all, she was in love with Reed Richards and understood his character. She knew this project was one of the most important in his life.
Probably, it was her love for Reed combined with her own adventurous nature that made Susan say:
"That's tomorrow, but what about today?"
Reed looked at her, puzzled.
The beautiful blonde smiled and added:
"Let's test the ship today."
"But we don't have any pilots..."
The girl just smiled and took out her phone.
"Johnny, want to go to space?"
"Of course!" came the cheerful voice from the other end.
Reed was familiar with Susan's younger brother and wasn't surprised by his immediate agreement.
"We've got one pilot," Susan said with a wide smile. "I think you can find another."
Unknowingly, Reed caught Susan's enthusiasm. A thousand thoughts flashed through his mind before he settled on one.
"Yes," Reed nodded. "I think I can."
—= Some time later =—
"I knew you'd come," said Johnny Storm.
Susan's younger brother had the same golden hair and blue eyes as she did. His facial features were youthful with a hint of approaching maturity.
Reed didn't know much about him. Dr. Richards knew that Johnny was a cheerful young man with a passion for cars.
"How could I miss this event, called by my old friend?" asked Benjamin Grimm.
Benjamin Grimm, one of Reed Richards' closest friends, had chestnut hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. In Reed's opinion, Ben was one of the best pilots in the USA.
"Besides, this flight will be longer," Ben Grimm said with a smile.
The smile carried an additional meaning that only Reed and Ben understood. Long ago, Richards had promised Grimm that they would go to space together one day.
"We're not flying in these clothes, are we?" asked Johnny.
All eyes focused on him. Then the blonde added:
"I mean, I'm not really against it, but..."
Susan Storm smiled and said:
"The uniforms have been designed and adjusted, don't worry about that."
She pressed a button on her tablet.
Four capsules with space-themed uniforms appeared before Ben and Johnny.
"I assume... You designed these suits too?" asked Benjamin, examining the one that fit his size.
"Yes," Reed replied with a broad smile. "These suits are designed to withstand a range of space conditions, from UV rays to cosmic radiation."
Richards spoke with pride about his creation. His gaze was fixed on the suits made with the latest technology.
"I'm confident they'll do their job."
Hearing these words, Benjamin's slight anxiety disappeared.
"So, what are we waiting for?" asked Benjamin, grabbing the suit. "We've only got 5 hours until tomorrow."
—= Aboard the Marvel - 1 =—
"Getting in was much easier than I expected," said Benjamin, settling into the pilot's seat. "I expected more security..."
Johnny, sitting behind his sister, added:
"Did you want this event to have more fireworks and parades?"
Reed Richards checked the final details on his suit and, satisfied that everything was in order, took his seat behind Benjamin.
"I'll check the code," Reed said.
After a few seconds, he confirmed that everything was working as intended.
"We can start."
Ben smiled.
"Time to fulfill a childhood dream."
Johnny, not hiding his smile, added:
"I almost fell asleep!"
"You better not miss the moment," Ben said, starting the ship's launch sequence.
The blonde just smiled and began his part of the work. Once the final preparations were complete, Johnny asked:
"Ready to conquer space?"
Reed, Susan, and Benjamin smiled but still said:
The engines roared to life. In a moment, the four of them were in the sky. The speed increased rapidly. After some time, they were far from Earth.
"We did it!"
At that very moment, something that shouldn't have happened... did. A spark in Reed Richards' suit changed everything. Reed Richards became something else...
"W-What the?..." Reed Richards whispered, looking at Earth through the porthole.
Can you feel the difference between a supercomputer and an early 2000s computer? Most likely, yes. I felt the same clarity with the changes happening within me.
Thoughts flowed so quickly that I wondered how I ever lived without this level of cognitive activity.
"How is this possible?..." flashed through my mind.
With my current abilities, I quickly realized that I was now Reed Richards. The experience and memories of the smartest person in the Marvel universe were assimilated at an incredible speed...
"Reed?" came the concerned voice of Sue.
In that instant, I understood that not only Reed Richards' experiences and memories had been transferred to me but also his feelings. I was in love with Susan Storm.
"Everything is fine," I said, trying to keep my thoughts in check.
