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Graduation Application

"N-Naruto, what have you done?" Iruka asked with a worried expression as soon as he saw Naruto standing over Mizuki's lifeless body.

Even though it was normal for children to go to the battlefield and kill their enemies in this world, Iruka didn't want Naruto to kill someone at such a young age. He worried it might affect him mentally and feared the villagers might start hating him even more.

"It's called self-defense, Iruka," Naruto said as he pulled the kunai from Mizuki's neck, blood dripping from the blade. He used Mizuki's clothes to wipe off the blood before putting the kunai back in his pocket.

Naruto felt confused about this world and about himself. The only thing he knew was that he had transmigrated into another world, taking the place of this world's Naruto. He realized it was a different world because he had inherited the memories of the original Naruto, but everything felt off. The Uzumaki Naruto of this world was naive and foolish compared to Namikaze Naruto, who was a prodigy outmatching his peers so much that many fell into depression trying to surpass him.

This world's Naruto couldn't even perform a simple Clone Jutsu and was gullible enough to believe people like Mizuki. By the age of twelve, Namikaze Naruto had already left the Leaf Village, created his own organization, and gathered information on shinobi with unique abilities. It didn't make sense for him to have regressed since by this time he should already be out of the village.

Naruto created two shadow clones to help Iruka. Seeing this, Iruka was a little surprised, as Naruto hadn't been able to make a clone before. However, he quickly realized that Naruto might have copied the technique from the forbidden scroll.

"Help him," Naruto ordered his clones, walking away as they assisted Iruka in standing up.

Although Namikaze Naruto didn't have a bond with Iruka in his past life, he decided to help him this one time. Iruka had saved the original Naruto and seemed to care for him, so Naruto felt it was the least he could do.

"Something is wrong with his eyes," Iruka thought as he looked at the clones Naruto had just made. Their eyes were different; unlike Naruto's normal cheerful and kind eyes, their eyes were cold and seemed to be calculating something.

"Is it Hiruzen?" Naruto's main body, which was walking in front of Iruka and his clones, thought as he sensed someone peeking at him by detecting their chakra nature.

From what he knew, only Hiruzen had a jutsu in the Hidden Leaf that could be used to observe someone from miles away.

"It's quite a troublesome jutsu to deal with right now," Naruto thought as he continued walking. To be honest, he didn't feel good knowing someone was spying on him, but he couldn't do anything about it. Things like this made him feel powerless, and being powerless was worse than death to him.

In his past life, he had created some jutsus to counter such spying techniques, but they required something he didn't have right now: Sage Mode's chakra.

"Naruto! Wait, I have something to give you," Iruka said as he removed his headband. "Here, take this," he offered Naruto his headband.

To his surprise, even though Naruto took it, he had a cold and emotionless face. He didn't put the headband on his head but simply put it in his pocket. Iruka thought it might be because Naruto had just killed someone for the first time. Some children become traumatized after killing someone or seeing blood for the first time, so he assumed Naruto's silence was due to this.

"Just according to the plan," Naruto thought as he started to walk again. It was all part of his plan. He made the shadow clones just to let Iruka know he could create them now, which would ensure his graduation.

Naruto was planning on staying in the Hidden Leaf for now and secretly hunting down shinobi with unique abilities. In his past life, he was inexperienced and got exposed, ending up becoming the entire world's enemy. Although it wasn't fatal to him, it was troublesome, and because of powerful shinobi constantly trying to capture him, he had to delay his plans many times.

As Naruto saw that Iruka was able to walk properly by himself, he made his clones disappear.

Soon, Naruto and Iruka saw the group of shinobi who had been assigned to capture Naruto standing with Hiruzen.


"Umm, can you please at least smile?" Genzō, the photographer, asked Naruto, who was standing in front of the camera with a cold face.

"I'll look great either way, so just click the photo already," Naruto said, his expression even colder.

"Geez, kids these days," Genzō muttered to himself before taking Naruto's photo.

"Here, take this," Genzō said as he handed Naruto his photo. Naruto immediately grabbed it and walked toward the stairs of the Hokage mansion to go down to the lower floor where the Hokage was waiting to see his application.

"It's a stupid procedure," Naruto thought, but since he decided to stay in the Hidden Leaf until he at least gained one-tenth of his past life's power, he complied.

As Naruto walked down the stairs, he used some glue to attach his photo to the application form he took from his pocket.

He reached the Hokage's office in about 40 seconds and entered the room where Hiruzen was sitting with another person.

"Here, Lord Hokage," Naruto said as he handed Hiruzen the application for graduation and sat on a chair next to him.

"What's wrong with you?" Hiruzen asked calmly as he looked at Naruto's application. It was too normal for Naruto. He even suspected that someone had taken over Naruto's body but dismissed the thought, thinking he was just overthinking things.

"There is nothing wrong with m—" As Naruto was about to speak, he heard a commotion. "On guard, old man! Right," a strange-looking kid shouted as he suddenly entered the room holding a shuriken, but he tripped and fell.

"I get it! It's a trap, right!?" the kid yelled as he rubbed his forehead, which hit the ground when he tripped.

"A-Are you alright, honored grandson?!" Suddenly, a man wearing strange glasses entered the room, looking at the boy. "And, for the record, there are no traps here," he said.

But Konohamaru just glared at Naruto and said, "It must be you! You made me trip with your traps!"

"I don't need traps to deal with someone like you," Naruto said mockingly, looking into Konohamaru's eyes.

"Demon fox," Ebisu, Konohamaru's tutor, thought as he saw Naruto.

"What did you say!?" Konohamaru shouted as he ran toward Naruto to attack him, but Naruto caught him by the neck with his right hand without even bothering to stand up.

"Unhand him, Naruto! Do you even know who he is?" Ebisu yelled at Naruto.

"All I see are two walking advertisements for retroactive birth control," Naruto said, referring to Konohamaru and Ebisu, as he threw Konohamaru to the ground.

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This chapter was kind of dry, but I can assure you that the next chapters are going to be really interesting.

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