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Chapter 3: /3

Although Columbus didn't say it in Zombieland, I'm sure *not throwing bullets like crazy* is one of the rules and here's an idiot who's breaking it like a champ.

Andrew: brother... that's not done in an apocalypse.

I said with a sigh and shaking my head in denial, then I continue to see the man but this time he is getting under a tank and the horse is being eaten.

I see how they surround the tank and I give another sigh, a few minutes later I hear a gunshot.

Andrew: Well...if that wasn't a last ditch attempt, he must have taken the simple route.

I was about to continue doing my thing, when I see him stick his head out of the top entrance of the tank and look everywhere.

Then he heard a shot that hit a little further behind the tank, this caused the zombies to be distracted by the noise of the bullet in the place where it hit, allowing the man to run away where another man with aciatic features was waiting for him, after that The two entered the building.


Andrew:...well, I guess it was a stroke of luck.

Nodding, I close the window again and return to the room where I remember something else the system told me:

Andrew: system... you said something about reinforcement and sensory.


Andrés: Explain to me.

[body strengthening is something simple, it refers to hardening the muscles and skin to avoid wounds whether from bullets, cuts or "bites" but it is like having an active spell, that is why I advise you to use this method only in risky situations, also has a limit, high caliber bullets can be harmful]

[Sensory reinforcement is a reinforcement of the Senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell...]

[It is amplified a little beyond the limit, but for wizards or sorcerers, there is one more sense, which is the ability to sense the magical core of others, with this you can tell how good a person is]

(The cleaner the core feels, the better the person will be; otherwise, be careful).

Andrew: I feel like the first one is like a spell, but what about the second one?

[to amplify the 5 main senses, you must direct the MP to the sense or senses you want to amplify]

[Regarding the seventh magical sense: this is a subconscious action of every magic practitioner, but if you want to be conscious simply concentrate on feeling the core of those around you...]

I nod at the system's response, then head into the room and approach the window, which I half open and look through where the Sheriff entered.

Andrew: Right now my magic is not strong and I would have to kill 50 of those things to increase my MP, the reinforcement could help me but if they corner me and I can't escape it would be the end of me. The spells and the wand would give me a chance, but if there are still too many dead and I run out of MP and the wand's MP it would be the same ending.


Andrew: I need help, no matter how I look at it_~sigh~_I have nothing to lose by trying the Sheriff and the boy who rescued him.

I don't know to what extent the limit of magical sense is, but closing my eyes while sitting on the bed, I concentrate on feeling the magical nuclei around me...

A few seconds later, I start to feel something that I can only describe as disgusting, yes...disgusting is the word.

I almost vomited the little I ate at the sensation of the cores of the dead but trying to ignore the damned ones, I focused on feeling the direction where the Sheriff was going.

About 10 seconds, perhaps due to the distance or the essence of the zombies, but I could only notice the sensation of more than three normal nuclei and perhaps one impure one, not as much as that of the zombies, but it has its own thing.

While I was doing my monologue, I felt one or two cores go down the sewers and then come back up.

I continued paying attention, about 10 minutes later, I see how the Sheriff and the man who helped him go out into the open and mix with the zombies.

By infusing MP into my eyes as the system said, I was able to see a little closer, enough to notice that they had guts hanging from their clothes.


Andrés: What's wrong with these two?.

I keep seeing them mingle with the zombies, but out of nowhere, it starts to rain and unfortunately for them, whatever they are doing stops working and the zombies start reacting to them.

I see how they start to fight the zombies, then when they free themselves, they start running towards a truck and then they leave, seconds later I hear a vehicle alarm.

A few minutes passed and I see how the truck returns and positions itself at the entrance of the Building. And the others who were inside get on the truck like animals.

I see the free route where they have the opportunity to escape and it turns out to be in the direction of my building.

Andrew: Shit... it's now or never.

Finishing saying that, I run out of the room, when I get to the living room, I go to the kitchen and grab the knife and the bottle of water and I go to the exit where I have to remove the sofa...







Después de bajar como si mi vida dependiera de ello, llego a la salida del edificio donde veo como el camión viene atropellando a los zombies.

Then like crazy I get in their way, they stop and the Sheriff sticks his head out the window, he sees me and I see him with a good person's smile, he sees me with a frown and then he raises his shoulders and gives me a signal with my head to go up, something I do not deny and do... :)








Rick: I woke up in a hospital room, when the daze went away, I got up as best I could and went to the door and opened it, when I left the room I saw that the place was destroyed, blood everywhere and things destroyed everywhere sides.

I stared and heard noises, no... grunting from the side behind a door with some words, I looked at the door and a bloody hand came out through the gap in the middle of the door and I saw a person with rotting skin and with wild attitude.

After feeling that something strange was happening there, I left the hospital and saw dead bodies everywhere.

Leaving the hospital area I headed towards my house and on the way I met "people" without limbs, and some even without the lower part of their body moving as if nothing had happened.

I approached a "woman", and when she saw me she seemed to want to eat me. Getting a little scared, I walked away from her and continued on my way.







After some events, I arrived in what's left of Atlanta on a horse I found at a gas station.

I saw the place and it was just as destroyed, I continued my way and found some of those things, I walked away and when I was going to take another street, I found a huge amount of those things, I tried to walk away but I found another group.

When I was going to take another path the horse got scared and I fell, those things were getting closer and I had no choice but to get under a tank near me, I almost shot myself in the head but I saw an entrance underneath.







One thing led to another and I ended up with a group, at first they were hostile but after a while they started trusting me.

Unfortunately the shots when I was defending myself caught the attention of the walkers, that's what these people call them.

So we had to find a way to get out of the place.

At first we were going to go out through the sewers but the place had walkers so we had to find another way...







We found another way but it was risky, but we had no other option due to the situation.

We put on the guts of the walker and went out to the street to look for transportation.

We mixed with the walkers and everything was going well, but it started to rain and the smell of death disappeared, so we had to start fighting.

Glen, the guy who helped me, and I found a truck after we escaped big enough for the rest of us, but I saw there were a lot of walkers.

So we looked for a way to get their attention.







We found a sports car that Glen took and we set off the alarm, I headed towards the entrance of the building and when I got there everyone started running and getting into the van.

While Glen was doing his thing, we were going to leave the city, the walkers blocked our way but we managed to move forward.

On the road, not far from our shelter, a man appeared out of nowhere. I brake and stick my head out to see him better, he smiles at me and I see him thinking about what to do, and sighing inwardly I make a sign for him to come in.

Without wasting time he sits down next to me and we continue on our way.

End of chapter...:)

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