Susan looked at me with her enchanting eyes but trusted me and turned her gaze to the boundless space around us.
"Don't worry, Reed, your ship brought us to space!" declared Reed's best friend... my best friend.
"Yeah, you're right..." I replied.
It was at that moment that I realized what would happen next. Being a Marvel fan, I knew how the Fantastic Four came to be.
"Damn..." the thought flickered as I noticed the flash.
Then everything went dark.
—= Some Time Later =—
"Oh God, what happened to them?!"
"Dr. Storm, you can't go in there!"
"These are my children! Let me through!"
These cries accompanied me as I regained consciousness. The darkness parted before my eyes like the sea before Moses.
The first thing I saw was a ceiling lamp. I quickly realized it was a fluorescent light. Information about its structure and possible improvements came naturally to mind.
The next thought that soon replaced the first was the realization that I had awakened right after the disaster caused by the burst of cosmic energy, which had breached all the defenses I had set up on the ship.
So, I had followed the fate of the original Reed Richards. My eyes fell on my limbs sprawled on the ground. Their unnatural length and position indicated that everything had gone as expected. I had become a rubber man.
Dealing with such a body would be challenging for anyone without Reed's abilities. Thankfully, I was Reed Richards.
My hands returned to their usual position. Once I ensured everything was in place, I was able to take a more thorough look around.
I was under the guard of military personnel and doctors. The reinforced glass, which prevented seeing out of the room, indicated this.
"Damn," I muttered, realizing I had to deal with government issues now.
At that moment, I heard:
"Dr. Richards, can you hear me?"
The voice belonged to Franklin Storm, Susan and Johnny's father, my mentor.
"Yes," I replied.
In Franklin's voice, I could clearly hear the notes of concern. Understandable, as this incident had affected not only me but also his children.
"Do you understand what awaits you?"
"Perfectly," I said.
I would likely be questioned about the incident. Everyone knew I was one of the instigators of this venture. There would be an interrogation.
—= Some Time Later =—
"The only reason you're not in jail is that the operation you initiated was relatively successful," said Franklin Storm.
"What do you mean?"
I thought everything had gone terribly wrong. And here Franklin was telling me that... At that moment, I had a guess about what had happened.
"The security system worked as intended. The ship was damaged only in the defense area. And the most crucial thing that saved you was your innovative engine."
My suspicions were correct.
"Who exactly saved me?" I asked.
NASA was unlikely interested in these developments, as they preferred to fund their projects, which meant someone else had helped.
"I can't tell you," Franklin replied with a sad smile.
Susan and Johnny's father didn't realize that his answer already provided me with clues. Very few organizations would be interested in spaceship engines. Only one came to mind that would be genuinely interested in this development. The SHIELD analogue called SWORD, dealing with extraterrestrial threats, would be the only organization to benefit from my work.
"I see," I said. "How are the others?"
Franklin's expression changed after my question.
"Alive. But, as you probably guessed... They've changed too."
The loud bang and burst of bullets made Franklin fall silent.
"RICHARDS!!!" I heard a shout.
The voice was recognizable as Benjamin Grimm.
"WHERE IS RICHARDS?!" he shouted again.
I looked into Franklin's eyes and said:
"Let me talk to him."
Franklin looked at his tablet and said:
Then he spoke into the microphone:
"Open the door."
The door on the left opened, and I saw armed soldiers looking at me warily.
"Where's Ben?" I asked, taking control of the conversation.
I looked at Franklin with a raised eyebrow.
"Let him through."
The soldiers stepped aside, and I managed to take a few steps out of my cell. We were underground. I understood this from the specifically reinforced walls and the ventilation designed for underground facilities. Quite a standard solution, to be honest, as Ben could have compromised the airtightness and integrity of this place.
Another bang alerted me to finish my business.
Ben Grimm had become what he was destined to be. He had become The Thing. A man entirely made of rock or a rock-like substance. This transformation gave him not only incredible durability but also strength far surpassing human levels.
At that moment, he was demonstrating the accuracy of my conclusions on the reinforced glass, which was already cracking.
"RICHARDS!" he roared upon seeing me.
"Ben," I said, thousands of thoughts flashing through my mind. "This is my mistake."
