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18.18% Ultraman A New Light / Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

In a world where humans have advanced enough to travel to the stars, they have made space colonies known as PLANTS, and many people live in these colonies. Some scientists have created genetically altered super-humans known as "Coordinators," and they all live idyllic lives in these colonies. The Earth dwelling humans known as "Naturals" grew jealous of these Coordinators and declared war on them.

Cosmic Era 71

The Earth Alliance has attacked the neutral nation Orb to get their Mass Driver. Many refugees were being evacuated, and one family, particularly a couple and their son were running toward the nearest ship to evacuate.

"Mom, Dad, are you okay? Don't push yourselves."

The mother looks thankful to her son. "I'm okay, Haru. Come, let's hurry before the ship leaves."


The family hurries toward the boat when the father sees a stray missile coming. "Haru! Move!"

He pushes his son away for safety, and the missile strikes near their position.

Haru looks toward the blast zone, worried about his parents. "Mom! Dad!"

He runs to find them, hoping they are okay, but his hopes are dashed when he sees his parents lying in a pool of their own blood. "Mom! Dad!"

Haru sees his parents dying before, and he cries. "Please… don't leave me…"

Haru's father holds his hand. "Haru… it's okay. Live. Remember what we taught you. Be the Haru(light) in other people's dark times."

He hands Haru a watch before taking his final breath.

Seeing his father's eyes dim and no longer full of life. Haru cried loudly. "Dad… Mom…"

Haru did not have time to mourn. He stands up, looking at his parents one last time, and leaves. On his way to the boat, he heard a young boy crying out and calling his parents."Mom! Dad! Where are you… Uwa!"

Haru saw him and did not hesitate to save him. He ran toward the boy and carried him. "Don't worry, I'm here. Let's go, I'm sure your parents are safe.

The boy held on to Haru tightly. Haru ran toward the boat, breathing heavily, his exhaustion catching up to him.

'Don't stop, Haru. You can do it for this boy. At least you can save him!' he thought to himself.

Haru could see the boat and comfort the boy. "We are almost there. Just a little more okay."

He sprints for the home stretch when suddenly, a mobile suit is crashing toward them. Haru covers the boy and prays that a miracle will happen to at least save the boy. A bright light covers Haru and the boy, stopping the mobile suit from crashing into them. Haru looked at the light and could see a humanoid figure made of light before passing out. "Who… are… you…"

2 years later

Cosmic Era 73

The war between Earth and the PLANTS has finally come to an end. Both sides have made a truce, and the world is finally on a path back to harmony. 

In one of the newly established PLANT called Armory One, a young man is sleeping inside a military base and fidgeting in his sleep.


He sees a bright light and a dark void fighting. They battle through space at high speeds, passing through a portal and contending between time and space. Many worlds become visible, like looking into a mirror. The light and dark clash fiercely and collide for the final struggle. An explosion occurs, separating the darkness into thousands of fragments that fly off into different worlds. The light fades before each particle disappears.

The young man slowly wakes up and sits upright. "The same dream again."

"Hey~ Haru~. You awake. It is time for work."

"Ah, yes! I'm coming!"

Haru Yasu, an 18-year-old, is a technical staff member for mobile suits. He is 5.5 feet tall, has brown hair and light blue eyes, and wears a green technical jumpsuit.

"Hey, Haru. Why were you sleeping on the job? We have to finish this before they send these mobile suits."

"Sorry, Yolan. I had to work late at night and didn't finish until late."

"Jeez, Let me guess. Other people have been asking you to help them, and you ended up working by yourself."

Haru looks away, guilty. "Ahahaha…"

"I knew it."

"Hahaha, you're really too kind, Haru."

"Mou~ stop laughing, Vino."

Yolan Kent and Vino Dupre both work as technical staff and Coordinators. Yolan is described as having dark skin, blue eyes, and black hair, while Vino has orange and brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hey Haru! Can you come and help us over here." one of the other technical staff called out.

"Yes, I'll be there in a sec."

Yolan only shakes his head. "Hey, you don't need to help them you know."

"Hahaha… I can't help it. I want to help others as much as I can."

Haru looks at the watch on his left wrist that his father gave him, a reminder of his last words.

In another hangar, a group of people was deeply engrossed in their work, diligently maintaining three cutting-edge mobile suit models, The Second Stage Series prototypes. Unbeknownst to them, three teenagers quietly entered the hangar.

A young man with green hair, seemingly the leader, called out to his to companions. "Aule, Stella. Are you ready?"

Another young man with blue hair and two pistols responded. "We're ready."

