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Andrew: Thanks mate, but you have to be careful who you put in the car, you know?.

I told the sheriff as we were leaving town. He looks at me and then forward.

?: Maybe, but my instincts tell me that you are not a danger, plus my conscience would not leave me alone if I left someone without helping.

Then he extends his left hand under his right towards me.

Rick: I'm Rick.

I see his outstretched hand, then look at his face and wave back.

Andrew: I'm Andrew, Rick.

Out of nowhere, the window opens to the back of the truck.

?:What happened Rick, why did we stop a few moments ago?

A man asks Rick, then sees me and raises an eyebrow.

Rick: nothing T-dog, I just found a friend of mine, Andrew.

Andrew: Hello, I'm Andrew.

I tell him, he sees me and nods and then closes the window.

Then I look ahead and I thank Rick.

Andrew: Thanks Rick, I'm sure I'd shoot myself in the head if you didn't say that.

Rick responds as he watches the road.

Rick: You're welcome, they get a little nervous around strangers, they almost shot me when I met them.


Andrew: ok....but I guess it's good that they're not so innocent, after all a man of justice like you, should know that the world wasn't rosy and even less so now.

Rick: you're right, the world was already corrupt and now it will be even more so, but there are also people like them *points back* who are doing what they can fairly in this reality.

I said feeling 4 normal cores and one a little more behind us, now that I'm away from the zombies I can feel the cores better.

And it was true that the magical sense was something instinctive, it was no longer necessary concentrate like before. Maybe it becomes involuntary after the first time.

I was going to say something else but out of nowhere my skin crawls, I feel like vomiting, my head hurts and I feel dazed, all at the same time, but just as it came it left.

And the reason was because I felt a huge aura in the city coming from a core two or three times worse than the zombies behind.

Rick: Are you okay, you turned pale out of nowhere.

Andrew: nothing Rick, I just haven't eaten well.

I responded a little better.







On the way to who knows where, because we were following Glen, as Rick called him, we talked about ourselves.

He told me that he was Sheriff as his uniform dictates and that in an accident he fell into a coma and that he woke up a few days ago, as he saw in a newspaper, it seems that he had been like that for a long time, how he was still alive is a mystery.

He also told me that he was looking for his family, which consisted of his wife and son.

As for me, I told him everything except about the magic and the system, I told him that I had no one and that the only thing that accompanies me is the knife and the bottle that I carry in my hands.

We talked about other things in our lives and you could say that we became friends between level 1 and 2, those who trust you with their Coca Cola.

It seems that the man is simple and easy to approach if you talk to him well.







Night came and we had to stop to rest, when we do, Rick introduces me.

Rick: well guys, this is Andrew, a friend of mine.

Andrew: Hey guys, I hope there will be problems if I join your group.

After saying hello, Rick introduces them to me as T-dog, the man at the window, Andréa, who nods, Jacqui, who just waves at me, Morales, who looks at me and nods, and finally Glen, a funny guy who gave me a hug and welcomed me to the group.

Another thing is that on the way I asked Rick if he had any way to contact Glen, he said yes so I told him to tell him to stop and come with us if he couldn't turn off the car alarm.

Rick told me he asked why, so I told him that using that was the same as telling the dead to come find us.

In the end, with Glen's pain we abandoned him.

The night went normally with everyone standing guard, for me it was easy as I feel anything that moves around, and luckily the walkers, as Rick calls them, were far away...







Half a day more on the road we arrived at the rest of the group's camp. We stopped and got out, then, guided by Glen, Rick and I approached the rest.

Glenn: Guys, we have new company.

One group approaches while others stay away.

I see a woman just like Andrea run up to her and give her a hug, I also see Morales approach her family.

I could see Rick who was next to me looking for someone, I guess his family, then Glen walks up to us and calls out to the others.







After an emotional meeting between Rick and his family, we are introduced.

Glenn: This is Shane, this is Dale, Lori, and apparently Rick's wife and son Carl, Andrea's sister Amy, and Daril, but apparently he's not here. As for the others, they joined later and are not very sociable.

Each one of them greets us upon hearing their name.

Andrew: Nice to meet you, I'm Andrew, I hope there are no problems if I join you.

I say it politely looking at everyone and then at who I think is the leader.

Respect above all.

Shane: Don't worry, just help us and you'll be fine.

Andrew:thank you

He nods, then Rick introduces himself and everyone goes to do their thing...







After being alone I took the opportunity to go to the forest that was a few steps from the camp, not far away I saw 10 of the 16 dead that I felt with the group.

Andrew: The good thing is that they are not very close to each other, now that I think about it I felt that some in the camp were not very good, but I guess if they don't do anything to me or the others. They'll be fine.







I stayed hidden in some bushes watching my first victim.

Then I took out my wand.

Andrew: I would like to learn how to attack without a wand, but I need points quickly, then I will learn how to attack without it and only use it if I need to keep a spell active.

I said quietly, then when I saw the zombie, I started imagining a small fireball.

But I stopped thinking, to ask the system a question. Something that occurred to me out of nowhere.

Andrew: system, is there any item that spends less MP on?

[yes, I will explain better what MP is spent on...]

[MP is spent on spells on three things: the creation, the form, and the intent of the spell]

[MP is used to create the item you want to use, MP is used to give shape to the element you want to use and MP is used to give the intent of what you want the element to do]

[but there is a way to subtract MP in the first step, which is to take the already existing item]

[using your MP, to take control of the element, for example: you expel MP, then manipulate it to mix it with the element, let's say you choose water, then you must mix the MP with the water to manipulate it, you could form a water crystal enough solid and sharp to go through whatever you want, you can do other things with said element...]

Andrew: And why didn't you tell me that?

I asked with my right eyebrow raised in question, I wasn't angry or anything at the system, it was just a question, like when something catches your attention and you want to know about it.

[in exchange for giving you privileges that no magical human should have, they have imposed limitations, rules or conditions on you, which are:].

[1:In exchange for using spells with imagination, you will not be able to know anything about it from the system, if a question is not asked, the system will not be able to resolve any doubts unless the user wants to know and asks. ]

I think about the answer and then ask:

Andrew: That's the limitation of using imaginative spells... what's the limitation of manipulating items with direct MP and what's the difference between the two?

[The limitation is: double the weight of the amount of the element will be imposed on the body...]

[the difference between spells with imagination and direct manipulation with MP is:]

[with the first you will be able to create elements, shape them more easily and give them the amount of damage you want as long as you have enough MP...]

[with the second you will be able to control a whole amount of element depending on the MP you have or want to use for said control, but you will have to learn to manipulate the MP with greater precision and give the shape and hardness to the element for an attack or protection and you will have to increase your physical capabilities to withstand the limitation, depending on the amount of element you are trying to manipulate...]

(The first limitation is for everything, not just things related to imagination-based spells)

Andrew: So I ask the questions and you answer them, right?.


Out of nowhere I feel something approaching two meters away from me.

Andrew: Shit... I forgot about this idiot.

[should pay more attention]

Andrew :Okay, I know.....shit.





End of chapter... :)

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