My admission made Ben pause. This action indicated that he was open to further discussion.
"I will fix it, but right now, you need to calm down," I said.
"I built the ship that took us to places previously inaccessible to our civilization. I will make things right."
Ben paused for a few seconds, his eyes meeting mine. He studied me. I was genuinely confident that I could restore my friend's human form. After a minute, he sighed and said:
"Alright, I believe you, Reed."
A smile crept across my face.
"Release my friend," I said, looking at the soldier.
"I said, release my friend," I repeated more sternly.
The soldier was surprised by my words and wanted to say something, but Franklin Storm intervened.
"Release him. He won't cause any trouble, right, Mr. Grimm?"
Ben smiled and nodded, confirming Franklin's words.
"I'm sick of this cell."
The soldier had no choice but to open Ben's cell. My now stone friend stood beside me and said:
"Is it just me, or have you gotten even smaller than usual?"
In response to Ben's question, I simply raised an eyebrow and replied, "It's more like you've grown a bit in size."
Franklin Storm was the first to break and laughed. Ben followed shortly after.
"It's so nice to finally get out of those four walls," Ben said.
"I can understand that," I replied.
Then I looked at Franklin and added, "Can we get Johnny and Sue out now?"
I saw their cells nearby, but only Ben's was opened for me, which is why I asked.
"Yes," Franklin nodded. "Now we can finish all of this."
Ben and I were pleased. Franklin and Ben headed towards Johnny's cell, while I moved towards Susan's.
While Ben's cell was reinforced, and Johnny's was fireproof, Susan's and mine were quite ordinary. I glanced inside through the porthole but saw no one.
"R-Reed?" I heard the voice of the one who held a special place in my heart.
Once again, I confirmed that the canon was being followed. Susan Storm had become invisible.
"Susan, how are you feeling?" I asked.
This question genuinely occupied a large part of my consciousness.
"I-I'm fine," she said, with a tone that seemed both questioning and surprised. "Why am I in a cell?"
There was the question.
"The operation didn't go as successfully as we hoped. The Cosmic Energy tore through the defenses and... made us unusual."
"Unusual? What do you mean?"
In response, I elongated my fingers, creating various strange shapes with them. I could see the surprise in her eyes as she instinctively made herself visible.
"W-What was that?" she said in astonishment when I stopped.
But I couldn't see her face anymore; she had become invisible again.
"It seems I've become a rubber man," I said. "And you've become an invisible girl."
"Invisible?... Oh my God!"
With this exclamation, she became visible again, looking into the mirror.
"I'm going to open the door," I said, looking at the soldier standing to my right.
I understood that at this moment, it was better to act within the norms. The soldier silently handed me the card, which I used immediately. Once outside, she rushed into my arms.
"Everything will be alright," I said, holding her. "I'll fix everything."
—= Some Time Later =—
Not much time had passed since all four of us were out of our cells. We were in a room that had been converted into Franklin Storm's office.
It was clear it was his office for several reasons, the most obvious being the photo of Franklin with Johnny and Sue.
"Make yourselves comfortable," said Franklin, sitting in his chair.
It wasn't just me who saw that Franklin hadn't been able to relax since we awoke. Seeing that this man, who clearly cared about us, could finally take a deep breath somehow helped us relax as well.
We all looked at the source of the sound. It was Ben Grimm, who had broken the legs of the couch he sat on.
"I think you need to strengthen the furniture around here," Ben said.
Johnny Storm couldn't resist, "I thought you needed to lose a couple hundred kilos."
Susan and I exchanged glances, perfectly understanding each other... This was going to be a long day.
At that moment, something unexpected happened... Johnny momentarily burst into flames. His emotional roller coaster seemed to trigger his fiery state. Susan's younger brother quickly regained control, but the damage was already done.
The fire alarm went off, and the sprinklers activated, drenching Johnny, Susan, Ben, and me.
"At least I don't have to work with my ass on fire," Ben said with a chuckle.
Soaked, Johnny looked at Ben and said, "One to one, rock head."
Franklin Storm, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, "Are you finished?"
Ben and Johnny nodded.
"Then let's begin..."
An explosion from somewhere below, followed by shaking, made Franklin stop.