A young girl with blonde hair revealed a combat knife in one hand and a pistol in the other. "No problem," she responded.

The teens ambushed them and killed everyone inside the hangar.

"Okay! Let's go!" said Sting.

Each of the teens boarded one of the mobile suits and started booting up the system. On the screen, it said:








"How's it look." said Sting

"Okay. The information was accurate." replied Aule.

"All's good." responds Stella.

The pilots swiftly started manipulating the controls of the Gundam, prompting the mobile suits to straighten up and stand 17 meters tall. As they engaged the Variable Phase Shift armor, the once gray mobile suits transformed as they took on vibrant colors - one turned a striking green, another a deep blue, and the third a sleek black. They were the ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam, ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam, and ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam.

Haru manages to finish his tasks and takes a break. "Phew. I'm done."

"You're a lifesaver, Haru. Let me thank you with a meal next time."

"Hahaha, thank you."

Haru walked around the base and saw Chairman Durandal talking to a blonde woman. She wore a purple suit with a white shirt inside. Beside her was a young man with navy blue hair wearing shades over his face.

Haru asks a nearby colleague who they are. "Ne, who are they?"

"Hmm? Them? They are apparently from Orb."

"Heh~, what do you think they are here for?"

"Don't know. Maybe to check the PLANT?"

Haru looks at the female Orb representative and Chairman Durandal talking, and the woman looks pretty frustrated.

The woman screamed at Durandal. "However, too much power will lead to another conflict!"

"No, Princess. Power is necessary because there will always be conflict." replied Durandal.

Haru doesn't know what they are talking about, but he wishes there would be no longer a conflict between Naturals and Coordinators. "Power huh… I wish I had it to protect everyone…"

Haru looks at his watch and feels regretful.


The deafening wail of the emergency alarm pierced the air, jolting every member of the base into high alert. A surge of panic swept through the facility as personnel frantically sought to comprehend the unfolding crisis and ascertain the nature of the attack.

"What is going on? Is that the alarm? Are we getting attacked?" said Haru, confused and alarmed.

The atmosphere was tense as the hangar gate suddenly erupted in a massive explosion, shrouding the area in billowing smoke. Three sleek and powerful Gundams emerged from within the haze, their presence heralded by a symphony of destructive force. With relentless ferocity, they set upon the neighboring hangars, unleashing havoc as they mercilessly targeted and annihilated everything in their path.

Haru was shocked when he saw the Gundams. He recognized these mobile suits because he had personally worked on them. Some of his colleagues had asked him to help them complete these Gundams, and now these very same Gundams were being used to attack them. "No… Chaos, Abyss, Gaia… Who are the pilots"

Haru did not have time to think about it. An explosion happened near him to bring him out of his thoughts. "Damnit."

While trying to escape, Haru heads toward the new flagship battleship. As he's running, he sees a Zaku fighting against Gaia. Gaia fires a beam at the Zaku, but the Zaku manages to side-step the beam and then shoulder-tackles Gaia. This demonstrates the pilot's skill, as they can hold their own against a Gundam while using a regular mobile suit in their first encounter.

"That pilot is good." commented Haru.

The Zaku and Gaia are still locked in combat, with the Zaku struggling to maintain its position. The Chaos Gundam has also entered the fray, successfully disabling one of the Zaku's arms. Haru is deeply concerned for the Zaku's pilot and fears the situation may worsen. "No!"

Chaos was about to finish off the Zaku when a small plane came in and shot Chaos to stop it.

Haru recognizes the plane. "Core Splendor! Shinn is here!"

Three additional flying objects arrived, joining the other flyers of the Core Splendor. They began flying in a straight line toward each other. The Core Splendor combined with two of the flyers to form a mobile suit, while another flyer attached to become the mobile suit's backpack. The Variable Phase Shift armor activated, and the mobile suit now had a red body with white arms and legs. The transformation of the ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam was now complete.

The Impulse drew its two "Excalibur" Anti-Ship Laser Swords and combined them into one large sword. The Impulse engaged Gaia and Chaos in a fierce battle. Impulse and Gaia attacked each other while Chaos took shots at Impulse whenever there was an opening. However, the Impulse held its ground and continued fighting back against the other Gundams.

The battlefield is getting even more dangerous, and Haru needs to leave. "I need to get out of here. Ugh!"

Before Haru could leave, he felt something beating inside of him. It rang loudly, and he felt as if something was calling and warning him of danger. "What is this."