"I assume this isn't your fault?" Johnny asked, looking at Ben.
My friend didn't hesitate to respond, "I thought it was your diarrhea."
Dr. Storm typed a few commands into his computer, but seemingly not getting the desired results, he stopped.
"Boys, calm down," said Susan.
Meanwhile, Franklin quickly pulled out his smartphone. As I understood, this world's technology was more advanced than my own at this time. Smartphones and the internet were more widespread.
"Dr. Storm, something strange is happening!" someone said on the other end of Franklin's phone.
"What's going on?!"
"Some monsters have breached the facility! They're coming up from underground like mutant moles!"
"Damn it, this isn't working!"
"Use a bigger caliber!"
"What do you think I'm using?!"
The call was cut off. Franklin Storm stared at his smartphone in shock for a few more moments before I said, "We need to help them."
Susan, sitting next to me, nodded.
"I agree with Reed."
She seemed to understand my plan. Yes, she definitely understood my plan. I could see it in her eyes, which sparkled with mischief. Seeing this brought a smile to my face.
"Kick some monster butt?" Johnny said with a toothy grin. "I'm in!"
Ben nodded and added, "I'd like to blow off some steam too."
Franklin Storm looked at us with wide eyes.
"Don't worry," I said. "We've got this."
Susan and Johnny nodded, and Ben just grunted and headed outside.
We needed to act quickly before Franklin could snap out of it and stop us.
As soon as we left Franklin's office, Johnny didn't hold back and ignited. The room lit up a few shades brighter due to his fire.
"Where do we need to go?" Johnny asked as his flames died down.
"Got it," Johnny said, turning fiery again.
In the next moment, Susan's younger brother started to hover. He acted on instinct...
"Johnny!" Susan called out.
Ignoring his sister, Johnny rocketed towards where the monsters were presumably located.
Credit where it's due, Johnny flew fast. In about five seconds, he was out of sight.
"We need to hurry," I said, looking at Ben and Susan. "He might do something reckless."
Benjamin sighed and said, "Susan, I hope you don't mind if I smack him over the head a couple of times?"
"I'd be glad."
—= Johnny Storm =—
Franklin Storm's son felt like he could do anything. Flying came as naturally as breathing.
"Oh my God?!"
"What was that?!"
"Is that Franklin's son?"
Johnny's grin widened. The emotional high made his flames burn even hotter, increasing his flight speed. Johnny Storm was glad his father had chosen such a convenient facility. The corridors were wide and tall enough for flying without issues.
"Hahahahaha!" Johnny laughed, accelerating even more.
Soon, the Human Torch arrived at the scene where the monsters were clashing with the guards.
Seeing the monsters, Johnny Storm didn't hold back. He spread his arms and reached for the source of his fire, instinctively feeling the flame generator within him.
"LET THERE BE FLAMES!" he shouted, unleashing a torrent of fire at the yellowish monsters attacking the people.
The fiery mass, obedient to Johnny's will like a trained dog, began to scorch the monsters. The horrific creatures were burning in incredible numbers... However, everything stopped the moment a massive horde of monsters surged from underground, overwhelming the blonde hero.
"What the?!"
Johnny felt excruciating pain throughout his body. His vision began to darken...
—= Reed Richards =—
Tracking Johnny wasn't difficult. Thanks to the scorch marks on the walls, it didn't take superhuman intelligence to follow his trail.
I saw Johnny being engulfed by a swarm of small yellow-skinned monsters long before reaching the battlefield. My vision had become significantly sharper...
"Ben, head to 9 o'clock!"
My best friend trusted me, which is why he followed my instructions without hesitation.
Despite his stone body, Ben Grimm moved surprisingly swiftly, and after my words, he even picked up speed.
"Sue, can you put up a barrier around the hole?"
She nodded, and a smile appeared on my face.
"In that case, put up the strongest barrier you can. We need to trap these monsters with us."
The blonde smiled back, igniting a spark of happiness deep within my consciousness. My love for her was truly blinding. Now I understood why Reed did so much for her and the family he built.
"It will be tough, but we'll manage," I added before we entered the room where Ben Grimm had already charged at a huge monster holding Johnny's semi-conscious body.