Beyond the boundaries of the colony, a mysterious, shadowy orb drifted through the vast expanse of space. This enigmatic orb was minuscule, just large enough to fit within the palm of a human hand. Glowing veins of potent energy crisscrossed its surface, and suddenly, it began to tremble and writhe. With an ominous surge, the orb expanded, its malevolent energy coalescing into a monstrous form. From the crackling energy emerged a terrifying creature, reviving the ancient Kaiju known as Chandlar. This colossal beast boasted two wings adorned with three razor-sharp claws each, adorning its wingtips and formidable feet. Its maw bristled with formidable fangs resembling mammoth tusks, capable of rending through solid rock with ease. Towering at a staggering height of 36 meters and weighing a colossal 15,000 tons.


Chandlar sensed its destination and flew towards the colony. In space, a Niranjan-class battleship operated by a group called Phantom Pain was responsible for stealing the Second Stage Series. A man with blonde hair, wearing a black mask with red lines covering his entire head, sat on the Captain's chair. He is Neo Roanoke, the Captain of Phantom Pain.

An operator caught his attention. "Captain, we are detecting a large object flying at high speeds."

"What? Put it up in the monitor."

The operator showed the scene of Chandlar flying toward the colony. All of the crew members were in shock and could not explain what they were seeing.

"What is that!? A new model!? Impossible."

"It doesn't look like a mobile suit… It looks like a monster."

The crew discussed what Chandlar was and what should they do.

"Captain, your orders?"

"Leave it be. Maintain or position. Don't let ZAFT know of our position. The operation is still proceeding. Observe the unidentified object for now."

The crew followed his command and resumed their work.

Neo looks at Chandlar with amusement. "This is an interesting turn of events."

Inside the colony, the Gundams are still fighting. The Zaku helped Impulse for a bit, but after sustaining too much damage, it retreated. Haru is still running away to find a safe location, but the beating sound inside is still ringing.

"Something is coming, but what is it."

Haru arrives at a hastily made medic location. Many people were injured, and soldiers were running around to solve the situation. "So many people injured."

He tries to help as much as he can. He bandages some people's injuries and fixes some malfunctioning tech.

"Daddy! Where are you!" A young girl cried out in search of her father.

"Hello little one. Don't worry, I'm sure we will find your parents."

Haru clutches the girl tightly as he desperately searches for her missing father. Suddenly, a gaping hole rips open in the top of the colony, unleashing a powerful vacuum that threatens to suck everything into the void. From the depths of the opening emerges Chandlar, landing near the military base with a thunderous crash. As onlookers reel in shock at its unexpected appearance, Chandlar unleashes a deafening roar, spewing scorching flames from its monstrous jaws. The surrounding area is quickly engulfed in chaos and devastation as Chandlar rampages through, effortlessly thwarting the efforts of the ZAFT forces. Its searing flames and powerful wings hurl the military's mobile suits into the distance, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

Haru looks at the creature in horror. "What is that… Ugh!"

He saw flashes of images and a certain name came to mind. "Ancient Kaiju Chandlar… is that what it is?"

The Gundams also fight against Chandlar. They put up a good fight but they could not deal significant damage to Chandlar. Haru managed to find the girl's father and handed her to him.


"Mio! Thank god you're safe. Thank you, young man."

"Don't mention it. Hurry run! Before you get caught up with that Kaiju."

"Thank you, Onii-chan!"

Haru watches the father and child run away and he hopes they will be safe. He sees the Gundams and a white and red Zaku fighting Chandlar but they seem to be losing.

"Damnit! Is there any way to stop it!? Ugh!"

His father's watch glowed and turned blue, displaying the text "UltraRiser" on its screen. 

"What is this? What happened to my watch!? UltraRiser?" Haru noticed his watch had changed, and something on his hip appeared to look like a cardholder. The cardholder opened, and a single card appeared in front of Haru.

"This…" the card had an image. It showed a humanoid creature with a red body and silver lines throughout. He had glowing blue crystals on his head, chest, forearms, and legs.

"Ultraman… Ginga? A card? How do I use this?"

Haru tapped on the UltraRiser's screen, and it started transforming. It now had an empty space on its side, which appeared to be used for scanning something. Haru is swallowed up by a gate made of light, and he is transported into an empty space.

"Where is this place? Never mind, I'll think about it later. Do I scan here?"


"Wh-What should I do now." Haru pulled down the bottom part of the UltraRiser, and it slid open.


Haru was engulfed in a brilliant light, and as it faded, he found himself towering over the battlefield. He had grown to a staggering 50 meters in height, with galaxies swirling around him. In this transformed state, he now embodied the powerful presence of Ultraman Ginga.



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