Sue's brother fell onto an invisible platform created by the blonde. Both of Sue's hands were raised, and judging by her hand position, she was forming something like a quadrangular platform. I couldn't see the invisible wall but inferred its presence from indirect signs.
"Thanks, Susan!" shouted Ben, pushing off the invisible platform.
Ben's body crashed into the horde.
"TIME TO CRUSH!" Ben yelled as he collided.
For a moment, I thought Ben had managed to handle the horde, but the surge of monsters from the underground quickly corrected me.
"Come on!" Ben yelled, pushing further towards Johnny.
I glanced at Sue and nodded. It was my turn to act. My rubbery, flimsy body limited my actions, but I could still do quite a bit. I understood that Ben and Johnny were currently our team's main strike force. This meant my role was different.
A rubber body. What could one do with a rubber body? Quite a lot, actually, but many of my ideas required a strong physique. Unfortunately, I hadn't trained my body before this.
My two hands stretched to incredible lengths. Creating the necessary impulse and setting the direction... I was contributing too. My rapidly spinning hands found their targets in the horde with ease.
The disruptions I caused provided Ben Grimm with enough space and time to act.
"Thanks, Stretch!" Ben shouted, knocking out another group of monsters.
"Always welcome," I replied with a slight smile.
I could see that this battle allowed Ben to release some of his pent-up frustration.
The stone man wasn't holding back his punches. The ground beneath us cracked in places.
Meanwhile, Susan brought Johnny back to his senses. As soon as he regained consciousness, the blonde ignited.
"These bastards!" Johnny yelled, soaring into the air.
We now had aerial fire support. Johnny flew around, attacking the monsters on the edges. I could feel his flame even from a distance. The only thing containing his fire was Sue's barrier.
With her brother no longer needing her immediate attention, Susan began demonstrating her power. The combination of invisible constructs and fiery attacks greatly simplified things for Ben and me. Before long, we had the monsters retreating.
"Run, you bastards!" Johnny yelled at the fleeing creatures.
"What's the plan?" Ben asked.
My gaze fell on a device embedded in some of the monsters. Understanding this device was simple.
"We're going after them," I said, looking at my friends. "Someone was controlling them."
Now, each of our eyes filled with determination. I understood the reason.
"We need to find out what their master is planning."
"Do you hear that?" Johnny suddenly asked.
His question snapped me out of my thoughts...
"Yeah, it's like a rumble?"
Oh, damn...
"Susan!" I shouted, looking at her. "A barrier!"
The blonde quickly followed my gaze, immediately understanding where to place the barrier.
A massive monster emerged before us, seemingly unfazed by Sue's invisible barrier. This creature was significantly larger than its kin, and judging by its performance, much stronger.
Susan clutched her head, blood trickling from her nose.
"Sue, are you okay?" I asked.
Meanwhile, Johnny and Ben charged at the monster. My best friend from Yancy Street and Sue's fiery brother surprisingly didn't get in each other's way. Johnny's aerial attacks complemented Ben's ground assaults.
"I... I'm fine..." the girl said, leaning on my shoulder.
But fate had other plans for us. The rumble we heard before the monster's appearance repeated itself.
The ground beneath us shattered... A huge yellow hand burst from the earth.
I acted instantly. Susan couldn't react in time; she couldn't form a shield fast enough, so I had to take action.
"Sorry for being so forward," I said, enveloping Susan with my limbs.
In the next moment, the monster's hand closed around us. Susan would have handled it, but the monster was faster.
In an instant, we were underground.
—= Ben Grimm =—
Today was definitely not the best day of my life. Waking up as a stone monster wasn't the ideal way to start the day. At least the brawl helped me blow off some steam.
But God seemed to want to complicate my life...
"STRETCH!" I yelled, seeing the monster drag Reed underground.
"SUSAN!" her younger brother cried.
Reed Richards wasn't just the man who could rid me of my stone burden; he was also my best friend.
"DAMN IT!!!"
My rage erupted in a flurry of punches against the monster hindering Johnny and me. The matchstick wasn't idle and helped in every way possible. Soon, nothing remained of the monster.
I met Johnny's gaze and saw the same determination in his eyes that was in mine.
Stones for the God of Stones! Souls for the Throne of Souls!
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